Decoding the Sexual Secrets of the Taurus Man
As you may already know, I, myself, am married to a Taurus man. Getting to the point where we were close and intimate with one another was a long and, on occasion, emotionally stressful road.
However, once we got to the point where we were actually together and ready to take things to the next level of our relationship I was amazed at how sweet and incredibly sensual and sexually charged he was. Without going into too much personal detail, I can say that my sexual experiences with my Taurus man have fulfilled all of my fantasies and then some.
If you’ve already read through the other books in this series all about the Taurus man, you probably have a pretty good idea of what these guys are all about. One topic we haven’t yet explored too deeply, however, is that three letter word on everyone’s mind -Sex.
Well, rest easy because this book is dedicated solely to helping you understand the secrets of Sextrology and the Taurus man. The information found here will equip you with all you need to know to really make an impression on your sexy Taurus guy!
In the following pages, I’ve laid out the secrets to decoding the sexual nature inherent to all Taurus men. While not every Taurus perfectly fits the “Taurus profile,” there are common traits that ring true for each Sun sign that cannot be denied.
With the information you’ll find here you’ll have a secret arsenal of knowledge that will allow you to decode his deepest desires and become a sexual goddess in his eyes. Not only will you come to understand things about the Taurus man, you’ll find informationhere that, with a little help from his natal chart, will give insight into what makes your specific Taurus man tick.
What is “Sextrology”?
You’ve probably guessed it by now, but Sextrology is what you get when you use the art of Astrology to learn about more than just someone’s personality. We’ve all had those moments where you realize you’re getting close to getting it on with someone new and you suddenly wish you knew a little more about what they liked, how they liked it, when they liked it, and so on.
Lucky for you, I’ve outlined pretty much everything you could every want to know about your Taurus guy, down to favorite positions and times of day he likes to get down and dirty. And I must say, this has been a very revealing book to write!
Before we get into all the juicy details, I want to take a moment to explain how sexual astrology works.
We’ve already explored the basics of how astrology works and how the stars can help you in mapping out a successful relationship.
We’ve gone over how astrology influences the ways in which you and your partner communicate and how you can improve communications between the two of you. We’ve gone over the basic rules of compatibility readings and even how well Taurus men relate to each individual sign in the Zodiac, based on Sun signs.
By now you are something of an expert when it comes to understanding your Taurus man based on his astrological profile. What we are going to explore now is how to decode your Taurus man even further by understanding his sexual needs and desires so that you can be the most amazing lover he’s ever had.
Sextrology is very much the same as regular astrology, the difference is in how you apply the knowledge found within your chart. By exploring deeper into the sexual components of astrology, you can gain a greater sense of what goes on in his head and learn what things he simply can’t resist.
The main focus in Sextrology is the planets and other celestial energies that govern our passions, desires, sexual drives and our deepest needs.
To determine this we pay close attention to Mars, Venus, Pluto and the asteroid Eros, as well as the 5th, 7th and 8th houses in the natal chart we’re exploring. There are, of course, other things to consider, but these are the most applicable to what we’re learning about today.
So what can all of these things show us about a person’s sexual desires and preferences? Well, I’ll tell you:
Mars and Venus
First off, Mars is a fiery planet that we associate with passion, virility, sexual drive, lust and desires. Where Mars is located in your chart shows how you go about pursuing your desires and what really lights your fires, so to speak.
Mars is linked to the ancient Roman god of war, so naturally the sign placement of Mars in your chart reveals a lot about your sexual disposition, your competitive side and in what ways you get out your aggression, but that doesn’t really apply here-unless, of course, you are into that kinda thing. Which, actually, your natal astrology chart can show! ...And you thought all those things were your little secret.
Second, we look at the other side of our sexuality, represented by the lovely Venus. Venus originated as the ancient Roman goddess of beauty, love, fertility, seduction, pleasure and Victory. This is the softer side of our sexual appetite and her placement in your chart shows how you love and your preferred methods of section, as well as the types of lovers you attract and who you are attracted to.
Venus is also linked to the Greek goddess Aphrodite, who shared the same attributes of her Roman counterpart in Greek mythology. If you have the opportunity to learn about the Greek and Roman backgrounds of astrology, you’ll find that there are a lot of similarities between the different gods and goddesses that we now associate with today’s astrological archetypes.
-Delving deeper into the history and mythology of where these astrological archetypes originate from can be very enlightening. In fact, I very much recommend looking deeper into this side of astrology if you want to gain a true understanding of what it all means and how the different facets of the natal chart work together to show a complete, accurate picture of your personality-
Once you know how to interpret and blend these two energies together, based on their placement in your Taurus man’s chart, it becomes easy to decode his deepest sexual drives and desires. Seriously, you’ll be wondering where this incredible practice has been all your life.
The sign these planets are in will show how you approach these actions, and can even give insight as to how you can improve all of your sexual experiences by revealing your inherent desires, or perhaps by offering up some new ideas experiment with.
Pluto’s role in how you embrace your sexuality is more revealing of your darker, side, as well as your spiritual connection to sexuality. Pluto is the modern day ruler of Scorpio, the sign we most closely associate with secret desires and taboo sexual topics. When we look at Pluto, we find where you are the most primal in your sexual appetite.
Pluto works to help you transform yourself, often referred to as a representation of the proverbial phoenix rising from the ashes. Pluto plays many roles in astrology and is an indication of where you place the most importance when it comes to personal discovery and growth, in all areas of life.
Pluto is associated with life and death, birth and regrowth, and shows where you draw your sexual power from. Connections between Pluto and Venus or Pluto and Mars in a compatibility reading are very powerful indications of a sexual bond that transcends basic desire and takes your sexual experiences to a place of spiritual connection.
The Erotic Asteroid Eros
Another important point to investigate in your chart is Eros. Eros is not a planet per se, but an asteroid that lies between Venus and Mars in your natal chart. The reason that Eros is so important is because this asteroid reveals your most primal, erotic desires. Some say Eros shows the true erotic desires of our soul, so you can see why being privy to where Eros is in you and your partner’s chart is an integral key to taking your intimacy to a whole new level.
In mythology, Eros is know as the Greek god of erotic love. Some say that he was born of chaos, while others state him to be the son of Aphrodite. Unlike the usual planets in a chart, which are shown in terms of the degree of placement in a sign, Eros is depicted as what sign in your chart he is found.
Aside form offering insight into your souls erotic desires, this little asteroid can actually help you to become a better, more intuitive lover. When you investigate its whereabouts in your partners chart you become a master of their sexual desires.
When you get a Sextrology reading for you and your partner, whether you learn to do it yourself or confer with an astrologer like me, you can quite literally walk away with an instruction guide to giving your partner what his or her soul is yearning for.
Not only that, you’ll be able to reveal to your partner what will drive you wild. Trust me, once your partner sees what you can do with your new knowledge they’ll be more than happy to try your new stuff, too.
Aspects and Astrological Houses
Aspects made to other planets and the astrological houses that hold your Mars and Venus act as an indication of where these energies are most prevalent in your life, as well as where you can make the very most of them.
For example, the houses I mentioned earlier, the 5th, 7th and 8th, are pretty important to look at when you are going through your Sextrology chart. These are the areas in your stars that show where you love, flirt, have fun, what kind of partner you are best suited to link up with. These areas in the natal chart also show at what points in your life you start to embrace your sexuality and those primal urges that can’t be denied.
So, when you take all this info and compare yours and your Taurus man’s charts, you can easily explore the ares in your stars that show what you both need in order to achieve the highest levels of satisfaction.
You’ll be armed with enough knowledge to almost guarantee you will hit the big “O” and have a sexual experience neither you or your Taurus man will ever forget.
Understanding the Sexual Side of the Taurus Man
Now that you have a little more insight into how you can utilize Astrology to have the best sex of your life, let’s take a look at the sexual side of the Taurus man.
Born between April 20-May 21, the Taurus man is a very sensual and sexual creature. I mean, let’s face it, the Taurus man just loves sex.
This doesn't mean that he’s a man-whore or anything, he does want it to mean something and be with someone special, but the fact of the matter is that these guys really and truly enjoy the act of being with their partner in the most intimate way.
The Taurus man is an Earth sign ruled by Venus, which makes him a sweet and sensual lover. He is a skilled and generous lover who knows what to do to make you feel like an absolute queen. Venus gives his strong personality a softer touch and makes him capable of satisfying your every need and desire.
He appreciates the more beautiful things in life and finds immense pleasure in exploring his sexuality. He wants to see, smell and feel whatever it is that attracts him. His eyes can be smoldering and to be truthful, he is pretty irresistible.
If you set out to sexually excite a Taurus man, you almost certainly will. Just because you can get him all hot and bothered doesn’t mean he will be willing to jump into bed with you, though. These guys are kind of slow when it comes to making decisions, to include who they will sleep with. You can be the sexiest person in the world and have him wanting you like nobody’s business, but it he doesn’t feel you are the right one for him he will resist the urge and probably just take care of his urges on his own, if you know what I mean. Of course there are exceptions to this rule, and on occasion he may let his desires get the best of him.
I mean, there aren’t many of us who haven’t succumbed to desires of the flesh at least once or twice. Generally speaking, though, the Taurus man will resist his own physical urges if he doesn’t think his partner is someone he can relate to on a spiritual level.
The Taurus man is not in a hurry to do anything in life, which can be frustrating in some instances, but is excellent for you when it comes down to shared sexual experiences. He wants to enjoy every moment and he is in no rush for it to be over.
For the Taurus man, foreplay is something to be treasured and he wants to know that you are enjoying his company as much as he is yours. He’ll go slow, exploring every inch of your body, and love every minute of it.
His massages are the most sensual you’ll ever experience, his kisses are meaningful and intense and his mere touch can leave you longing for more. In his mind, sex is not something that stands alone, but rather something that is inextricably intertwined with all other aspects of your relationship. He’ll take his time getting to know you, and then, when he’s ready, he will take his time getting to know you.
Love, trust, intimacy, friendship, ecstasy-All of these things create the total relationship package that the Taurus man craves so deeply within his soul.
All of that being said, your Taurus man isn’t one to suggest new and inventive ways to do the deed. He likes to stick to the things that he knows and isn’t they kind of guy to be too suggestive when it comes to sexual experimentation. He doesn’t really like change and is, honestly, pretty wholesome at heart. He wants to make love to you, not treat you like a piece of meat. This doesn’t make him boring, but it can make him kind of predictable.
When it comes down to what makes the Taurus man tick, he needs to have a sense of stability to fully embrace his sexuality. He wants to know that you are more than just a fly-by-night bed mate, and needs to feel secure within your relationship.
This can, however, sometimes translate into possessive behavior or jealousy, and there are times when you may feel like your Taurus man sees you as an object more so than an equal, even when it comes to sex. For this reason you’ve got to stand your ground with him and tell him how you feel, should this come up in your particular relationship.
The Taurus man is a bit of a paradox, in that he is strong and demanding yet soft and loving. He’s a man’s man who likes to cuddle. He can give off the feeling of being practical and predictable and then turn around and be the most romantic guy in the world.
As much as these guys like consistency, they also like to excite and please their partners. In other words, he won’t feel fully pleased if he’s worried that you aren’t, but he will go out of his way to ensure that you are.
All in all, the Taurus man is one of the most sexually charged signs in the Zodiac. He has an instinctive need to indulge himself in the all of life’s carnal pleasures, and he craves having a partner who is not only deserving of what he’s got to offer, but who will also reciprocate with matched desires.
He’s got a seductive quality to his personality and can be irresistible at times. Not only is he irresistible, though, it gets even better. The Taurus man is generous in many areas of life, to include being a generous lover who will make certain that you “get there,” so to speak.
He will take his sweet time in reaching the point where he’s ready to give you his all, but once he does, his stamina and sexual drive is enough to leave you wanting a cigarette, or maybe a sandwich.
What He Likes
Not only is the Taurus man an amazing lover, he has an insatiable sexual appetite. I mean, he absolutely loves sex. He is an indulgent creature who gets off on all things sensual.
There are a few choice acts that will really light a fire under him, however, that will not only delight his senses, but will also make him putty in your hands. Here’s the rundown on some of the things that will help you accomplish this:
The Taurus man is a very tactile kind of lover. He wants to touch and be touched and thrives on physical contact. Teasing him by running your fingers along his back or giving him a sensual hot oil massage is sure to drive him wild. He’s a very hands-on kind of lover, so if you aren’t into that sort of thing you may want to think twice about your choice of companions.
Taurus men have an affinity for things that delight their senses, which means they notice the little things, like that new fragrance you have on or just how amazing you look in your little black dress.
It’s easy for him to get lost in the sweeter, more flowery scents that are crisp and fresh. The more pleasing your scent is to his senses, the simpler it will be to put him under your spell.
Not only does the Taurus man enjoy sweet scents and sensual massages, he also appreciates things that are pleasing to his sense of sight. This includes your glorious body. He wants to be able to see and enjoy every inch of you, so leaving the lights on is something that enhance your erotic adventures together. In the heat of the moment everything about you is sexy to him. He wants
to see your curves and be able to touch and caress them. Even better, light some candles and let the soft candlelight dance off your skin while it lights up the room.
Sounds of passion are another huge turn on for the Taurus man, so don’t be afraid to let him hear you moan. He loves knowing that he is pleasing you, in fact, nothing makes him happier.
The more vocal you are about what you like, the more he will try to make you squeal. Really, this is a total win-win for you both.
Kissing or stroking his neck is another sure-fire way to ignite his flames of passion. This erogenous zone is one that your Taurus man can’t deny gets him going.
A flirtatious caress of his neck while watching a movie or cooking together, or really while doing anything, will have him fantasizing about you and what else he would like for you to caress. Everyone has a spot they favor, and for the Taurus man, the neck is where it’s at.
He wants a partner who is stable and confident within themselves. The Taurus guy doesn’t go for the whole “irresponsible moocher” thing and requires his mate to be capable of pulling their own weight in the relationship.
If you can’t handle life, you can’t handle him, or this is how he sees it anyway. And actually, it doesn’t matter how sexy you are or what you have to offer him in the bedroom, if he doesn’t see you as someone he can build a good foundation with, you won’t get very far with this down to earth guy.
To the Taurus man, foreplay is an art, and he doesn’t want to rush to the finish line, if you know what I mean. The more buildup thereis, the more intense of an experience it will be for both of you. I told you, these guys absolutely love sex and he doesn’t want to spoil it by hurrying through things. Teasing one another and admiring each other’s bodies can be incredibly satisfying for both you and your Taurus man, so take your time and go slow.
He likes to feel as though he is in control of the situation, so consider asking him what he’d like. A sexy striptease, perhaps a lap dance or some other form of erotic foreplay he enjoys can tun you into a goddess in his eyes. The anticipation will push him over the edge until he simply has to have you right then and there, and it will be amazing.
What He Does’t Like So Much
For the Taurus man, vulgar displays and crudeness are a huge turnoff. Being ruled by Venus, there’s nothing about this guy that is crass or tasteless. As a result, just being around things that fall into these categories are a huge turnoff for him. This doesn’t mean you can’t get a little freaky with him, but the way to his heart is by keeping it classy.
Casual sex is just not what the Taurus man is looking for, and approaching him for such could potentially blow up in your face. He wants a partner he feels he can trust and depend on, so if you are casually looking for someone to fill your night with, you’d better keep on looking.
Yes, his sexual appetite is quite large, but he still has standards and he will firmly stand by them. He wants stability and to be able to develop a bond of trust, not just a one night stand.
Being sloppy about your appearance is another big turn off for the Taurus man. He has such an affinity and appreciation for the finer things in life that hold true beauty that a sloppy presentation of oneself will not appeal to his senses.
You don’t have to look or be perfect, please don’t get me wrong, but sloppy just isn’t what the Taurus man is looking for.
Multiple sexual partners is something that the Taurus man just can’t handle, not typically, anyway. He doesn’t want to share you with someone else, much less right in front of his eyes. While this may not be what you are into either, your safest bet is to never suggest this to a Taurus.
He is sensitive deep down and if you are in a sexual relationship with him there is sure to be at least some modicum of emotional attachment that goes along with it. Not to mention his jealous side.
Suggesting a threesome with your Taurus guy is one good way to stir up some feelings of worry, inadequacy or jealousy. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule and every relationship is different. Just be cautious if you choose to enter these uncharted waters.
There’s nothing the Taurus man hates more than being rushed. This goes not just for day to day life stuff, but also with relationship and physical stuff, too.
If you get to the point where you are in a sexual situation with a Taurus and you try to hurry him through it he won’t likely return to your bed. Let him take his time and enjoy the whole experience and the odds are you’ll enjoy it far more than had you hurried him to the finish line.
He wants to make certain that you reach your peak, too, and if you rush him you could really miss out!
How to Attract a Taurus Man
Before you can seduce a Taurus man you have to know how to get his attention and get him on your hook, so to speak. It isn’t always easy to attract one of these guys.
They can seem aloof and even a little cold if they haven’t yet decided that you are “the one.” There are a few simple tricks to attracting a Taurus man, however, that can make him shift his attention to your direction.
Above all you’ve got to have patience when it comes to attracting a Taurus man. He’s in no hurry to make any decisions, including who he will choose as a partner and lover.
In other words, if the courtship takes a while, don’t just give up on him, he’s probably just considering all of his options and if he feels the two of you could really be a good match.
He values dependability, stability in a mate above all else. If he gets the impression that you neither of these things he will quickly move on-That’s about the only thing he will do quickly!
The important thing to remember when trying to attract him and develop a sexual relationship, or any relationship, is that the Taurus man isn’t the kind of guy to typically look for a one night stand.
In other words, using your sexuality and hinting at the notion that sex is all you want will very likely only offer up a red flag that this is not the relationship he is looking for.
In the physical sense, Taurus men are attracted to things that are pleasing to his senses. Nice smells, looking particularly attractive in a nice getup, and generally giving off the vibe that you handle your responsibilities and still have the time to look and smell great are things that will make him look twice in your direction. If you can show him that you’ve got a good sense of humor to go along with all of that, all the better.
In the beginning stages of attraction he may seem hard to read. He doesn’t want to give away too much until he knows you a little better, and like I said, it takes patience with these guys. Despite his serious nature, Taurus men usually have a pretty good sense of humor.
Showing him you are listening and laughing at his jokes, without going overboard or being too loud, will show him that you might be someone he wants to invest his time and energy in. Having things in common is another tip for attracting a Taurus man. He takes great pride in his possessions and he probably has a collection of something unique in his home.
Showing him, or telling him about something you like to collect, if you collect things, will pique his interest and could pave the way for future conversations.
He protects his heart and his emotions and will rarely let his guard down, not until he feels he can trust you anyway. Once you’ve caught his eye and he starts to open up to you, you’ll know he’s attracted to you.
As things escalate you may find that seducing him is not as simple as it can be with men born under other, less discriminating Sun signs.
He does love those intimate moments, probably more than those Sun sign men who are easily seduced, probably because he puts so much time and effort into growing a relationship with the right person. In the next section I’ll share some of the secrets to seducing him that are pretty much guaranteed to get him going when the time is right.
The Secrets to Seducing Him
Now that you’re privy to some of the things he likes and dislikes, let’s look at the methods of seduction the Taurus man just can’t resist.
Seduce him With Your Amazing Sense of Style
When it comes to seducing a Taurus man there are a few basic things that shouldn’t be overlooked. Appearance is right at the top of this list.
Your Taurus guy has a great appreciation for things that are beautiful and an affinity for life’s little luxuries. Taking this into consideration, it’s only natural that when looking for a mate he will be scanning for someone who can satisfy his desire to be surrounded by beauty.
When you look amazing the Taurus guy won’t be able to help but to notice you in a crowd. He wants a partner who compliments his own sense of style and someone he can show off when you are out together.
This doesn’t mean you always have to be dressed to the hilt, and don’t worry, he isn’t one to dress fancy every day, either. When trying to seduce the Taurus man, however, you absolutely cannot go wrong enticing him with your look. Even something as simple as a little black dress, when paired with the right accessories and makeup, can make him see you as a beautiful, classy goddess that he just can’t wait to get closer to.
This goes double when it comes to putting on a little something sexy for your Taurus man. He has such an insatiable sexual appetite and such an affinity for beauty and style, it comes as no surprise that these guys truly can’t resist it when you are wearing something sexy that leaves very little to the imagination.
Heels, lace, the right makeup and good lighting can create a situation where you can have your Taurus man ready to do just about anything you ask him to. Just remember to keep it classy and you’ll have him ready to do your bidding. And please, promise to use this newfound super power only for good.
Make him a Romantic Candlelit Dinner With You as Desert
The way to a Taurus man’s heart is truly through his stomach. This sign, more than any others in the Zodiac, really loves a good meal.
The perfect meal for a Taurean is one that looks good, smells amazing and tastes incredible. As with all of their senses, Taurus men love to indulge tastebuds, so a meal that checks off all of these boxes is always a perfect “go to” tactic when it comes to making him happy.
It isn’t just providing the meal that will make this form of seduction work, though. You have to create the right ambiance and set the mood with some candles, a nice place setting, and perhaps some fine wine and music he likes. These little extras will only add to the things in this scenario that make the Taurus guy blissfully happy.
Taurus men can’t resist delicate and delicious treats like truffles and exotic chocolates. Adding something like this to your meal presentation will really wow and impress him with how well you know what he likes and will definitely score you some extra points with him.
Now, as you are tempting him with all of this glorious food and a romantic setting, if you look and smell amazing, as well, he won’t be able to resist you.
Taurus men are drawn to classy elegance in a partner and seek out beauty in their environment. His sense of smell is incredible and wearing something sweet and flirty will have him drooling over you more than he is the meal.
Once your Taurus man has enjoyed his meal and you are chatting over a glass of wine, or whatever your choice of beverage may be, there isn’t a whole lot more you have to do to seal the deal. He will be putty in your hands at this point, and ready to have you as his desert.
Let Him Feel Like He is in Control
The Taurus man his this thing about being in control. It may be his earthy nature or the fact that he’s such a man’s man, I’m not entirely sure, but what is for certain is that he likes to dominate his environment.
I’m not suggesting that you have to let him walk all over you in order to seduce him, not by a long shot. In fact, the Taurus man isn’t looking for someone who will just bow down and take it. What will strike a fire within him, though, is letting him feel like he is the man and letting him act the part.
He will open doors for you, offer you his jacket when you’re cold and he may even try to order your meal if you let him. How far you let this go is totally up to you and depends on where your threshold of comfort with giving him control of the situation stands. There’s just something about fulfilling this traditional male role in the relationship that makes him feel stronger and more like getting it on. It doesn’t hurt to throw in some stuff about how much he turns you on, either. By the time you two reach your destination at the end of the night your Taurus man will be more than ready to show you what he’s all about in the bedroom.
Lots of Physical Contact and Kissing
Taurus men love being intimately close to their partner and kissing is something they are quite fond of. When in the position to do so, your Taurus guy will love nothing more than to cuddle and share moments of physical intimacy, even before you’re reached the point of actually having sex.
Typically, the Taurus man won’t jump your bones on the first date if he wants things to go beyond sex. He has too much respect for you and he doesn’t like to rush into things, plus, he really is a gentleman. What he will do is create feelings of intimacy through close physical contact that leaves you both longing for the moment you can meld together as one.
Whether you are cuddling while watching a movie on the couch or sharing a kiss at the end of the night, these are the moments that the Taurus man really loves.
The more sensual and genuine you are, the more generous he will be with his affections. All of these initial intimate encounters place you into his thoughts and make him want you that much more.
Think of it as long-term foreplay that will lead you to an amazing end result with your Taurus man. Not to mention how talented these guys are when it comes to kissing and foreplay. There is truly no downside here.
Offering him a sensual massage with aromatherapy massage oils is a fantastic way to get him thinking about what comes next. Taurus loves to be pampered, so start out offering him a massage followed by him giving you one.
This holds the double benefit of first loosening him up before asking him to rub all over your body, all the while enjoying the aromatic scents of the massage oil. Odds are with this plan that your clothes will not stay on long after your massage is completed.
Offering Him a Thoughtful Gift You Know He Wanted
If you’ve been out with your Taurus man and noticed him admiring something specific, you can surprise him and show him you do pay attention and that you think of him often. It doesn’t have to be something big or expensive, just something thoughtful.
If you aren’t to the stage yet of going out window shopping or whatever, you may pick up on something in conversation that he’s been wanting or that he likes. The gift is really not all that important here, the important thing is showing him that you care and that you’re observant of his desires.
If he hasn’t offered up any ideas about what you could surprise him with you can always play it safe and get him something for his house. If he collects anything specific you could try adding to his collection by gifting him one of whatever it is.
He’ll really dig it that you are so thoughtful and you’ll be strengthening the emotional bond you’ve been working to establish. The closer you become with one another the more intimate your encounters will be.
Another bonus to getting him something for his home is that he will think of you each time he sees it. Taurus men love to be in the comfort of their own home, so he will see whatever you’ve given him frequently, thus keeping you on his mind pretty much all of the time.
What Mars and Venus Can Show You About Your Love and Sexuality
Now that we’ve gone through what he likes, doesn’t like and explored some proven seduction techniques, let’s look a little deeper into the different Mars and Venus placements and what they reveal about your Taurus man and how he approaches sex and sexuality.
If you know your Taurus man’s birthday you can draw up a natal chart for him, or have an astrologer cast one for you. There are numerous websites where you just put in your birth info and the chart you want to see is generated for free, so that’s always an option available to you 24/7.
Whatever path you choose to take to acquire your guy’s chart, once you’ve got it, you will want to first locate Venus and Mars and make a note of what sign they are in. There are other things to consider like aspects to different planets or points in the chart, but for now we are just looking at how the planets of love and passion express themselves in each sign.
Mars in Aries:
Mars is right at home in Aries, after all this is the sign that Mars is ruler over. In this sign you are quick to make a move, and when you see something you want you go after it. With Aries being a Cardinal sign, this Mars placement is all about initiation. There is a need to exercise caution with this Mars placement, however, as it can lead to being a bit overzealous when it comes to going after what, or who, you want. Those with this placement tend to attract partners who are high-octane and intense like themselves.
Venus in Aries:
With Venus in Aries you need passion and excitement to really feel the romance. You are turned on by forceful displays of passion and you are likely to be the one who initiates the relationship. You don’t mind doing the chasing when you find someone you feel a connection with and you tend to attract people who are direct and assertive. You are a high energy lover and need someone who can keep up.
Mars in Taurus:
With Mars in Taurus you like to take a steady approach to passion and your stamina allows you to go all night long. You crave success and you are willing to put yourself out there to get what you want in life, as well as in your relationships. You can be a little bullheaded and don’t easily give up once you’ve set your sites on someone who tickles your fancy.
Venus in Taurus:
With your Venus in Taurus you are a sensual and caring partner who needs a sense of stability within your relationship. You are possessive and can be jealous if your partner gives you reason to think there’s anything deceptive happening within your union. You love to touch and feel your partner and massages are one of your favorite things to indulge your partner with. You are a classy personality and attract those who are well put together, as you are the same.
Mars in Gemini:
With your Mars in Gemini you are a high energy lover and you know how to use your words to express your desires and needs to your partner. Mental connections are important to you and you get turned on by good conversation with someone you are attracted to. You can often feel torn between two different options for who you want to pursue, but in the end you know how to follow your heart.
Venus in Gemini:
With your Venus in Gemini you have a need for variety in your love life. Eventually you will settle down with the right person, but there is a good possibility that you could have two great loves in your lifetime.
You can’t fall in love if you don’t feel you can make mental connection with your partner. You fall in love easily but can lose interest just as easily. You attract sexual partners who are intellectual types but can become bored if you aren’t kept mentally stimulated.
Mars in Cancer:
With your Mars in Cancer you can have a hard time separating the physical side of relationships with the emotional side. You have to work at not becoming attached to someone just because you sleep with them, unless, of course, you are in a committed relationship. You are willing to put most or all of your energy into taking care of your partner and can be very protective.
Venus in Cancer:
If your Venus is in Cancer you can have a hard time opening up and letting anyone in when it comes to your romantic relationships. You need a certain level of security in your life and you want to know with all certainty that your partner genuinely cares. When in a relationship you are a very nurturing partner, but the need to care for others and your own insecurities can push you into being a demanding partner. You attract those who feel deeply and there has to be an emotional connection for you to fall in love.
Mars in Leo:
With your Mars in Leo you have no problem making your desires known to those around you. If you can’t get the attention of the person you desire to be with, you’ll do whatever it takes to make sure they see you and that your message is conveyed in a loving and creative way.
You desire a partner who will stroke your ego a bit and when they stop doing this you could lose interest. You're a passionate lover and sex with someone who you care for or love is one of your favorite ways to pass the time.
Venus in Leo:
With your Venus in Leo you are a warm, romantic soul who is generous with your love and affection. You value happiness and joy in a relationship and you make an amazing lover.
Your seductive style is fun, flirty and makes your partner feel like royalty. You love it when your partner shows you just how much they love you and you are naturally great with kids. You attract fun loving partners who are attracted to your warmth and generosity.
Mars in Virgo:
With your Mars in Virgo your passion and drive is very focused and directed on whatever or whoever it is that you want. You don’t like to stop moving and you feel a need to serve those who you care for. You work hard to succeed, including when you are in the throes of passion. You are driven to please your lover and will go to great lengths to do so. You want a lover who is passionate about life and has a good head on their shoulders.
Venus in Virgo:
With your Venus in Virgo you can have very specific opinions about how you would like your romantic relationships to unfold. You value hard work and organization and you have an innate need to plan and know what’s ahead, even in your love life. You can sometimes be overly analytical and judgmental of your partner, but you do so discreetly, for the most part. You need to be needed when it comes to love and you get a great deal of satisfaction out of caring for the one you love. You tend to attract partners who can fill some practical need in our life.
Mars in Libra:
With your Mars in Libra you prefer to be the one being chased rather than the one doing the chasing in relationships. Your Mars energy is a bit subdued and you’d much rather make love than war. You desire to be with a partner who is attractive and cultured and you need to have balance in your life, as well as in your relationship. When making love you are incredibly giving, but may sometimes get the short end of the stick. You should make more of an effort to let your partner know what you need, too.
Venus in Libra:
With your Venus in Libra you have a love for the beautiful things in life and you have a need to be in a partnership with someone you can connect emotionally with. You are masterful at finding solutions to disagreements that everyone can agree with, but sometimes you short change yourself at the cost of maintaining the peace. Others are attracted to your natural beauty and elegance, but you require more than just a physical attraction.
Mars in Scorpio:
With your Mars in the deep and brooding Scorpio you have a powerful and magnetic personality and you aren’t afraid to go after what you want. You have an intensity about you that a lot of people find intimidating, and they are probably wise to be so.
Your passions run deep and you have an insatiable sexual appetite, but require more than a superficial relationship. You need someone you connect with and who you can trust. Guard against jealousy in your relationships.
Venus in Scorpio:
With your Venus in Scorpio you take love and relationships and commitment very seriously. When in a relationship you take everything that goes on to heart because you feel things so intensely.
Your emotions run deeper than most other people you know, which can be the root of some jealousy problems within your relationships.
You aren’t interested in anything superficial when it comes to love, and you can see through any facade. Sexual connections are very important to your happiness and for having a fulfilling love life. You tend to attract people who can match your own smoldering depths of feeling.
Mars in Sagittarius:
With your Mars in Sagittarius you are high energy and you need to experience life to the fullest. You have an optimistic outlook on the future, but you tend to being a bit overbearing when it comes to imposing your personal beliefs on others, including your partner.
You need to experience sexual freedom and you can’t stand it when lovers get clingy or try to pin you down. You are a bold personality who has no problem taking the initiative and going after the one you want.
Venus in Sagittarius:
With your Venus in Sagittarius you have a need to be able to love freely and commitment can be a source of stress and anxiety. If someone makes attempts to force themselves on you or tries to push you into a relationship you aren’t into you, will quickly make your escape.
You love “love,” you just don’t love being tied down in one spot, unless, of course, you know you’ve found “the one.” You need a partner who connects with you on an intellectual level and whom you can share your thoughts and dreams with. You attract many people with your jovial temperament and your great personality, but it takes someone special to persuade you to stay in one place for an extended period of time.
Mars in Capricorn:
With your Mars in Capricorn you have more control over those primal urges that drive most people into going after their desires. You are a very sensual lover and you have a lot to offer your partner, but you know that there is a time and place for everything and if it just isn’t right you would rather avoid pleasure altogether than fall into something that isn’t really working for you. You like to be the one in control in your relationship. You possess the capacity to be incredibly passionate but do so on your own schedule.
Venus in Capricorn:
With your Venus in Capricorn you have a reserved manner of loving and you may not know quite how to go about expressing your feelings. If your responsibilities aren’t all taken care of and in good order you can’t focus on things like romance and any partner you allow into your life has got to be on point with their own personal aspirations and life goals.
What you lack in the mushy romantic stuff you make up for with your ability to take care of all the responsibilities that life throws your way. You tend to attract partners who take their roles in life seriously and who see you as someone they can build a successful, responsible life with.
Mars in Aquarius:
With your Mars in Aquarius you have a unique and quixotic way of approaching life and you aren’t afraid to go after what or who you want. When it comes to relationships you have to be first turned on by your partners mind before you will be too much interested in what they have to offer physically.
You are very open minded and seek out partners who are willing to experiment a little and have some fun. The things that really turn you on are apt to change on a whim and you never know what will get you going. Commitment isn’t too much your thing, you’ve just got too much life to get out there and live.
Venus in Aquarius:
With your Venus in Aquarius you have a need for friendship and your own personal freedom above solidifying a romantic relationship. It is most likely that you will enter into a relationship with someone who you’ve known for a long time and after you’ve settled down and sown your wild oats.
Any partner you take has to respect your vast need for independence and personal space or you won’t stick around. Traditional love is not your thing, instead you want something and someone unique and different from the norm. You tend to attract partners who don’t quite fit into society’s little box, but who compliment your innate eccentricism nicely.
Mars in Pisces:
With your Mars in Pisces your drive and passions are driven by your sense of creativity and your imagination. Your sexual drive is high and you have the propensity to fantasize about things that you don’t seem to be able to create in your life.
You may dream of the perfect lover, a dream that you will chase your entire life if you allow yourself to. You can do a lot with your high levels of creativity if you allow yourself to embrace your fiery mars energy rather than allow fear to hold you back from reaching your full potential.
Venus in Pisces:
With your Venus in Pisces you are seen as someone who has a soft and imaginative way of showing love and affection. You have a sensitive nature that can be taken advantage of if you don’t watch out for people who don’t have your best interest at heart.
You have a penchant for giving too much of yourself in relationships and accepting lovers who don’t reciprocate your level of devotion and self-sacrifice.
You fall in love easily and completely, however, you tend to escape reality through your dreams. It can be difficult to stay grounded when the world you create seems so much better than the real world you would rather not face. You tend to attract partners who are wounded or who make you feel as though it is your responsibility to pick up their slack.
What Eros Reveals About Your Erotic Side
Now that you know how to decode the influence Mars and Venus have in your Sextrology chart, we’re going to delve into Eros and what this asteroid reveals about your deepest, most erotic needs and desires.
The following interpretations will give you the edge you need to become the best lover your Virgo man has ever had, as well as show you how to have the most amazing sexual experience you’ve ever dreamed of.
As I explained in the beginning of this book, Eros is the Greek god of erotic love, and the son of the Greek goddess Aphrodite, nestled between Mars and Venus in your chart. Most standard natal charts don’t show Eros, but you can find your Eros placement with a little research or by consulting a professional astrologer for a personal reading that goes much deeper than just these three celestial bodies.
Unlike the traditional planets, Eros is shown simply as what sign in your chart this asteroid is in rather than the exact degree, so if you see that in your searching, don't worry. Also, don’t confuse Eros with Eris, as these two are completely different and have very different meanings.
Eros Meanings in the Signs
Eros in Aries:
With your Eros is in Aries you require a lot of sexual experiences to feel totally fulfilled in your relationship. Your sex life can be chaotic at times but your passion is intense and always seems to be in high gear. If your partner can’t keep up with you on this you may start to lose interest in the relationship and choose to move on to someone more sexually driven.
You like the cat and mouse game that comes along with pursuing a romantic relationship. When your prospective partner declines your advances you perceive that as a challenge rather than an actual dismissal of your request. In a way, this is like foreplay and it prepares you for the impending relationship, of which you have no doubt will be forthcoming once you’ve broken down the walls that the one you desire has put up.
Eros in Taurus:
With your Eros is in Taurus you are happiest when you have a steady, healthy relationship in your life, but you are apt to be extra possessive and perceive your partner as more of a possession that an equal.
For you, sex is more than just something that you do, it is a part of who you are. You experience sexual experiences very intensely and, in fact, your sexual relationship is tied closely to your level of well-being.
Love is not a definite requirement for you to engage in sexual activity with a compatible partner, but it makes things more enjoyable. When you are unable to be with a partner, rather than go without the release, you have no problem handling business alone.
For you this is something that must be done, but you do not get the same level of satisfaction unless you can pair up with a loving partner. You are naturally a very gifted lover and your partners are never disappointed.
Eros in Gemini:
With your Eros in Gemini you have a very open mind when it comes to sexual encounters and your approach to the more erotic side of life.
You need a partner who can turn you on with words, and who will be receptive to you sharing with them your deepest darkest desires and erotic fantasies. Due in part to the influence of the twins, those with Eros in Gemini have the capacity to engage in sexual adventures with more than one person at the same time and sees these encounters as more of an experience than an emotionally binding contract with one person.
This is not to say that you lack the ability to be faithful to the one they love, there just has to be love there for you to be faithful. Intellectual compatibility is a requirement for the love and fidelity to develop and grow, and in fact, those with Eros in Gemini seem to get off on things that are spoken or written. You may find that you enjoy things such as erotic novels and dirty talk a little more than the next guy, but it satisfies a deeply felt need and desire.
Eros in Cancer:
With your Eros in Cancer you can have a really hard time separating emotional ties from sexual interactions. You see sex as a deeply personal experience and you bond instantly to whomever you get so intimately close with. You don’t, however, go around sleeping with strangers and then becoming attached, the attachment begins before you ever get into bed with this other person. You are a very nurturing lover, but can sometimes make your partner feel as though you are smothering them with all the concern and care you have to offer them.
You sometimes use sex as a means to validate whatever particular mood you are in. If you are feeling down on yourself you may use a sexual partner like an object in an effort to make yourself feel better.
When you are in good spirits and your confidence levels are high, however, you are a loving and nurturing partner who sees beauty in your sexual union. You have an affinity for breasts and some with this Eros placement have a bit of an oral fixation. You love to celebrate the female body and can become quite jealous of your partner should anything come up that causes you to feel that way.
Eros in Leo:
With your Eros in Leo you get the most erotic enjoyment and feel the most pleased with a partner who you feel worships you in bed. As long as you know that your partner is enjoying themselves and is completely enamored with you and your sexual prowess you are happy.
Should this adoration begin to fade, however, you can lose interest and may choose to move on to another partner who worships you as your previous partner did.
Generally those with Eros in Leo are warm and inviting souls who make their partners feel loved and cared for, until, of course, the adoration stops and they get kicked to the curb.
You are likely to be a big flirt, but may spend quite a bit of time engaging in auto-erotic behaviors, from which you get a great deal of pleasure. You are known to be an excellent lover, as well as being known to be a very generous lover. The only hitch to that is the fact that you expect your partner to reciprocate.
Eros in Virgo:
With your Eros in Virgo you have a discerning attitude toward sexual exploration, yet you see sex as a healthy function of the body that you were born with. You may worry more than some others about your ability to perform and can be overly critical and analytical of yourself at times.
You are methodical when it comes to getting it on and you sort of rate yourself on how you did once everything is said and done. What really gets you there is making certain that every aspect of your sexual adventure is perfect, down to the smallest details. When you can achieve “perfect” sex this sends you over the edge.
You are highly intelligent, and much like those with Eros in Gemini you need to be intellectually stimulated before you feel ready to take it to the next level. Although Virgo is symbolized by the Virgin you are anything but.
You have an earthy sensuality about you and you feel that through the act of sexual exploration you somehow renew certain parts of yourself.
You may go through periods where you are celibate and times when you are most certainly not. You feel connected to nature and get on different cycles as they feel appropriate for your health and personal evolution.
You want to ensure that your partner is satisfied and will go to great lengths to not disappoint in bed. Despite the sense of purity that is connected with the sign of Virgo, you have your moments where you explore the more taboo, kinky side of your personality-And you love every moment of it.
Eros in Libra:
With your Eros in Libra you may be the one in your sexual relationships who gives more than they get. You are naturally charming and pretty much irresistible to those in your company, but because you work so hard to keep your partner happy and satisfied, your own desires and needs can fall between the cracks.
You love it, and it turns you on, when you are able to go out and display your gorgeous partner like a trophy or eye candy. This is never in the vein of being disrespectful, you just get so much enjoyment out of beauty and to know that this person is yours and nobody else’s really gets you going.
You are in love with love, every aspect of it. You are someone who truly needs a partner to share your life with. If made to go it alone there is virtually no satisfaction or happiness found in anything that you do.
Over time it is not uncommon for those with Eros in Libra to become resentful of their partner, due to the imbalance in the give and take of who is the one experiencing more pleasure because of the efforts of the other person. You work so had at balancing your environment and keeping everyone happy, you would do well to work on this issue, should it come up, before you begin to resent the one you love so much.
Eros in Scorpio:
With your Eros in Scorpio you are a highly sexually charged individual who puts a lot of time, thought and effort into creating a sexual experience that transcends all else. You’re magnetic and irresistible, yet some are intimidated by the power that just seems to ooze out of your pores. You demand that your partner be all in or all out. You aren’t interested in a halfway kind of sexual relationship. You ask a lot of your partner, but you give a lot in return.
You tend to meld and become one with your sexual partner, body and soul, until all that is left is the combined energy of the two of you intertwined. You are extremely loyal and would never do anything to hurt your partner, as long as they have done nothing to hurt you. Those with Eros in Scorpio tend to always get revenge when they are wronged, so the best course of action is simply to not betray the trust of an Eros in Scorpio person.
Sexual encounters are thrilling to you. You get pleasure and enjoyment out of every facet of the experience. From the act of sex itself, to the closeness of two bodies, to the level of vulnerability that each person is exposed to for a short time, you need this in your life. Without the intimately erotic side of your relationship you would have a hard time finding happiness.
Eros in Sagittarius:
With your Eros in Sagittarius you have a lighthearted outlook on your sexuality and the act of sex itself. You love sex, absolutely love doing it. You need to be with a partner with whom you can relate on a spiritual level, though, otherwise the enjoyment level drops dramatically.
You are a seeker of knowledge and you want to learn as much as you can about as many things as you can. Someone who can facilitate your acquisition of knowledge turns you on like nobody’s business. You crave good conversation, laughs and gathering bits of wisdom as you go along your journey, and the sexual experiences you have are like a great bonus to all the rest.
You like for sex to be fun and you are likely a pretty competitive lover. You like to make a game or sport out of the act and this is how you reach your highest points of ecstasy and pleasure. Things that make the sex adventuresome, such as doing it in a hidden public place or outside gets you going and adds layers of fun to the whole experience.
You like the idea of free love and you aren’t one to become terribly attached to every lover you take, but you do require your partners to be completely honest with you, just as you are with them. You don’t do clingy, this is a turnoff for those with Eros in Sagittarius.
When you do settle down it will be with someone you love and appreciate for their mind, not their sexual prowess. Explore your body in your youth as to not have regrets when you do settle down for good.
Eros in Capricorn:
With your Eros in Capricorn you don’t really allow yourself to open up to the possibilities of exploring your erotic side to the degree that all of the other signs do. You tend to be more reserved and you rarely ever rush into a romantic or erotic situation without thinking it through completely.
All this thinking kind of deters you from ever getting to that point, but not every time. There are things that turn you on, you are just cautious and selective.
You are so used to being in control in day to day life that when you let loose, and when in the right company, you may choose to relinquish control of the situation completely. This who have Eros in Capricorn are found to be into things that some see as being taboo. BDSM, sadomasochistic behavior, and other things that allow you to let go of control and let someone else take the reins is often just the thing your soul is yearning for.
By allowing your partner to assume total control you are able to briefly leave your own reality behind for a time and just enjoy something that is your little secret.
This is actually a very empowering situation for you, but you can only indulge in this type of erotic pleasure when you’ve found someone and created a stable relationship where you know you can trust your partner. Trust is key.
Eros in Aquarius:
With your Eros in Aquarius you like to experiment with a wide variety of erotic pleasures. Things that are considered “normal” just can’t quench your thirst, but when you step outside of your comfort zone a little and see what all is out there you’ll find a myriad of different things that light your fire.
Those with Eros in Aquarius need to be able to freely explore their sexuality and find what works for them and what is pleasurable to their senses. This doesn’t mean that they cannot be loyal to a partner, it just shows that those with Eros here should consider allowing themselves to try different things before settling down. At least then you can say that you did explore and you found things you like and things you don’t.
One area of eroticism that those with Eros in Aquarius seem to fancy is engaging in sexual encounters involving more than two people. It may not be your thing, I mean, it’s not for everyone, but it if seems like something you’d enjoy you can rest assured you aren’t the only on with this Eros placement who digs group sexual encounters. Actually, there are some with this Eros placement who find sharing these sexual experiences with friends they already know can be very rewarding.
Eros in Pisces:
With Eros in Pisces you experience this erotic love and pleasure that the soul craves when you are intimate with someone whom you are connected to as a true lover. You need that connection and casual sex is just not your thing.
You meander through life searching for your soul mate and when you find them you want to be as close to your partner as you possibly can. Unfortunately for those with Eros in Pisces you can become disappointed if things don’t continually work out, but this is usually because you are searching for someone who will complete you.
Your soul is already complete, you need not search for someone to make you happy, but someone to share your happiness with. If you can manage to wrap your head around this concept you stand a much better chance of finding this ecstasy that is a part of your soul’s mission.
Your Eros placement magnifies your sense of compassion for your partner. You feel so connected to this other person that you are able to offer up exactly what they need, and this brings you joy, as well. Eros in Pisces can bring amazing, unforgettable experiences into your life, just make sure you don’t lose yourself in the process.
Determining your Sexual Compatibility With the Taurus Man
Now that we’ve looked at some of the important points in your Taurus guy’s chart that can be helpful in figuring out his sexual side, let’s take a look at the specific compatibility between Taurus and the different signs of the Zodiac.
This is a bit different from general compatibility, as we’ll be investigating how two specific people approach sexual experiences, what they have in common and where they typically won’t line up.
Taurus and Aries Sexual Compatibility
When it comes to Taurus and Aries, these two fit together like a hand in a glove, the reason for this being the connection between their two rulers.
Venus rules over Taurus while Mars rules over Aries. Now, if you will recall, these are two of the major planets we look at when determining love and sexual compatibility within two charts, so it stands to reason that the Taurus man will feel ignited by the fiery passion that Aries brings to the bedroom.
Aries wants to get things started and can come on a bit too strong if not careful. This is the main thing for you Aries out there to consider when making an intimate connection with that sexy Taurus that’s on your mind. You approach love and lust a bit differently, but once you come to understand the needs your partner has there is so much potential for an amazing sexual encounter that neither of you will soon forget.
Taurus is a sensual sign, he wants to love you, seduce you and make your sexual fantasies and dreams come true. He will take his time getting there, though, and this can cause the sometimes impatient Aries to try and rush things. Don’t.
Enjoy his sensual embrace. Let him love you and fawn over your body. Let him explore your curves, light some candles and maybe even play some music. Let him woo you. Once you’re pretty confident that you are both happy with the foreplay, that’s when you can move in for something a little more intense.
When it comes to positions, your Taurus guy won’t be the one to immediately suggest something crazy. He wants to get there just as much as you do, but he may take all night in doing so. If you want to try something new, you’ll need to be the one to suggest it. The Taurus man likes to be in control of his surroundings, but he won’t object to your desire to get on top and make love to him slow and sweet.
Aries has no problem in being the aggressor, and as long as you aren’t going about things in the vain of trying to hurry your Taurus man through the act, you’ll get some great results when you take action and go after what you want. Look into his eyes, tell him your desires and don’t be afraid to follow through.
These two signs may not share the same outlook when it comes to the way you go about approaching your sexual conquests, but that doesn’t mean you can’t thoroughly enjoy one another. Take the time to get to know what your partner likes, specifically, and from there you’ll know what to do.
Taurus and Taurus Sexual Compatibility
With two Taurus lovers, you can bet there will be some hot, steamy sex that lasts until the sun comes up. That’s right, it’s going to be one of those nights! Taking that into consideration, you should probably rest up before engaging in sexual escapades with someone who shares your sign.
There is a lot of room for experimentation with these two. The Taurus man has a great appreciation for the finer things in life, and when it comes to sexual games he will spare no expense in making sure the surroundings are up to par. You can play a sexy little game of dress up, only in this scenario you both get to play a part.
Lacy lingerie is great, he will love the way the very sight of you titillates his visual senses, but knowhingthat he gets to play along and whip out something fancy that arouses your same senses will add depth to this erotic display that will give you both loads of satisfaction before you even get your clothes off.
You’ll both want to take it slow, caressing and enjoying every cinco of one another’s bodies. There is a lot of compatibility here, of course, and it can feel as though you’ve known one another longer than you actually have. You don’t just have sex, you make love.
There can be a feeling of domination coming from each of you, however, that makes for some interning situations when you each feel that you are equally in control. You both put all of your energy into the whole erotic experience and you can be left feeling exhausted and ready for a sandwich, or maybe some bacon and eggs, once all is said and done.
As far as sexual positions, two Taurus lovers can make missionary into something incredibly satisfying. There isn’t a lot of need for trying new, “more exciting” things because you make something a lot of people see as boring feel incredibly romantic and intense. It’s true, the two of you can play out the same scenario over and over and enjoy it just as much and with just as much passion and intensity each time.
There’s no question about it, two Tureans will be incredibly compatible in the bedroom. There is always the possibility that one of you will get bored with the same old thing, which is where the game playing comes in. Keep things interesting by inviting new scents and looks into your sexcapades and what you will find is a sexual partner who likes what you like and who’s forever faithful. This combination is a definite winner.
Taurus and Gemini Sexual Compatibility
With Taurus and Gemini, things can feel a little bit off. It isn’t that these two signs can’t have some mind blowing sex, it’s just that the Gemini is going to eventually want more variety than Taurus provides.
Taurus can feel a bit threatened by Gemini’s adventurous desires and Gemini can feel tied down by Taurus’ need to dominate in the relationship. Don’t sweat it, though, all is not lost. There is still potential for an exciting sexual encounter if these two can time things right.
The trouble with the sexual relationship between Gemini and Taurus is that the Gemini may not be patient enough to get to the actual sex. Taurus isn’t going to rush into things, and Gemini just might not want to wait around for the time to be “right.” When these two do get together, the Taurus can learn lot about his hidden desires for a little something extra in the bedroom.
This may only be a one time thing, but if anyone can get the Taurus man to engage in a sexual threesome, Gemini can.
For Gemini, verbal seduction is the biggest turn on, although, you may run into the problem that Taurus may think there is too much talk happening during sexy time. Taurus likes physical contact and isn’t really one for dirty talk-not as much as you Gemini’s, anyway.
If you can get the Taurus man to open up and try some new things, the odds are he’ll dig it. It will definitely take a little more patience than you would like, so you’ll have to really want it for things to work between you and the Taurus man.
The key to sexual success with your Taurus guy is to not rush him. It can be difficult for Taurus to build up enough trust in the sometimes flighty Gemini, and it can be hard for Gemini to withstand Taurus’ dominating personality. If the chemistry is right, though, the sexual attraction can overpower these potential issues.
This certainly isn’t the slam dunk that you may be hoping for if you are a Gemini looking to get down and dirty with a Taurus guy, but it doesn’t mean things are impossible! Sexually, this may only work out to be a one night stand, but it won’t be one that disappoints.
Taurus and Cancer Sexual Compatibility
With Cancer and Taurus, there is a certain attraction that bonds these two signs together in what can be a very sensual and satisfying sexual experience. Cancer has an innocent, feminine quality that the Taurus man just can’t resist, and Cancer has a very feminine and demure nature that makes Taurus feel like he’s really in control. Both of these signs need something emotionally solid in order to really be able to enjoy the physical side of a relationship, making this one sexual relationship that checks off more than just the obvious boxes.
Part of the attraction here is that Cancer desires the same level of stability that Taurus does, which is one of the biggest turn ons for both signs. Cancer personalities are traditional, feminine,emotionally invested, and is most happy in comfort of home. The Taurus man can really appreciate all of these qualities and finds it easy to mesh with the sweet and doting Cancer partner.
Much like Taurus, Cancer enjoys prolonged foreplay and isn’t in any big rush to get down and dirty. There is a nice, classic kind of quality about this couple that helps both to create the emotional bonds necessary to forge a solid relationship, both emotional and physical.
Once these two do get to the point that they are both ready to get very personal, the sex can be quite amazing. The give and take between Taurus and Cancer is sweet and genuine. Spooning is a favorite sex position for this couple, and not the kind of spooning you do on the couch watching a movie-I mean, I guess you could engage in some sexual spoon action while watching a movie, but you’ll both soon lose interest in what’s on the screen!
The Taurus man, being that he loves to touch, feel, and caress his partner, will absolutely adore the fact that you get the same level of enjoyment from his gentle touch as he does. Cancer is known for soft skin and supple breasts, which the Taurus man will quickly gravitate toward with both his hands and lips, which will drive just about any Cancer wild with desire.
It is certain that these two can have some incredible, passionate sexual experiences. Albeit neither is known for anything over the top wild or freaky, the sweet sensuality can be all that either of these signs need.
You’ll love how he takes charge and the sheer appreciation your Taurus man shows for your body, while still maintaining a good level of respect for your personal boundaries.
Taurus and Leo Sexual Compatibility
Although Leo and Taurus aren’t typically seen as being a perfect match when it comes to general relationship compatibility, these two signs can share an incredibly satisfying sexual relationship. Sure, there are a few things that these two may never see eye to eye on, but both are extremely loyal and would do just about anything for their partner.
Putting your day to day disagreements aside, the sexual connection between Taurus and Leo is quite complementary to one another’s desires and individual style.
The Taurus man is slow getting close and intimate, but once there you can open his eyes to a side of himself that he may not have previously explored. The Leo personality needs to be appreciated and adored and Taurus has no problem enjoying all of the majesty he finds in his bed when Leo is there.
Sexual intimacy and love is an integral part of a happy life and relationship for both Taurus and Leo. The Taurus man is such a generous lover that Leo is left wanting for nothing, and who doesn’t like that!? As a Leo, you’re quite a bit more adventuresome than your Taurus, but with a little slow nudging he will come around and, honestly, he’ll love every single moment of it. You share having a high libido with your Taurus man, making this sexual relationship pretty non-stop.
As far as the best position for Taurus and Leo to try together, reverse cowgirl can be really arousing for both parties. The Taurus man gets a full-on view of all that his Leo has to offer, while Leo has the satisfaction of knowing that he’s looking and admiring what he sees.
Another position that’s a great one for Taurus and Leo is facing one another in a chair or sitting up in bed. This allows you both the freedom to touch and explore your partner’s body with your hands while still being able to get a full view of one another. This last one offers opportunity for a lot of eye contact, making it feel more sensual, which your Taurus man will love.
What can bring things to a halt is when one or the other tries to establish dominance outside of the bedroom. Both Leo and Taurus are fixed signs, as we’ve discussed previously, making this relationship a difficult one from the standpoint of relationship longevity. Even if you can’t make things work out with your Taurus man, this will be a sexual partner you won’t likely ever erase from memory.
Taurus and Virgo Sexual Compatibility
Taurus and Virgo are two of the most compatible signs of the Zodiac, so naturally these two can create sparks together in the bedroom. Neither Taurus nor Virgo are in too quick of a hurry to become intimate with one another, or anyone else for that matter, so taking the appropriate amount of time for both to become ready doesn’t really pose a problem here. This is great because it actually allows the two of you to bond on a level above the physical before things get too intense. Actually, this makes the sex so much more sensual and meaningful than had you just hopped in the sack on the first date-Which, by the way, can happen with these two signs, but it’s quite rare.
The Taurus man adores making love to his Virgo mate, he just loves intimacy and the connection he feels has reached a point of completion once you get to that point in the relationship with him. Virgo, also an Earth sign, is a bit more “earthy” than Taurus and doesn’t necessarily need all of the luxuries in life that the Taurus man finds to be a necessity. For this reason you’ll more than likely spend most nights at his place. For this to be acceptable and make Virgo comfortable, however, the Taurus man has got to keep things well in order.
Like Taurus, Virgo has an immeasurable amount of passion that is kept deep within. There are few people who can coax a Virgo out of their shell, but for Taurus this is really not a very difficult task at all. To seduce his Virgo, the Taurus man simply has to prove himself to be a worthy partner and over time these two will bring one another to the point of no return, and this is when things get astonishingly intimate.
Earth signs are known for their sensuality, but not so much for their creativity when it comes to love making. For some this could pose a problem. For instance, Aries would not be satisfied with the same old routine every night, but a good sexual routine shared between Taurus and Virgo allows each partner to perfect their sexual approach, thus allowing this pair to create an increasingly satisfying experience that gets a little bit better every time.
As far as the best sexual position for this couple, doggy style can offer great heights of pleasure for both Taurus and Virgo. There is something about this particular position that Virgo just can’t get enough of, and the Taurus man won’t be complaining either. This gives him a nice view and his hands are free to fondle and explore his Virgo’s ass, free from restrictions. There has to be a good level of trust before Virgo will be comfortable and ready for it, but once you get this pair to that point it can be a match made in heaven for both partners.
Virgo will let Taurus take the reins, which is a turn on for the Taurus man. He sees his Virgo love as a pure and genuine lover, which further pushes the Taurus man to be even more generous.
Actually, Virgo is quite a generous lover, as well, I mean, Virgo makes it their goal to succeed at everything, to include pleasing their partner. It can almost become a contest to see who can make the other experience the most pleasure, which, when you think about it is definitely not a bad situation to find yourself in!
Taurus and Libra Sexual Compatibility
Taurus and Libra are another of those matches that aren’t traditionally thought of as being all that compatible on the surface. When it comes to lovemaking, however, there can be a splendidly intimate connection shared between the Taurus man and Libra.
For starters, both of these signs are ruled by Venus, the planet of seduction, beauty, pleasure, love and attraction. This alone lays the framework for an amazing sexual relationship between these two signs who share one ruler.
Libra is quite a bit more social than Taurus typically is, which can, at times, prove to be problematic for this couple. When in to comfort of home, however, sparks will most definitely fly, as these two just can’t seem to stop finding things that attract them to one another. Libra will happily allow Taurus to explore with his hands, and an intimate massage can be just the thing to get things started off on the right foot. Taurus has such an appreciation for things of beauty that he can’t seem to take his eyes off of the elegant and beautiful Libra, who never fails to entice the bull.
Both Taurus and Libra have an affinity for life’s little luxuries and will waste no time spoiling one another. Both are attracted to opulence and just adore to be indulged in the most wonderful things that life has to offer.
This is one thing that really draws this couple in closer and closer to one another. Taurus isn’t one to seek attention, yet there is something about Taurean men that makes them appear to become larger than life in some situations-A huge turn on for Libra.
All of that being said, the sex is amazing. Between the earthy sensuality of Taurus and the gentle romantic elegance of Libra these two make sex into a dance of sorts. Libra likes to keep things balanced, and what better position to balance things out than pleasuring one another in sync with a little 69? This may not be for everyone, but definitely, definitely, don’t knock it before you try it! I mean, if you’ve never tried this one out, you don’t know what you’re missing.
There is something special about the connection shared between these two kindred spirits that allows both Libra and Taurus to experience pleasure like never before. Libra requires a tad more romance than Taurus, but with a few subtle cues shared between lovers a perfect balance of passion and romance can be found, of which the memories of moments shared will linger and be a cause for those random little moments where you just can’t help but smile and remember.
As I said in the beginning, this isn’t a couple who will typically make it in the long run, they’re simply too different. Of course, this depends greatly upon what the personal natal charts of each person reveals, but generally speaking, Taurus and Libra find it hard to see eye to eye on a myriad of different issues.
Taurus and Scorpio Sexual Compatibility
Taurus and Scorpio are signs in the Zodiac which oppose one another, giving this pair a sense of constant push and pull of the emotional heartstrings. Being opposing signs can either work out amazingly well or it can be a disaster, it all truly depends on the individuals. It is, however, true what they say-Opposites do attract, and most of the time Taurus and Scorpio can find a deep, soul-level connection with one another packed with sexual intensity.
With Scorpio there is no middle of the road relationship. You’re either all in or you’re out, and Taurus is one of the few signs in the Zodiac who can actually handle the demands of loving a Scorpio.
Again, just as with Taurus and Leo, we have a couple who are both fixed signs, which can lead to problems when it comes to who is going to be in control. Neither Taurus nor Scorpio are very willing to back down, so it requires a delicate balance of who controls what for these two to get to the point of intimacy. Once all the issues are ironed out, though, watch out because there are few things in this world that hold more power than a Taurus/Scorpio couple.
Scorpio operates on a level that is almost entirely emotional and intuitive and can sometimes get too wrapped up in their emotions. Taurus does a good job of keeping the Scorpion grounded. This is important for the health of both the sexual relationship and the emotional one. Scorpio can be something of an enigma, with an emotional depth that is immeasurable, leaving Taurus sometimes wondering what’s going on inside of his partner’s head and heart. It doesn’t help matters that Scorpio can be secretive and can seem, at times, irrational. Something about Taurus’ energy is able to penetrate through these bursts of chaos, turmoil and confusion, though, and, more often than not, it actually brings the two closer.
Both Taurus and Scorpio need to know that their partner is devoted and loyal to the relationship before things can become truly intimate. Once this couple gets there, the gate is open to a sexual world that the Taurus man may have never perceived was even possible, which makes up for some of the other ‘issues of intensity’ that comes with a Scorpio lover.
With his Scorpio partner the Taurus man feels more capable of letting loose and exploring his own sexuality. It can take some time to reach the highest points of sexual exploration, but Scorpio is more than wiling to take him there.
Together this pair may very well incorporate BDSM, leather accessories, acting out fantasies and so much more into their sexual portfolio, and even though Taurus isn’t so find of trying new things, he will almost always make an exception for the new things Scorpio partner has to offer in the bedroom.
Taurus and Sagittarius Sexual Compatibility
With Taurus and Sagittarius we find a fairly odd couple in more ways than one. These two just don’t seem to be able to figure out how to be with one another, emotionally, sexually and psychologically. There are some areas where Taurus and Sagittarius mesh, but in most cases it is hard to find enough things that can be put together to make things work out well for this couple.
Sagittarius, a Fire sign, is a free spirit and needs freedom to roam, whereas Taurus is earthy and likes to stick close to home. Sagittarius can’t bear the thought of a boring routine, while Taurus legitimately needs a routine to maintain sanity.
Taurus is a fixed sign while Sagittarius is a mutable sign, meaning Sag can easily change to fit the current situation-This sounds like some sort of torture to your typical Taurus guy. The list of reasons why these two will not likely ever be celebrating a 50th anniversary goes on and on. That doesn’t mean these two can’t enjoy a sexy romp in the sack to blow off some steam.
While Taurus does prefer to have a real connection and relationship with someone before getting too close, there are exceptions to every rule...well, almost every rule. Anyway, it is possible for Taurus and Sagittarius to hook up, they may even give it a go and try to have a real relationship and see where life takes them. As I always say, you cannot judge a personality solely on their Sun sign, so depending upon what’s revealed in the natal chart there may be some Taurus/Sagittarius couples out there who have been happily married for 50 or more years. Anything is possible.
When Sagittarius and Taurus do get together it can be a really interesting kind of relationship that’s formed. These two could make good friends, perhaps even friends with benefits. The sexual rewards just might be worth it, actually. Sagittarius is very straightforward and is someone who Taurus knows can be trusted.
There is a sense of adventure here that Taurus isn’t used to, so depending on what kind of mood the Taurus man is in he may want to explore something new or add a little zest to his sex life. Sagittarius would be the one who could help him to accomplish this.
From sex in public places to exploring the idea of a threesome, Sagittarius brings a fun-loving, free-spirited energy into the bull’s life that could, in some situations, be just what he needs. The Taurus man certainly has an erotic side, and if his heart isn’t in the relationship for love he might be down for anything, especially if he is younger in age.
Sagittarius knows you only live once and most Sag’s fully intend on getting the most out of what life has to offer. If Taurus is willing to step outside his comfort zone and live a little this can be a rewarding relationship that helps to broaden his earthy horizons.
Sagittarius’ erogenous zone is the thighs, making this the go-to place for the Taurus man’s hands as things start to heat up. Taurus men like thicker thighs and will love the excited reaction Sagittarius gives during foreplay.
Sex between these two will never be boring, and Sagittarius loves the sensual, erotic intensity with which Taurus makes love. It takes a specific kind of Taurus man to be able to fully appreciate all that Sagittarius has to offer, but for those who are willing it could be a once in a lifetime sexual experience.
Taurus and Capricorn Sexual Compatibility
Now, when we look at the relationship between Taurus and Capricorn it is something quite amazing. Emotionally, psychologically, sexually and in just about every other way, this is a couple who can make a long term success out of their relationship. After all the things about Sagittarius and Taurus that don’t work, it’s nice to see a sign who is just about perfectly compatible with the bull.
Capricorn and Taurus share a lot of the same viewpoints, and you can safely say this before the two ever even meet. Both Earth signs, this is a couple who takes a practical and serious approach to the areas of life that require seriousness, yet who know how to love passionately and who’s levels of lust for one another can be off the charts. Upon getting together with a Capricorn partner, the Taurus man may even feel as though he’s actually met his soulmate. I don’t like to use that term, “soulmate,” because it truly doesn’t mean what most people think it means, but in this case I feel it is pretty spot on.
Of course not every Taurus/Capricorn couple is going to feel like this, but I feel it’s safe to say these feelings spawn between these two earthy lovers than any other two signs in the Zodiac.
Taurus has a great deal of respect for Capricorn’s never-ending zest for life and desire to succeed. Capricorn has a great deal of admiration and respect for Taurus’ sense of stability and security. These things may not sound all that exciting to some, but for two Earth signs it doesn’t get much sexier than success, security and stability.
When it comes to sensuality there is no shortage of passion between Taurus and Capricorn. A common misconception is that Earth signs aren’t as exciting or passionate as some other signs in the Zodiac, but this is completely inaccurate! In fact, the Taurus/ Capricorn couple rank at the top of the list regarding most intensely passionate lovers.
Capricorn is traditional in nature, even more traditional than Taurus and responds well to traditional seduction techniques from the Taurus man. Dim lighting, soft music, wine, perhaps some flowers-This is how Capricorn can be effectively wooed, and Taurus is just the man for the job. Capricorn works to keep their strong sexual urges and desires tucked neatly away for the most part, but when Taurus coaxes it out there’s no stopping this sexy couple.
Because Capricorn is so traditional, missionary is one of the preferred sex positions, as well as sitting up on a chair on bed with both partners facing one another. You see, Capricorn has incredible stamina and can quite literally go all night long.
Taurus has an incredible libido and wants to go all night long. Once this sultry couple gets started there’s no telling how many positions will be achieved. A little known fact about Capricorns, and perhaps this has something to do with their insanely high levels of success and productivity, but Capricorn has a very erotic, freaky side that few will ever see. If Taurus can coax this out of the goat, the sky’s the limit as to what may be shared.
Taurus and Aquarius Sexual Compatibility
The relationship between Taurus and Aquarius is strained at best in just about every way you could imagine. This is another couple who’s relationship success, both emotional and sexual, will hinge totally on their respective natal charts and the aspects made between their individual planets.
I always hate to say that two people simply won’t work because of their Sun signs because it is such a vast generalization, but the Taurus/Aquarius situation is one where the chances of the relationship working out are pretty slim. Here’s why:
Taurus and Aquarius are both fixed signs, so right off the bat there are bound to be some control issues and matters of compromise that will inevitably come up. Beyond that small scale issue, Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, which gives this brilliant sign a rather chaotic quality that Taurus has a really hard time wrapping hishead around. Taurus, as you know, is a creature of habit. He’s earthy, he likes to know what’s going to happen and he isn’t super open to change. Chaos is not his bag. Aquarius is an idealistic dreamer who has some incredible insights and amazing intelligence, but who has the ability to drive Taurus to madness with the constant changes that come to your life.
Sexually these two have trouble getting on the same page, as well. It isn’t impossible, but there’s got to be a lot of love, understanding, and friendship to make sparks here. The Taurus man is warm, loving, sensual and craves stability. And if you ask most people, these are some of his best qualities.
Aquarius tends to be the exact opposites, however. The typical Aquarian is cool, detached, chaotic, and not so much into passionate, sensual encounters. To the Aquarian personality friendship is the cornerstone of a good relationship and intellectual pursuits are placed high above physical contact. You can see where these two can run into some problems.
Now, it isn’t a hopeless situation, so don’t worry. If you are an Aquarian looking to get down and dirty with a sexy Taurus man and you are willing to make some compromises it’s totally possible. Should you work your way through the briar patch of personality differences and come to be a special person in your Taurus’ life, you can expect to share some very intimate experiences, the likes of which you’ve probably never had the joy of experiencing.
Taurus and Aquarius can help to balance one another out in the bedroom. Aquarius is all about experimenting with new things, which will be a fresh experience for Taurus. Be it some fun sex toys you can use together, role playing, playing out your deepest fantasies, or whatever else you can think up, the Taurus man willpush his normal limits with you, and that can be a very exciting thing to share with someone.
On the part of the Aquarian, you’ll experience having someone deeply rooted in their sensuality making love to you with unbridled passion. You just might change your outlook on physical contact after being with a Taurus man, so be careful. He’s enchanting, he oozes sexuality, and as a general rule, Taurus men are very, very giving lovers. If you’ve not experienced orgasm with another man until now, prepare yourself because it may very well change your life.
Taurus and Pisces Sexual Compatibility
The relationship shared between Taurus and Pisces is one that has a great deal of potential for success. There is an instant sexual attraction here that is felt by both Taurus and Pisces, and the erotic encounters shared between these two will be full of romance, sensuality, and maybe even love.
Pisces has a mysterious quality that is irresistible to just about everyone, including the Taurus man. He can’t help but to feel drawn to this water sign and the chemistry between this pair can make the Taurus man feel as though he’s had a love spell cast on him.
Pisces likes the powerful essence that the Taurus man carries with him and longs for the bull to dominate in the bedroom. Taurus loves this about his Pisces partner and is turned on by the feminine quality of the fish. In many ways the raw energy from Pisces makes Taurus feel as though he’s been swept away into a dream land where romantic sensuality reigns supreme.
Most Pisces are rather traditional by nature, so the Taurus man will want to take such an approach in courting his lover. Pisces craves security and loyalty in a partner, and can sometimes go overboard in looking for this in another person.
For this reason Pisces if often times taken advantage of and winds up being a victim of sorts. The caring nature of Taurus offers Pisces a sense of safety and comfort and helps to forge a lasting bond between these two sensual sins of the Zodiac.
With Pisces, the Taurus man can expect to engage in erotic games, role playing, sexy lingerie, and whatever his heart desires. Pisces is looking for a partner and companion, not just a romp in the hay, so if Taurus isn’t ready for this he may want to reconsider sex with a Pisces.
Misleading such a sensitive water sign could result in some very hurt feelings, but as long as both partners are on the same page this can be an incredibly satisfying relationship, both emotionally and sexually.
Taurus may actually be surprised at how deep the connection between him and his Pisces partner becomes. This is because of Pisces strong intuitive ability to read other people and, in certain situations, feel what they feel. Being intimate with a Pisces is an experience unlike any other and can make the Taurus man even begin to feel more in touch with his deeper self.
Pisces has this tendency to want to meld together with their lover, a great position that will offer a deep connection is sitting up on the bed and facing one another, but having your legs actually wrapped around one another. In this erotic pose, two become one and the eye contact is intense. Pisces is a sexually curious personality and will be willing to try new things with their lover, but being also a bit traditional, it can be quite satisfying for Taurus to take charge and change into missionary while holding his lovers wrists lightly. This will surely send you each over the edge in a very good way.
Secrets to Success in Love With Your Taurus Man
By now you could probably teach a class on the inner workings of the Taurus man. He is a wonderfully generous, loving partner who is serious about creating and sharing a stable life filled with luxury.
He's well grounded and methodical, and can become very set in his ways, even early in life. Suggestions of change aren't something you want to come at a Taurus guy with unless you’re prepared for a battle. He knows that change is a necessary evil, but would prefer it not interfere with his routine.
The Taurus man is a giving lover who craves the love of a loyal partner. He isn’t always the easiest guy to live with, however, and some days you may wonder if there is some secret to living with these guys. Well, the answer to that is yes and no. While there’s no magical secret to success when it comes to relationships, there are some things that, when understood and applied, can make the relationship with your Taurus man easier.
In order to maintain a healthy sex life and relationship with your partner you’ve got to understand where one another is coming from. Astrology can help immensely with this by helping to decode and unravel the many layers of your partners personality. It’s really kind of like having a cosmic instruction manual for relationship success, and I know you like instruction guides because, well, you’re reading this right now.
While these things aren’t incredibly romantic, a few basic, but important things to remember to maintain a peaceful, loving relationship with one of these guys is keeping good food in your kitchen, creating a home environment that’s comfortable and inviting, and keeping your joint finances in order. These are truthfully
the most important elements of life for Taurus. There are lots of other things that might make him happy, but these three things are the cornerstones that his sense of stability and security are built upon.
As you probably well know, Taurus men are hard headed and, at times, they can be really pushy. The possessive nature of Taurus almost always leads to jealousy at some point, which really isn’t good for anyone involved.
Keeping this element of the relationship in check is a crucial part of maintaining a happy balance between the two of you. Don’t let a little jealousy tun into resentment or insecurity that could create further issues. This is where keeping positive lines of communication open come in big time. Even if he knows you are loyal to him, he may need a little reminding from time to time.
With a Taurus man, you must clearly communicate the things you need and desire in a relationship, He is not a mind reader and won’t try to be. Beating around the bush won’t work, in fact, it will only make him stop listening.
It’s best to just be upfront with him, whatever it is you have to say. Communication is of the utmost importance in maintaining a strong relationship built on mutual trust. He won’t come to you and pour his heart out unprovoked, but if you open up to him and share your thoughts and feelings he will do the same.
As I’ve said, Taurus is in no rush as he makes his way through life, which makes getting into a war of attrition with him futile. He has all the time and patience in the world, and if it allows him to make a point he will patiently wait out anyone. In other words, the silent treatment just won’t work with this guy.
Taurus demands a lot from his partner, but nothing that he doesn’t feel he upholds himself.
He doesn’t understand people not working to live up to their full potential, and he won’t stand for a partner who doesn’t try in life. He feeds on success and creating multiple layers of security to pad his life with. For him the ideal relationship is one where both partners are working toward that same goal.
Something that people don’t always associate with the Taurus personality right off is his good sense of humor and creative side that comes out when he’s in a relaxed state. Having Venus as his ruler gives the Taurus man a feminine quality and creates a great sense of balance within his personality.
He is the dominant bull, always in control who never misses a beat, but he’s also a caring, creative soul who just wants someone he can love, someone he can laugh with and with whom he can enjoy all the pleasures life has to offer.
He won’t be the one to start a fight with someone because this would throw off the balance in his world, but he will defend himself and his loved ones if need be.
His co-workers may never know this side of him, but that’s because he likes to keep his personal life and his professional life totally separate.
Every relationship is different, and even though Taurus men all have very similar qualities, they each have their own weird little quirks. Some of the things he does may drive you mad and some will melt your heart, the key, though, to making this the best relationship you’ve ever had is simply knowing and understanding what these things are.
How Astrology Can Help You Deal With Relationship Issues
Sometimes in relationships, even when you try your hardest to make it work, issues still just seem to hang on and linger, and can really impact how connected you feel you are with your partner.
This can be stressful, for sure, but it helps to know that for just about every problem that pops up there’s very likely to be a corresponding resolution. One of the best things about astrology is how the stars and charts can point us in the right direction, if only we take the time to stop and listen.
Time and time again, I find that when clients, and even myself, start to really listen and pay attention to the wisdom that can be derived from gaining a solid understanding of your natal chart, as well as trying to live life in line with the current and future planetary transits “advice,” that many of these tough issues will start to just work themselves out.
The stars don’t make things change, don’t get me wrong. However, we have the ability to make changes and improvements in life when we start trying to go with the ebb and flow of the Universal energies moving through our day to day lives rather than resisting the help that comes with the knowledge astrology has to reveal.
In this section, I’ve outlined a couple of the key problems that come up in relationships, especially relationships with Taurus men.
I’ve included different ways you can actually use astrology to help guide you through these issues and find happiness with your Taurus Man.
Mismatched Sex Drives
As we’ve already highlighted in the previous sections, Taurus is a strongly sexual personality type. This can be amazing if you and your Taurus have similar sex drives, but what happens when one partner just doesn’t feel like being intimate or close? This one problem is at the root of a lot of other relationship issues that couples go through.
Feelings can become hurt and you or your partner may feel like you must be becoming unattractive or think your partner is losing the love they once had for you. These things we fear are very rarely the actual problem, but it’s hard to understand that in the moment. I think we’ve all been there at least once or twice, and I think we can all agree that it isn’t exactly a fun place to be.
You can use astrology to help with this particular issue by watching the transits of certain planets and seeing when you and your Taurus man have the best aspects for romance and sexual intimacy.
It isn’t an instant fix, but it is an incredibly helpful tool to have at your disposal once you know or learn what to watch for, or if you have a regular astrologer who can advise you on when’s the very best time to spend some alone time with your Taurus man.
Things like aspects between Mars and Venus as they move through the skies and activate different planets and houses in your natal chart can alert you to those magical windows of opportunity for passion and romance.
You can also use the Venus, Mars and Eros placement descriptions we went over in previous sections to decode your Taurus man’s love language. This can be immensely helpful when it comes to learning how to relate to your Taurus man and better communicate your needs and desires with one another.
More often than not the biggest underlying problem starts with two people simply not knowing how to communicate effectively and express the things that truly need to be said. Instead we tend to talk in circles, trying to avoid hurting the other person’s feelings or even being embarrassed about our own feelings.
A Brief Word on Money Issues
Money and sex are the top two biggest things that cause issues within a relationship, this goes double for anyone in a relationship with a Taurus man. Taurus puts a lot of importance on finances, in fact, money is one of the most important things to a Taurus.This makes it a rather volatile issue when you and your Taurean man don’t see eye to eye on how to manage your joint funds. This can become such an issue that it becomes a deal breaker.
Some Zodiac signs do well with money and some don’t. It’s the same with most things in life-Some people are naturally good at sports, some aren’t, some people always just seem to make straight A’s or have a really high GPA in school while others may struggle for years just to maintain whatever is passing. It’s the same when it comes down to our natural tendencies toward money and how we handle it. Some of us are great, some not so much. For the one’s with a Taurean partner this can become a complete nightmare and really put a lot of strain on your relationship and your sex life.
What’s money got to do with sex? Well, everything...sort of. You see, when a Taurus is lacking a strong, solid financial foundation their whole life can feel like it is spiraling out of control. This trickles down to every facet of life, to include romantic relationships. If you are the other half of that relationship it can feel like the end is near, but it doesn’t have to be.
The biggest money problems tend to come up between Taurus and Aries, Gemini and Libra. The reason for this is almost always the controlling nature of Taurus when it comes to finances and his partner’s propensity for spending freely or impulsively on things that catch their eye.
Taurus is in no way impulsive, especially when it comes down to busting out his checkbook, so you can see where these signs could clash with regard to money management. So what are the solutions? Well, one solution that none of the opposing signs would like is for the Taurus man to just have control over the spending, offer his partner an allowance of sorts and leave it at that. Here is where things get really hairy and everyone becomes upset and says things they probably don’t mean.
Aries, Libra and Gemini are impulsive, but this stems from their independent natures. Having Taurus just say, “That’s it, I’m in charge of all of our money forever!” Isn’t a viable solution for most couples, leaving it to you to figure out a solution. The only true solution is coming to a compromise together about this issue and working out a plan that each partner can live with. I know, I know, all of this sounds super obvious...of course there has to be a compromise to reach a solution, duh! So how to you find this resolution? With astrology, of course.
When you have your compatibility charts read, you can better understand how you and your Taurus man can actually find a plan that makes you both happy and keeps your bank account well padded. Looking at your individual Venus, Saturn and Pluto placements will give a good indication of what’s keeping you from getting on the same level. For instance, if your Taurus man’s Saturn is overshadowing your Venus it can show a lot of restriction and control issues surrounding your joint financial matters and your astrologer can give you a starting point for working toward meeting in the middle. I know this isn’t incredibly helpful to you right this moment, but it is helpful to know that you can use the same chart we’ve been working with to resolve and decode sexual issues in your relationship to resolve financial problems.
Putting It All Together
Now that you have all you need to understand, attract and seduce a Taurus man you should be ready to put this knowledge into action. Having a compatibility chart drawn up for you and your Taurus man would be ideal, but with all you’ve learned here you are off to a great start decoding his stubborn personality. Honestly, he will be amazed that you already know him so well!
It’s important to remember that even with all of the knowledge and understanding in the world, no relationship is perfect. Things won’t always be great, but with a Taurus man you can rest easy knowing that he will always be genuine and real with you. He’ll hold you to high standards, but this is only because he does the same for himself. Your Taurus man, once in a relationship, will show you what true loyalty is, and really, you couldn’t ask for a better, more dependable partner.
Even if your Sun sign isn’t totally compatible with his, you at least now know what to do to resolve whatever issues stand between you and your Taurus man. And remember, even though it is exceedingly helpful to know how well one sign relates to another, you can’t completely determine compatibility based solely on your Sun signs. Please do take the time to utilize the Mars, Venus and Eros explanations outlined in this book. I promise, even if your Taurus man is a mystery to you now, finding these particular planet placements in his chart and applying the information provided here will allow you understand his sensual side and know what his deepest desires are. When put into action, you will be the best lover he’s ever had.
I really hope you've learned a lot from this book!
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May the stars be on your side,
Your Friend and Relationship Astrologer,