30 Dirty Little Secrets About Your Taurus Man Learn How To Capture His Heart Even If You're Not The Perfect Zodiac Match
Hello there!
I see that you have a particular interest in getting to know how Taurus men operate, maybe you even have a Taurus man of your own that you want to become closer to.
Whatever the case, you're in exactly the right place!
I'd like to share with you about Taurus men. First, though, I'll give you a brief rundown of how I got here, and why I decided to share my Taurus Man Secrets program.
Even if you aren't a big believer in the ancient practice of Astrology, this is one astrological reference you'll want to stop and check out.
You see, there was once a time when I was skeptical of Astrology, it's true. I changed my tune after a trip to Romania, where my aunt opened my eyes to the amazing secrets held in my stars. Let me backtrack just a bit to give you the full picture of what happened.
I had been in a perfect relationship with this perfect Taurus guy, and I thought my life was going along very nicely. At first I wasn't even going to go to Romania to see my aunt because I didn't want to leave my Taurus behind. It was that serious.
So, there I am, minding my own business, when the Universe decides to get my attention in the worst way when my Taurus broke things off between us. I was in shock. I hadn't done anything, at least I didn't think I had...Everything had been going so smoothly and we'd been having such great conversations and experiences together, why was he doing this??
Well, regardless of why he was doing it, he was, and I was left feeling totally out in the cold. I went from cloud nine to bottom floor in record time. It was bad. That's when my mom asked one more time if maybe I'd consider taking that trip to see my aunt and get away from everything. I considered it and decided, what the heck? I had nothing to lose and I needed to busy myself with positive experiences.
Once I got unpacked, my aunt started asking questions (I guess I wasn't doing a very good job at hiding my recent emotional wounds). I told her some of what had happened and said I just wanted to not think about it, or him. Before we closed that topic, however, my aunt asked for mine and my Taurus' birth information so she could cast our charts.
Let me tell you, I was floored when she asserted telling me things that were quite private and there was no way she could have known, unless, of course, our charts and stars really were revealing these things to her.
It was amazing, we talked for several hours and by the end of the night I had a deep fascination and a basic understanding of astrology, as well as a thirst to learn more.
With the tips and information gleaned from mine and my Taurus' charts, I made my move once back in the states. Turned out my aunt, and astrology, were totally right and, once I'd applied the methods of communication and understanding that I'd come to understand through our synastry reading, then we were able to work things through and we are still together today, more than 10 years later!
This is why I'm sharing my knowledge with you.
I've worked with countless personal clients over the years who all have run into the same kinds of problems with their Taurus men.
He disappears when you start to get close, he isn't even trying when it comes to communication, he seems to have suddenly fallen off the face of the Earth, and many other Taurean habits that confound and confuse their prospective, or sometimes their current, partner.
I want you to have a successful relationship with your Taurus man, free from drama and problems.
So, when you decide to learn from my Taurus Man Secrets program, I've included every possible situation and solution you could think of. I'll go over how to handle long distance relationships, first physical encounters, how to communicate, how to make him fall in love, how to make him want to put a ring on it, and so much more.
But for starters, I wanted to give you a taste of what you'll learn...so I created this list of 30 dirty little secrets to help you better understand your Taurus man. These are some BASICS just to get you on the right track!
#1 - Taurus won’t be the one to go out and find a new place, but they will be the one to make this new place a home.
Taurus men are notorious for placing a lot of importance on having a comfortable, safe place to call home. Being an Earth sign, Taurus men are, for the most part, very much homebodies who rarely go about making major changes within their home environment unless there is a very good reason for doing so.
Taurus men also seem to have a knack for creating an earthy, stable energy and an atmosphere wherever it is they end up spending a lot of time. I can't explain how they do it, but Taurus personalities always seem to be able to create comfort and warmth wherever they are, regardless of the immediate surroundings.
#2 - Taurus has trouble expressing themselves verbally, but will show their love for you through acts of generosity.
It's true, Taurus men are not the most verbally active in the Zodiac, but that's ok. Whether you're in a romantic or a friendship based relationship with a Taurus man, you'll quickly realize that expressing himself is not a strong suit of his, but what he lacks in the ability to communicate his every thought, he makes up for with (sometimes lavish) acts of generosity.
That said, the Taurus man will also expect any partner of his to be understanding of the ways in which he expresses his thoughts and emotions. What this translates into is that if you're someone who likes to talk, talk, talk it up, you may want to take a different approach if you ever want to get the attention of a bull.
#3 - Taurus is possessive and jealous over their things. This includes those they are in a relationship with.
Taurus men are possessive and jealous creatures, even when they try real, real, hard not to be. They can't help it, to be honest, it's in the their DNA. This does not mean, however, that you should let your Taurus man dominate your relationship 100%.
In my books I explain how to maintain a good balance with your Taurus man and work through his possessive and jealous tendencies to create a mutually beneficial and fulfilling relationship.
#4 - You won’t find a Taurus who’s bed is lacking in comfy blankets and pillows. This is one of their favorite places in the world.
Being safe, comfortable, and, if it's an option, wrapped in luxury is one thing that all Taurus personalities can agree is at the top of their "list of important things in life." Taking that into consideration, it only makes sense that the Taurus in your life really goes all out when it comes to the place where he sleeps and makes love--Two VERY important recurring life events for the average Taurus man--If you're looking for a way to earn some brownie points with your Taurus guy, try gifting him a nice comfy blanket, something with a pleasing texture!
#5 - Every Taurus has a unique collection of things that make them happy.
Taurus men and women alike are collectors of treasures. Things that may not look like treasure to you or I, could hold a great deal of significance to a Taurus. It makes sense that Taureans have this common trait, considering that the bull is also ruler over the 2nd house of the Zodiac, which is directly linked to our possessions and money earned.
The reason that your Taurus's collection of treasures is so special to him is likely due in part to the story and the effort that's been associated with starting the collection in the first place. If you want to really put a smile on your Taurus's face, gift him a new piece of his collection for a birthday or other holiday.
#6 - Taurus is tenacious when going after a goal and won’t stop until they’ve reached it.
One thing I can say about Taurus men is that once locked in on a goal, come Hell or high water, it's going to happen. In some respects, Taurus guys are slow as Christmas, but this is because they put so much thought and preparation into every decision they make.
Well, the same is true of goals. A Taurus won't announce that he is working toward a specific goal until he's thought it through and devised a plan for success that he can commit to. Once that's out of the way, however, trying to derail a Taurus on a mission is like trying to interfere with an unstoppable force with the patience of a saint and the horns of a devil.
#7 - Taurus loves to make out and can be driven wild if you blow in their ear.
Taurus men love to kiss, make out, be intimately connected, fool around, whatever you want to call it, they dig it. No, not every single Taurus man out there wants you to blow in his ear, that's more of a personal preference, however, I can say that ear blowing is something I've found to be a common turn-on among the majority of Taurus men who've ended up in the position to answer such an intimate question from me (as a client). Other things that drive him wild include Kuching his face or running your fingers through his hair whilst the two of you are locked in a seductive kiss.
#8 - Taurus has a cool, calm and collected demeanor, but beneath the surface burns an intensity that can reach nuclear levels when pushed too far.
Taurus men are among the most down to Earth, even-tempered guys you'll ever meet. However, when crossed or pushed too far, the Taurus man can become a nightmare version of your worst enemy.
There are certain things that just won't stand in a relationship with a Taurus lover, such as being disrespectful to one another, being overtly flirtatious with other people, wasting or losing your mutual financial resources, and many others. Balance is the key to getting your Taurus man to maintain composure and not reach that point of nuclear reactions.
#9 - Taurus is a loving partner and friend who would do anything for you, but they won’t do for you what you aren’t willing to do for yourself.
No doubt about it, Taurus men are some of the hardest working guys around. I know, I know, some of you out there are thinking the opposite because in your experience Taurus men are lazy, and you're totally right. We're both right. Even the laziest Taurus man will work hard toward things that he cares about and that are important to him. The desire for money, success, food, love, shelter, and other thins of this nature are what keep him going, keeping him working. He'll share his fortunes with you, but if you are not willing to put in the work just as he has the Taurus man will quickly drop you from his coat-tails.
#10 - If Taurus isn’t in the mood to talk about something, they won’t.
Nobody likes to be given the silent treatment, so why does the Taurus man seems to find great pleasure in cutting communications when upset or unhappy about something?
In most cases it's a mixture of being some sort of power trip for him, as well as him just not being in the mood to discuss whatever it is that's causing his mood in the first place. Rushing a Taurus man will get you nowhere.
#11 - Taurus doesn’t handle failure well and will slip into a depressed state if they think they are not up to par.
Taurus men put a lot of effort and energy into making certain that they do things correctly, efficiently, and productively. Not quite the perfectionist as Earthy Virgo, Taurus also has a drive and a need to succeed in life.
It is important to him that he can maintain a certain financial point and lifestyle and that he is a good partner, friend, etc...If your Taurus guy starts to be depressed or not himself, it's very likely that he's feeling he should have done better at some task, or perhaps he's feeling intimidated by others around him who share the same talents. It never hurts to give his ego a boost with a nice complement!
#12 - Taurus will mirror the level of love and nurturing they receive. If you want to be doted on, do this for your Taurus.
Taurus men are amongst the most giving and loving guys in the world, no joke. A Taurus man will spoil you and make it his mission to ensure that you've got the things you need in life to be happy and healthy.
Despite his sometimes cool exterior, the Taurus man is a nurturing soul who's got lots of love to give to the right person. The amount of love, affection, caring, and effort that you put into building the relationship is what you can expect to get back in return.
#13 -Taurus is attracted by pleasant smells and beautiful sights.
Being ruled by the lovely Venus, Taureans have a natural inclination to gravitate toward things that are pleasing to their senses. Sweet and flirtatious scents, as well as deep, Earthy elements are quick to get the attention of a Taurus man, as are things pleasing to eyes. In other words, as long as you smell nice and look the part, you'll have no trouble getting the attention of that Taurus guy on your mind.
#14 - The way to a Taurus’ heart is through their stomach. If it looks good, smells good and tastes good, you’re in.
We've all heard the old saying that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, and when it comes to the Taurus man, this "old saying" couldn't be more accurate. Taurus men love a good home cooked meal, and if you show him you can provide him with such you'll very soon after have him eating out of the palm of your hand.
The food has got to be amazing, though, and requires you to put in the time and effort to come up with a meal that will be pleasing to his palette.
#15 - Never try to make a Taurus jealous. They don’t have time for silly head games and will quickly exit your life if you try to draw them into such.
Even if he tries his best not to be, the Taurus man is very likely the jealous type. As long as you've got a healthy bond of trust between the two of you, though, most Taurus guys can get past their jealous feelings.
However, if you intentionally try to make him jealous you'll see a side of him that you won't like--Or, you just won't see him anymore at all.
#16 - Taurus is a true romantic at heart, but only when with a partner they have true feelings for.
It may not seem like it at first, but Taurus men are great big old softies on the inside. He wants romance and love and a fairytale ending just like you, but the relationship and connection have to be genuine and real.
Taureans are some of the most sensual creatures you'll ever encounter, and most of them aren't above forming relationships where it's strictly a physical connection to meet one's sexual needs. However, if you want him to romance you, there's got to be more.
#17 - A Taurus will wait to introduce a new partner to their friends until they know the relationship is going to stick.
There's no sense in going to all the trouble of preparing his friends to meet someone new until he's sure he wants to make something solid out of your connection. There are several reasons most Taurus men fall into this way of thinking.
One reason being that once you're introduced, the dynamic between him and his friends will slightly change until things level back out. You're a new energy to "the group," thus causing some level of change. Taureans hate change and will do what they can to avoid dealing with more changes to his day to day life than is necessary.
#18 - Taurus will be honest about their feelings, even if it ends up hurting yours.
Taurus men are not the type to beat around the bush. Quite the opposite, actually, but you may find that often you have to coax their opinions or feelings out of them.
Your Taurus man won't sugar coat things he relates to you, either, a quality that out women really appreciate in a mate.
Just the same, you'll want to be blunt and honest when communicating with a Taurus if you want him to take you seriously.
#19 - Taurus isn’t always serious, they have a goofy side that loves to laugh.
Some people see Taurus men as these stick-in-the-mud types who never have any fun, but that couldn't be further from the truth!
Taurus men love to do things that make them happy, and they love a good laugh. It's easy for the bull to become lost in responsibilities and forget how important laughter is, so if you know any good jokes, share them with your Taurus! You can easily find things that appeal to your Taurus man by taking a look at the placement of certain planets in his natal chart!
#20 - Taurus is not forgiving when they’ve been betrayed. In fact, they might just burn your playground down.
This one is pretty self explanatory, and it’s truly no joke. Taurus men don’t take well to being betrayed by someone they let close enough to gain their trust.
Taurus men are by no means perfect, but they are loyal and can’t stand being in the company of those who lacking in loyalty.
Much like his Scorpio polarity, the Taurus man will spare no expense when it comes to exacting some much deserved revenge.
It takes a lot to push a peace-loving Taurean this far, and luckily, with a little help from his natal chart you can learn how to avoid pushing your Taurus into “vengeful mode.”
#21 - If you sit around waiting for a Taurus to call you might miss your chance with them.
Taurus men are men of action, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to make the first call or the first move. It’s quite common for Taurus men to play hard to get, as there’s nothing the Taurus personality loves more than knowing that his admirer (i.e. you) are so enthralled with him that you’re willing to chase him.
Taking that into consideration, don’t fall into the trap of sitting by the phone waiting for him to call or text. Figuring our when to initiate communication and what to say to get him to respond can be tricky, which is why I’ve actually written an entire bonus book on how to effectively communicate with your Taurus Man.
#22 - Like a bull grazing in a pasture, Taurus isn’t looking for a fight, but it would be a mistake his desires for peace as a weakness.
The Taurus man doesn’t walk around looking for trouble, actually, maintaining balance in all he does is probably somewhere on his list of daily goals. Just because the Taurus man likes peace and balance in his life doesn’t mean he’ll back down from a challenge. In fact, the bull can be ready to charge in a matter of seconds-should the right environmental elements present themselves.
#23 - Taurus may seem lazy, but the truth is they just can’t see the importance in some tasks so they choose to not do them.
I hear a lot that Taurus men are lazy, and I can totally see where that notion comes from, I do.
While these guys do have the propensity toward allowing themselves to overindulge in life’s luxuries, and it’s not uncommon to find that your Taurean friend or partner is less willing than most to jump in and take part in those little shit jobs nobody wants to do, it isn’t always laziness per se.
You see, Taurus men are among some of the most stubborn personalities in the Zodiac, and arguing with him the importance of doing or not doing a task is truly nothing more than an exercise in futility.
#24 - Empty words mean nothing to a Taurus, they can see through your bullshit.
Taurus men aren’t the best when it comes to communicating their thoughts and emotions, but that is not indicative of how accurate their BS radar is-And trust me, it’s on point!-Taureans are, for the most part, pretty grounded individuals.
Given that verbal communications aren’t so much his forte, the Taurus man definitely does not want to waste his energy and effort on empty words. Honesty and mutual respect is ultra important to the survival of Taurus relationships.
#25 - Taurus doesn't brag about what they’ve accomplished because they’re still out there accomplishing things.
Despite their latent laziness, Taurean personalities never stop working and moving toward their goals of financial stability and career success. Accomplishing goals and reinforcing their sense of stability and preparation for the future is are ongoing processes for the bull.
Where some people will accomplish a goal just to turn around and squander their spoils in celebration, the Taurus man is quick to move on to the next accomplishment on his list. It is this kind of approach to life that allows so many Taureans to amass wealth over their lifetimes.
#26 -Taurus isn’t looking to settle down with just anybody, they want to settle down with somebody who truly makes them feel something.
Deep down the Taurus man really wants to find the right woman to settle down and build a family with. He’s in no hurry to do this, however, as he wants to do it right the first time (even though most Taurus men go through at least one failed marriage before finding that perfect partner). One thing that is impossible to fake is chemistry. By analyzing his natal chart it becomes simple to tell what it takes to give him those special feels.
#27 - “If it isn’t broke don’t fix it” is a motto that Taurus can get behind.
Taurus men are not fans of change, nor are they fans of upgrading or improving upon things that seem to be working perfectly fine to begin with. Always ask before changing any element of your Taurus man’s day to day life-Once it’s broke, then you can fix it, until then keep your improvements and upgrades to yourself.
#28 - There are three things that a Taurus will fight you over: Food, Sleep, Money
Taurus men are all about balance, beauty, love, and enjoying life’s little luxuries, and when it comes down to it, your Taurus man isn’t afraid to fight for the things he finds most enjoyable in life-His food, his sleep, and his money.
A hungry Taurus is a cranky Taurus, and nobody wants that! Same goes for a sleepy Taurus, much less a sleepy AND hungry one.
Of course, it goes without saying that you don’t want to mess with his money flow. Disrupting any of these areas in your Taurus man’s life will leave you wondering where he’s gone and if he’s coming back.
#29 - There are very few things in this world that can intimidate the bull.
Taurus men are not easily intimidated, especially once he’s resolved to stand his ground. The size, strength, or magnitude of the one trying to intimidate him matters not. Much like an immovable object, you won’t see a Taurus back down from anyone, for any reason, not so long as he feels justified in the situation.
This goes back to his ability to stick with a goal or plan and see it through to completion-Think twice before getting into a strange contest with one of these guys!
#30 - Taurus doesn’t try to be the center of attention but has a presence that others cannot ignore.
The Taurus man would rather do just about anything besides be made the center of attention.
He really just wants to lie low and spend time with those who are important to him, yet often he finds himself to be the one others come to for advice or the one others dote on for this or that accomplishment.
In short, he really loves the attention he gets form you, but this is not the man you want to have the waiters and waitresses sign happy birthday to while the two of you are out for a birthday dinner. He needs his privacy and his personal space.
Now that we’ve gone through these 30 little secrets, you may be wondering what else you ned to know to get into your Taurus man’s head and heart.
I wish you all the very best in life and love, and I hope to be able to assist you along the path you’ve chosen, exploring the nature of the Taurus man.
May the stars ever be on your side,
Your friend and Relationship Astrologer,