25 Surprises to Make Your Taurus Man Feel Special
From the start, I want to clarify the idea of surprises here.
While Tauruses like to surprise other people (often in very shocking ways!), they themselves hate surprises. Hate ‘em. At their core, a Taurus needs structure, organization, and ritual. Their lives need to be predictable, so full-on spontaneity is anathema to their peace of mind. However, there are things, and their manner of presentation, that can get them to loosen up a bit.
To help you understand this list better and help you think outside this 25 point box, let’s look at some core qualities of The Bull that define their character and why these “surprises” show that you really put thought into them (which is the one true “pleasant surprise” to a Taurus):
Timeless and classic. There is something “old school” about Taureans and the things they like. They could be dressed in the most modern or casual style, but in their bearing, their poise, and mannerisms, there’s a hint of the 1920s, ‘30s, or ‘40s.
Durability. While many Bulls are avid collectors of things, their focus is on quality more than quantity. As one of their core features is endurance, they appreciate things that are built to last. Luxurious. This goes somewhat hand in hand with tenacity. It’s simply a fact that most things that are more expensive are more long lasting.
Organization, structure, and ritual. Taurii are never in a hurry, but they’re usually on time. They also “present well” as a result, and you can bet that they’ve practiced their presentation a few times.
That’s enough to start with, now how about that list?
1. Buy Him an Old Style Shaving Kit.
Taurus men and women alike are very well-groomed. They also love ritual and routine. Put these two together, and they’re in heaven. And really, once the skill is learned, it’s true that there is no closer shave (or more luxurious) than what you get from the soap, brush, bowl, and...well, it’s your choice whether a straight razor or a double-edged safety razor would be best. And what could be more old school “manly” than drawing a straight edge across his face like the gangsters and cowboys did? Ummm, no, not the hunting knife...
2. Give Him A Massage, or Treat Him to A Professional.
For that matter, you might be surprised at how this “manly” guy would go for a manicure or pedicure. Pro Tip: If he starts talking “real men have calluses,” remind him that very powerful men, business men, do this all the time so they can look their best. Again, this is all about looking good and being pampered on top of that.
Tauruses are very sensual creatures; they may not speak much verbally, but they communicate volumes with their bodies. If you pay attention to how they react to your touch, you’ll know where the sore spots are. The thing is, many Taurus men like to put on a tough exterior; which while it holds up like rhino hide to harsh treatment, that toughness dissolves into jelly with a soft touch. They are also among the world’s worst about manifesting their internal stress (and they do carry a lot usually) into muscle soreness. Just make sure if you have “plans for him” that night, that he doesn’t get too relaxed. A slumbering Bull can be hard to wake up.
3. Buy Him A Pocket Watch – The Kind with the Chain.
And if you can still find one that you have to wind up, so much the better. Sure, these things may not get much air play these days, but even if he never uses it, you can bet that it will be kept somewhere special and appreciated. While it may seem to be an impractical gift to give to a very practical sign, there is something much more special about these timepieces than keeping track of time. The material, the craftsmanship, the feat of engineering behind all the gears; these are things that can’t be matched by its digital counterparts. And the fact that it doesn’t run on batteries is also important.
Behind the eyes of every Taurean lies one singular fear: the fear of chaos, disorder, disharmony, anarchy. It is, in fact, about as strong as their love for order and harmony. It was probably a Taurus who wrote the first story about the collapse of civilization, or zombie apocalypses, or many other distopian spins on a post- apocalyptic world. More than a few Bulls, I’m sure, have bug-out bags, or at the very least, are prepared on some level for that crisis.
It’s quite likely that batteries would be among the first things we would run out of in that possibility. The wind-up watch has a two-fold benefit for the Taurus: He won’t have to deal with the chaotic, perhaps violent looting masses just to get watch batteries, and he’ll have one more feather in his cap as one of the guys who rebuilds society, by being able to still tell time well after every other watch and clock are done for. He can probably already build a sundial to set it by. Yes, Taurus men have this kind of stuff going on in their minds all the time.
At the very least, having developed the routine of winding and setting it frequently, he won’t have to deal with an unexpected dead battery and find himself late for an appointment.
4. Buy Him A Nice (Leather, At Least) Wallet, or Even Better, A Money Clip
What a great marriage of opulence and the smell and feel of leather a wallet is! For many men out there, where they put their IDs, credit/debit cards, family pictures, and wads of cash is an afterthought. Not so for a Taurus. Apart from their home, and maybe their car, this is the center of everything they hold dear. As such, it should have a posh (and well protected!) case.
For a Taurus, you should pull out all the stops when it’s time for a new wallet. Just enough sleeves for all their cards, plus 2 or 3 more, just in case. Just enough family photo sleeves for everyone. RFID protection is a must. Can it be locked somehow while retaining a classy design? Can it be waterproof and keep that? Too bad there’s not a chain feature that isn’t tacky...
By the way, you’ll never see a “wad” of cash on a Taurus. It’s either a stack or a roll. Those hold together well enough by themselves, but really, who can deny that a tasteful metal money clip would turn up the class in the room?
5. Buy Him A New Shirt, Tie, or Jacket.
Of course, this one’s on every “Surprise Your Taurus” list, but it’s certainly a no-fail. But there are rules. He is not a fashion victim, and would probably closet anything that would look fabulous on a Leo. Stick with the constant styles, not the trends. Subdued colors, usually earth tones or jewel tones. You can venture into pinstripes and patterns, but remember: if it’s louder than his speaking voice, it will just hang in his closet and won’t even be thrown away out of fear of offending you.
Another thing, they don’t do synthetics very well. Natural fibers are the way to go; cotton and silk on the skin (maybe leather, it depends), and wool, leather, and suede for jackets (business jackets can be silk). Generally speaking, they don’t get along well with wool sweaters, but they might just wear them to make you happy.
6. Go For A Drive in the Country
Not all Taurus surprises are about buying them stuff, it’s just easier to spring merch on them. Besides, it sounds awfully high dollar, right? Now for something less expensive and more “together,” taking a drive in the country (a well-prepared one, of course) is great on so many levels. The Earth Signs, especially Taurus, like to get away from the city every once in a while. There really doesn’t have to be a goal to it, just enjoy the humming of the tires, the clean air, and the rolling pasture lands. You might stop by some roadside tourist traps for amusement. Or have one long comfortable silence. Or...
7. Have A Picnic
Tauruses love good food & good company. They love (well cultivated) nature. There are so many things you can do in this setting. Watching the sunset should have its own spot, but I promised only 25. Read poetry to each other (yeah, that one, too). He could play you a funny song on his ukelele. Spend time in each other’s arms. If there’s a pond with a rowboat, you’ve hit the bonus round!
Now, you might be thinking that camping is a good idea from having a picnic. It really isn’t, not usually. Tauruses don’t really “rough it” very well. They gripe about mosquitoes and freak out about ticks. It’s too wet, too cold, too dry, too hot. They want a bigger tent, but aren’t usually very helpful about setting it up or taking it down. They can barbecue like nobody’s business, but starting a campfire is something else entirely. Now, if you had a camper trailer with a stove and air conditioning...the bed would probably be too hard. Never mind.
8. Plan A Surprise Date. Carefully.
Tauruses love culture, but you have to realize that exposing them to things outside of their declared tastes is risky business. I’ve said elsewhere that they’re easily suspicious about you “trying to change them,” and this is one of those areas that can come up. Opening their minds is a gradual thing...to get to Frank Sinatra from Disturbed takes a lot of Richard Cheese’s lounge cover of “Down With The Sickness.”
With that said, the zoo and most museums are a safe bet for a great time together. Standup comedy: probably the best for both of you. Comedy works really well for him, especially if it’s slapstick ridiculousness. But what about romance? Or drama? The thing to know about romantic movies is to find one that’s not uncomfortably a “chick flick” to him. For drama/suspense, two words summarize their taste: Stanley Kubrick. Peter Jackson is also a big deal there: as long as the sets and panoramic sweeps suggest vastness, then you should be okay. If terror’s your bag, then something claustrophobic like “As Above So Below,” “The Descent,” or the classic “Alien” will give him nightmares. And, of course, post-apocalyptic (zombie and otherwise) will give him chills.
9. Go on A Historical or Architectural Tour
If Leos are suckers for Celebrity Tours and Scorpios are all about graveyard and haunted tours, then historical sites and stunning architecture do it for Taurus. This does not mean necessarily that you should go to Egypt, embark on a grand tour of Europe’s castles and cathedrals, or kiss at the top of the Eiffel Tower. Those are great ideas if you can afford them, but often enough, you don’t have to drive more than an hour or two to find some place with historical significance (even your town’s historical district will do). It’s something of an odd, but charming thing I’ve noticed about Taurus men. They seem to be nostalgic for a time and place that they never lived in.
The same is true for someplace architecturally significant. Not every Taurus is an amateur architect or engineer, but in their heart of hearts, they’re builders, and they appreciate on a soul level the beauty of a design, and the work it must have taken to create it. Your town may not have the Hagia Sophia, but most people have access to older city districts with cathedral-style churches, or an old bus station in the art deco style. For bonus points, if you know the story or even an urban legend about a building, tell him the story while you explore the building! Tauruses love stories, and don’t care whether they’re real or not. I had a customer in Oklahoma City who took his Taurus girlfriend through the concourse under downtown OKC. Unremarkable, really, except that by my advice, he told her the urban legend behind these underground tunnels; that back in the 1920s, it was one of the two largest opium dens in North America, then it became an underground homeless community, and that the reason so much of it is shut off is that they’re still clearing out all the stuff that had built up there over the years. The story itself wasn’t my idea, but he thanked me nonetheless for helping him make a very mundane (and edgy for her) walk into one of her most memorable dates.
10. Game With Him
Whether he plays cards, chess, Monopoly, D&D, or Warcraft, if your relationship is going to go anywhere, you must game, too, because the games sure aren’t going anywhere. Many people believe the stereotype that Tauruses are slow-witted and perhaps a bit dense. The truth is, they simply think differently than most people. Clever phrases? Using clinical words to sound official when insulting someone? None for the Taurus, thanks. While everyone on the Internet is striving for “viral status,” Taurus is quietly planning ahead. Strategizing. Campaigning.
As they live their life, so they play, much of the time. They may not be a monster charades player, or win the lightning round of anything, but when it comes to games of empire building, of war and tactics, where there’s a long haul, they truly shine. Even more importantly, it’s something they have control over, a mini-vacation from the rigors of the real world. While, of course, Tauruses love their alone time, sharing this time with them and complimenting their talent scores huge points for you. One of the best compliments for a Taurus (say he just beat you at Halo) is “Soldiers win battles. Generals win wars.”
11. “Netflix and Chill.”
In all likelihood, he already has a Netflix membership. In fact, it was probably a Taurus who invented the very loaded pickup line “Netflix and chill?” Tauruses are notorious couch potatoes. Notorious cuddlers, too. And notorious for that cuddling to lead to other things. There certainly have been worse forms of relationship bonding. Or lead-ins to sex, for that matter.
Now, if he (oddly) doesn’t have Netflix, easy enough, get him a membership. It goes back to that control thing they have. He gets to watch whatever he wants in marathon mode. If they don’t have a show he wants, there’s always Hulu. If he does already have Netflix or Hulu, fit the bill for any upgrades that look appealing. Add a screen for his project nights, since you know he’ll want a TV going for background noise anyway, and it gives you something to do in the meanwhile.
12. Get Him A Snuggie or Two
Everyone laughs at the Snuggie. Until they put one on. Yes, they’re the most godawful ugly thing out there. There’s nothing stylish or sexy about them, but yet...they are probably the most cozy comfort lying around the house item out there. There was a comedy skit some time back featuring Ron Jeremy and another adult film star hanging out in Snuggies, even refusing to shoot their films because they didn’t want to get out of their Snuggies. How much more endorsement do you need than that for your Taurus?
13. Buy Him an Overstuffed Chair or Sofa
This one, without argument, will take some major coin to do. Then there’s the likely issue that he already has one; a very worn one, but it’s his favorite chair. Here we go back to the principle of making him think it’s his idea. Offer to take him shopping for another recliner. He tests them and decides which one he wants, you pay for it.
True, there’s not much of a surprise there, and even the part where you have the two for a while, let him see them side by side, let him “customize” the new one & decide to get rid of the old one isn’t really blindsiding him with this gift. What IS the surprise is that you didn’t do the typical thing of nagging him about how awful his favorite chair looks, that it needs to be replaced, and so on. By the way, it’s never a good approach to tell a Taurus man that his favorite thing is ugly, “dem’s fightin’ words.”
14. Have Karaoke Nights
Maybe you have a karaoke machine or a karaoke app on your phone, maybe you don’t. But this one really made some great nights between me and my Taurus. I’m not a great singer, I know that, but I’m a huge Gemini extrovert. He, on the other hand, is a fabulous singer, and it’s always great to see him show off every once in a while.
Most performance expressions, like dancing, spoken word, acting, and standup comedy, are almost painfully bashful moments for Tauruses. It’s not that they’re bad at them or anything, but self- consciousness makes them clumsy, chokes them up, or whatever. They get in their own way.
15. Invest in Musical Instruments
Whether as collectors or players, Tauruses love musical instruments, even if they have not learned to play a single note. Most of them have learned, or are naturals, but even if that’s not the case, especially with older instruments, it goes right back to their appreciation of craftsmanship. From the woodcarving to the machining, from tonality to resonance, a Taurus knows a well- crafted instrument when he sees one.
16. Shop for Vinyl Records
If hipsters are why LPs are making a comeback, it’s been Tauruses that have kept LPs around long enough for it to happen. Make no mistake, Tauruses love their CDs and MP3 lists. But to really see them get emotional about music without taking them to a live performance, LPs are the way to go. You had them at “analog.” You kept them with that “warmth” they always talk about. Great, so LPs are still around, what about a turntable, aren’t those off the market?
It just so happens that turntables are alive and well on eBay, Amazon, and other websites. So are cleaners and replacement needles. Maybe your Taurus man has all the Vinyl he could ever want (not likely), but let’s say his player has seen better days or bit the dust. You see where this is going...
17. Take An Active Interest in His Collectibles
...Maybe buy him a few here and there, but to do it right, you have to know a thing or two. This entry should actually be the first in the list, and more accurately it should be titled “Take An Active Interest in His Hobbies.” The first rule of loving a Taurus is, ultimately, getting involved in his hobbies. And his collectibles are of prime importance here; this is a proof of your sincerity.
For our purposes, you don’t have to nerd out on them like he does. He may have several collections going, so first, find out what’s most important to him. Next, find out what he already has. Tauruses don’t really care about having a mass volume of stuff; they’re collectors, not hoarders.
Once you know what he has, look for what he doesn’t have. You may or may not buy it for him, it’s the keeping an eye out for it that counts. Sometimes it’s as easy as knowing that he has X-Men #49, 50, 52, 53 and keeping an eye out for #51. Sometimes, there’s that one legendary Precious Moments figurine that mysteriously disappeared when lightning struck The Precious Moments Chapel in Carthage, Missouri.
18. Tauruses and Model Kits
The most frequent idea that comes to mind here is the plastic airplanes, cars, and ships that one glues together, paints, and slaps some decals on. While they are included, we’re also talking about model train sets, ships in bottles, model rockets, and, sure, RC cars, boats, and planes. We’ve already established that Tauruses love to build things, so this is a no-brainer.
You may not have the hands, time, or patience for building models, but that’s okay. An appreciation for the time, energy, and skill it took to build them will suffice. Maybe an occasional purchase of supplies or a kit. If you want to have a project to do together, this is where the model rockets and RC vehicles really come into play. You don’t have to build a thing; that’s his department. However, the both of you can drive, race, launch, or fly these models together. It’s a win-win.
19. Books For Your Bull
Books aren’t something many people think of when it comes to Taurus, and that’s a shame, because they’re actually avid readers, usually. It’s all a matter of content, and believe it or not, there are many educational non-fiction books in their list, and it might surprise you. It’s easy to assume that they like Westerns, and many do. It’s that nostalgia for a time and place they’ve never been, where “men were men” and traditional values were thenorm. But that’s a superficial view of Taurus, and one that could win little more appreciation than a polite smile, a terse thanks, and one day you find it on a used book shelf.
Let’s start with “filler” books. Those are the underwater basket weaving how-to’s, the Reader’s Digest compilations, and all the books people have in their libraries that are never read and serve no real purpose but to make their libraries look larger. Bulls have them too, but they’re far more ornamental than your ICD-8 medical coding book, or those paperback Westerns. And that’s just it: if the comprehensive Louis L’Amour collection came in leather hardback editions with gold leaf on the spines, then they would have been sold to a used book store.
But what do Tauruses really like? What do they actually read? To start with, they love the classics of literature like “Great Expectations” and “Treasure Island.” “Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit?” Especially. The theme of the hero persevering through long trials is well appreciated by Tauruses. You might also find “Atlas Shrugged,” “Gone With the Wind,” pretty much anything by Jack London, and yes, probably some Louis L’Amour.
Tauruses are the quintessential planners of the zodiac. There are two schools of thought in astrology that put them as essential leaders or essential followers, but all that can honestly be said is that they make things happen. Especially since so many of them are loners. It should be no surprise if you find “The Art of War,” “The Book of Five Rings,” “The Prince” by Macchiavelli, or “The Art of Worldly Wisdom” by Balthasar Gracian. Strategy and planning are important to Tauruses, and if any of these classics are missing, you know what to buy next.
Tauruses are likely to also have lots of “how-tos,” “diy’s,” and “for dummies” books on their shelves, especially if it’s on the subject of building things, raising animals, and growing plants. Come to think of it, “cultivate” is another great keyword to have in mind when you want to show a Taurus that you “get” them. This keyword implies another Taurus pet concept: codes of behavior. He may have on his shelf “Emily Post’s Etiquette,” or Amy Vanderbilt’s “Complete Book of Etiquette,” but does he have “The Bro Code?” “The Art of Manliness?” Or one of my Taurus’ favorites, “The Modern Gentleman” by Phineas Mollod & Jason Tesauro. While it’s true that they invest a lot of stock in being old style “manly,” they appreciate some tongue in cheek humor about it. Also, books on chivalry, bushido, and other such codes of conduct will be cherished. In fact, your Taurus may have something of a samurai mentality about many things, assuming he has a huge Scorpio streak as well.
20. Nothing Validates “Manliness” Like Tools
For many of us ladies, buying power tools for our man is very non-intuitive. It’s in the same ballpark as if he bought us a new mop, or stove, or washer/dryer set for our birthday. But rule number one in understanding a Taurus (anyone really, but especially Taurii) is that you can’t project how you would feel in their shoes, usually. Case in point here: while many ladies would go into a bra-burning frenzy if gifted a washer/dryer set, a Taurus man would think he died and went to heaven if you bought him a quality set of new tools.
A core principle of manliness to them is that men fix and build things. Since this is an important concept to them, a gift of new tools is a validation of their manliness.
21. Tauruses Love and Need Organization.
If a Taurus man’s “workspace” ever seems messy or cluttered, it’s usually best to not clean it because the mess is actually active or queued projects. It isn’t readily apparent to the untrained eye, but that pile is the result of him having collected all the tools and materials he needs for his project. With that said, if you have a more efficient organization system in mind, you could win some points here.
A word of caution, though. You are entering sacred ground and commenting on sacred rites here. In other words, have the whole thing planned out start to finish, and have it in PowerPoint if necessary. Tauruses are well known for their stubbornness, but they can be won over. You just have to be a bit Taurus in your presentation. If your plan and its presentation is unfinished or “half-baked,” no matter how much better it is, you will hit a brick wall every time. The presentation is important because the polish you put on it shows them how much thought and work you’ve put into your idea.
22. Appeal to Their Appetites with Decadent Food and Drink
Tauruses are an odd bunch, and this is a place where they can be hard to figure out. On one hand, they can lounge on the couch eating potato chips all day, and on the other, they can be straight up epicurean. In both cases, they are indulging in their own brand of decadence. While overall, we want to keep their diets healthy, a bit of excess is good for the Taurus soul. It’s all in how we define “excess.”
Tauruses like to feel naughty sometimes, and a good channel for that is in their food and drink. You could, I suppose, bake the occasional “Baked Death by Chocolate Alaska,” but this naughtiness can be channeled into the occasional caviar appetizers, a sushi night, or choosing gouda cheese over American slices on his ham sandwiches. The point is indulgence, not unhealthiness.
Alcohol is another thing. Many Tauruses aren’t regular, much less heavy, drinkers. Some are, of course, but it’s because their indulgence instinct is misguided. But by and large, the value of what you buy will exceed the cost in proportion to the quality of what you’re buying. Whiskeys and brandys are their favorites, and the more aged, rare, and perhaps artisan it is, the better, and the longer they will stay on the shelf.
Pro Tip: With their general fascination of old school masculinity, martinis seem like a no-brainer because of Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra. Wanna really score some points? Substitute the gin or vodka for Canadian whiskey to make a Manhattan. It’s that extra “tough guy” touch.
23. Is He A Smoker? Buy Him A Meerschaum.
Just like with drinking, you probably won’t find many Taurus smokers. Contrary to popular belief, Taurus men and women don’t get addicted to substances very easily. It’s the habit, the activity, the ritual of consuming substances that’s hard to break.
Especially if that ritual is one they use to get to a relaxed but focused, yet thoughtful mindspace. And there’s a very good chance based on this that your Taurus might be a pipe smoker.
This is quite possibly one of the biggest areas of frustration for ladies and their Taurus men. Especially if the lady herself is trying to quit smoking, she will want her partner to quit. This is simply a losing battle with a Taurus man. Instead, let’s improve the quality of his ritual. Upgrade his standard pipe to a meerschaum. Get him to experiment toward better smelling tobaccos. Buy him a smoking jacket.
Pro tip: names to look for in pipes are John B. Stetson and Ferrari Dino, and you can buy these used for pennies on the dollar.
24. If Non-Smoking is “In The Cards,” Consider A Vaping Kit
Let’s say that he’s in a place where he’s decided to stop smoking. We already know that his problem is more about breaking a habit than quitting an addiction, so what can we do about that? Let’s talk about vaping. Inhaling nicotine vapor instead of smoke has come a long way since it first started. There were the early models that looked something like an asthma inhaler. Then there were e-cigs. From there, cigar and pipe models, and then a wide variety of products that aren’t even pretending to be smoking devices at all!
It would ultimately be best to let them choose their device themselves, but if you’re going to spring it on him, here are some pointers. Don’t buy anything from a gas station, they’re low quality, often faulty, and ultimately junk in his eyes. In fact, the “pen models” in general should be avoided for that reason. E-cigs, cigars, or pipes? Forget it! Just like with vegetarian burgers, he’ll turn his nose up at them in a heartbeat with “If I wanted X, I would use X, and not some pretend chintzy make-believe substitute.” Your best options are shopping at a Vape Store or website. There are plenty of models out there that would appeal to his Taurus sensibilities: Sturdy, heavy, dull...err, lowkey!
25. Approaching the Legendary Taurus Kinkiness
If you’ve ever read about the zodiac signs outside of the newspaper, you’ve probably checked out how they all are in bed. So...Taurus is supposed to be kind of kinky, but you haven’t seen it yet? Okay, here’s the thing.
Tauruses have to be drawn out of their shells. Second only to their fear of the grid collapsing is their fear of rejection, especially in this area. So you’ll have to take the lead on this one.
The second thing to understand is that Tauruses love to indulge their senses, and the more of them that get indulged at the same time, so much the better. But this does not necessarily mean leather harnesses and whips and chains, either. Try the mink glove before the paddle, if you want to explore their kinky side. Better yet, let’s start with some pretty lingerie. On you, not them. At least to start with.
If exploring bondage and pain is something you want, it’s best to get a feel for their taste for it before diving in. If you ask, you’re likely to get a “no,” but if you’re subtle about it, you can find out what he really thinks. Chances are, if your Taurus male likes BDSM, he’s in the submissive role. It is, after all, about sensation to him. So when you kiss him, bite his lip. Tug his hair. Use your fingernails a little. He’ll let you know if it’s “game on.”
An addendum on tattoos: Tattoos are a pretty commonplace thing these days; you’re not considered to be kinky or societal fringe nearly as much as you used to for having one. This is also a great way to see how your Taurus man is about having some thorns in his roses. Propose that you two get matching tattoos, preferably somewhere discreet. If he already has tattoos, he’s for sure going to go for this surprise. After all, what he wants is a forever relationship, and what says commitment more than having matching permanent ink?
These ideas, of course, are meant to be launching points for your own ideas. After all, you know your Taurus man more than I do. While they are great ideas for any Taurus, my biggest hope is that along the way, I’ve shown you a few traits of your Taurus man that can lead you to more personal ideas than you can get on a simple list. Enjoy!
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May the stars be on your side,