HOW TO MAKE YOUR LDR SUCCESSFUL ... And Melt The Distance Away
Long distance relationships are no always fun to be in, in fact, sometimes they’re downright painful and make you wonder why you put yourself through so much stress and emotional agony.
You want to be with your Taurus man, that’s why you got into a relationship with him in the first place, right? Well, sometimes it’s just not possible and you save to be separated for some amount of time, throwing you into the dreaded LDR (long distance relationship).
It comes as no surprise that you need to know how to keep the magic alive while you and your guy are separated, and this book in my Advanced Taurus Man Secrets series is dedicated to just that. In the following pages, I’ll show you how you can make this LDR with your Taurus man work, I’ll even show you how to use this as an opportunity to make your relationship together even stronger than it was before. And, if you started your relationship at a distance, I’ll show you how to build on what you have and create the relationship you want and need.
Maybe your man is in the military and his orders have caused a separation in your physical union, maybe you are away at college, or he is, and you want to make it last until you’ve graduated, or maybe it’s your work or personal situation that’s pulled you away from him. Whatever the case may be, there are lots of ways you can make the most of your time spent apart and make it count when you are back together again.
How you handle the little things can have a big impact on the success of your LDR, but with a little insight and a lot of confidence in your partner and our relationship, you can be one of the lucky ones who master the dreaded long distance relationship.
Now, what I’ve done in creating this book is compiled a listing of things clients with Taurus men have related to me and asked me during private readings. I’ve put years of information and knowledge into creating this handbook for you, so that you can avoid some of the pitfalls I’ve seen couples wind up tripping on.
Now, let’s get to it and explore how you can find success in love with your Taurus man, even if you aren’t in the same location right now.
Understanding Different Types of Long Distance Relationships
Before you can begin to understand how your long distance relationship works, you need to know what kind of LDR you’re involved in. Now, I know that may sound silly, but hear me out, I promise I'm going somewhere with this.
No relationships are made up of two completely unique individuals, and all of their personal baggage. These two people get together and suddenly they have couple-baggage. Throw in that fact that these two people are supposed to remain faithful to one another despite the fact that they aren't able to physically be with their partner, and things can start to become complicated.
Each LDR scenario comes with it's own set of rules, which is why it's important to discern what LDR category you and your Taurus man fall into. Now, of course there are no hard and fast "rules" to love, perhaps we should instead refer to these as guidelines to LDR success. Below we'll explore the different types of long distant relationships and how to know which one you are involved in.
The “Strictly Long Distance Relationship”
Maybe you met your Taurus man in the internet and you've really hit it off, the only problem is that he lives in California and you live in Texas. You've invested what feels like an adequate amount of time getting to know one another, and now you've developed actual feelings for one another. Now you're faced with the dilemma of how to resolve your problem and eliminate the distance between the two of you.
Believe it or not, this is actually one of the most difficult LDR situations I hear about. I mean, think about it, if you've never had a "no distance" relationship you both have your entire lives rooted in different places, and you don't really have any history with each other to go off of. You may even wonder sometimes if your Taurus man is who he says he is. Which, well, I'm sure you've investigated this enough to feel confident that he's the man he says he is.
There are ways to get around the obvious issue of distance, but when you fall in love without the benefit of having your partner there with you physically, there is a lot that you miss out on. The little subtle nuances are lost on the both of you, and you're forced to rely on technology to provide you with intimate moments shared on a screen or during a phone call.
If you fall into this category, don't worry, there is hope, and we will go further into the options you have to make your relationship a success.
The “Seems Like Forever Separation”
When you’re in love every moment spent apart from your man feels like an eternity, and even the shortest distance can seem like a million miles when it’s keeping you from being together.
Maybe things were going great and your husband or boyfriend is military and he’s given orders to relocate, maybe your husband got a great new job offer, but the catch is he has to go do three months of training at some other corporate location-There are a million different situations that can create the need for your man to have to spend some time elsewhere, and really, the why is not as important as the way you handle the situation while it’s happening.
In this situation, the most important thing to remember is that nothing about your separation is permanent. As we go through the chapters of this book, I’ll show you how you can make the most of your time apart and make the time you have together better than it ever was when you were together all of the time.
The “I’m Sorry But I Have To Go” LDR
In this scenario it’s you who’s had to be the one to leave your man behind. It isn’t only the guys who find themselves in situations that force them to leave home, sometimes it’s us, and these relationships can be more difficult than if it were your man who had to go.
The reason these relationships are so difficult is because, as a woman, you feel guilt for leaving your man behind, and fear that someone else is going to come and take your place in his heart. The key to handling a lot of your problems within this relationship comes from not allowing yourself to feel guilty. If you have a plan with your man and you stick to it, and you follow the guidelines outlined in this book, you’ll not only create a successful, loving relationship, you can also free yourself from that nasty guilt reaction you get every time you have to go.
This is a tricky situation to navigate your way through, and how you handle things with your man will depend on whether or not you have a family together and where you are at in your relationship.
How committed you are is a biggie here for both of you, but there are lots of ways to keep the spark alive, even when you are off traveling, working, taking care of family duties, or whatever has pulled you away from your relationship.
The “Here and Then Gone” Relationship
A lot of couples live with the reality that one or both partners have to travel for their work. Their career success depends on staying on the road, seeing clients or doing whatever it is that they do professionally. The time spans spent separated can range from a few days to a few months, maybe even a year or more, but there are little bits of down time where you see one another in-between jobs.
People who work jobs like truck drivers, pilots, foreign consulting specialists, etc...These folks live lives where things are always changing and often the one thing that remains stable throughout all that is their relationship. It acts as an anchor of stability in their lives and gives them a sense of “home.”
These relationships actually have some of the highest success rates, but you have to have the right attitude and outlook to make it work.
Now that you know what type of LDR you’re dealing with, let’s explore some of the basics of making this work.
How To Know If You Can Handle The LDR Lifestyle
It’s important to understand the things that go into a successful long distance relationship, and to determine whether or not you are someone who can handle the separation. Some people just can’t make it work, and that’s ok. Then again, some people are better with long distance relationships than they are traditional relationships, and that’s ok too.
Here’s some questions to ask yourself that can help reveal whether or not you’ll be able to handle a LDR with your Taurus man, or questions to ask yourself about your Taurus man to see if he can handle the time you spend apart:
Do you need constant reassurance and contact with your man?
If you are someone who needs to be able to see and touch your partner at any time, day or night, the LDR lifestyle probably isn’t the best option for you. Some people need more nurturing and stability than your typical LDR can offer.
Now, if you do need constant reassurance, there are probably some internal issues that need to be resolved or dealt with before you can find complete happiness in any relationship, long distance or not. But, if you just can’t stand the thought of having to be separated from your partner and deal with all that hassle, you should think long and hard before agreeing to enter into a relationship where you’re faced with the issue of having a lot of distance between you and your mate.
Most Taurus men don’t need constant reassurance so much as they need to know that their partner is faithful and loving. If your Taurus man is more needy than most, it will be especially important to do little things to let him know he’s the only man in your world, even when there are miles separating you.
Are you able to make a plan and stick to it to achieve a goal?
If so, you can probably handle dealign with a long distance relationship. Really, the whole premise of having a successful LDR is being able to make it through the tough times and reach that ever-illusive goal of eliminating the distance between the two of you. If you’re the type who just loves to tackle a big goal or problem, you can probably handle the ups and downs of dealing with the distance.
And, as an added bonus, you get the opportunity to work together with your guy toward a common goal of loving one another and making it work.
Taurus men are slow and methodical with just about everything they do, and being able to stick on the chosen course and follow through with set plans or goals is one of your Taurus man’s best assets. This makes the “goal” aspect of your LDR that much more doable, as long as you are both on the same page, of course.
Are You Dedicated To Making Your Relationship Last?
When it comes down to it, the biggest factor in making your LDR last is your own dedication to your relationship and your determination to make it work. If you are dedicated and you have the right attitude, not even distance will be able to keep you apart.
If you can’t imagine life without your Taurus man, but life offers no way around having to deal with the separation for a while, then you really have no choice but to stick it out and deal with the heartache long enough to eliminate the distance that stands between you.
Luckily for you, Taurus men are steadfast, salt of the earth type of guys, who, when dedicated to something, especially a partner or relationship, can ride out just about any storm to make their relationship work out. Of course, again (and I can’t stress this enough), LDR success depends entirely on attitude and how you approach the situation. That goes for both you and your Taurus man.
Common Problems All LDR Couples Face
Whatever your zodiac sign, there are a few common problems that all LDR couples are faced with at some point. Here, we’ll go through some of these issues that can come up, as well as LDR problems that I’ve found to be specific to Taurus men.
You go into the separation with the wrong attitude
As with everything in life, you have very little chance of succeeding if you don’t believe you can do it. If you are so distraught by the very idea of being separated from your Taurus man that you start to let your emotions take control, you can end up in a downward spiral rather quickly.
You know it’s going to be tough, you can already envision all of the other women he’s going to come into contact with, and you think he’s amazing, why wouldn’t they?
That little voice in the back of your head starts telling you he’s going to cheat, or he will lose interest without you being there, and within moments you’ve got a rolodex in your head full of all the terrible things that can happen as a result of your separation —That little voice is what’s going to bring you to defeat, so you MUST make a point to NOT listen.
If you want your LDR to have any chance of success, you’ve got to become your relationships biggest cheerleader. You have to KNOW that you’re going to make it, and you’ve got to have that attitude of, “We can do this,” and then you can. If you let that little voice take over and you take on the attitude of, “Great, my relationship is doomed, this is never going to work,” then guess what? It won’t.
You look at the separation as being 100% negative
I know, I know, it seems like the worst thing ever to have your man tell you he’s leaving and you need to hold down the fort while he’s away. All sorts of insecurities can pop up and really wreak havoc with your psyche.
All of the sudden you hate other couples you see on the streets. You hate tv shows and movies with love stories in them. You have no interest in hearing about what your girlfriends did on their date night last week. You just generally hate life and you’ve decided that you’ll be positive again only after your man returns.
This is a HUGE mistake. You've got to remember, you are his anchor and what he looks forward to seeing when he comes home. If you are constantly reminding him of all the negative aspects of your relationship now that you're temporarily (remember that word--TEMPORARILY) separated, he's going to look less and less forward to coming home and spending time with you.
When this happens and you begin to take your relationship woes out on one another, that's when things really start to go south.
So, how to combat this strong emotional response. As they say, fake it till you make it. Even if you aren't feeling upbeat or happy about your current situation, a little positivity can go a long way.
Now, if you are the one who's left your man behind to keep the home fires burning, this still applies. No matter what side of the fence you're standing on, a negative attitude will only bring you AND your relationship down, and neither of you wants that. So perk up, smile, and remind him of all the positive points of you relationship to make him want to come back and be around you.
You Always Feel Like The Fifth Wheel When You Go Out With Friends
If you and your partner usually go out with friends together, but now you're faced with being the odd-man-out and it makes you feel like a fifth wheel, it can really drive home the fact that you feel lonely. This is almost certain to happen, but it doesn't have to be so bad.
Your friends may not realize how it makes you feel to go out and do couple things when your other half isn't around. The odds are they're really trying to bring you out of your funk, and out of the house. Rather than focusing on the whole fifth wheel thing, try to enjoy the moments you have with good company. Spend time with people who know your situation and who care about your happiness.
Being in a long distance relationship gives you the rare opportunity to perhaps come into your own more and maybe explore things your guys isn't all that into. If your friends insist on going out, and you've been wanting to try a bowling night but your man hasn't really been into that idea, use this time to offer that up as an activity you can do together. It'll take your mind off of being sad, and you'll get to enjoy things your guy isn't all that into without worrying if he's having a good time.
If you have a tight-knit group of friends, your Taurus man will very likely just be happy that you are out enjoying yourself instead of waiting by the phone at home, sad that he's not by your side. Remember--It IS ok to enjoy yourself while he's gone. In fact, he wants you to. He doesn't want to be the reason you stay home and don't enjoy life anymore. I mean, he wants you to wait for him, but at the same time he wants you to keep living your life.
LDR Problems Specific To Taurus Men
While everything we've discussed so far applies to your Taurus man, there are some elements of the LDR that apply more to a Taurus man than they would to, say, a Gemini man, or an Aries man. These are things that maybe other people don't realize, but other people really don't matter in this scenario; you are what matters to him.
Your Taurus man is a homebody, and the odds are very good that he isn't all that thrilled at the idea of being so far from him home and family. This can really weigh on his mind, especially when he's feeling home sick or just plain old missing you.
Believe it or not, your Bull is a sensitive soul, and he hates knowing that he's causing you to be unhappy. He wants to give you the world, which is probably part of why he's not there with you in the first place.
Taurus men are very economical and need a certain bit of stability in their lives to feel safe, secure, and happy. If your Taurus man gets a job offer that pays considerably more, but requires him to be away from home for an extended duration, it's very likely that he will take the job, simply because he knows this is a sure-fire way to enhance his financial position--And if your relationship is serious enough, enhance YOUR financial position, as well.
Keep in mind, he isn't dong this all for himself. He's not that selfish to keep you on the line if it's all about him. Also, if he's willing to stay committed and loyal during your separation, you know he's doing whatever he's doing for the betterment of you both.
As hard as it is for you to be without him, it's just as hard for him to be away from you and from his home. If his time away is for the purpose of laying the financial groundwork for your future, you MUST show your appreciation for his sacrifice and do whatever you can to on your end to make your time apart as easy as possible on you both--Even when you aren't really feeling it.
If your Taurus man is away and it has to do with how he makes his income, it can be a real issue if he thinks that the money he's sending home is being blown. With him sacrificing time with you to provide a wonderful standard of living for the two of you, or for your future, it's ultra important that you are careful to properly manage your joint funds (if you have any joint funds).
Money and sex are the worst things to argue about when you are separated, so a good piece of advice is to avoid indulging in too much retail therapy to resolve how sad you are that he isn't around. Instead, put money away for your future together, and maybe for a nice couples vacay when you can actually spend some time together.
Ways You Can Make Your Time Together Really Count
When you've only got a limited amount of time you get to actually spend together, you've got to make it count! There are literally tons of ways to enjoy spending time with your Taurus man, and you know better than I what the two of enjoy doing together most. What's important is that you make the time you have with him special.
You've got to make him remember how much he really does love you and why he's putting himself through the whole long distance thing--Because, it's not easy for him either, but men are, in general, better at dealing with these kinds of emotions.
Bring back the honeymoon phase
When he's home, or when you're home (depending on your specific situation), treat him like you did when your relationship was new and fresh. If your relationship is new and fresh, well, if your relationship is "new" you may not want be the best candidates to test your relationship's strength by entering into a long distance situation, as you'll be lacking in having a strong foundation to work from. But, then again...why not? They say love knows no bounds, and this will definitely put your love to the test.
Anyway, when you are together, you have the amazing chance to re-live your honeymoon phase. Every time you see each other the anticipation and the buildup create an atmosphere of excitement and elation that you know you'll soon be reconnected with your love.
Little things, like making his favorite home cooked meal and making sure things in your home are in good order really make him feel like you're rolling out the welcome mat, as you should.
He may not get all giddy like you, but this doesn't mean he's any less excited than you are--Believe me, he's beyond happy to be home (as long as he's coming into a good situation--Remember, constant complaining about him being gone can really spoil that flight home and leave him wondering what kind of situation he's walking into).
When you greet him with a huge smile on your face and he can tell how genuinely happy you are to see him, the overall mood of your reunion will be one of excitement and joy, which is ultimately what you want.
Plan things the two of you can do together when you finally do have some time together
Even if you only get, let's say, one week together every three months, or something like that, you can make your time together special enough to hold you over until you can be together again.
Take the time to plan out things he enjoys doing, and things you enjoy doing together. Being a Taurus, your man might really like the idea of the two of you starting a collection of things that you only add to when you are together. Perhaps you plant a garden together and each time he comes home (or you come home) you add a beautiful plant to your plot.
This is a really cool idea that serves several purposes. You are, together, creating beauty to your home environment, and you can literally watch your LDR evolve and with each beautiful flower youplant, you can visualize that you are coming closer and closer to closing the distance between the two of you.
If you've been planning to spruce up your home with new furniture or a new look, perhaps you can choose your decor together, slowly adding up to the finished product.
This gives your Taurus man one more thing to work towards, and by the time you no longer have to deal with the distance and he's home for good, he'll have his abode all ready for him to occupy. Together you can build your dream home one piece at a time, preparing for when you will once again be living in it together.
Of course, that only really applies to couples who live together prior entering into the long distance relationship--Don't worry of this part doesn't apply to your relationship, there are lots of tips for you in here too!
Make memories while you can
I can't stress enough how vitally important it is for you to create great memories with your Taurus man when you have the opportunity to do so.
You'll also want to make sure you take pictures of things you do together, as this offers the best visualization of what you have on those days when you're really feeling down and out.
Also, you want to make sure that you don't let little problems that come up when you are together spoil your fun. If you planned to go for a hike together, but you get there and the trail is closed for whatever reason, don't let it ruin your day. Find ways to make your time together as positive as possible.
Dealing with the countdown
Anyone who's been in a long distance relationship will tell you the countdown to being separated again is always there in the back of your mind. And, the more fun you have when you're together, the more quickly that time seems to fly by. Before you know it he's catching a plane or you've got to head out to handle your business, and that sinking feeling in your stomach returns. You can't stop it, or maybe you could, but that would be irresponsible and create a whole host of new problems for the both of you.
If, in the days and hours leading up to time for you to part ways again, you allow yourself to be consumed with sadness and a feeling of impending doom, that energy is going to manifest itself in your relationship, and that's never good.
As women, we tend to think that letting a man see us cry for them will only reinforce how much we care, but that isn't an entirely accurate take on things. You see, your Taurus man sees things a bit differently.
In his mind, if every time he leaves or mentions leaving you break down into tears and explain how difficult this whole situation is, he's going to feel like he is failing you somehow, or worse yet that he is failing as a man.
This is especially true if the reason for his absence is to create a better life for the two of you or for your family. He wants to take care of you and make you happy. He hates to see you cry, and to be quite honest, it does tear him up inside to leave.
I'm not saying to hide all of your emotions, not at all, what I'm saying is to not take your displeasure at your current situation out on him. It's not his fault, and he's not thrilled about it either. Rather than explaining over and over all of the reasons you absolutely hate your arrangement, offer positive reinforcement and encouragement.
Let him know you are in this with him and that things are going to turn out fine--Again, sometimes you just have to fake it till you make it, but trust me when I say that you WILL make it through this. Your situation is not permanent, and every day the distance between you becomes a little bit less.
Finding The Silver Lining To Your LDR
Every situation in life has a silver lining, some are just more difficult to find and appreciate than others. Believe it or not, there are actually a lot of positives to being in a long distance relationship, regardless of the type of relationship you have.
When you find someone who's wiling to go through the hassle and headache that comes with maintaining a long distance relationship, you know that this person really and truly cares for you. If they didn't, they wouldn't likely put so much into keeping things copacetic between the two of you and they wouldn't work hard to get back to you.
The fact is, the majority of long distance relationships simply don't work out. It's a high stress situation and the separation can rally drive a wedge in-between a couple who isn't 100% dedicated to making a their relationship a success. If you are in a LDR and you're having success with it, you are one of the lucky ones!
Many couples end up so intertwined that they lose a part of themselves the deeper they get into the relationship. Well, if you are forced to be apart you have loads of time to work on yourself and your own goals. You can use this opportunity to show your Taurus man that you can handle things while he's away, as well as prove to yourself that you can handle whatever life throws your way. The stronger you are as individuals, the stronger you'll be as a couple.
Now, one pitfall that a lot of couples fall into is entering into a long distance relationship with an already weak foundation. One thing about long distance relationships is that they push you to your limit as a couple. Weak couples who put their energy into jealousy and mistrust will become weaker, whereas a strong couple who has faith and believes in one another will become stronger. Truly, it's all about perspective and what you're willing to put up with for your partner, and for your union.
You've always got something to look forward to when you have to wait to be together. Admit it, you feel like a little kid on Christmas Day when you know you're heading to the airport to pick up your man (or when you're flying in and know he's picking you up).
Whatever your day holds, you can always refer to that thing that gets you so excited--The day you are reunited again. This kind of thinking can work wonders on those Mondays you wish would just go away.
Things You Must Do To Ensure LDR Success
Now, in the beginning of this book I mentioned the rules you have to follow to make your LDR successful, and we'll go over these now.
Set mini goals-
Whatever your situation, you need to be setting small goals, or large ones, that you work toward as a couple. It can be something as big as saying you are both going to use this time to work diligently toward saving up for a house payment, or something as small as working toward finding a weekend you can take a short trip together. Whatever your goals may be, you should be able to work toward them together to better your relationship.
Find the time to visit one another-
If your guy can't come home as frequently as you'd both like, you should make the effort to find time to go see him. Perhaps he's been put up in a company apartment or house that he's told you about but you'd never actually seen before, or maybe he's in the military and housing with a bunch of guys from his unit.
You need to make your presence there apparent to those in this new part of his life, or you'll always wonder what that side of his life is like. Plus, it takes some of the burden off of him if you're willing to do some of the traveling.
Get creative with your communication-
In today's world, we have so many methods of communication at our fingertips all the time. Text, email, Skype, FaceTime, phone calls, the list goes on and on. If you usually text or talk on the phone, make sure you have at least one or two nights a week that you use some sort of video chat program so you can see one another and read each other's body language.
If you get a new haircut, make a point to show you man and make him feel involved in things you've got going on--Even if it is just a haircut--He'll be happy to see you, regardless of the reason for scheduling a video chat session.
Decide what you want from the relationship-
There's only so long you can go without seeing each other, or without relocating to the same general area. Long distance relationships aren't meant to last forever, which brings us right back to the concept of impermanence.
If you've never had a "no distance" relationship together, you'll need to eventually decide how far you want to take things.
Eventually you'll both grow weary of the long distance thing and want a partner who shares your zip code. This can bring you to make some serious decisions about who's moving where and IF you want to keep on with the whole no-contact thing.
You should have goals for what you want once the distance is all behind you, as well.
I know you're totally in love right now, and all you want in this world is to have your Taurus man by your side, always, but what would you do if you had what you wanted? Are you ready to take things to the next level (if you aren't there already)?
Realize that things will never be the same
Once you've survived a long distance relationship, things will never be the same as they were before. You'll never be the same, he'll never be the same, and your relationship will never be the same.
People tend to become much more intellectually involved when all you can do is talk. You get to know a side of your partner you may have never had the chance to see before. You spend so much of your time focusing on this one thing and this one person that you can never look at them the same again.
When all is said and done, you either see them as someone who you can weather the storm with, or you see them as someone who's put you through the ringer with their absence and all the things that tie into a long distance commitment. It probably goes without saying, but you have a much higher chance of success in your relationship after the fact if your outlook is one of mutual success and achievement rather than focusing still on the ways your LDR sucked.
Loyalty is huge-
When it comes to figuring out a successful LDR arrangement, loyalty to one another is probably the largest issue that couples face. Taurus men are notoriously possessive and often jealous, so any hints at a lack of loyalty will really drive a wedge in between the two of you.
It goes both ways, though, and you've got to be able to rest easy knowing that your Taurus man wants you and only you.
You must trust and have faith in one another, as well as in your relationship. Without trust your relationship has no hope of survival through separation, so do whatever you have to do to develop that trust, or else there's no reason to put yourself through all the wondering what he's doing and who he's with, or if he even misses you. Of course he does! So get that thought out of your head space.
Send him little mementos from home
When all you want to do is go home, there's nothing better than receiving a package full of your favorite creature comforts. If the situation permits, make it a point to send your Taurus man special gifts and things that remind him of you and of the love you share. This shows him how much you really do care about him, and offers some familiar comforts while he's away.
This can work well if you are the one on the road, also. Your Taurus man has a collection of something, somewhere--Taurus men and women just about all have their own little prized collection of whatever brings them pleasure, and what better collection to have than things you send home from your travels?
You can also just bring these things home, but then there's something incredibly satisfying about getting a package in the mail from your main squeeze. This will not only add to his priceless collectibles, it will show him that you care enough to take the time to stop and pop this thing in the mail for him, and, of course, that you are thinking about him while you're away--Like I said, it's the little things.
Where To Go From Here
Now that you have a little more insight into how to survive your LDR with your Taurus man, it's time to go and put this knowledge into action. Even if things don't look so good right now for the future of your long distance relationship, there's still time to save it, but it will require the right attitude and perspective on your situation.
When things seem really hard and you're having one of those days where the world seems to be plotting against you, and all you want is your Taurus man to be there but he's not, remember what I said about impermanence. No situation in your life is permanent, we grow and change every day, and every day you're one step closer to closing in the distance between you and your man.
When you focus on the end goal, rather than the current, often lonely situation, it makes the rough patches a little bit easier to navigate through. And when you do come to the end of your time spent apart, as long as you've been supportive and loving toward me another during it all, you'll have a relationship bond that can't be broken.
And, besides those things, you have to consider the bigger picture here. If you truly do have a great relationship and you see him as being “the one,” what’s one or two years dealing with your LDR in comparison to a lifetime of happiness together. This experience honestly will make your relationship stronger, but only if you let it.
So, dry up your tears, look forward to the future, and resolve that you will make a success of your LDR. Or, if you’ve decided that maybe this just isn’t for you, and you’re not really looking for thatbig of a commitment, it’s ok to move on to something that’s a better fit for you. A forced LDR is a failed LDR. You’ve both got to be in it to win it, and you’ve both got to be willing to put in the effort.
I know you’ll make the right move, and now that you’ve got some additional insight into his side of things, you’ll be bettie equipped to handle whatever life throws at your relationship, together— Even when you’re miles apart.
I hope that this book helps to shed some light on whatever LDR issues you and your Taurus man have going on. Astrology is a great tool that can be used to strengthen your relationship by better understanding your guy and where the various strengths and weaknesses in your relationship lie.
I wish you all the very best of luck with your LDR and with your Taurus man. For more on how you can make things last with your guy, be sure to check out the other books in my Advanced Taurus Man series, where the focus is on keeping the magic alive and building a great relationship that can and will withstand the test of time.
Your Friend & Relationship Astrologer,