How To Accomplish Long-Term Relationship Success in Your Marriage or Serious Relationship ... Get The Commitment, Love, And Connection Your Love Deserves
So, you've got that amazing Taurus man and things were going so well--Until they weren't. Now you're confused and scared that things are going in the wrong direction. He won't talk to you about what's wrong because he's not ready to, but your brain is freaking out telling you that this is the end. Sound familiar? Well, you're in good company, and you're about to learn what you can do to turn things around and make it last.
If you've found yourself in this position, unsure of what you can do to save your marriage or long-term relationship with your Taurus man, don't worry, there IS still hope for a happy ending!
I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've heard this exact story, or something equivocal, from clients in relationships with Taurus men. I realized after a hundred or so of the same scenario occurring in long-term relationships with Taurus men that this rough patch is almost a rite of passage to having a successful forever kind of connection. This is why I decided to add this guide to having and maintaining an amazing long term partnership or marriage.
When it comes to sharing your life with someone forever and ever, till death do you part, it helps to know where to start. I mean, this is a huge commitment we're talking about here--FOREVER-- It's pretty huge. So, it's especially important to think about how you're going to make it work, long term. What things can you compromise on and what do you want your partner to compromise on? What do you need in your life to make you happy? What does he need?
So many variables come into play when you link yourself with someone long term, but as you grow as a couple you learn little ways to make life together as great as you want it to be. There are some things that you simply have to have, like chemistry between you and your Taurus man, attraction, mutual interests, and trust, but beyond that, your attitude and how you approach your relationship and your life in general will determine the course of your marriage or partnership.
In the pages that follow, we'll look at what things drive Taurus men away and some of the reasons they lose interest and go silent. We'll also go through the top five things Taurus men need to be happy in a long term relationship and what things make them want to stay. And, I'll share with you some of the key tips I've found work best to long term success with Taurus men.
You see, one of the major benefits of my experience working with private clients is I've seen what works and what doesn't with Taurus men, specifically. As I do with men of all the other zodiac signs. After years and years of finding trends with specific signs I'm now able to share that information with my readers, and hopefully to spare you some of the frustrations that can come up when you're in love with a bull-headed Taurus man.
Top Three Reasons Taurus Men Pull Away
Taurus men are notorious for just not communicating when they're mad or disinterested. Some things just make them shut down your connection and I can tell you, there's no getting him to talk one moment before he's ready to. This is frustrating and leaves you wondering what you've done wrong, when it's very possible that you didn't actually do anything wrong.
Of course, it's also possible that you did do something wrong, in which case you'll have to do some damage control to bring him back around. For the most part, though, Taurus men pull away for reasons that are totally self contained and, to be honest, reasons that are kind of self created. Whatever the reason, there are ways you can handle his indecisiveness and break the silence.
He’s Overwhelmed By The Emotional Response You Bring Out in Him
Ok, so you know how things were going SO great? One minute you're laughing and having a great time together, the next he can't seem to find the time to return your calls or texts. What gives, why is he acting this way? Well, he thinks things were going great too, but perhaps things started being too great too quickly.
Taurus men need security and stability, and when major things change in their life (like realizing you're entering into long term relationship territory) they tend to recoil and reconsider whether or not they really want to risk the emotional turmoil that would come as a result of things not working out.
Actually, they think about a lot of things. They consider every possible outcome, and they take their sweet time doing so.If your Taurus guy becomes overwhelmed by his intense emotional response to you, it's not necessarily a bad thing. If you have a healthy relationship and he feels like he can trust in the security of your partnership, he'll come around in time.
He'll take some time to go over in his head what his options are and what he wants, but ultimately you stand a really good chance of him landing on the decision to make the commitment and give it a try.
The thing is, he hates being vulnerable and when he lets his emotions rule his actions he knows there's the chance of getting hurt.
To combat this, he disappears for a bit and keeps to himself. He has to process his emotions and validate that his feelings are real and not just lust or coming from a physical attraction.
That said, how much time can you really give him? I mean, you aren't expected to wait around forever. There are things you can do to help him along, which we'll go over in the next few chapters, so try not to lose hope while he's "assessing."
If he's cut contact with you because he's mad or upset with you, well, depending on why he's upset and how upset he is, it can be a bit more tricky to get him to come around, but quite often it can be done.
A lot of the time he won't give you any explanation as to why he's upset, you'll just stop hearing from him. he won't answer your texts or he'll send a short reply saying he's busy or something like that.
Patience is the key here, and avoiding at all costs any attempts to force him into making any relationship decisions--If you do try to force him into anything, you won't like the decision he makes.
He's Testing You
Taurus men are not typically ones to play head games or games of any kind, really, but they have been known to put their partner to the test before allowing themselves to become really attached and committed.
Now, it is a tad offensive to think that your guy doesn't trust you and feels the need to put your love or loyalty to the test. Trust me, I get it. The thing about this scenario is that he's just reaching out to determine whether or not the two of you can create a stable, secure life together.
He may be waiting to see if you will hook up with someone else while he's "sorting things out," or he may be checking to see how much of a fight you are willing to put up to save and maintain your relationship, thus proving that you are, indeed as committed and devoted to making things work as you say you are.
At any rate, this is a test that you can't afford to fail if you want to have a successful long-term relationship with your Taurus man. I'm not saying you have to hold out forever if your Taurus guy has ended things or if he's involved with someone else, and, again, there is a time limit on how long he can make you wait (this time limit will be decided upon by you and your personal needs).
To show him that you are loyal and faithful, you don't really have to do anything extra in your day to day life. What's more important is what you don't do. You don't want to spend your time waiting playing the field or checking in with your "backup plan guy" (or any other guys), because he will find out and then you're chances of things working out with your Taurus diminish greatly.
Give him sweet reminders that you're still there, waiting for him to come back into the picture, and hoping that he'll commit to a relationship with you. Even when he's in this contemplative state of relationship Limbo, he wants to know that you still feel the same and you'll be there when he decides to open back the lines of communication. Don't go overboard or he'll see it as being pushy and pressuring him, just let him know you're there. We'll go over how to accomplish this a little later in the book.
You’re Too Clingy
With Taurus men, you want to avoid being too clingy or too demanding, especially when your relationship seems to be up in the air. The catch 22 there is that often we are the most clingy or needy when we think our relationship is in trouble, so you can see where the problem lies in making the right move in this scenario.
If your Taurus man sees you as being overly attached or clingy before he's ready to e to the next level, he will disappear for a while to take some time to himself. Or, if he's really just super busy, he'll take that time to handle his business. When this happens, he doesn't see how he could possibly devote enough of himself to you AND his work (or whatever he's got going on that requires his focus), so he distances himself from you.
In this situation, you've got to reign in your needy side and show your Taurus man that you are supportive of his need to take time to handle his business. Being the money master than most Taurean's are, your Taurus man can't handle having anything get in the way of getting his job done. In fact, he will cut things out of his life that he likes, or even things he loves, to avoid taking a hit to his income.
Aside from not being able to satisfy your need for attention and fulfill his responsibilities, being too clingy is one way to drive your Taurus man away pretty quickly. Actually, come to think of it, their disappearing act is one of the one'll things these guys do quickly.
You want to show him that you care and that you are devoted to him and your relationship without suffocating him. This comes right back to putting too much pressure on him to make a choice or to do something he's not ready to do--And THAT never works out, ever.
Top Three Reasons Taurus Men Lose Interest
There are a lot of reasons we lose interest in the person we’re dating or are in a relationship with. In the beginning phases of your relationship you don’t share your worst traits and habits with your new mate, none of us do, this might scare them off.
Instead, you show your most positive side in the beginning, and your partner does the same. It’s for this reason that you never really know someone until you’ve gotten past that first couple of phases.
Even someone who thought they were totally in love can experience a change in how interested they are once things start to get real, especially if this someone is a Taurus.
There are classic tell-tale signs that a Taurus man has lost interest in the relationship he’s been pursuing, so you don’t really have to worry about how you’ll know there’s something wrong. Avoiding the situation and discontinuing contact while he thinks things through is one of them. Other ways he’ll show his interest is waning are pretty obvious. He might stop being the sweet, charming guy you’ve come to love and turn no longer give you the attention eh once did, or he may just act the opposite of how he acted before, back when things seemed to be going really well between the two of you.
So, let’s look at some of the reasons why these guys lose interest in their relationships and how you can keep your Taurus guy from losing interest in you.
Too much change
Even if you've been in your relationship for a while, your Taurus man may start to feel that things are moving way too fast for his liking. Taurus men flat out do not like change. They work hard to get into a groove and find routine and stability in just about every thing they do. So, it makes sense that your Taurus man could lose interest in a relationship that begins to disrupt his day to day lifestyle or imposes changes on his life that he isn't ready for.
He likes to stay grounded, and he needs a partner who respects his dislike of major changes. What do I mean by major changes? Well, let's say the two of you have moved in together, so you've already got that change to deal with, but things seem to stay chaotic in your home for whatever reason. Or, one day you come home with a dog without talking to him about whether or not you should get a new pet.
New things introduced into his environment that affect his personal bubble of home can create quite a lot of stress for the Bull, so it's best to keep things you change in his life to a minimum at any given time. If you can stick it out and go through the whole slow transition process that Taurus typically will attempt to make work, well, you might just go mad from frustration (unless, of course, this speed also suits you).
Actually, it is not really all that bad to have to move slowly in your relationship. It allows for the two of you to get to know one another quite well before you get too deep into a romantic commitment, especially if you decide to get married.
Imbalance in Your Work Ethic and His
If you plan on being with someone long term, you want to know that your goals and ambitions are in line with each other. You have to be able to grow together if you want to have a successful relationship. Taurus men are hard working and will do whatever it takes to make sure his home and family is taken care of. He has a penchant for life's little luxuries, and he does his best to put money away for emergencies and savings whenever he gets the chance.
Even though a lot of Taurus men are more old fashioned and don't mind being the breadwinner of his family, you can't be lazy and maintain his respect and continue feeling the same about your relationship.
There is a difference in you each handling one side of your shared life--He goes to work and makes the money and you take care of the house and whatever other things you accumulate (like kids, pets, or property)--and him ending up feeling like he's being taken advantage of because of an imbalance in your willingness to pitch in and show an adequate amount of effort to achieve your mutual goals and dreams.
Think about it, he’s considering that if you do end up staying together long term, and especially if you get married, one day you’ll want to buy a house, and you’ll both have to do things to keep your life running smoothly together. If, in the early stages, you appear to be unreliable or unwilling to work as hard as he does (even if he doesn’t actually expect you to), this can be something that will cause your Taurus man to lose interest in the relationship.
The solution to this one is simple enough—Show him you’ve got great work ethic and work together to achieve common goals for a better future together. Trust me, if there’s anyone you’d rather chase after goal attainment with, it’s a Taurus man.
You Show Interest in Someone Else
Taurus men can be very possessive and jealous when they want to be, so if you want your relationship to last the long haul you’ll want to avoid letting your attention stray in the wrong direction, especially if he will find out.
Just for the sake of argument, let’s say you do show an interest in someone else. Maybe your Taurus guy is doing that weird thing where he just disappears...again, and you’re close to just being done with the frustrations and insecurities his actions bring out in you when he decides to temporarily go MIA. So then you meet a guy who’s nice and talkative and shows an interest in you, and you give what you’re going to do more than just a second thought.
In the even that this, or any similar scenario develops in your relationship, when your Taurus man finds out about that little incident, whether you tell him or he hears it through the grape vine, he’s likely going to reconsider your relationship and any future you might have had together.
Your Taurus man will fight for you, should the appropriate situation for that arise, but he will not beg anyone to love him, so expecting him to come running after you could potentially wind up being an embarrassing mistake.
Your Taurus man is one of the most loyal guys you’ll ever meet. He’s stubborn and bull-headed, but he’s got a good heart and he doesn’t want it to get broken. Even if you aren’t currently speaking, for whatever reason, never let temptation of the grass being greener in someone else’s yard ruin your chance for a long and happy life together.
You Never Get to See Each Other
Taurus men are very tactile oriented. They want to touch, see, smell, and experience things first hand to get the full affect of whatever the subject matter may be. This goes for relationships as much as it does for anything else.
It can be hard to make a relationship work when the physical distance between the two of is doing such a good job of keeping you apart. Of all the signs who have the most trouble with long distance relationships, Taurus and his polarity sign Scorpio have the most difficulty keeping up their interest 100% in a relationship where they never get to be near their partner.
For one thing, there are quite a few jealousy issues that are guaranteed to pop up with either Taurus or Scorpio, and the level of insecurity that your guy would experience could be enough to make him reconsider whether or not this is really the right relationship for him or not.
There are things you can do to combat the negative points of having to put your relationship to the long distance test, all of which are covered in my Advanced Taurus Man LDR E-book, but generally speaking, you have to find some way to connect with your Taurus man if you have to be separated from one another.
There is a touch of irony here, in that your Taurus man isn’t as likely to lose interest if he is the one who’s having to do the traveling, especially if it is for his work. Taurus men love that feeling of bringing home the bacon and providing a wonderful life for their family. Traveling for work usually means a higher standard living at the end of the day. Also, in this situation he gets to look forward to coming back to his home and to you, so in this particular scenario the LDR isn’t as detrimental as if you were the one who had to leave him behind.
If he leaves, he is more or less in control of the situation, whereas if you leave, you’ve just created an uncomfortable change to his life that he’s probably going to have a tough time adjusting to. Depending on the reason for your departure, your Taurus man may start to wonder what you’re doing with your evenings and who you spend your time with. Even if he knows what you’re doing, that little voice in the back of his head may be telling him that you’re out gallivanting and enjoying your time way from one another.
Five Most Successful Ways to Keep Your Taurus Man Happy and Wanting to Stay In a Long-Term Relationship
Now that we’ve looked at the main reasons Taurus men pull away and what things cause them to lose interest, it’s time we explored the top five ways you can keep your Taurus man happy and wanting to stick around!
He Discovers That You Are Someone He Can Grow a Stable Future With
Not that it’s always the best idea to stick with what feels safe, stepping outside of our comfort zones is the way we grow and make progress most of the time, but when it comes to building the foundation for a successful long-term relationship with your Taurus man, you’ll need to establish a feeling of mutual love, respect, and safety in your connection.
Taurus men are very giving, and the more they have the more they want to pamper and provide for those they truly care for. Taurus men are also tenacious when it comes to building wealth and material safety nets for himself, and when you show him that together you can create a stable life together, he will be willing and ready to share his spoils with you, granted that you both stick to your agreed upon plan for stability and future growth.
You Support Him Emotionally and Love Him For Who He is
Your Taurus man may seem like a tough guy on the outside, but on the inside he’s really just a great big teddy bear. He needs a partner who is there for him and who offers him emotional support, without trying to pressure him to change his ways, his mind, or who he is as a person.
When the world is getting him down and his day is just not going anywhere near what he’d planned, knowing that he’s got you to be there at the day to brighten his spirits really means a lot.
Even though he is ruled by Venus, the Taurus man likes the idea of having a doting wife or girlfriend who’s always there for him, no matter what the big, bad world threw his way earlier in the day. When you become the one who puts a smile on his face and who welcomes him hime with a warm and loving energy at the end of the day, you stand a very good chance of becoming "the one” to get your Taurus man to sign off on spending forever together with you.
You Are at The Same Point in Your Lives
Beyond the initial attraction and the physical, mental, and emotional connection you share, it’s important to the Taurus man that you are both at or about at the same point in your respective lives. It doesn’t make sense to attempt succeeding in a long-term relationship if you are both at totally different places in life.
Some Taurus men have already done the whole marriage and family lifestyle thing in the past and aren’t looking to hit replay on that particular scene. So, it makes sense that if you are just now beginning to feel ready to think about starting a family, a Taurus who’s already past that checkpoint in life isn’t going to make the best choice for a partner, much less a long-term partner.
However, if you and your Taurus come together at a time when you are both feeling ready to start a new family and settle down, AND you’ve got the attraction, the chemistry, and the connection, you make the most logical and potentially happy couple choice. Remember that he’s methodical, so it isn’t totally unromantic for your Taurus man to see the particulars of your union in this logical light.
You Share a Lot of Special Moments Enjoying the Little Things in Life
“It’s the little thins that matter most in life”—There’s never been a truer saying that this, and nobody agrees with it more than the Taurus man.
When you and your Taurus man are able to find enough of these “little moments” for it to become a regular thing you enjoy together, those little moments turn into something pretty big. Taurus men are simple creatures who typically stay close to nature and who hold a great deal of appreciation for those small blessings and miracles that remind him that life is beautiful even when he’s feeling the opposite.
Holding hands, giving him a sweet peck on the cheek before he heads out for the day, nurturing and growing your garden of fresh veggies you use when you cook delicious meals together, the way you still give him butterflies when you enter the room. These little subtle signs of balance, harmony, and love shared are just a few of the very special moments that can make the Taurus man realize why he wants to take his relationship to the next level.
Of course, there has to be more than just your special moments together to make your Taurus man want to seal the deal, but with other supportive relationship traits the little moments can bring about a big reaction.
True Love Can Not Be Denied
Taurus men and women both are lovers. Ruled by Venus, these guys are all about finding that right person to settle down and build a successful life with. He needs a physical connection to satisfy his sensual and passionate side, and he needs someone who will give him security in the relationship by providing him with the same level of loyalty and devotion he gives.
Love is a powerful emotion and can make people do some crazy things, even level-headed Taurus men. When under love’s intoxicating spell, a Taurus man will marry or otherwise commit to a long term relationship without putting a whole lot of thought into the mechanics of how things will work out a few years down the road.
Love can blind us and make even the strongest men weak, but the intoxicating affect only lasts so long, at which point, well, it’s very possible that you’ll both realize things aren’t going exactly the direction you’d anticipated. Sometimes this actually works out and you are one of the lucky few who enjoys having one of those fairy tale love stories to share with their friends and family. Sometimes, however, you or your Taurus man will come to the realization that you moved too quickly while you were under love’s spell.
Just as with all of the other tips and bits of information on what you can do to save your marriage or partnership with your Taurus man, you can’t count on finding long-term relationship success if all you have is love. You’ve got to share a multitude of things with your guy that make him want to stick it out and build a life together.
You’ve got to be able to maintain a good balance between the two you, you must show him that you can be relied upon for the important shared tasks that come with committing to someone long-term, and you’ve got to support and love one another, even during those times when you don’t really feel like it.
Putting Your Plan into Action
Now that you have some insights into how you can save the long- term relationship you’ve been building with your Taurus man, it’s time to come up with a plan of action.
You can use these ideas as starting points and tweak them to meet your relationship’s unique needs, or you can start by following the advice in this book and then determining what next steps are best after you’ve had the opportunity to gauge your guys reaction.
Whatever you choose to do with the information contained in this book, now is the time to get out there and make some positive changes happen in your life.
If you’re lucky and the stars are on your side, you’ll also be manifesting positive changes in your relationship that will help you, not only save your relationship with your Taurus man, but also make it stronger and better than you ever could have dreamt!
If you’re lucky enough to marry a Taurus man, you’ll find that you have a steadfast partner who isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty and do what it takes to build a delightfully successful life together as husband and wife.
He does have certain things in life that he’s rather lazy about, but we all have our imperfections. Together, though, and with the help of Taurus Man Secrets, you can create the relationship that’s perfect for you. And really, that’s what you’re here for, right?
I wish you all the very best of luck with your Taurus man, and I look forward to maybe meeting you in the future!
Your Friend & Relationship Astrologer, May the stars be on your side,