HOW TO GET YOUR TAURUS MAN TO PROPOSE ... And Discover What Makes Him See You As "The One"
If you were like most little girls, you spent at least some time as a child dreaming of the day you'd marry that perfect Prince Charming you just knew, without a doubt, was in your future-I know I did at least once or twice-Now you're grown, your successful, and you've made a lot of your dreams come true, but Prince Charming seems to be taking his sweet time finding you to sweep you off your feet and all that.
Then one day you met your Taurus man....and since you've got this book in your hands, it's safe to assume that your Taurus and your Prince Charming, for now anyway, appear to be one in the same. FINALLY, he's here!
Marriage is a huge deal, you’re committing your life to someone for ever and ever, till death do you part-That’s a really, really long time. I mean, forever is, by definition, all the rest of the time you get in this lifetime. That said, the task of choosing the right guy to spend forever with can be confusing and frustrating, but in the end the time spent searching an trying to find the "right" one will be worth it.
Now, you love your Taurus man and things seem to be going along quite well between the two of you. You can see him making a great lifetime partner, and maybe the two of you have even talked or joked around about getting married, yet he shows no signs of actually popping the question just yet.
Deep down, your Taurus man really wants a partner with whom he can share his life and build a wonderful future with. And, if you’ve come this far together already, he’s probably considering you for that role already.
If you’re really ready and want to lock this man down for good, there are special things to take into consideration that could help prompt him to propose.
Drawing from information and feedback I’ve received while helping countless other women find the right ways to show their Taurus man they were wifey material, I’ve put together a concise listing the most important things for you to do in your relationship if you want your Taurus man to propose.
When you utilize the tips in the pages that follow, you'll have a better chance than ever to become Mrs. Taurus man and start building that life you've been envisioning.
The Three Phases of Every Relationship
Every relationship, no matter what your zodiac sign may be, goes through certain phases. Most everyone has a basic understanding of how these relationship phases naturally progress, so we won't spend a ton of time focusing on the different phases.
A quick refresher to help determine where exactly you and your Taurus man stand might be helpful to some of you, however, so here we go!
First, you've got the beginning phase of your romance. This is where you try to get each other’s attention by flirting, making sure your look is on point when he's around, and everything is just fresh, new, and exciting.
The world seems a little bit brighter when you have someone new in your life, igniting your flames of passion and desire.
In this early phase of your relationship, you want to spend all of your free time with this other person. In many cases, when this initial infatuations and attraction wears off, the two people involved lose interest and move on to the next big thing that comes along. Sometimes, though, this attraction evolves into something more serious, eventually placing the couple in Relationship Phase 2.
In this second phase, you start to become more comfortable with one another. You start to learn and realize little things about one another, and you come to the point of considering whether or not you might want to pursue more with this special person in your life. This is the make or break phase where, at some point, you will decide to move forward or call it quits.
The second phase of your relationship could last anywhere from months to years, depending on your particular lifestyle and relationship needs.
During this time you may fall into a pattern of taking on another for granted and what used to seem exciting and passionate may begin to feel mundane or boring.
This is a very important part of building your relationship, particularly if marriage is on your mind--Think of it as the last stop before you take the plunge and go all in and commit wholly to your mate.
Then there’s the third base of your relationship, and this is where you make the shift and transition from boyfriend and girlfriend to husband and wife.
This is where the real work begins and where you’ll find your biggest relationship trials, but this is also where you’ll become closer to your Taurus man than ever before.
If your relationship makes it to phase 3, you've done something right. Or, if you want to be this far with your Taurus man but haven't made it there yet, this book can help you realize your relationship goals with that sexy Taurus man in your life.
So, to recap, if you are in phase 1 of your relationship and things are still fresh, this isn't the book in this series that you should be reading.
I mean, you can read it, of course, but at phase 1 you are not yet ready to work on getting him to propose, but you can use this info in the future.
If you are in phase 2, this book can help you to make that transition to phase 3, and if you are already in phase 3...well, if you're already in phase 3 with a Taurus man you might be feeling the need to spice things up and improve the connection between you and your partner.
The couples who can get the most advantage from this particular book are those ready to move forward, but unsure of how to get there--If this sounds like you, go ahead and pour yourself a glass of wine and settle in while we review the ways you can become everything your Taurus man wants in a wife and take your relationship to the next level.
It Takes Two: How To Know If You’re Really Ready
Couples who enter into marriage too early on will often later decide that’s not what they really wanted, after all. Divorce is a messy process, and sometimes it may not even be an option, so it’s important to go through the mental process of asking yourself several important questions that will help decipher whether or not you and your Taurus are truly ready to tie the knot.
Now, you may already know that you’re ready for marriage, and that’s great, but it’s still a good idea to go over the reasons why you’re ready to marry this man, your Taurus.
Have You Sewn Your Own Wild Oats?
Before you settle down and commit your life to someone forever and ever, it’s important to have enough of your own experiences. Men are all very different, so you should allow yourself the chance to at least see what kinds of guys are out there before deciding to lock one down. Of course, if you are in love, you are in love, and this can be a very different story.
There are instances of couples who have been together since high school and are working on their 35th year of being happily married. This is rare, but it does happen, and when it does it’s really beautiful.
Even these couples experience rough patches in their relationship, but overall, I’ve found that couples who just know without a shadow of a doubt that they’ve found their soul mates tend to have more longevity in their relationships than those who rush into marriage before letting the dust settle on their attraction and connection.
In general, it’s a good rule of thumb to ask yourself before getting married if there’s anything you haven’t done yet that you can’t live without doing. If there’s not, then you should have no problem moving into married life and the transition period that’s ahead.
Are You Getting Married For The Right Reasons?
There are about a hundred different reasons to get married, but the most important of these is love and a desire to grow and spend your life with this other person.
If your motives for getting married or trying to get him to propose are not based out of your love for one another you may want to think twice about the reasons you’re wanting to link up with this guy, and you've got to take into consideration the long term consequences of going through with it.
Every situation, every person, and every relationship are uniquely different from one another. There is no "right" answer to why you should marry, but in general it's a good rule of thumb to trust your intuition and do what feels right for you and your life.
Will He Make A Good Father?
This doesn’t apply to everyone, but for many women the question of whether or not he will make a good father for her children is an important thing to consider before choosing a husband or life partner. Do good genes run in his family? Is he a strong role model and leader who can teach your children how to be the same? Can he provide a decent standard of living for you and the family you create? These are all very important things to consider when looking for the right man to make babies with.
Maybe one or both of you have children already. Will he be a good step-father and can you peacefully blend your two families together?
Taurus men are generally nurturing and protective over their family, and they tend to make great father figures because of their drive, determination and high standards and expectations.
Taurus men are providers and family men with whom you can build a comfy and cozy home environment.
Is HE Ready For Marriage?
Before you go working your magic and getting him to propose, it’s also important to make certain that he, himself, is ready for such a major relationship change. One big mistake a lot of women make is thinking you’ll be able to change him and that surely he’ll be different once you're married. This is a mistake!
I mean, yes, usually things begin to change after you’re married, but not in the way that some women think. You become more comfortable with one another, you grow closer and you fall into a routine together. There is no magical transformation that will happen to make your Taurus man more loving or attentive, or even more responsible, just because he puts a diamond on you finger. Remember that.
If your Taurus man isn’t ready to settle down and get married yet, you don’t want to try to pressure him into it. First, pressing a Taurus to make a certain choice, especially such a large one, would be incredibly difficult to achieve. However, love does make us do some crazy things, and anything is possible. If your relationship is having problems, marriage will not make thingsbetter, in fact once the honeymoon ends you’ll realize things are the same, only now a tad more complicated. I've seen too many couples make the mistake of thinking (and I've never been able to wrap my head around how these thought processes work) that if they jus get hitched things will be better. NO! That's not how it works. Marriage in itself takes a lot of work to be successful and shouldn't be taken lightly...Nothing you commit yourself to forever should be taken lightly.
How do you know if he’s ready or not? There are a few telltale signs that your Taurus man is marriage material and that he’s ready. One of which is that he’s got his life together. He can’t possibly provide a life for the two of you together if he can’t hold it together on his own, so he will make a special point to make certain he can slip into that role of provider when the time comes.
If he makes it a point to let others know that you are his partner and his equal you’ll know that he views you as being wifey material, and shows that he’s very likely ready to be a great husband.
If he mentions marriage, having children, or spending your lives together, he’s very most likely feeling it out to see what your reaction to the idea of it is. This is another signal that your Taurus man is ready to say “I do,” but he doesn’t want to suggest anything if you aren’t receptive to talking about it.
Is He The One You Want To Push Your Wheelchair?
Ok, ok, I know what you’re thinking, so let me clarify that the wheelchair is a metaphor for those times in life where you’re not able to be at your best, your strongest, or even your most successful. When life throws you for a loop and you aren’t able to be on the top of your game, it’s important that you can rely on your partner to “push your wheelchair,” so to speak.
As you go through life together you'll run into situations that require you to help your Taurus man get through his own personal rough patches, illnesses, or whatever (the list of possibilities is endless). There is even the very slim chance that one of you may actually end up in a wheelchair and need the other person to push it. You never know.
So then, before you make the decision that your Taurus man is “the one” and who you want to spend your life with, ask yourself if you want him to be the one pushing your proverbial wheelchair, should the need arise.
The 8 Most Important Qualities Taurus Men Look For In A Wife
When considering whether or not his current girlfriend is marriage material or not, there are several things that a Taurus man looks for her to have. He understands that forever is a very long time, and he wants to know that he’s choosing the right woman to link himself to for eternity.
It’s more than just having the right traits and qualities, though, if you want him to propose you’ve also got to share a good spiritual, intellectual, and physical connection.
Taurus men are notoriously slow when it comes to deciding to make that forever kind of commitment, but to be fair they are notoriously slow when it comes to just about everything else, too.
Realizing he’s in a relationship with someone who’s got what he wants in a wife can trigger his thoughts on marriage and making that leap into the next era of his life. It’s not easy to make the cut, but if you’re one of the lucky ladies that marry a down to earth, responsible, and dependable Taurus, you’ll know that you’ve got a lot or all of the qualities and traits listed below.
This is not a cut and dry list of things to do for a guaranteed proposal, mind you, this list is merely a reference point for where to begin sending out the “propose to me” vibe.
More often than not, what I see happen is that the female will be in love and ready to tie the knot, but the Taurus male, feeling pressured to make a choice, chooses to recoil and think things through. As you can imagine, this leads to trouble and the female feeling like her Taurus man doesn’t even care, when in all reality that couldn’t be further from the truth-You ladies reading this who have been through these Taurus man cycles of restricted communication know exactly what I’m talking about.
So, while nothing in life is guaranteed, the idea here is to help you learn how to reveal to your Taurus, without putting pressure on the situation, that you are, indeed, wifey material and he’d be extraordinarily lucky to have you.
All that said, here’s your list of the 8 most important qualities Taurus men look for in a forever partner.
You’re A Trustworthy Partner He Can Build A Future With
Before a Taurus man ever makes the decision to officially, and legally, link up with a life partner, it’s important that he knows you’re someone he can build a stable future with. You’ve got to prove yourself to be trustworthy and loyal to your Taurus guy, as well as dedicated to the relationship, if you want him to see you as someone he can build his future with.
The thing about Taurus men is that they want to, and will work toward, creating and building up a wonderful life full of his favorite things. If he perceives you to be someone who would hinder his ability to live the life he’s been working toward, he won’t put a ring on your finger.
There are things you can do to show him you've got what he’s looking for, but you’ve got to be willing to jump in and work together toward the mutual goals share.
Also, if your Taurus man sees that in your own life you are driven by success and you aren’t afraid to put in the necessary effort to get the things in life that you want, that's one more indication that you’ll make the perfect partner to build a success based wonderful life with.
Your Presence Makes His House Feel Like Home
Taurus men are homebodies who really value their personal space and the treasures they collect throughout their lifetime. Home is a sacred space where you should be comfortable, safe, and where you should be able to let the problems of your day melt into oblivion.
If you can't get onboard with these home-life ideals, the chances of getting him to pop the question aren't all that great. However, if you come in and add warmth and positive vibes to his humble abode, he may not ever want you to leave!
Having a happy home life is what all Taurus men aspire to achieve, sure, some of these guys will be eternal bachelors who don’t do much outside of working, eating, and sleeping. Most Taurus personalities like to keep things organized and in their proper place, while some Taurus men can be total slobs. For the most part, however, these guys place loads of importance on having a home they can have pride in.
In some situations the difference between having a nice house and a having warm and welcoming home can be made with nothing more than your presence. If you make him feel loved and bring an added element of balance and harmony to his home environment, you can believe he’ll take note. If he likes what he sees and he starts to miss you when you aren't there, he’ll think twice about making your presence there more of a permanent thing. So how do you turn your Taurus man’s house into a home? Well, that part is actually pretty easy. If you’re really in love with your Taurus man, that positive loving energy will come through and show in your actions and your attitude toward him.
With you there, his bed is always warm and inviting, he has someone to share meals with, and when you go out of your way to prepare a home cooked meal, you'll have his place feeling and smelling like home.
Maybe you add an extra level of balance and harmony by keeping things more tidy and in better order than he seems to be able to accomplish on his own (unlike his other earth sign companions, Taurus men are not exactly known for their organizational skills). The little things you do without even thinking about it are the things that make your Taurus man stop and say, “Hmm, maybe she is the one!”
When your presence makes his life easier, day to day tasks become more pleasurable. With all of this, when you add a woman’s touch to his otherwise personal space, your Taurus man will realize that it’s just not the same when you aren’t there.
You Share Mutual Love And Respect
For your Taurus man to entertain the idea of marriage, there must be a healthy level of mutual love and respect shared between the two of you. It’s no surprise that if you don’t respect one another you don’t stand a huge chance of getting him to come around to the notion that you are the one he should spend the rest of his entire life with. There’s got to be love and respect shared between the two of you, or you’re really just asking for trouble. You see, love and respect are two things that Taurus men really thrive on in a relationship. I mean, he’s got Venus as his ruling planet, and we’re talking about spending your whole lives together, so love is pretty much a given there.
Then you have the whole mutual respect thing to consider. Taurus men demand respect from their friends, co-workers, employees, and just about everyone else in their life, to include you. Of course, he’s got to earn your respect, you don’t just offer it to him because he wants it, but that goes both ways.
Like I said, this one seems pretty obvious, I know, but you’d be surprised at how many couples try to take their relationships to the next level when love and respect is what’s missing from the whole equation. If you don’t respect him, you can’t expect to be able to build any kind of stable union, nor do you really want to try. You’ll end up with tears in your eyes every time.
You’ve Got Great Chemistry Together
Even in the most logical, well planned, goal-driven relationship, you’ve got to have chemistry and an initial attraction to one another if you’re ever going to have a successful relationship. “Chemistry,” as we call it, is difficult to explain or quantify because not everyone experiences it exactly the same.
You can't fake chemistry between two people, you literally either have it or you don’t. There are situations where the chemistry feeling seems to come on after you’ve known the other person for some duration of time, but even in these cases it was actually there from the beginning, you just didn’t notice it until...well, until something prompted you to take notice.
How do you know whether you have chemistry with your Taurus guy or not? Well, to be quite honest, if you have to ask, you haven’t found it yet. It’s those little things that make you unable to get him off of your mind. It’s the butterflies you get when you know you’re about to see one another, and the little voice in your head that tells you to stop and pay close attention to this guy.
However you experience the chemistry created between you and your Taurus, when you do find it, don’t let it go.
Now, usually when two people click, connect, have chemistry, or whatever you want to call it, normally it’s felt by both people involved. This is good because it leaves out the guesswork of trying to decipher how he feels and if he’s got the same butterflies hanging out in his tummy.
Romantic chemistry is like one of those rare, amazing things in life that doesn’t cost your dime, feels great, makes you feel alive, attractive, and energized. This makes it easy to see why this is one of the biggest things Taurus men look for in a forever partner. Your bodies already seem to know one another but your minds are grappling with the question of what to do next-Just go with it and follow your instincts.
When you break it down to basics, this whole concept of chemistry between two people is simply a primal function of our physical and spiritual being. You can connect with someone without even knowing it if their body chemistry is pleasing and compatible with your own, which is weird and cool all at the same time when you think about it. Their scent, their body language, or even the way their pupils react to you when eye contact is made.
There’s a lot to it, actually there’s more than we may ever fully understand, however, the answer to what to do when you connect with someone in this way is to just go with and enjoy it while it lasts (sometimes, as I’m sure you are well aware, the magic fades and not even chemistry can fix a couple’s problems).
Your Relationship Is Intellectually Stimulating
Taurus men are notorious for being practical and pragmatic about things, so it comes as no surprise that there’s a good deal of importance placed on choosing a life partner who can keep up with what’s happening and who can stimulate him on an intellectual level.
The level to which your Taurus man is a stickler for this matter depends a lot on where Mercury lies in his own natal chart, but to make things easy I’ll just say that when it comes to the position of Mrs. Taurus man, air heads need not apply. Sure, there are different levels of intellect, and everyone has different skills and talents, but speaking in general terms, you’ve got to have a mental connection for your physical and emotional connection to last forever.
It seems to be a natural reaction for a lot of women out there to immediately begin worrying and stressing over whether or not they’re “smart enough” for their Taurus when this element of Taurus man attraction comes up. This is the opposite of what your response to this should be. I mean, not everyone is a rocket scientist, but nobody expects you to be anything other than who you are. And besides that, you’re pretty amazing! There are also many ways to stimulate your Taurus man intellectually, even something as simple as telling him about your day at work.
The bottom line piece of advice here is to never play dumb with a Taurus guy because you think that’ll make him notice you. Taurus men are truly suckers for beauty, so if you want to get his attention you’ve got lots of options. Never try to be anything other than who you genuinely are, and if you and your Taurus man can connect on multiple levels, one of which being intellectual stimulation, consider yourself as good as gold.
You’re Loyal to Him and to Your Relationship
Taurus men aren’t really the type to be overly insecure, interdependent, or clingy, and you’ll rarely ever find one of these guys who’s wiling to beg someone to love him. He’d rather be alone than beg for affection. What he does require from his lover, and this is a huge, deal-breaker kind of thing, is having a woman by his side who is totally loyal.
It can be hard to find someone who’s loving, attractive, attracted to you, caring, smart, AND loyal, so when a Taurus man discovers he’s in one of these dream relationships he’ll start thinking about deepening the connection you already share. The thing is, he’s loyal and honest to a fault, but usually, at least once he’s found himself in a situation where he ended up feeling slighted and betrayed by someone who didn't seem to understand what loyalty was or just didn’t care.
If your Taurus has been burned before, this will be even more important than if he hasn’t-Despite his tough guy exterior, Taurus men can be heavily impacted by having a partner cheat on him or otherwise betray his trust. Once he realizes and sees that you are a loyal partner your relationship will reach a deeper level of commitment and he will start thinking in terms of forever.
So what’s it mean to be loyal? It’s pretty straightforward, really. Your Taurus man wants you to be there by his side, supporting him and enjoying life together. Loyalty is not doing what he says or doing things to please your guy, loyalty is sticking by him even on the worst of days, being his partner and co-pilot, and choosing what’s best and right for your relationship and your connection rather than succumbing to those pangs of selfish desire we all feel from time to time.
He Wants a Woman Who Makes Him Feel Like a Man
Your Taurus guy loves it when he can play the part of the man’s man or gentleman, and if you want to be his number one forever, you’ve got to indulge him. He will be the first to hold the door open for you, offer you his coat on a chilly night, or come and kill that blasted spider that somehow found it’s way into your bathroom. He likes that feeling of being able to take care of you by handling things typically handled by the male in a relationship.
It's not that he thinks you can’t handle your own business perfectly well, He knows you can. He knows you don’t necessarily need him to go out of his way to do things for you, but he wants to. And, if he’s going to treat you like a lady you may as well go on and let him!
More so than simply opening doors for you, your Taurus man really loves it when you make him feel like like he has successfully filled the role of protector, provider, and lover. His home is his castle, and he adores it when you give him the “Royal Treatment.” And just think of it; with the right balance of chemistry, attraction, love, and trust, your Taurus won’t be able to help but to think about officially making you his Queen.
When you’re intimate together, take the opportunity to fluff his ego a little. Tell him how attractive and strong he is and how you just can’t resist his manly charm...or whatever there is about him that you can’t resist. This will help to bring him out of himself a bit more while boosting his confidence and his testosterone.
The more virile and manly you make him feel, the better your sex life will be, so this is one tip you’ll definitely want to consider adding to your future action plan. Ruled by Venus, your Taurus man can be a red hot, passionate lover when matched with the right partner. The more in control he feels, the more intense your intimate encounters become.
On the other hand, if you dominate the relationship, and especially if you manage to make your Taurus man feel dominated, his passion and drive will be nowhere near how driven he becomes when he feels in control.
This old school way of thinking won’t work for some, and that’s fine, there are plenty of other fish in the sea who think more closely along the same lines as you. For most Taurus men, however, finding someone who he loves and who he can easily fall into those traditional relationship roles is enough to make him start thinking about keeping you around forever, if you’ll have him, of course.
You’ve Got His Back and He’s Got Yours, No Matter What
Taurus men are very stubborn, and when pushed they have no problem becoming an immovable object. Earthy, sturdy, dependable, non-negotiable, and fiercely protective, your Taurus man will do whatever it takes to be there when you need him. This is not to say that there aren’t some lazy Taurus’ out there. But, even a lazy Taurus is still someone you can rely on based upon their history with that sort of thing.
Getting back to the point here, knowing he can depend on you to have his back and being able to trust you are essentially one in the same. With your Taurus, it's important that you develop trust for one another slowly (otherwise Taurus men have a habit of disappearing for an undisclosed amount of time should he start to feel like things are moving too quickly or he’s being pressured to do something he’s not yet decided on).
When you and your Taurus man got together you became partners. Well, with this partnership came the unspoken agreement to stick up for and support one another. This is especially important when in the company of other people, and it’s even more important if you happen to be in the company of anyone who is his superior or who he looks up to.
Basically, try your best to always be a supportive force in his life and never call him out or embarrass your Taurus man in front of his peers, or anyone--But especially not in the company of anyone who can hold such a thing over his head.
Any hope of ever getting him to propose fly right out the window the minute you betray a Taurus’ trust. However, once you’ve gained the trust of your Taurus man, marriage suddenly becomes a real possibility, depending upon other factors in your relationship.
Why Friendship is The Most Important Ingredient For a Long Lasting Marriage
Now that you know what he's looking for in a wifey, I think it is important to point out that if you and your Taurus don’t have a solid foundation of friendship, your relationship doesn't stand much of a chance in the long run.
Those seemingly small day to day issues, you know the ones that cause you or your partner to have doubts or feel insecure in the relationship, can easily bring down a couple who lack a solid foundation of friendship.
This is why so many couples who meet and get married during a crazy, whirlwind romance eventually wind up in divorce court fighting over who gets what. And, when you aren't friends with your mate, or if you don't have respect for him, forever will suddenly start to seem like something you're being forced to endure rather than an experience you want to enjoy to the fullest.
Seriously, take a moment to imagine what it will be like to spend the rest of your life connected to someone. Now, imagine that you aren't even friends with that person. Forever just got a lot longer, right?
Building and strengthening your friendship bond will positively affect all other areas of your relationship, including getting a ring put on your finger.
Be an awesome partner, be the life partner you would like to have (if that makes sense). Make it a point to be a positive force in his life. Show him love through your actions and take the time to get to know and understand your Taurus man. If you apply this advice in your relationship, as long as there aren’t other underlying problems that need to be addressed, you’ll be saying, “I do,” in no time!
Now that you know how to get him on track to propose there's still more work to be done.
Most importantly, before you decide to put these methods to work on your Taurus man, make absolutely certain that he's what you want forever--Divorces are messy and stressful, so if you have any doubts or reservations about marrying your Taurus, give yourself some time to sort things out before you use these secret tips to get him to propose.
From Engaged to Mr. & Mrs. Taurus Man: Keeping it Together Throughout The Engagement
Planning your wedding is a huge deal, and requires loads of planning and patience. Your wedding day will be one of the most exciting, as well as most stressful events you’ll ever prepare for, but when it’s all said and done, all those stressful instances and hours upon hours of planning and preparing will all be worth it. I promise!
Stress is the number one relationship killer, especially among newlyweds and those who are still planning and waiting for their special day. Stress can break you down as individuals and pick your relationship apart piece by piece--Literally, stress can seep into and affect every part of your life if you let it.
Luckily, there are things you can do to keep it together throughout the engagement.
Marriage is scary. Even when you’re in love and would do anything at all for that person, the idea of committing yourself to one person for the rest of your life can be just a tad overwhelming. The sooner you accept these kinds of thoughts a and feelings the sooner you can move past them.
Don’t try to hide how you feel from one another. Communication is vital, and without it you will get nowhere together. Talk through whatever comes up, even if if makes you uncomfortable. If you’ve gotten this far together you should be strong enough to withstand a little discomfort. And, if he's not worth the trouble to talk it out, then he isn't who you want to link yourself with forever.
During the engagement period and leading right up to your wedding day, you might notice your Taurus man acting weird and detached one moment, then affectionate and normal the next. Try to avoid allowing instances such as this to spark insecurities about your relationship. This is a Taurus trait that I’ve had recounted to me repeatedly from different clients over the years, and what I‘ve found is that he’ll come around and things can return to normal. Whether things do get back to normal is totally dependent upon how you both handle the issue.
Remember: Your Taurus man is stubborn, and it can take him a while to process his emotions. How long? I can't say without looking into his chart, but let's just say you will beat him at this game every time--Again, the more you understand about the thought processes behind his actions, the better your chances of relationship success become.
Now that you know what he’s needs in a wife and whether or not you’re really ready to go all in with your guy, you can start thinking about how you want to plan your dream wedding!
You’ll want to wait for him to propose before you start asking him which flower arrangements he prefers, though. This is important, as jumping the gun here could scare him off and cause him to feel pressured, which is when the communication drops and he performs his famous disappearing act.
Once he's proposed and you've said yes, that's when you can really go nuts planning an amazing celebration of your love and commitment.
As you pan your wedding together, you’ll be testing the waters to see just how flexible and compromising you both are.
Putting it All Together to Reach Your Relationship Goals
We won't go too deep into planning out your dream wedding in this book. But, if we've gotten you to the point where you're planning and preparing for it, then I've done my job! And, if in a year from now you're still as happy and in love as you are right now, well, then I can say I've done my job very well :)
Ultimately the goal of this book in my Advanced Taurus Man Secrets series is to help you take your relationship to the next level. Getting a serious commitment from one of these bull headed Taurus men isn't easy, and it won't happen over night, so don't expect for it to. This is actually a good thing, though, because if it were to happen over night the odds of long term success would decrease substantially.
If you want to make your relationship a success, patience is important, obviously, as well as having the determination to make it work. With the right attitude and approach, and, of course, with a little love, you can build a highly rewarding relationship that fulfills the needs and desires of both you and your Taurus man.
Don't let yourself become discouraged if it still takes him longer than you think it should to pop the question. This is where being patient comes in. Slow and deliberate is his MO, and that will never change. But, considering the fact that marriage is supposed to last forever, what's the huge hurry to get there?
If you think about it, marriage is just a word, a certificate that says to other people "We love each other and are planning to spend our lives together." What's really important is the connection you share and the love you give to one another. You and your Taurus man are the only ones who matter in your relationship. Not the opinions of others, not the old ladies who always ask when you're going to find a nice man and settle down, and not your friends who can be overzealous in sharing their opinions on your life choices.
Put your focus on you and your Taurus man and that ever present search for love and happiness. If you are happy when you wake up in the mornings you're doing something right. If you have a relationship with the man you love, you're doing something right. And if you have both of these wonderful blessings in your life, you are doing exceptionally well and should take a moment to congratulate yourself on your achievements!
Now, go get together with your Taurus man and live life happily together. Remember that you can't fulfill just one of the eight things listed in this book, it has to be a combination of several things that will bring him to the decision to invite you into his life on a permanent basis.
I wish you and your Taurus man all the very best, and I hope that these tips prove to be helpful. You are in control of your future and the quality of life you live. Make it amazing and leave behind no regrets :)
Your Friend and Relationship Astrologer,