How To Text a Taurus Man
Getting Started: Texting and Other Communication Tips
So, you’ve just gotten that Taurus man’s number or maybe you’ve even already gone out on a date. Hard part seems to be behind you until you realize, well, it’s time to break the ice and get things going. How do you do that with a man who’s more of a doer and less of a talker?
First, don’t expect a reply text every time from a Taurus. Just don’t. They tend to believe that some things just don’t require a response and so they won’t. Don’t worry a whole lot about that one, on your end, either, because that means he’s not expecting you to respond to everything he says two seconds after he’s sent it either. Remember- very, very practical sort of guys, so, the idea of waiting with baited breath really isn’t them at all.
The Rule of 3 Days? Nope.
Personally, I have always felt that rule was silly, anyway. How many days should you wait to shoot off that first text? 3? A week? It gets kind of baffling- so many people have so many suggestions but this kind of game playing will not fly with a Taurus. Get in touch with your Taurus sooner rather than later- and don’t be afraid to make the first move. You might not end up hearing from him if you do that, because reaching out is often outside of their comfort zone- which means they might not do it, if you don’t.
If you sit around waiting on anyone to text you first, you’re risking a couple of scenarios happening but in the case of the Taurus man? He may either forget he gave you his number or it’s possible he’ll assume you’re really not interested. Playing hard to get with a Taurus in any fashion usually results in his deciding he’s not got a sure thing and backing off. Now, an Aries guy- that works for. But not usually a Taurus.
Now, what you say is going to be pretty important, but not nearly important as just doing it. If he’s given you his number, he wants you to text or call him. He wants to be in touch with you- but, like I said, they tend to want to be sure and there’s no surer way than you hitting them up first. Best way to make sure you’re doing it right? Use the same etiquette you would as if you were calling- no weird hours unless he’s said he’s a night owl.
Never, Ever Text A Simple “Hello/Hi, Hey!” or Otherwise Boring Opener
Have you ever been on Facebook or a dating site, or otherwise, and had someone hit you up and the only thing they say is “Hi”? The conversations usually don’t go up from there if you even bother to respond, do they? Don’t do this.
Taurus man or otherwise: one word texts like that are boring, unintelligent sounding, and hardly anyone wants them. Though this might not seem like a big deal, it doesn’t exactly convey the message that you want to communicate, it doesn’t convey enthusiasm, and it is definitely not interesting. These messages don’t give any information and they don’t ask for any. Instead? Try something like this:
“Hey, it’s Amy from the gym. What have you been up to?”
Better yet, if the two of you actually did have a conversation that led to getting those digits? Mention it. Ask more questions about something he mentioned.
“Hey, it’s Amy from the gym. Did you ever get to that movie you talked about?”
Getting the Ball Rolling- And Getting That First Date
Once you’re talking, then things can really pick up- and they should. Think about how you feel when you’ve given someone your number: when they text you, it’s awesome. However, you don’t want to lose that momentum. You also don’t want to be texting for weeks before a real date happens or the spark might quickly go out. Worse, it can make things much more awkward when the date actually happens. Think about those pre-date texts not as the whole conversation, but rather, the appetizer to it. Unfortunately, all too often, people will communicate for weeks and weeks before meeting, so, what ends up happening is this odd sort of “We have nothing to talk about” merged with, well, the urge to merge. Having physical chemistry but nothing to talk about never gets very far, but, with a Taurus: it might get to the bedroom but not much else after that.
Be Specific and Don’t Wait
Remember how I said you could say hello, remind him who you are, and ask a question? That question can definitely be, “Would you like to go for coffee on Friday?” And that is actually a very good idea with a Taurus man. Well, make sure it’s a nice coffee place- perhaps a quaint little coffee house with fine art on the walls, good music, and baked goods: that will appeal to his love of stimulating the senses. Use these first texts to make the plans, not the conversations that should be happening during said plans.
Avoid Freaking Out
First, Taurus males really can be chased off by pushiness. Being assertive and asking him out? Awesome. Asking him a few questions to indicate you are interested in getting to know him? Wonderful. But this is not a job interview or a psychiatric evaluation. Don’t blow all the ice breakers before the actual date- for one thing, but for another, a well placed question about him here and there is flattering. A barrage of personal questions prior to a date is a little weird.
Again, Taurus men aren’t really well known for quick responses, either, so be careful not to worry too much if he doesn’t get back to you right away. It almost never means anything beyond he’s just busy. Give him some time to respond and never, ever do this:
“Hey, it’s Amy from the gym, what are you up to?” “Hey, you get my text?” “Hey, what are you doing?” “Why aren’t you answering me?”
You know where this is going. Always give people some time to respond before you hit them up again. Don’t stress about it and don’t sit there asking yourself a hundred questions about why he’s not responding. I can promise you, that Taurus man is never going to do that with you- because, again, practical minded Taurus, initially, he’ll assume you’re busy. Go too long, he’ll assume you’re not interested, but because of the way he thinks: if he doesn’t get back with you right away, don’t read a lot into that.
Unless you are both communicating at this point, as in, having an actual conversation? Text here and there. Understand that not everyone texts a lot, and well, if there isn’t an existing conversation in play- he may just not respond because, well, he’s not big on verbal communication. For a Taurus man, you might also get something else: the dreaded one or two word response. Yes, this is annoying- but, for him, unless you have good reason to believe he’s upset in some way, it probably doesn’t mean anything. They’re just not really big on words and texting gives them the opportunity to use as few as possible. If it really bugs you a lot, dial it back a bit and place less emphasis on the texting. One word of caution here, though, because this doesn’t ever have the intended impact on the Taurus man that some feel it might: don’t ever, ever tell a Taurus man something along the lines of,
“I guess I’m boring you so I’ll just stop.”
Taurus men aren’t particularly aggressive, but they tend to hate passive aggressive game playing at any stage in the game. At his delicate juncture, that kind of move may end up with you not hearing back and it does mean he doesn’t want to talk to you anymore. If you’re worried, and genuinely worried you are bothering him, you can ask something along the lines of,
“Are you busy right now?” or something considerate, rather than ah, kind of pissy.
Communication: Taurus Style
What you will notice is that early on, you may be reading something and wonder who on earth these people are talking about. My Taurus Man? He doesn’t talk about the future! He doesn’t talk about things like that hardly ever! Has been the common refrain from the somewhat New To Taurus crowd. The thing is, once he’s invested, once he does have feelings and he’s sure of them- and sure of yours? That’s when this side of him begins to come out. Take Victoria, for instance, a friend and fellow astrologer. This Capricorn was plotting and planning the future since before she even met her Taurus man. You can imagine how confused and frustrated she was, and she knew about Taurus! They can be a bit perplexing with this sort of slow moving pace, really and that does carry over into the communication department.
Of course, Capricorn usually fares very well with a Taurus man- except when it comes to ambition. In her case, she has that climbing, moving forward, sort of motivation. On top of that, most of her natal chart is fire ruled! So, you have a self starting fireball of a Capricorn and the standard slow to move, wants-to-be-absolutely sure Taurus man. That’s the thing about them, though. Even an astrologer can get hung up by their communication style. Particularly if they’re the only sign that comes close to them in stubbornness!
Now, Victoria was aware that Taurus is sensible and down to earth. Those are things she loved about him- not at all unlike myself and my Taurus man. However, the way that a Capricorn sees practicality and the way a Taurus does- apples and oranges. You see, the Taurus man wants a sure thing: and before he puts himself out there, he’ll try to be sure he gets it. So, this is probably the first thing you have to understand before we even begin to get into how to “read” a Taurus. The Taurus Man Dictionary, as it were: if he isn’t expressing it, that doesn’t mean this is a lost cause. It means, he’s going slowly and that’s what they often do. Patience is always a virtue when dealing with a Taurus, but, particularly when it comes to communication. For a number of reasons.
Taurus men can be a little weird about communication. Now, in terms of the things they listen to: you really don’t have to worry if you’ve got a pack of haters gossipping about you. The odds of him even paying attention to that kind of thing are very, very slim. He probably doesn’t care a whole lot what others think of you at all, in fact- this can sometimes be a problem. I have known many people who felt like their Taurus man didn’t defend them enough when it came to gossip: and this is a huge misunderstanding. It’s not that he wouldn’t defend you, but usually, it’s just that he thinks the idea of this kind of gossip is ridiculous.
That’s to say nothing of the fact that if the gossip is about someone that he loves he doesn’t believe it. Not even close.
His opinion of you is his opinion of you: and someone with a wagging tongue isn’t likely to change that. While that may seem like a random aside: it’s not. This can help you better understand the mindset behind the things he’s saying- or, not saying.
I think the biggest frustration comes with hearing nearly constantly how the Taurus man is “Mr. Right.” I’ve mentioned before that this is certainly true, however, it’s not quite what people expect.
Plenty of people write about Taurus men as though you’re immediately going to be wined, dined, and racing up the aisle to the altar, lots of flowery words along the way. That’s...misleading. Incredibly so. They’re certainly keepers but they’re not fast and they’re not openly verbose. They’re just not usually talkers, particularly not at the beginning. That upshot being: again, no worries about gossip getting to them and them taking it to heart. Odds are pretty good your Taurus man finds gossip to be pointless chatter, anyway- and he doesn’t like talking when there isn’t any substance to it. This is why you aren’t likely to hear a whole lot of big expressions of love- at first. You may, however, see them.
Whoever wrote the song You Can’t Hurry Love was more than likely in love with a Taurus- because you cannot hurry them. Ever. Again, this is because they want that firm foundation to be built, and they want things to be solid so that they will be a forever situation, not a temporary one.
Being as they also have a bit of a hard time with change, adjusting to having someone in their life- no matter how badly they wanted a relationship, can sometimes be a bit tricky for them. This is why it can take a while to get to the good stuff, as it were or in some cases, you might be getting his good stuff and not even realizing it. One day, you get upset, you start asking him if he really loves you- and he may respond by being completely baffled because all this time, he’s been showing you, not telling you.
He just expected you’d get it. You can kind of see the issue now, with communicating with these men, right? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered- both in how you can better communicate with your Taurus man and how you can encourage him to open up a bit more.
Don’t Think Simply Spilling Your Guts Will Get This Done
Often, the love advice, particularly in communication is that you should be a mirror of what you’d like to see reflecting back at you. That’s awesome advice, except, with a Taurus, they’ll reflect it- but they’ll be speaking their language. For them, physical expressions are more meaningful and easier to manage than verbal.
That’s not to say they’re going to be trying to have sex with you every time they want to express love- though, that’s really not unheard of in a Taurus male. Letting him know how you feel, however, is important. How you do it, though, may change how he responds a great deal. Empty words don’t help matters- so, don’t imagine heaps of flattery on your end will do the trick either.
Make sure you mean it, deep down in your soul, before you say it. This holds true of any emotional communication you may have for him. Taurus men are also not really all that inclined to shrug off a passionately angry statement, just because you say later, “I was angry and I didn’t mean it.” To them, you meant it, because they don’t tend to say things they don’t mean. They expect that from everyone around them.
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
To better understand a Taurus man and to better communicate with him is to understand that verbal communication isn’t the only form of language. Oh no. Taurus is the King of Body Language. When you are talking to your Taurus man, sometime, and you’ve really got his attention- look at how he’s standing.
Look at his facial expressions. How he’s holding his hands or moving them when he is talking to you. You’ll get it, then, if you didn’t already- probably about 75% of what he’s saying is coming out in how he’s carrying himself physically.
He will also probably not really seem like he pays much attention to the things you say, but, rather, the things you do. You can tell him you love him until you are blue in the face, but if you forget something you said you’d do for him: it will hurt his feelings.
He may not show it openly, but “forget” too often, become someone he cannot rely on- and you’ll communicate a lot more than you intended. It won’t be good.
While many other signs may spin you some fabulously big dreams, plans, and goals- the Taurus man will not be having any of it. Of course, he does have plans, and he’s excellent with strategy, but he’d rather be working on them than talking about them. This is one way he’ll communicate his long term plans to you- without saying a word. Is he working hard on building a life with you? Then you can bet each and every time he steps out the door to go to work, he’s actually saying he loves you.
Trust me, while they are hard workers, your Taurus man would much rather be comfortable at home, not busting his hump.
If he’s got plans in mind for the two of you, he may be working on them without ever having even clued you in. By the time he does, he’s already got quite a bit accomplished- because he wants you to have just as solid a foundation as he wants for himself.
The Snags
Many, many, many people I have known with Taurus partners have cried out during our compatibility counseling sessions, “I’m not a psychic! How in the heck would I know?!” Encouraging your Taurus to actually talk, that’s an interesting and long road- but once you get on it, he will be much more open.
It just takes patience and time. He needs to come to a place where first, he feels comfortable being that vulnerable with you, but also? Not to put too fine a point on it, because believe me, I love my own Taurus man- they can be kind of dense about this. All too often what may seem like coldness or distance? Is really just him taking for granted that you know. It’s almost a level of trust- but, it’s a frustrating one!
The best thing that you can do to help him learn to open up is to consistently make sure he’s aware you want him to. If this is something that he hears from you, sincerely, he will work towards righting that in himself, even if he’s typically very quiet.
Remember, they are all about the perfect partner for life- and you aren’t the only one they hold to those high standards. He’ll be holding himself to them as well and while at first, he may seem kind of stubbornly sticking to his guns about communicating- he’ll work on it. His pride will typically keep him from showing you that he is, but, he will. While this happens, continue to gently and sincerely communicate your own feelings with him.
He most definitely is the type who will in time, learn by your example. While this is going on, however, if you start to feel insecure: pay attention to what he does, not what he says. They communicate so much by the things they do that often, they simply forget there’s a need to say anything at all.
One of the other biggest problems many people have with Taurus men when it comes to communicating? They’re trying to talk to him when he’s busy. This is a bad idea. If your Taurus man is at work, or if he’s out with his friends, or if he’s just otherwise doing something- and he doesn’t respond: getting angry at him is pointless.
That’s one of the most fruitless things you can possibly do with a Taurus man. If he’s working on something, whether that be working on a project- or working on relaxing: talk is the last thing on his mind.
This is because for the Taurus, talk is usually not the priority in the first place. Remember, you are dealing with a stubborn man and when he’s set in his course, whatever that course is- he doesn’t want to be distracted. He isn’t likely to get upset with you for texting him or trying to call, but, he won’t understand why you’re so upset that he didn’t respond.
As I mentioned there, before- he’ll likely be speaking via his actions, long before he says those words you want to hear. This needs to be a practice you also adopt. That doesn’t mean you have to stop communicating- not at all. He likely loves to hear what you have to say and this does encourage him to speak his mind, more, as well. Anyone who’s been with a Taurus man for a number of years will tell you- though those around him may think he’s the strong silent type, when he’s with those he’s the closest to, he can be a very open, affectionate person, even verbally.
If you want him to meet you halfway, you need to meet him there, too: so, in addition to gently encouraging him by being openly verbally expressive, make sure he can rely on you. If you say you’ll do something, make sure that you do. Be there for him.
Remembering things he’s said and acting on them (For instance, he sees something and expresses admiration for it, you get it for him, or a meal he talks about loving, you make for him) will go a very, very long way.
Now, get out there and get the conversation going with your Taurus man!
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May the stars be on your side,