TAURUS MAN DIRTY TALK SECRETS Become a Taurus Man Whisperer
For as far back as I can recall, I've been fascinated by people who can communicate exclusively with different animals, like the "horse whisperer" or the "dog whisperer," or something like that. To be the only being that an animal, or breed of animal, is able to communicate seems a pretty awesome title to hold, but it's not something that can easily be taught.
Since I'm not in the business of talking to dogs or horses, I shifted my focus to how using one's natal chart can reveal what language and approach one must apply to become a "Taurus Man whisperer."
Lucky for you, it is easy to teach you how to become a Taurus Man whisperer in just a few simple steps!
So, in this Advanced Taurus Secret ebook, we'll look a little deeper into the psyche of the Taurus man, specifically at how you can successfully incorporate some naughty new aspects to your sex life. Whether you're a newbie or an experienced pro when it comes to the art of dirty talk, here you'll find tips and tricks to really get your Taurus man fired up.
What's so Advanced About These Taurus Man Sexual Secrets?
If you've read through the originalTaurus Man Secrets, then you know we already went through quite a lot of information. One would think we'd covered just about all there is to cover already- from how to communicate with him, to special little things you can do to show him you care, and even went though the Sextrology of the Taurus man, and so much more.
Well, after finishing that series and getting a good bit of feedback from my readers, many of whom I've spoken with directly in completing their compatibility report requests, I realized that we've really only touched on the tip of the proverbial iceberg when it comes to fully understanding these complex men. This is why I've expanded on all that we've already gone over with the Advanced Taurus Man Secrets mini-series!
Think of it like attending graduate school, only for your love life.
You'll always be left with some curiosity about your Taurus man, which is a good thing, I promise. If you were to eliminate all of the curiosity he brings out in you, well, then your relationship would risk become mundane, stagnate and boring--The exact opposite of what we're going for here. So, the goal is not to kill the curiosity, but to better enhance your level understanding the different facets of your Taurus man's personality so that you can be the best partner and lover he's ever had.
In the next section, we'll take a look at how you can feel him out and see if he's into the idea of talking dirty to spice up your sex life.
First Things First, Where to Begin
Obviously, not everyone is into the idea of dirty talk, and generally speaking it's not something Taurus men are widely known for. When we think of combining sexual encounters with conversation, Gemini springs to my thoughts far more quickly than the bull. Every Taurus man is unique, though, and you can get him excited over just about anything when you're using astrology to decode the different elements of his life.
That said, you don't want to just spring it on him without warning in the midst of your love making session. Or, you can but you run the risk of him not knowing how to respond and things becoming awkward--The only way to accurately predict how he'll react to your naughty words is to look at the relationship between his Mercury, Pluto, Venus and Moon, as well as the ruler ships for the 5th, 7th, and 8th houses in his natal chart.
Or, you can just ask him.
Maybe "ask him" doesn't give the accurate imagery of what it is that I mean. You know your Taurus guy pretty well by now if you've gotten this far with him, you can read his body language and you probably know some of his personal little quirks and things he does when he's happy or horny, or both! When the two of you are being frisky with one another bring up the idea of talking dirty. Or, if you'd rather, just go for it and try a little pre-sex dirty talk to get his mind where you want it to be.
Depending on your comfort level with everything, this part can go by very quickly and escalate into amazing sex, or it can become awkward and leave you feeling like you should have practiced more. We're going to try to avoid the latter and go for the former!
The key to making it work, and avoiding that awful awkward moment where you just want to crawl under a rock and die, is to really commit to it and don't hold back. Let your primal side do the talking, not your logical, restrictive side.
Putting too much thought into what you're going to say and how you're going to say it can kill the mood. Your words can't sound natural if you let yourself overthink it.
If you have no problem telling your Taurus man exactly what's on your mind and you're feeling confident and ready to make it happen in your life, then you may want to skip ahead past this next section where I'm about to explain what to do if you aren't quite there yet as far as being ready and being able to sound natural and seductive in the process.
Putting Your Mind in The Gutter Where it Belongs
You’ve got to be in the right frame of mind to make a success out of your first experience with talking dirty to your lover. If your relationship is relatively new or, perhaps you or your Taurus lover are kind of shy and reserved and you’re worried that the whole thing could end up a disaster-You’re over thinking it, stop it!
The driving factor behind your desires to spice up your sex life with your Taurus guy can be a number of things. It could be anything, really. For a couple who’s typically the conservative type who has boring, predictable sex, something as simple as talking a little dirty to one another can be quite exciting and feel very risqué.
For a couple who’s comfortable together and is open to trying and engaging in new sexual experiences, adding in some dirty talk won’t be such a big deal, but will definitely add some spark to their everyday routines.
If you and your Taurus man are regulars at the sex shop and your neighbors avoid coming in for coffee because of the questionable contraptions with leather straps that stay visible from the doorway, well, if you are this type of couple you are probably way past talking dirty and close to venturing into unchartered sexual territory together. Also, being part of a couple already so sexually venturesome, you surely have no issues getting your dirty talk on.
Now, you need to figure out what you want to say to him and how you’re going to say it, or at least come up with a rough idea. Think back to a time when you were together and he did something you really liked, you may want to consider coming up with a seductive way to let him know that you like it when he does whatever and you want him to do it again. You’ll learn as you go that little complements that give his ego a little boost can work in your favor. When you tell your Taurus guy how good it felt last time he fingered you while you were giving him a blow job, he’s instantly going to start thinking about fingering you while you give him a blow job.
It should go something like this: (This dialogue also works for when you are texting your Taurus man)
You: That was amazing what you did with your hands while I was sucking your dick yesterday morning. I haven't been able to get it off my mind
Your Taurus Guy: (instantly aroused) Oh yeah, you were pretty amazing yourself!
You: We should make plans for dinner tonight ;)
Just the mention of your previous naughty encounters can put him in the mood for more, thus proving that your Taurus man is opening up and allowing himself to be vulnerable a little bit while the two of you get into sync with one another and share the side of you that has wild fantasies and secret desires.
It's almost a given that complementing him on his form and getting him thinking about your last intimate encounter is going to put his mind in the gutter, which sets your whole dirty talk plan into motion. And, now that you see how easily you can get the ball rolling and how receptive your Taurus man will be to your advances, it's time to take things a little bit further.
How You Can Master the Art of Talking Dirty
If you’re going to do something you may as well master it, especially when you’re talking about something as enjoyable and beneficial to you as widening your sexual horizons and experiencing new things with your Taurus man. There’s more to it than just saying some dirty words in the heat of the moment. Really, it’s not even about the words you use, it’s about the way you say them and the energy you put into what you say and do.
The point of spicing things up is to make sex more enjoyable for both partners, right? Well, the way to make your sex more enjoyable is by making one another feel things, making one another feel amazing, by activating different emotional responses with our own words and actions.
Your Taurus man is old school, and prefers the traditional gender roll positions, especially when he’s being seduced. Taking that into consideration, when you say things that give him the feeling of being in control and of dominating you sexually, you bring out a primal side of him wherein he is the man and you are the woman and you are here for his pleasure. This pleases the Taurus man on a level he may not even fully understand, but he doesn’t need to understand it, you do.
Don’t worry about what you sound like when you’re talking dirty to your man. Second guessing yourself and worrying about what you sound like will only make things feel unnatural and uncomfortable. And actually, it can be a huge turnoff for your Taurus man if you get there to the right moment and then choke on your words or if your words sound rehearsed. It should sound and feel natural and effortless (and trust me, after the first time or two, it will be).
If you’re going to master becoming the ultimate dirty girl for your Taurus man, you’ve got to let your inner seductress come out and get her freak on! Dn’t get me wrong, your Taurus man wants you to continue being his lady when you’re in public, but once the two of you are alone, it’s time to let your freak side take control and allow yourself to become his sexy little slut. It’s all about balance, really.
Also, if you want to give off the vibe of super sexual seductress, you need to do things that make you feel sexy and desirable. Buy yourself some lingerie, or even just a new bra, go to the gym, watch some porn, masturbate, whatever makes you feel like a primal, sexually charged goddess, do it, ALL of it.
This is very important and activates the part of your mind that feels and interprets pleasure received form intimacy. If you aren’t feeling it, the magic just isn’t going to happen. With the right mindset, however, you and your Taurus could make the magic last well into the wee hours of the morning. It’s all about perspective. If you perceive yourself to be a sexy femme fatale then you will be.
When coming up with things to say to turn your Taurus man on, try to focus your energy on things that will make him feel desired. Let him know that he satisfies your every need and tell him how you can’t get enough of the way he fucks you with his big dick. Every guy, well, most guys, worry about their partner's opinion of their manhood, so it's good to find ways to let your guy know you are happy with his equipment and the way he uses it.
To make him feel dominant, use words like “please,” or by telling him he can do whatever he pleases with you. If you are into things on the rough side of the sexual spectrum, there's a 99.9% chance that your Taurus man will be quite excited when he finds out. As you test one another's boundaries and see how far you're comfortable going down that sexual rabbit hole, you'll pick up on the little things that really turn him on and you'll develop a special bond of sexual trust that will bridge any gaps present in your physical connection.
Sexting Pro-Tips
With the technology we’ve got at our fingertips day in and day out, there are more ways to flirt with and keep your Taurus man’s mind on you 24/7. And, with apps like Snapchat, Whatsapp, FB Messenger, and many others, you even have the option to add a filter to your sexy pics to make yourself look even hotter-Not that you need any help in that department, but it’s nice to know there are options.
Now, there are a few things about “rules” of sexting that are more important than others, like the way you use emoticons. Remember that when you’re texting him, he’s reading your emotion through the visual of your text, so when you add a kissy face or a winky face to the end of your message, your Taurus knows your message was meant to be playful and light hearted. Slip up and send a scowley faced emoticon at the end of your message and his initial reaction will be confusion and putting up his defense.
Your Taurus man isn’t likely to be the type to randomly send you a sexy message. Just like with other means of communication, Taurus men are known to sit back and wait to be pursued rather than make the first move-If you are in a long distance relationship, or if you’ve never met in real life before but you talk and text all the time, he might be more inclined to initiate the sexting. Generally speaking, though, don’t be upset if you’re the one who usually gets your dirty texts conversations started-He’s more concerned with finishing what’s been started.
When you decide to send him a dirty little text, make sure to do it during a time frame you’re pretty sure he isn’t busy. A busy Taurus man will see that he got a message, look at it, put the phone back into his pocket and have a nice little fantasy session in his head while he finishes what he’s doing. Often when this happens youwon’t get a message back until much later, simply because he went through the whole process of being excited about your message when it came in and now he’s got some other task to complete that’s taking away his attention. All this makes your timing crucial if you want him to reply.
When you’re reasonably sure that he’ll be available, that’s when you want to work your sexy text-magic and get him thinking about the next time the two of you are together. If you can keep the anticipation building throughout the day, your connection will be intense by the time you get to one another that night.
You can send him something like this:
You: “Hey baby, I hope you’re having a great morning! I was thinking maybe we can get together later and have a great evening as well ;)”
Him: “Hey! I was just thinking of you. Tonight sounds great :)”
You: “I haven’t been able to stop thinking of you and the last time we were together. I get wet just thinking about it <3”
Ok, now that you’ve gotten his attention...
Now that you’ve got his attention and he knows that food isn’t all that’s in his future dinner plans, you can let his imagination handle the rest. Even if he responds to your last message, don’t reply just yet, or do but tell him you’ve got to handle something and you’ll be around later. This leaves him sitting there thinking about you and your texts.
A little later in the day, send him a sexy picture of yourself, but not one that’s too revealing. Remember, you want him to use his imagination to build up the majority of his anticipation, your picture and messages are just a fuel to his fire.
Just before it’s time for your date, send your Taurus guy one last text telling him you can’t wait to see him, or something like that, and a smiley. Quick, simple, and to the point-He’ll appreciate that.
After you’ve gone to dinner and done whatever else you wanted to do on your date night you’ll find yourselves alone and horny. And, now you’ve actually created the perfect situation where you can introduce darker, dirtier dirty talk. As you kiss him tell him how badly you want him to fuck you. Or tell him that you’re down to try whatever he wants tonight (odds are he won’t have anything crazy to add to your sexual menu, but he likes to have the offer).
As you go further into this encounter you’ll begin to just come up with things to say on the fly. Everything moving forward beyond this point is governed by your primal instincts and sexual energies. Much like the act of sex itself, you react and make decisions based on instinct rather than logic.
This is only one of about a billion different scenarios that could lead you to the point of physical connection you wish to achieve with your Taurus man, and is to be used as a jumping off point for you to recreate and make all your own. In the next section, we'll go through some more dirty talk scenarios to give you ideas for how to get your Taurus man excited beyond the point of no return, leading to the most intense orgasm he's ever had.
Let's Get Down to Talking Dirty--WARNING EXPLICIT CONTENT
Now that you've got down the basics of talking dirty with your Taurus man, let's go through some ideas for things you can say to achieve your goal of sharing a mind-blowing sexual encounter with your lover.
Take the soft core approach-
You don’t have to come up with the most filthy, naughty phrase you can think of for it to be incredibly sexy. Actually, and especially since you’re dealing with a Taurus, the more subtle comments and sounds may be even more of a turn on than the explicit stuff.
Start off by complementing your Taurus man on his physique and his manhood, letting him know how physically attracted to him you are. Here are a few examples
“You look really great in that shirt, seeing you in it makes me want to rip it off of you.”
“You always know how to get me going.”
“I really love it when you wrap your strong, manly arms around me tight, it makes me feel so frail but safe.”
“The way you took control of the situation is such a turn on!”
Your Taurus man will love knowing that you see him as strong, in control and manly, plus the added bonus of how turned on he'll be when you let him know how hot he makes you! Also, Taurus men tend to appreciate the softer approach more than some guys- Having Venus as his ruler tends to have that affect. There’s really nothing better than the strong, sensual, type who’s got his shit together, though, is there?
Be seductive and get into character
You’ve got to be fully “in character” when you talk dirty to your Taurus man. This means you have to believe what you’re saying and really mean it. Just choosing random dirty phrases, or perhaps looking for the “dirtiest” phrase you can find to say to your guy will not be received in the same light as if you say something with passion and feeling behind it. Being genuine with your guy is always best, and sharing your genuine feelings and fantasies with him is the best way to bring your fantasies into reality with your man.
And, speaking of getting into character, your Taurus man is likely to be the type of guy who digs a little sexy role playing. If you’re into that sort of thing it can be tons of fun. You can be anyone you want, which means you can say anything you want and not feel weird or nervous about it. When you’re in character you act as that character acts, it’s like getting to take a mini vacation from all the worries you carry. And trust me, it’s a great stress reliever!
You can test the waters a bit to see if your guy would be into choosing a sexy role to play by just throwing the idea out there. No beating around the bush, just go for it. If you aren’t sure what to say to find out how he feels, here’s what you do:
Do a quick Google search for sexy costumes, dress up gear, cosplay, or whichever of the million options out there you choose to go with. Find something you like, maybe something with a his and hers option (those can be quite interesting) and show it to him. Ask him what he thinks about it, or tell him you’d been thinking of getting something similar and you wanted to know what he would think about that. I promise you, he won’t be displeased.
From there, play it by ear. You can customize and tweak any of the tips in here to fit any role playing scenario, or just make it your own. After all, that’s the whole idea here-This book provides you with ideas and methods to use to get you comfortable with the talking dirty to your man, but once you find your groove and gain a little confidence, you’ll be a master of your seductress game.
Just remember, never break character when in the midst of such an experience. It’s good to have a safe word and set your boundaries before you enter into any sexual activities that you and your lover plan, especially if you’re pretending to be someone else.
It’s all in how you moan
Men love to hear a woman moan in pleasure, all of them, every single one. In fact, moaning is one of the most sexually appealing sounds a woman can make, so be sure you capitalize on this veritable gold mine of seductive power held within your vocal cords!
Moaning is great because it’s totally natural. It’s quite possibly the easiest way to segue into saying the naughty little things that are running through your head. Nobody thinks about it before they moan, we just do it. When we’re hurt we scream, when we’re engulfed in pleasure we moan, and the knowledge of what these primal sounds mean is engrained in our DNA. Really, in a sense, I guess you could say that moaning is the first generation of talking dirty.
Some women I know worry that they’re too loud or that they sound crazy when they let it loose during sexy time. If you’re one of those ladies, you need to get rid of that worry right now.
Think of it this way: Moaning is like cheering, when you moan during sex you’re cheering your guy on and letting him know just how amazing he is. What’s not to love about that?!
If you want to really spice things up, you can throw in some words with your primal sounds of pleasure.
“Ohhhh, baby, I love it right there!”
“Ohhhh yes, yes!”
“Mmmmm oh my God, your dick is amazing (followed by more moaning)”
“Oh baby, yes, fuck me so hard! (followed by screaming or moaning...whichever comes out)”
And so on...You can make anything, anywhere sound sexy if you’re moaning while you’re saying it. Think of the restaurant scene from When Harry Met Sally...
Don’t be ashamed to beg
Begging can be sexy, but only when you do it right. I do not mean to beg a guy who’s not sending you signals, or even worse a guy who’s been sending you negative signals or who treats you poorly. Begging your man to sexually satisfy you is something that should really only be done with a man you love and trust, or at least one you trust.
It can be a real turn on for a Taurus man when you beg him to fuck you. Or, if you want to be sweet about it, you can beg him to make love to you. But really, a rose by any other name...
“Oh baby, please fuck me like you did the other night.”
“Please don’t stop!”
“I love it when you pull my hair and fuck me from behind, please keep fucking me.”
“Baby, please make love to me.” (This one’s more toned down, but can be just as effective as the others, depending on the situation)
You can take this as far as you want to and get as dirty as you want to be with your Taurus guy. But by now I think you get the idea of how to go about making your Taurus man see you as being insanely sexy and make that connection of having what some refer to as “bex,” or “best sex.” The kind of sexual experience that leaves you smiling and knowing that your lover was fully satisfied also.
How to Use All This Info
Hopefully with all of this information you’ll be able to start a sexy dialogue with your Taurus man that will create some amazing memories in the bedroom. The most important thing is to be natural. If you feel nervous or silly it will show through in whatever you say, and that’s not hot. Be confident in yourself and rememberer how amazingly hot you are. He’s lucky to have you in his bed, and these tips can make him never want to let you go.
Here’s a list of most important dirty talk particulars for Taurus men:
Make sure you moan if you want him to know to what extent you’re enjoying his dick. If you can’t come up with anything to say, stick with moaning, especially when he’s doing something you like. Still, though, keep it natural.
Don’t be afraid to make the first move or initiate things physically. Taurus men are passive creatures who really enjoy being chased, and actually, he may even test you to see how far you’ll chase him. He gets off on being chased. Something about the whole hard-to-get thing is irresistible to many Taurus man lovers, I believe it to be because of the huge reward that comes when this guy you’ve been pursuing reciprocates your feelings-Even your lusty feelings.
Don’t hold back if you’re feeling it. Let yourself become totally immersed in the moment you’re sharing with your guy. Say what comes to mind and trust your most primal instincts to do the rest. If you’re going to let him inside of you and make love to you, you can be confident and comfortable around him to explore different sexual avenues together (i.e talking dirty). Remember: Just do it, ALL of it.
Let him feel like he’s in control and allow him to dominate some of the time. Depending on how far you are comfortable taking your sexual adventures, you can simply tell him how much you like it when he takes control, or, you can take things to where you’re “rough” with each other. This is, of course, a personal preference and the end goal can be accomplished with just about any degree of “nastiness.”
Do not make it like a conversation when you’re talking dirty with your guy. Don’t overthink what you’re saying. This is where those awful, awkward moments are born and should be avoided at all costs. When texting him, keep your messages short, sweet, and sexy, and something that will leave him unable to get you off of his mind.
I hope that this book has been helpful to you, and I wish you all the best in life and love!
May the stars be on your side,
Your Friend and Relationship Astrologer,