Decoding The Sexual Secrets Of The Aries Man
If you’ve already read through the other books in this series all about the Aries man, by now, you should have a pretty good idea of what these guys are all about. The one thing we haven’t gotten the chance to look at in great depth yet, however, is that little three letter word that we’re all thinking about—Sex.
Well, just for you, I’ve dedicated this book entirely to decoding the secrets to understanding the sextrology of your Aries man. The information here will equip you with all you need to really make an impression on that sexy Aries in your life!
What is “Sextrology”?
You’ve probably guessed it by now, but Sextrology is a unique branch of astrology that helps you learn about more than just someone’s basic personality traits. With Sextrology you can uncover the secret desires of your partner by looking at some very specific points in their chart, which we will be learning about in the pages to come.
We’ve all had those moments where you realize you’re getting close to getting it on with someone new and suddenly wish you knew a little more about what they liked, how they liked it, when they liked it, and so on. Lucky for you, I’ve outlined pretty much everything you could ever want to know about your Aries guy's sexual makeup. And I must say, this has been a really fun and interesting book to write!
Before we get into all the juicy details, I want to take a moment to explain how sexual astrology works. We’ve already explored the basics of astrology, the ways you can use the stars to map out your relationship success, learn how to communicate with your Aries man, and how to tell how compatible the two of you are based on your Sun signs.
We’ve gone over the basic rules of synastry readings and even how well Aries men relate to each individual sign in the Zodiac, making you something of a Aries man expert by now. I won’t go into all of those details again here, but if you haven’t yet read the other parts of this series on the Aries man, you may want to look over that later.
Sextrology is very much the same as regular astrology; we're just looking at some different points in your, or your Aries man’s, chart to gather the info that we need to get a little deeper into his headspace.
The primary focus in Sextrology are the planets and other celestial energies that govern our passions, desires, sexual drives and our deepest needs.
To determine this we pay close attention to Mars, Venus, Pluto, and the asteroid Eros, as well as the 5th, 7th and 8th houses in the chart we’re exploring. There are, of course, other things to consider, but these are the most applicable to what we’re learning about today.
A Bit of History on How Sexual Astrology Came About
So what can all of these things show us about a person’s sexual desires and preferences? Well, I’ll tell you:
Mars And Venus—Love And Passion
First off, Mars is a fiery planet that we associate with passion, virility, sexual drive, lust, and desire. Where Mars is located in your chart shows how you go about pursuing your passions and what really lights your fires, so to speak.
In Roman mythology Mars was the Roman god of war, so naturally the sign placement of Mars in your chart tells a lot about your disposition for expressing fiery passion, your competitive side and in what ways you get out your aggression, but that doesn’t really apply here—unless, of course, you are into that kinda thing. Which, actually, your astrology chart can show! ...And you thought all those things were secret.
Anyway, second we look at the lovely Venus. Venus was known as the ancient Roman goddess of beauty, love, fertility, seduction, pleasure and Victory. This is the softer side of our sexual appetite and her placement in your chart shows how you love, how you seduce, what types of lovers you attract, and who you are attracted to. Venus is also linked to the Greek goddess Aphrodite, who shared the same attributes in Greek history. If you get into the Greek and Roman backgrounds of astrology, you’ll find that there are a lot of similarities between the different gods and goddesses that we connect with the modern astrological archetypes used to describe the planets used.
According to Roman mythology, Mars and Venus shared a passionate, yet tumultuous, love affair, from which Eros, the god of erotic passion and love, was born.
—Exploring the mythological basis for modern day astrological archetypes is really very enlightening, and offers great depth of understanding of how everything works together. If you have the time to explore some of the histories of astrology I highly recommend doing so—
Once you know how to interpret and blend these two energies together, based on their placement in your Aries man’s chart, it becomes easier to decode his sexual drives and desires. And believe me, he’s got a lot going on in this area! The sign these planets are in reveals his attitude toward sex and how he fulfills his desires, and can even give insight as to how you can improve all of your sexual experiences.
We’ll get into how you can appeal to your Aries man’s particular Mars, Venus, and Eros placements later in this book.
Pluto’s role in how you embrace your sexuality is more revealing of your darker side. This isn’t really surprising considering Pluto is the modern ruler of Scorpio, the sign we most closely associate with secret desires and taboo topics. Once you realize what kind of connection Pluto has with sexuality the pieces of the puzzle that is your Aries man all start to fall into place.
When we look at Pluto, we find where you are the most primal in your sexual appetite. Pluto works to help you transform yourself, often referred to as a representation of the phoenix rising from the ashes. Pluto plays many roles in astrology, aside from just the sexual connotations, and is an indication of where you place the most importance when it comes to discovery and growth, in general.
Pluto is associated with life and death, birth and regrowth, and can show where you draw your sexual power from. Connections between Pluto and Venus or Pluto and Mars can be very powerful indications of a sexual bond that transcends basic desire and takes your sexual experiences to a place of spiritual connection.
Another important point to investigate in your chart is Eros. Eros is not a planet per se, but an asteroid that lies between Venus and Mars in your natal chart. The reason that Eros is so important is that this asteroid reveals your most primal, desires. Some say Eros shows the true erotic desires of our soul, so you can see how being privy to where Eros is in your partner’s chart can be an integral key to taking things to a whole new level of intimacy.
In mythology, Eros is the Greek god of erotic love, and his placement in the natal chart reveals your soul’s erotic desires. Some say that he was born of chaos, while others state him to be a son of Aphrodite (Venus) and Mars.
Unlike the usual planets in a chart, which can have different specific meanings based upon their degree of placement, Eros is depicted only as to what sign in your chart he is found. More than just offering insight into how you experience intensified passion and “get there,” this little asteroid can actually help you to become a better lover when you investigate its whereabouts in your partner’s chart. We’ll explore this further in just a bit.
When you get a Sextrology reading for you and your partner, whether you cast the chart yourself or confer with an astrologer like me, you can quite literally walk away with an instruction guide to giving your partner what his or her soul is yearning for.
Not only that, but you can also find the best way to reveal and share the things that drive you wild. Trust me, once your Aries man sees what you can do with your newfound knowledge he'll be more than happy to try whatever suggestions you bring to the table.
Aspects made to other planets and the houses where your Mars and Venus fall act as an indication of where these energies are most prevalent in your life and where you can make the very most of them.
For example, the houses I mentioned earlier, the 5th, 7th, and 8th, are the most important to look at when you are going through your Sextrology chart. These are the areas in your stars that show where you love, flirt, have fun, what kind of partner you are best suited to link up with, and at what points in your life you approach sex and those primal urges that can’t be denied.
So, when you take all this info and combine yours and your Aries man’s charts, you can easily explore the areas in your stars that show what you both need to achieve the highest levels of satisfaction. You’ll be armed with enough knowledge to almost guarantee you will hit the big “O” and have a sexual experience you’ll never forget.
Some Helpful Things to Know and Understand About the Sexual Side of the Aries Man
Now that you have some basic knowledge of how you can use astrology to improve your sex life, let’s look more specifically at the sexual side of the Aries man.
Born between March 21st and April 19th, Aries is the one sign that can really give Scorpio a run for his money when it comes to the question of who's the most sexual sign in the zodiac. Aries is driven by passion and a need to conquer, and he can be rather impulsive when it comes to finding ways to satisfy his desires. He’s not into having sex just for the sake of doing it, though. The sex that the Ram seeks out is fun, energetic, passionate and fulfilling.
As I’ve just explained, there are certain planetary influences beyond your man’s Sun placement that have a huge bearing on his sexuality, and we’ll look deeper into these elements of his chart a little later in this book. First, though, let’s explore your Aries man’s general demeanor and attitude on sex and the types of things that turn him on.
Your Aries man is all about action and getting things done. If he has an interest in you, he’s not the type to hold back or put too much thought into letting you know.
When he’s on the prowl, he ardently pursues his target until he gets what he wants. For him, the chase is almost as enjoyable as the sexual experience, and he prefers for his conquests to offer him bit of a challenge in the process.
Although he isn’t particularly romantic, the Aries man has a real Don Juan kind of personality and can be incredibly seductive when he wants to be. You may have only met him a few hours ago when you got to the party, but in the right moment that’s more than enough time for him to work his magic on you. Before you know it, the two of you are getting it on in the coat closet like nobody’s business—And, even though you’re not typically one to move that fast, you’re thoroughly enjoying yourself and this moment.
Like everything else in life, the Aries man gives 100% when it comes to making love. He always strives to be the best at whatever he does, and he wants to be the best partner you’ve ever had.
He’s down for sex whenever, wherever. Actually, the more risky the location, the more excited he gets. Saying that he’s sexually adventurous is to put it lightly, and he needs a partner who’s willing to push the boundaries a little, or, more accurately, a lot. Aries men have a definite kinky side, and the odds are good that your Aries man indulges this side of himself quite frequently. Wild, crazy, limitless sex gives him a rush—The higher the risk, the better!
To be honest, the Aries men is one of the most sexy, irresistible guys out there. He knows how to get your fires burning, and he’s got this way of charming the pants off just about anyone, and that includes you!
Even when he’s doing other things, the Aries man is always on the prowl. The exception to this is when he’s in a committed relationship, but even then he will always be looking for ways to lure his partner into the bedroom for a quick romp—And he’s usually successful with these efforts.
Being a Cardinal sign, Aries is naturally curious and loves to explore new and exciting sexual avenues. He lives life at a fast pace and needs a lot of activity to keep him from getting bored. To Aries, there is no fate worse than boredom, especially when it comes to sex. The more exotic and exciting your lovemaking, the more into it your Aries man will be. He gives 100%, and it takes a lover who reciprocates this to truly satisfy the Ram.
To Aries there is no fate worse than boredom, especially when it comes to sex
One thing that may displease his lover is the tendency the Aries man has to get through sex too quickly. As you might imagine, or as you may already know, this can be a real downer when you’re just not ready for it to end. There are methods he can use to make the sex last longer, but often it’s just that he is so turned on and his passions burn so insanely hot that he reaches climax quickly. The redeeming factor to all of this is the Aries man’s libido recharges very quickly, meaning he will often be down for two or maybe even more, sex sessions in one day.
Foreplay isn’t his thing, and some Aries actually see foreplay as more of a sex obstacle than a part of the whole experience. If you want it, he wants it, and you have a place you can do it, he sees no reason to play around and tease one another when something so great is so close to happening. Flirting, however, is a totally different animal.
Aries men are huge flirts, and can be quite creative in trying to get your attention. Over-the-top expressions of his attraction to you are common, but everything he does in his effort to woo you will be classy and impressive. After all, everything he does, he does to win. When you’re flirting with your Aries man, it pays to keep an aura of mystery about yourself. It makes you seem more edgy and intense—Which is right up his alley.
Don’t give in to his wily ways on his first attempt, either. The more of a challenge it is to seduce you, the more intrigued he will become. Now, I'm not saying to totally diss the guy, quite the contrary, actually. There is a line somewhere between being coy and being disinterested, and once you've found it you will have mastered how to flirt back with your Aries man.
If you respond with negativity he will likely move on to someone more positive, and aggressive responses are apt to trigger his defensive side, but sweet seduction and drawing him in with your eyes and your body language then challenging him to show you why you should give him a chance--THIS will drive him wild. I mean, it's rare that you'll ever see an Aries turn down a challenge, especially one that might lead to sex.
So now that we’ve explored the general sexuality of the Aries man, let’s look and things you can do to make sure he’s as pleased as you are between the sheets.
How To Satisfy Your Aries Man’s Deepest Desires
The Aries man sees sex as a game that he knows he’s going to win, and he needs a naughty playmate who’s up for a little adventure in the bedroom to be totally satisfied. When it comes to sex, he doesn’t require a big emotional connection or commitment first. In fact, these are things that he will avoid whenever possible. Once he’s found the right person, of course, that all changes.
It takes a high energy lover to satisfy the Ram. You’ve got to be imaginative and boundless in the bedroom if you want to please him and satisfy his sensual desires.
There’s nothing worse to him than his partner becoming a prude. This will definitely drive him away and into the arms of someone who's a little more adventuresome, so keep it light, and decide where your boundaries lie before you get too far into the moment. If you want to know how to please your Aries man, just let your freak flag fly and he will do the rest.
Even though the Aries man is an initiator and has no qualms about letting you know that he wants you, he also wants to be wanted in return. He likes a partner who will pursue physical intimacy with him with aggressive enthusiasm, so don’t hold back when you’re feeling frisky!
He’s attracted to a good sense of humor, and this can actually go a long way in satisfying his sexual desires. Being too serious or negative will leave your Aries man running in the opposite direction in search of somebody who more positive. Showing your playful side and finding the humor in life, however, will make him want to further involve himself with you. Something as simple as having a fun, playful personality is enough to signal that you’re just the kind of lover he’s looking for.
Your Aries man has a warriors spirit, and he needs vigorous physical outlets to work through his endless stores of energy. Playful wrestling and pseudo-aggression during sex is a huge turn-on for him and will leave him wanting more, especially when you prove to be a formidable opponent. He knows that he can’t use his full strength and physical ability when he’s wrestling around naked with his lover, but the whole sexual conquest thing really does it for him, and he’ll be willing to go as far as you will let him with it.
Intense and passionate kissing is something that most Aries men simply adore, and they’re really good at it, too. Caressing his head and face while in the midst of a heavy make out session is something that will satisfy this side of his desires and make him want you that much more.
It isn’t just traditional kissing that gets the Aries man going, he also loves to indulge in oral sex, both giving and receiving. This is one particular aspect of Aries sexuality that I think all of his partners definitely appreciate! He’s not one of those guys who phones it in, either, no sir, not the Aries man. He strives to make certain that his partner is pleased, because if you are pleased then he is winning.
That said, the Aries man is always down for oral sex, so you can’t go wrong including this in your sexual escapades together. There’s something about this sex act that most all Aries men just love. It isn’t just the act that he enjoys, though, it’s the sight, smell, and feel of your most delicate parts on his tongue. Hearing you squeal with delight as he pleasures you and seeing the way your body reacts to the stimulation let him know he’s on the right track, and receiving oral sex is just as much fun. Sometimes you don’t have the time or the opportunity to get into the full sex act, and oral pleasure is really the perfect solution—And it’s one that you can bet he’ll never turn down.
Having sex in places other than the bedroom is something else that your Aries man will love. Got a few minutes before you need to board your plane? Slip off to a bathroom (or maybe somewhere a little less gross) and have a quickie before you hit the skies. Taking a road trip and suddenly realize how amazingly hot he is when he’s driving? Pull over and give him a little roadside assistance (making sure, of course, that you aren’t on a busy highway or anything like that).
Wherever you are, you can use your imagination and find some way to please your Aries man. The excitement factor in this is what really gets him going. You both know you could get caught, so your adrenaline is pumping, and that only adds to the intensity of climax. Just do your very best not to get caught because that could kind of spoil your naughty plans.
Nothing turns an Aries man on like having his lover take him by surprise. When he’s just getting in from work after a long day and there you are, waiting for him in your sexiest lingerie, he’s guaranteed to forget all about the day’s stresses. This places you in the position of being the “hunter,” which is a scenario your Aries man won’t be able to resist.
Another sure-fire way to please your Aries man is by being an active lover. What I mean is, you can’t just lay there and expect him to do all the work. He needs a partner who is just as excited as he is to be sharing this experience, because like I explained earlier, there’s much more to sex with an Aries man than just the act itself—It should be a fun and exciting experience for both of you. If he’s the only one putting effort into it, his interest will quickly fade.
Things To Avoid When Making Love To An Aries Man
Being overly emotional while getting it on is one thing that your Aries man won’t be all that receptive to. Aries typically don’t associate sex with great depths of emotion, and throwing it on them during sex is not likely to yield the results you were looking for. Also, being clingy after the fact will ensure that he won’t be back again.
Sure, there may be times when you’re both just so in love that the sex turns into much more than just the physical act you’re enjoying together, but if you start to be clingy and needy in bed, he may lose his sense of desire and not know how to respond.
While the Aries man loves to wrestle and plaaround with his lover, he has no desire to completely dominate you. He wants a lover who challenges him and who isn’t afraid to take charge in the moment. I mean, it’s one thing if you are acting out a dom/sub fantasy or something—Which is something he does like—but being overly submissive or timid overall is something most Aries men consider a turn off.
Dirty talk is one erotic pleasure that’s lost on the Aries man. He’s too concerned with what’s going on to worry with trying to come up with words while he’s making love to you. Talking is more of a distraction than anything else, so don’t try to engage him in any kind of conversation mid-coitus. Instead, use your eyes and your body to get your thoughts across to him. Besides, looking deeply into those beautiful eyes and seeing the fire and passion he’s got burning for you is better than talking dirty any day.
I’m sure there are a few fantasies your Aries man has that he’d like to play out in his life someday, but role playing is not likely to be one of them. The way he sees is, why would he want to put all that energy and effort into pretending to be someone else when he could be putting that energy into you and the experience the two of you are sharing. And when you think about it, if he wanted you to be different he’d probably have chosen a different mate. He’s with you because he wants you, not you pretending to be someone else.
Your Aries man likes to keep things simple, including his sex life. He wants to live in the moment and enjoy the experience with his lover, and he can’t see any reason to make sex seem over complicated. Either you want to be with him or you don’t, and if you’re both willing and able, the whole process is pretty straightforward. At least this is how he sees it.
Now, I’m not saying that sex is never complicated. Sex is one of the most complicated topics we deal with in life, and different situations different types of complications. When in the act, however, sex is one of the most primal and enjoyable experiences we have in life and shouldn't feel complicated or pressed.
Notice that I said he likes his sex life to be simple, not boring. The difference between the two is huge.
One way to lose the interest of an Aries man is falling into a boring routine when it comes to sex. You’ve got to keep it exciting if you want to maintain the attention of an Aries man. The moment you stop putting effort into your sex life is the moment things will start to go downhill, and fast. If you only ever do in missionary, or if you always have sex on Tuesdays after the late show, it’s time to put the spark and passion back into your sexual relationship before it’s too late!
Bringing negativity into the bedroom is a no-go for the Aries man, who is a generally upbeat, happy-go-lucky kind of guy. He wants a high energy lover who’s passionate and who brings positive energy into his life. Always being a downer or talking about all of the problems in your life, or better yet in your relationship, is one way to kill the mood with quickness. Whatever problems and stressful situations you have on your mind, leave those behind when you engage in intimacy with your guy.
You can’t solve anything during your time together, anyway, why let those outer problems cause stress in your sexual relationship too? Plus, if you give him all of your attention, he will reciprocate and give you the affection you just might need to help slough off the worries of the day and regroup so you can approach said problems with a fresh perspective.
Aries men don’t take criticism very well, especially if it’s aimed at their lovemaking skills. This is actually true about all areas of his life, and any criticism can cause him to shut down. This is a huge turn off, and can get your Aries man right where he’s most vulnerable.
When you criticize an Aries man on his sexual performance one of two things will happen—He will either become angry or upset and say that there must be something wrong with you, not him, and he will move on to someone more appreciative of his style, or he will feel like he’s lost, and rams don’t lose, so he will place his focus on fixing whatever the criticism was directed at. Neither scenario ends well, so it’s best to try to avoid being critical of his lovemaking if you can.
On that note, you definitely deserve to enjoy your sexual experiences just as much as he does, so it’s not to say that you can’t find ways to nudge him toward doing something differently or maybe to stop doing something altogether.
As with most things in life, there is a right way and a wrong way to go about doing this. Saying something like, “You should work on that,” is definitely NOT the way to approach this kind of issue. Instead, say something like, “Let’s try doing it this way, I think I’d really like that!” is a much better, kinder way to let him know if you aren’t happy with how he does it. Truthfully, there aren’t many Aries men who are bad in bed, so this isn’t likely to be a problem you’ll ever encounter.
Top 10 Seduction Techniques Sure to Drive Him Wild
Now that you know how to please your Aries man, I’ll share with you some secrets to successfully seducing him.
To be quite honest, it’s not all that difficult to seduce an Aries man, but there are certain things that will make him want you right here right now. Even if you don’t think of yourself as being a super vixen, these seduction techniques will unleash your inner sexy seductress. When you implement these secret Aries seduction techniques you’d better be ready, because he won’t be able to keep his hands off of you. Use with caution!
Show your intelligence
Don't even think about pulling the whole ditzy chick thing with an Aries man and expect things to work out the way you want. Aries men are quick witted and intelligent, and they aren’t impressed with those who don’t put enough effort in learning new things and growing as a person. Smart is sexy, especially when there is a strong physical attraction between the two of you.
To Aries, having a partner who lacks in intelligence could pose many problems, to include a difficult time communicating. He wants you to be someone who makes him look ever better, but to achieve this you’ve got to be able to keep up with the conversation and have a good grasp of what’s going on from one moment to the next.
Complement him on his finer physical attributes
Sometimes with men you have to stroke their ego a bit to draw out and enhance those qualities you like so much; this is doubly true of Aries men. He likes to know what he's doing right, he wants to know that he's in the lead and "winning" in whatever it is that's going on between the two of you. Not to mention the extreme pride he takes in his appearance and the way he carries himself. You can compliment him on anything from his hat to the size of his manhood, as long as you're complimenting a quality in himself that he takes pride in he'll be feeling like giving you more to compliment him on later, after he's made love to you.
Wear something sexy and simple with a touch of red
A little black dress with some black stiletto heels and a touch of red lipstick to set things off will have your Aries man chomping at the bit to get you home. You don't have to go overboard with trying to dress sexy, just keep it simple and classy. Red being the color of fire, passion and energy, it's no shocker that Aries men respond well to the sight of its hue on your lips. Be sure to bring it with you when you go out, though, because after a few make out sessions with your Aries you'll need to reapply.
The idea of keeping things simple extends into the lingerie you wear for him, too. When choosing lingerie to please and delight your Aries man, avoid things that are overly complicated to get off. He loves the way it looks on you, don't get me wrong, but he loves even more taking it off of you and obstacles here will only frustrate the Ram. Plus, there's really something to be said for simple elegance.
Challenge him with a little friendly competition
Your Aries man can't resist a good bout of competition, especially when the challenge comes from his sexy partner. Competition is actually really healthy for your overall relationship, but in this scenario the goal is seduction and the object of the game is your Aries man. Something like a game of strip poker where the stakes are high and the winner chooses which piece of clothing the loser has to remove.
Obviously he’ll love the fact that the two of you are about to get naked, and to make it even better, he’ll love the way you’ve turned sex into sport, which is how he sees his sexual conquests in the first place.
Truth or dare is another game that’s right up his alley, but remember when playing with an Aries, they always play to win and truth or dare can get pretty intense very quickly. Aries men don’t see the value in a slow buildup to the extreme, so be ready for some super dirty truth or dare if you opt to play with one.
Always leave him wanting more
With his insatiable sexual appetite, leaving your Aries man wanting more isn’t really all that hard. He loves sex and he’s always horny, therefore he’s always wanting more, but when you give him a specific reason he wants you so badly you up the game and take control of the situation, leaving him speechless and impressed.
You want to start using this technique early on in your relationship, like perhaps on the first date. At the end of the night when the two of you are about to go your separate ways, lean in like you’re going to kiss him, but instead whisper something curious in his ear with your sexiest f*ck me now voice. You can say something as simple as “Thank you,” or “I can’t wait to take this further,” or “I kiss on the second date.” Then, give him a coy smile, turn around and walk away. He’s sure to be left needing a moment to process what just happened and he’ll definitely be left wanting more.
You can use this technique later in the relationship, too, you’ll just have to vary the things you do to leave him wanting you. “Accidentally” showing more skin than you might should depending on the environment you’re in, teasing him in a public place, and sending provocative texts randomly throughout the day are all great ideas for how to leave him enamored with your sexuality. Use your imagination to come up with more scenarios that might better fit your specific situation.
Be fun and spontaneous with him
Spontaneity is the spice of life and keeps thing interesting, to say the least. Your Aries man will notice if you are someone who’s able to keep up with his impulse tendencies and someone who can hang without falling behind or being too restrictive. Whether you’re just friends, or acquaintances, or even if you’re already lovers, when you show yourself to be a free spirited personality who’s not afraid to jump into something feet first and at the drop of a hat, he’ll become more and more interested in including you in his personal adventures.
When out on a date with your Aries man, suggest something off the wall that you can do rather than plain old dinner and a movie. Don’t worry about time constraints or the limitations of every day life. Just live in and enjoy that moment and that experience with your Aries man and before you know it sparks will be flying.
Tell him how you’re just not sure he can handle you
If you want to really get under his skin and into his headspace, telling him you want to take the physical part of your relationship slow because you just aren't sure that he'll be able to handle sex with you and not become too emotionally clingy. You can expound upon this statement by explaining how in the past you've had partners who come back professing their love after being intimate and you just aren't ready for a serious emotional commitment right now.
This one comment can rev him up and make him want you more than any other one thing you could do, other than just pouncing on him and taking his clothes off.
When you make the statement that you aren't sure if he's ready for sex, it's almost laughable to the Aries man. Of course he can handle it, and what's so special about you that makes you think he can't handle you? It'll consume his thoughts until he has you and he will become relentless in his pursuit of you.
Important: Keep in mind that you've GOT to bring your A-game in the bedroom after making a statement like that. He'll be wanting to see what you've got that is so incredible, so the sex has got to be on point. This is where you let your freak flag fly, have confidence in yourself and don't hold back. You will not regret it, and who knows, he just might not be able to handle you!
Make eye contact with him
Aries rules the head and eyes, so these are areas they notice on other people during first impressions. A lot of the time when Aries makes eye contact with someone new, or even someone he's known for a long time, the other person will break the eye contact rather quickly and go on about their business.
Aries men are very primal creatures and they tend to demonstrate a to a lot of subtle natural instincts, like being the alpha male and others being intimidated and submissive when he engages eye contact--Very similar to canine mentality--If an Aries man comes into contact with another Aries man, the eye contact will not be broken so quickly and not out of submission. I mean, there's only so long you can stare at someone without it becoming weird, so these instances are brief, yet very telling.
When you show yourself to be someone not intimidated or shaken by his larger than life energy and his fiery gaze, he'll see you as someone who shares his warrior spirit, and that in itself is sexy.
Get worked up and sweaty together
If you've got any active hobbies like sports, running, working out, or anything that gets your blood pumping to the point that you're sweaty when you get done, inviting your guy to join you next time is a no-fail way to get him to notice just how hot you are. For starters, the physical activity in itself will get your hot blooded Aries pumped and ready to go, and seeing you get physical and sweaty will drive him wild.
An athletic body suggests that you can keep up with the sometimes wild and crazy, and always very active, sexual encounters that come with dating an Aries man. Not to mention the pure attraction he has to a lover who obviously makes a point to keep her body on point. Aries men are much like the ancient Greeks in this way, placing genuine importance on not just being attractive, but on being physically fit and capable of intense physical feats.
Continuing the habit of working out together can actually be quite beneficial to your relationship, too, as any physical activity you take on together as a team will bring you closer together and help to reinforce the camaraderie and the feeling of working together as a team. Plus, you get the added bonus of both you and your Aries man being fit and in shape. There is really no downside to here.
Let it slip that you have a thing for rough sex
If you want to get his attention and put his mind in the gutter, find a way to let him in on some of your dirty little secrets. He, too, enjoys rough sex with a partner who likes it that way and lets him indulge in his desires and fantasies to dominate his lover. Knowing that the two of you are already on the same page where that's concerned just might be enough of an invitation for your Aries man to move in for the kill—Which is Aries talk for turn on the charm and sweep you off your feet.
How you get to the point where you have the opportunity to share this with him could be tricky, but not terribly so. As topics of conversation go, sex is one that Aries will have an interest in discussing. He won't share personal experiences he's just shared with someone, and neither should you, but talking broadly about your general sexual opinions or preferences doesn't cross over that line in the sand that separates what he will and won't discuss with anyone other than the partner he was with--And even then the Aries man isn't one to reminisce over past conquests, he prefers to live in the moment.
What He’s Attracted To In A Lover
There are a few things that will cause the average Aries man walking down the street to stop in his tracks. We all have those little quirks when it comes to romance—He can’t be too tall, his bottom lip needs to be proportionate to his upper lip, maybe you don’t like brown hair, but prefer blonde or red instead—And then there are things that can catch your eye from a mile away and, for some reason, leaves you feeling like you should go and talk to this other person. It goes both ways.
Aries men are particularly attracted and drawn to feisty women who aren’t afraid to speak their minds and who won’t back down from a fight. If you’re a pushover he may never even notice you, but when your very presence demands attention he won’t be able to miss you.
When an Aries man comes upon a potential mate who’s got that glint of desire in her eyes he will completely stop what he’s doing and see where that situation could lead to. There’s got to be chemistry and an initial attraction, of course, but the added temptation of seeing in her eyes that his feelings are reciprocated is too much to pass up. That look in your eye can’t be faked, it’s a raw, primal reaction to the virile Aries man that promises a lot in return for very little effort on his part. Quick, easy and passionate —In a word, perfect.
The Aries man isn’t the type to heckle or cat call women on the street, he’s too smooth for that kind of childish behavior. He notices beautiful women throughout his day, and on occasion he comes across someone so beautiful and attractive that he just can’t stop himself from letting her know how attractive she is.
Below is a list of some things that really turn his head and make him want to follow you like a puppy.
Heels-Aries men love to see a woman in high heels and showing a little leg. Paired with the right skirt or dress you can’t go wrong.
Classy style-You can’t dress like a slob and expect for an Aries man to approach you. He takes appearances and first impressions more seriously than most and he doesn’t understand people who don’t take pride how they present themselves to the world. Also, classic is always a good choice when dressing up and going out to any events with your Aries man.
Staying really fit-Aries men can’t resist a woman who’s got a little muscle and who’s toned in all the right places. If you don’t already go to the gym or have a workout routine, you might want to consider getting one. With this comes the added benefits of being healthier and feeling better, plus the more fit you are the better your sex life—Aries knows this already.
If you happen to drive a fast sports car, preferably red, you’ve already turned on lots of Aries men and you probably didn’t even realize it! Aside from pleasures of the flesh and competitive sports, fast cars at dangerous speeds can get your Aries man's blood boiling with excitement and desire to hop in the drivers seat and indulge his inner adrenaline junkie at top speed.
That said, there is nothing in this world hotter than a sexy woman driving a sexy car. Think James Bond style automobile, a classic Aston Martin or maybe a ruby red Corvette. This doesn't apply to everyone, obviously, but that's part of what makes this particular point of attraction a big one--It's kind of a rare find for an Aries man. If you can satisfy him in bed and have a good sense of humor he'll be in love.
Aries Man Erogenous Zones
We all have special areas of the body that are especially sensitive to a lovers touch. For Virgo it's the stomach area, Taurus likes a nice massage all over and the feeling of being touched, Aquarius loves it when you rub his calves, and Aries has a serious thing about his head and face area.
Aries erogenous zones are focused around the head and face. Stroking his hair, caressing his face in the midst of a kiss, gazing into his eyes, these are all things that unlock the passion burning inside your Aries man and can have him eating out of the palm of your hand.
It comes as no surprise then that he gets extremely turned off by a partner with poor oral or personal hygiene. Taking care of your smile and keeping your hair nice and neat are ultra important when it comes to getting close to your Aries man.
The other erogenous zone that all Aries men like to have stroked is their ego. He needs constant reassurance that he's on point and keeping ahead of the pack, so to speak, when it comes to pleasing you. Make sure to compliment him on that thing he does that you like so much and the odds are very good that you’ll get that little treat more frequently.
The Dark Side Of Aries Sexuality
It’s not all fun and games when you engage with an Aries man. He has a dark side to his sexuality that eventually comes out, usually after the honeymoon period is over. Then again, some Aries start their relationships out aggressively and their partners are attracted to them all the more for it. Really, it depends on the location of Mars in his natal chart his specific methods for going about getting what he wants, which we’ll look into a little later in this book.
Many Arians have a penchant for BDSM, bondage, sadomasochism, and other kinky, taboo sexual acts. If you are the shy, reserved type you may want to let your Aries man know off the bat where your boundaries lie in the bedroom to avoid an awkward situation later. If, however, you’re into the same freaky stuff he is, the two of you might just be a perfect pair. It takes a special kind of woman to hang with an Aries man and keep him around. If you manage to maintain his interest AND you find in him someone you can share your inner freak with, consider yourself to be a very lucky lady!
When Pluto has a heavy influence in the Aries man’s chart, and especially hen there’s involvement with Mars and Neptune, the potential is created for his sexual aggression to come out in negative ways and cause problems. Deceit, adultery, sexual misconduct and sexual addiction have a slightly higher chance of occurrence.
If your Aries man ever makes you think that he could be more of a bad boy than you thought, or if you find yourself in a situation where he crosses a boundary and experiences a loss of self control, you should always remove yourself from the situation first and foremost and stand your ground.
To get a full look at where how dark his dark side really is and how Plutonian of a lover he is, you’ll have to get yourself a copy of his natal chart. And to really know how sexually compatible the two of you are and what will get his fires burning hotter than the Sun itself, you’ll want to consider having a compatibility analysis of your two charts completed.
Ways To Find Out Your Guy’s Complete Birth Info Without Seeming Weird
It can be a challenge to find out when and where your man was born, especially if astrology isn't something in which he believes. Sometimes it's easy, and you have no trouble at all just coming out and asking him, but some situations make it exceedingly difficult to gather this knowledge without seeming like a stalker or without creating an awkward situation. I've heard just about every story out there for how my clients in the past have gone about determining their crush's birth info, and trust me when I say some of these are incredibly creative and take a lot of effort. I, personally, can really appreciate the dedication here!
So, you've met this guy, and you think he's just great. Charming, funny, talkative, handsome, downright sexy even, and you want to see how the two of you match up astrologically before you invest too much of your time in getting to know him. What do you do? Turn to social media, of course.
In this day and age it's pretty easy to come up with insider intel on just about anyone you come across. Between Facebook, various dating sites and the simple fact that many people are totally willing to put all of their information out there for the world to see, it usually just takes a little detective work to secure your guy's birth date. Getting the birthday is the simple part. You can ask him when his birthday is without it seeming suspicious; it's when you get to the time and location that intel gathering becomes tricky.
Depending on how well you know him, you usually don't want to come out and tell your crush that you're planning on getting an astrological compatibility report on the two of you when he doesn't even know your name yet. So what can you do?
One way to find out the details of when and where he came into this world, you can always start by casually mentioning it to his friends. Seems simple enough, right? Well, it is, which is probably why this method isn't all that often effective.
If you are already friends with him, you could use an opportunity when you are at his house, or otherwise in the company of one of his parents, to use your super sneaky spy abilities to get it out of one of them.
One client related to me that she was able to find out her guy's birth info from his mom after she started up a conversation about her sister's recent delivery. She was able to relate to his mom's soft spot for her baby boy by sharing her story of how the day went for her sister, at which time her man's mom went right into the story of the day he was born. I don't think my client even had a sister. What she did have was the ability to connect with and relate to just about anyone she came across; a skill that came in handy in this particular situation.
I've also had clients tell me that they resorted to ordering a copy of their guy's birth certificate. Getting your hands on a copy without him knowing can be difficult if you get hung up by the paperwork and red tape, but if you're lucky and you know at least what state he was born in, this could be a viable option. Of course, you never want to reveal to him that you have a copy of his birth certificate, and actually, I'd recommend shredding it immediately after you've secured the information you came after. Remember, it's never okay to violate someone's privacy, and when it comes to ordering birth certificate copies, you'll want to check the local and state laws on whether or not you are legally allowed to take this route before you proceed.
Another inventive method of getting him to tell you the details of his birth is to turn it into a game. If you have situations where you might play a game that your Aries man is a part of, such as if you are a part of the same group of friends or something like this, you can create a "getting to know everyone better" game.
One client related to me that she put questions written on paper and folded up into a bowl for each person to take the turn pulling questions out to answer. Well, she wanted to make sure that she got her info, so she made every paper in the bowl the same then had her crush go first. Once she got the answers she was looking for, she "accidentally" spilled a drink down into the bowl, thus destroying any evidence of her mildly deceptive game.
Another method of acquiring this extensive knowledge about the day your guy was born is to bring up your recent experiences exploring your own natal chart and sharing with him how amazingly accurate your chart or reading was. If you can get him interested in astrology without having to make up any stories to get the info you need, all the better.
This is a situation where pulling up one of the free chart resources online can come in very handy. If you've already got the website pulled up and your guy wants to see what his stars say, just watch and see what he types in for his birth info and your mission is complete!
If none of these things will work in your individual situation, or if you just don't know him well enough to approach him at all, remember that it is possible for me to create your compatibility analysis report using only his birthday (month, day, and year). Using this method, we get what's called a solar chart, meaning we use the Sun as our starting point of reference. These reports are just as accurate but are a little less detailed than if we knew the date, time and location of your guy's birth.
The same applies to your birth details. If you simply can't find out the place and time, don't stress it. A compatibility report created using solar charts is better than no report at all! And actually, I have many, many clients who choose to use this method for one reason or another.
Once you've got all of your details, or as many as you can come up with, you'll be ready to move forward with your compatibility report.
With an extensive, in-depth analysis of how you and your man relate to one another, you'll learn how to speak his language and communicate with him in a manner that he understands and that will garner a positive response. You'll know what things are a turn on for your particular Aries man, and you'll be better equipped and prepared to pave the path that leads to the two of you having a positive, mutually beneficial relationship with one another.
What Mars and Venus Can Show You About Your Love and Sexuality
Now that we’ve gone through some of his likes and dislikes, as well as several proven seduction methods, let’s look a little deeper into the different Mars, Venus and Eros placements and what they can tell you about how to best approach him.
Where Mars is an indication of what drives us and our lust for sexual conquest, Venus has a softer, more seductive and compassionate energy and reveals the ways in which you express your sensuality and the types of partners that you draw in.
If you know when and where your Aries man was born you can easily pull up his natal chart online by visiting a site such as alabe.com, cafeastrology.com, or any of the other free websites out there that offer this service. These sites make it easy to generate free natal charts on the spot by simply filling in the requested information-date, time and location of birth-at no cost to you.
With free online charts you’ll usually get only a limited, generic interpretation of what the chart shows. Even so, this will get you started and show you where your guy’s planets reside within his natal chart so that, with the tips that follow, you can better understand what drives your Aries man’s passions. Consulting a real astrologer will always result in a much more in-depth interpretation, of course, but it’s good to know what options are available.
Because you’ve bought this book series, you can even book a personal consultation at a special discounted price with me if you’d like, and together we can explore the strengths and weaknesses of your relationship along with actions you can take to make things better with him. At this time I will also address any specific questions you have about your Aries man.
Whatever you choose to do, once you’ve got your charts you will want to locate Venus and Mars and make a note of what sign they are in. There are other things to consider like aspects to different planets or points in the chart, but for now we are just looking at how the planets of love and passion express themselves in each sign.
As we’ve discussed, Mars rules our passionate side and is the main determining factor driving those feelings of lust and desire. Mars is also the ruler of Aries and is the driving force behind his unparalleled sex-drive. Venus rules the softer side of our desires and is the driving force behind our feelings of love and can show a lot about what we find attractive, as well as who we attract. In this next section I’ll explain how you can use the knowledge you’ve gained by finding out where his Venus and Mars are placed to seduce your Aries man and make him yours.
How To Appeal To His Passionate Side—Mars In The Signs
His Mars is in Aries:
If you find your guy’s Mars is in Aries, you automatically know that he is a straight forward lover who isn’t afraid to go after what, or who, he wants. This actually makes him kind of a double Aries, and if he’s got Aries as his ascendant—Watch out! Your man is on fire! He’s assertive when it comes to passion and he likes to be the one who initiates things and gets things going.
Your Aries man may be a bit overzealous at times, especially when his passions are ignited. This Mars placement is that of the manly man, powerful and oh, so sexy, in that way that only a warrior can be. He’s intense and your sexual encounters with him will never lack in passion or excitement.
To appeal to your man’s Mars in Aries, you should show him your fearless side when it comes to the relationship. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and be a bit more daring than perhaps you have been in the past. Basically, this just really drives home the things we’ve gone over for the Aries man, but with even more sexual emphasis.
With Mars in Aries, your man loves the pursuit os passion almost a much as he loves the passionate act itself, so if it is he who is pursuing you, you’ll want to avoid making it too easy for him.
Play hard to get with this one. Mars in Aries makes your man especially physical when it comes to sexual adventures, so make sure you eat your Wheaties if you plan on getting down and dirty with one of these sexually adventurous guys!
His Mars in Taurus:
If you find that your guy has his Mars in Taurus, rest assured that he is a very sensual lover who knows how to please his partner. He has a primal sort of energy about him, and he places a great deal of importance on fully experiencing all of the pleasures that sex has to offer.
Despite having this enormous amount of passion stirring within him, your man with Mars in Taurus likes to let his passion burn slowly rather than come out in one big explosion. He can go all night, and you’ll be glad of that because, well, he’s really quite amazing between the sheets.
To appeal to your man’s Mars in Taurus, show him how sensual and passionate you can be, but do so in a very tasteful manner. He's not one for wild or crazy sexual escapades, at least not as a general rule.
Touching and caressing drives him wild and you can get his gears turning by simply brushing up against him with just enough pressure to let him know it wasn’t an accident, but just enough subtlety that anyone else around you at the time won’t be aware of how heavily you are flirting with him. He can be a bit selfish in bed, so don’t be afraid to remind him that this experience is about you, as well.
His Mars in Gemini:
As you might already be aware, Gemini is a sign full of curiosity and passion for life, and having his Mars in here lends these qualities to the way your man goes about fulfilling his passionate needs and desires.
With his Mars in Gemini, your man wants to experience all that he can in the way of erotic pleasures. He wants and needs sex to be fun, and having a partner who’s dull or not willing to experiment just doesn’t cut it. These guys aren’t as filled to the brim with passionate desires as some, in fact, he can go without sex if things start to become too emotional or complicated.
To appeal to your man’s Mars in Gemini, you’ve got to develop that all-important mental connection we’ve been talking about. He’s turned on by good conversation and a partner who can keep up and keep him engaged and entertained to a certain degree.
If your man’s Mars is in Gemini, you’ll want to avoid making sex seem too serious or attaching too much meaning to the act itself. Which appeals to his Aries Sun, as well.
He likes variety and it’s not uncommon for these guys to have more than one lover on his hook at one time, maybe even at the same time.
With these guys you absolutely have to start at the head and work your way down, but once you get there you’ll be amazed at how much fun your sexual adventures can be. He’ll show you things you’ve never tried, likely from his varied sexual history.
His Mars in Cancer:
If you find that your man has his Mars in Cancer, you know that sex is more than just sex to him. The act of sex itself carries more emotional weight than you’d expect from an Aries, which makes this Mars placement a tough one for Aries men to handle.
On the surface he’s fun and carefree, ducking and dodging emotional commitments at every turn, but what drives his passionate desires is a need to connect with a partner who can offer some sort of security or a connection that extends beyond the physical.
To appeal to your man’s Mars in Cancer, you’ve got to show him the side of you that is most nurturing and caring, not just the side of you that likes to get wild and crazy. He doesn’t just have sex, he makes love, and this is a very important part of what drives his passion.
With Mars in Cancer, your Aries man needs both the physical and the emotional connection, but without being overly emotionally involved right off the bat.
Like I said, this can be a tricky Mars placement for such a fiery
sign, and it will require maintaining a delicate balance of love and lust if you really want to get him going. He can be insecure about his sexuality, so reassurance is also an important element of a relationship with one of these guys.
His Mars in Leo:
If you find that your man has his Mars in Leo, you’re in for a real treat! He takes sex and passion to the next level, making every encounter a show of his manliness and his expert lovemaking skills. He is a high energy lover with a flare creative lovemaking. Sex will never be boring, but he may tend toward making the experience all about him.
He dominates in the bedroom and he will do his best to maintain control of the situation. For him, sex is an opportunity to show off his skills, of which he has many, but his methods of making love to you also exude warmth and caring. He’s genuine in his desires and he will do whatever it takes to show you just how much he wants to be with you.
To appeal to your man’s Mars in Leo, you’ve got to stroke his ego a bit more than you already are. He likes to be the star of the show, and in this case his private stage is the bed you share. Submit to his desire to take control, but do so in a way that makes him feel like you find him so sexy and irresistible that you just can’t stand another moment without him all over you.
Tell him you want him to take control, but make sure there are times when you take the reins and change things up-if not, he will think that he is always in charge, and that’s no good for the future of your sex life. Finding creative ways to express your passionate desires for one another is a necessity for these guys, so do your best to keep things lively and unpredictable.
His Mars in Virgo:
If you find that your man has his Mars in Virgo, you know he takes a focused and direct approach to fulfilling his sexual desires. He’s quite passionate once in the heat of the moment, but the moments leading up to your sexual encounter can sometimes feel premeditated. He wants to know that he is good at sex, all the better if he feels like he’s the best you’ve ever had.
He strives for perfection in every pursuit he takes on, and this definitely extends into the bedroom. You won’t find him venturing too far outside of the bedroom though, in fact, this Mars placement makes for the least adventuresome Aries lovers, but what he lacks in being adventurous he makes up for in his thoroughness and a desire to please his partner above all else.
To appeal to your man’s Mars in Virgo, you’ve got to first demonstrate to him that you’ve got a good head on your shoulders and that you aren’t just in it for the sexy fun times. Sloppy sex is not something that he likes, not one bit, and personal hygiene of his partner is of the utmost importance. If the sex is sloppy the first time, he won’t come back for another round. He’s turned on most by someone who has a healthy physique and who takes care of themselves.
Not much gets past him when he’s evaluating a partner to see if there is a passionate connection, and although he’s rather picky about who he will share his body with, all the neurosis is worth it once you’ve mad the cut. Deep down he really digs life’s erotic pleasures, so don’t be afraid to suggest new things for you to try together, just so long as you avoid things that are messy (like chocolate syrup and whip cream) you can have lots of lusty fun together.
His Mars in Libra:
If you find that your man has Mars in Libra, you’ve probably already noticed how charming he is and that he has a preference for making love over war. With Mars in Libra, his sexual drive and libido isn’t as high as other Aries, but his ability to draw out your erotic desires is on point.
He makes you want him, then he waits for you to make a move. Your guy likes to be the one who is being pursued more so than he likes doing the pursuing himself. Things that seem vulgar or disrespectful are a real turn off for him, and as such he prefers a partner who is both tasteful and classy in their methods of seduction.
To appeal to your man’s Mars in Libra, you’ve got to be willing to take control and also develop a mental connection with him. He needs a partner to feel fulfilled, but he can be confusing with the signals he sends, or doesn't send. On some level he expects for you to be able to read his mind and know what he wants or likes.
One thing that he responds well to is romance, and you can draw out his passionate side with romantic displays and genuine affection. A candlelit dinner will very likely turn into much more, just remember that you will likely have to nudge him a bit to get him going. Don’t be afraid to come out and tell him what you want, and don’t forget to offer a bit of praise when he provides you with such.
His Mars in Scorpio:
If you find that your Aries man’s Mars is in Scorpio, watch out! You can probably just feel the sexual power oozing out of his very essence and it drives you mad. He’s not your typical man, he’s a powerhouse of raw sexual energy and he takes sexual relationships very seriously. You’ll very likely find that your lighthearted Aries with Mars in Scorpio has a dark side a few shades darker than you were expecting.
He may seem, at times, consumed by sexual thoughts and desires, probably because he is. He demands power and control in the relationship and can be a very jealous lover, not wanting to share any parts of you with anyone else for any reason. He has a sort of magnetism about himself that makes him hard to resist.
To appeal to your man’s Mars in Scorpio, you’ve got to be willing to give 100% of yourself to the relationship, as he has to know he can trust you. He is an intense lover who will push you to your limits just to see how far you’ll go as you explore the depths of your sexuality with him. Kinky, taboo, erotic pleasures are his thing and he needs a partner daring enough to engage in these things with him.
If you aren’t afraid to explore the darker side of yourself you’ll do just fine with this guy. His passions run deep and his sexual appetite is insatiable. Superficiality is a turnoff for him. You can’t fake chemistry with him. It’s either there or it’s not, and you’ll know if it is. Trust me.
His Mars in Sagittarius:
If you find that your man’s Mars is in Sagittarius, you know that he’s an energetic, passionate, free spirited and adventurous lover. He needs to experience life to the fullest, and this extends to his sexual experiences.
He’s all about sex in weird places, on a train, in a dressing room, in one of those little airport sleep pods, wherever he can get it, really. Not to say that he’s promiscuous, he just believes in the idea of free love and he likes to add an element of excitement to his sexual experiences.
He needs to sew his wild oats before he ever settles down, and he will do whatever he can to avoid being pinned down. To him, being in a committed relationship is not a requirement for starting a sexual relationship. He just wants to have fun.
To appeal to your man’s Mars in Sagittarius, you’ve got to be spontaneous and energetic in how you go about getting his attention. Avoid putting stress or strain on the relationship. Just keep things light and casual without trying to pin him into a relationship. He values friendships above all else, and you’d do better starting out in a “friends with benefits” kind of situation. It could evolve into a committed relationship, but don’t bet on it.
With Mars in Sagittarius your man could prove to be less than faithful, but he will always be honest about his actions. A man with his Sun in Aries and Mars in Sagittarius isn’t easy to develop a solid relationship with, but you’ll have loads of fun with him! Just don’t get too emotionally invested until you know he feels the same.
His Mars in Capricorn:
If you find that your man’s Mars is in Capricorn, you may have a hard time getting him to expose the side of himself that feels and desires things that extend beyond the material possessions he’s earned and the one’s he’s working toward. He’s very success oriented and isn’t really one to engage in anything that doesn’t appeal to his sense of responsibility and his desires to succeed in life.
There is an erotic and seductive side to him, however, and once you reach that point with him you won’t be disappointed. He is a methodical kind of lover who is actually quite sensual when he wants to be. Before he is comfortable engaging in a sexual relationship he needs to develop a sense of security with his partner, though—This Aries man is a bit less likely to engage in a long series of one night stands.
To appeal to your man’s Mars in Capricorn, you must first demonstrate to him that you have a good sense of personal responsibility and goals in life. He needs someone who is well grounded, so being overly extravagant or eccentric in how you act and carry yourself will be a huge turn off.
Never kiss and tell after being with him as this is seen as a huge violation of trust between the two of you. He is reserved and can seem shy most of the time, but when the mood strikes he can be very seductive and he has amazing stamina. He takes his time building up to a sexual relationship, and will only do so with a partner he can see himself being able to build something real with.
His Mars in Aquarius:
If you find that your man has his Mars in Aquarius, you know right off the bat that he is a forward thinking and progressive kind of lover. However, it’s important to note that sex is not what drives these guys.
In fact, Mars in Aquarius is the least sexually motivated Mars placement in the zodiac, placing more importance on idealistic and intellectual pursuits and rather than physical ones. This is not to say he never engages in sexual exploits, it’s just not his main driving force.
Aries men with Mars in Aquarius like to experiment and try new things. He’ll try anything at least once, and he has a creative approach to exploring his sexuality. He needs a partner who’s willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, even when his ideas sound kind of crazy.
Sex on top of the space needle—Why not? Inside a Mardi Gras Float during a parade? You only live once! Phone sex even though you’re both in the same house? Well, you get the idea. Mars in Aquarius gives a touch of eccentric weirdness to your sex life that is unmatched by any other Mars sign.
To appeal to your man’s Mars in Aquarius, you’ve got to have an open mind and you’ve GOT to be his friend first. Friendship is a main driving force in relationships for those who have this Mars placement, so developing and maintaining a friendship is of the utmost importance when it comes to this guy. If you can stimulate his mind and connect with him on a cerebral level you’ll be that much closer to seducing him.
Extravagant displays of affection are a big turnoff for him, so you’ll want to avoid this at all costs. Your guy with Mars in Aquarius can be rather emotionally detached, and being an Aries that can make him come across as being cold or arrogant. Love is not a prerequisite for sex, so don’t confuse the two. He loves technology and things like phone sex, video sex, or sexting are all turn ons for your man with this Mars placement, and are things you should consider as a starting point to help get you to the real deal human embrace.
If you want to get weird, find yourself an Aries man with Mars in Aquarius!
His Mars in Pisces:
If your Aries man has his Mars in Pisces, you’ve probably noticed by now that he has some serious emotional depth attached to just about everything he does. It’s not that he’s a drama queen or anything, it’s just that he’s driven by his emotions more than you would expect from an Aries man.
He is a romantic at heart, and has a sensitive side that comes out when you connect intimately. He can be super affectionate, and an attentive lover, but his emotional needs can breach the shore and become more expansive than his physical needs.
Sex is a game that he plays well, and he has this seductive nature that can suck you in and make you believe whatever he says. He’s got an incredible imagination, and he uses this imaginative way of thinking to create romantic situations that make you feel like you’re in some kind of a fantasy world. He needs emotional security to feel safe and comfortable, but has trouble maintaining his safe, secure connections.
To appeal to your man’s Mars in Pisces, you need to be able to offer him a feeling of emotional security and stability. Also, it doesn't hurt to share with him your fantasies, and be willing to live them out should he, once privy to them, present you with the opportunity. Developing a connection with him that goes beyond the physical is also very important.
He’s got an almost psychic kind of sixth sense, and if you can connect with this part of his psyche you’ll definitely have his attention. He needs a lover who is attentive and affectionate, and who’s not afraid to let him in on an emotional level as well as a physical level.
How You Can Appeal To His Softer Side—Venus In The Signs
Now we'll look at how the different Venus placements in your Aries man's chart and how this energy manifests in his sexuality. Venus is the best indicator of what gives us joy and pleasure and what we seek out in a partner to fulfill these needs.
Here I'll explain little things you can do to appeal to his particular Venus influence to give you even more of an upper hand as you work toward getting closer to him and making your way into his heart.
Venus is never more than 48 degrees from the Sun at any given time, which means there are only five signs that your man's Venus can be influenced by; Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, or Gemini. This helps to ensure that his approach to intimate relationships isn't too far off from what you'd expect from his Sun sign.
His Venus in Aries:
With his Venus in Aries, your Aries man needs passion and excitement to really feel the romance. He gets turned on by forceful displays of passion and he will typically be the one to initiate the relationship. He likes the chase, and he will pursue the one he wants until his objectives are met. He takes the lead in romantic situations and is easily aroused by a partner who’s willing to go all out to make a romantic connection.
A romance with him may start in a whirlwind, and he may try to create conflict or tense situations to rile you up. He is on an eternal hunt for excitement in the relationship and is attracted to someone who can help him keep the energy flowing. He can be impatient in love and has a tendency toward making impulse decisions just to get your attention once you’ve caught his eye.
He tends to attract, and is attracted to, partners who share his same level of intensity, so you’ll need to be able to do this if you want to create sparks with your man who’s Venus is in his own sign. He has a selfish side, so don’t be afraid to call him on it. This can actually be a turn on for him because it displays your more aggressive, assertive side.
His Venus in Taurus:
With his Venus in Taurus, your Aries man is a natural when it comes to seduction. He is stable and steady, and he’s very giving to the right lover or partner. He has a great appreciation for, and is attracted to, things that possess great beauty, and can be possessive over his partners. He has a jealous streak, and once in a relationship becomes very protective over his parter.
He needs security and stability in his romantic relationships, and he can’t stand to worry over feelings of insecurity. If given any reason to think there is anything deceptive going on behind his back, he can become very unpleasant and untrusting. He loves love, and falls in love easily. Once in a relationship he will be fiercely loyal and would never do anything to give you reason to think otherwise.
He tends to attract, and is attracted to, classy partners who are well put together, both physically and materialistically. Stability and in a partner is a turn on and a big thing that attracts him because these are things that tell him you are someone he can grow with on all important levels. He will give his love and devotion, but expects the same in return. He loves to touch and be touched, and offering him a massage is a proven seduction method for guys with this Venus placement.
His Venus in Gemini:
With his Venus in Gemini, the need for variety in your Aries man’s love life is emphasized even more. Eventually he will settle down with the right person, but will experience true love at least twice in his lifetime. His need for developing a mental connection with his partner is even more emphasized when your Aries man has his Venus in the sign of the twins. He likely won’t even consider furthering a relationship of any kind if he doesn’t feel there is potential for a strong mental connection to develop and grow.
He tends to shy away from deep emotional commitments and prefers to keep relationships light. It can take some time to get close enough to an Aries man with his Venus in Gemini simply because of his free spirited nature and his matched outlook on romantic relationship and partnerships. He wants a partner who can be his friend and lover at the same time, and someone who knows how to handle his intensity without passing judgement.
He tends to attract and be attracted to partners who are high energy, lively, and positive, so it’s important to remember this when you’re trying to get that sexy Arian to look your way. Infusing your day to day life together with variety is another way to get him to see you in a romantic light. Stay away from boring routine activities with him and keep a part of your own personality tucked behind the shadows, leaving him something to think about and work to figure out about you. The more intrigued he is by “figuring you out,” the more opportunities you'll be given to capture his heart.
His Venus in Aquarius:
With his Venus in Aquarius, your Aries man is a unique kind of partner with a detached way of showing love and affection. He sets his own rules, and they may all be completely opposite of the societal norm for things most people look for in a partner.
His fiery personality and exponential charm make the Aries with Mars in Aquarius great company, particularly when attending an event he has a lot of excitement about or believes strongly in.
The Aries man with Mars in Aquarius is likely to become involved with a wide range of different partners in his lifetime. He needs to explore and experience all of the options available to him, and even then he still might not ever settle down completely.
He's an imaginative and energetic lover who will make it a point to catch you off guard to keep things fresh. He likes to experiment and try new things, new positions, maybe even some toys to switch things up a bit, and he needs a partner who's open to the pleasures that await you when you push the envelope a little.
He's attracted to a partner who's unique and genuine. Someone who stands on their own two feet, has a sharp wit and an intellectual side, and who isn't clingy, invasive, or too emotionally demanding.
His Venus in Pisces:
Venus in Pisces gives the gruff Aries man a softness that may seem kind of out of place with his other attributes, but once you get to know him, you see that he really is a romantic at heart. He has a compassionate and giving heart and these Venus in Pisces Aries guys actually tend to be less aggressive than the average Aries man.
He will fall in and out of love many times throughout his lifetime and he will have his ego bruised along the way. This can make him more co-dependent than one would expect from an Aries, but when with a loving, nurturing partner who boosts his confidence and makes him feel secure he’s able to let his guard down and enjoy your connection.
You know those men who just seem to be able to mesmerize you just by looking into their eyes? They probably have their Venus in Pisces. He’s always looking for that perfect romance or soulmate connection, but those kind of relationships aren’t always easy to find. This is why his list of past lovers is so lengthy—He just hasn’t found his soulmate yet.
The Aries man with Venus in Pisces has an incredibly vivid imagination and he tends to spend a good bit of his time daydreaming. He can make you feel as though you’ve been swept into a fairytale romance where everything is magical and perfect. You can appeal to this side of his sexuality by showing yourself to be a compassionate and caring partner, and by not being afraid to embrace your sexual fantasies and desires within the confines of your union.
He’s attracted to a partner who he feels he can trust. He’s on a mission to find his person, the one who was put here on earth just for him, and if he thinks you’re the one he will pursue you feverishly until his goal of wooing you is met. He is a sweet and caring lover who delights in knowing that you are just as satisfied as he is. His ultimate quest in life is the pursuit of love, and if you do end up being “the one” who makes his soul feel complete he will be eternally loyal and faithful.
How You Can Appeal To His Man’s Most Erotic Desires—Eros In The Signs
Now that you know how to determine the type of influence Mars and Venus have in your Sextrology chart, we’re going to delve into Eros and what this naughty little asteroid can reveal of our deepest, most erotic needs and desires. The following interpretations will give you the edge you need to become the best lover your Aries man has ever had, while also explaining how you can have the most amazing sexual experience you’ve ever dreamed possible.
As I explained at the beginning of this book, Eros is the Greek god of erotic love and the son of Mars and Venus. This small but powerful celestial body is found nestled somewhere between Mars and Venus in the natal chart. Most standard natal charts don’t show Eros, but you can find your Eros placement with a little research or by consulting a professional astrologer like myself for a personal reading that goes much deeper than only explaining these three celestial bodies.
Unlike the traditional planets, Eros descriptions refer to which zodiac sign in the chart this asteroid is in rather than the exact degree. So, if you see that in your searching, don't worry. Also, be sure not to confuse Eros with Eris, as these two are completely different and have very different meanings.
Eros Meanings in the Signs
His Eros in Aries:
With his Eros is in Aries, he requires a lot of sexual experiences to feel totally fulfilled in later relationships. His sex life can be chaotic at times, but his passion is intense and always seems to be in high gear. If his partner can’t keep up, he may start to lose interest in the relationship and choose to move on to someone more sexually driven.
He likes the cat and mouse game that comes along with pursuing a romantic relationship. When his prospective partner declines his advances, he perceives that as a challenge rather than an actual dismissal of his request. In a way, this is like foreplay and it prepares your man for the impending relationship, of which he has no doubt will be forthcoming once he's broken down the walls constructed by the one he's chasing after.
His Eros in Taurus:
With his Eros is in Taurus, he is happiest when he has a steady, healthy relationship in his life, but he is apt to be extra possessive and perceive his partner as more of a possession than as an equal. For his, sex is more than just something that he does; it is a part of who he is. He experiences sexual experiences very intensely and, in fact; his sexual relationship is tied closely to his current level of well-being.
Love is not a definite requirement for his to engage in sexual activity with a compatible partner, but it makes things more enjoyable. When he is unable to be with a partner, rather than go without the release, he has no problem handling business alone.
For him, this is something that must be done, but he won't get the same level of satisfaction as when he can pair up with a loving partner. He's naturally a very gifted lover and his partners are never disappointed.
His Eros in Gemini:
With his Eros in Gemini, he maintains a very open mind when it comes to sexual encounters and his approach to the most erotic side of life. He needs a partner who can turn him on with words, and who will be receptive to sharing with them his deepest darkest desires and erotic fantasies. Due in part to the influence of the twins, those with Eros in Gemini have the capacity to engage in sexual adventures with more than one person at the same time and sees these encounters as more of an experience than an emotionally binding contract with one person.
This is not to say that he lacks the ability to be faithful to the one he loves, there just has to be love there for him to be faithful. Intellectual compatibility is a requirement for the love and fidelity to develop and grow, and in fact, those with Eros in Gemini seem to get off on things that are spoken or written. He probably enjoys things such as erotic novels and dirty talk a little more than the next guy, but it satisfies a deeply felt need and desire.
His Eros in Cancer:
With his Eros in Cancer, he may have a hard time separating emotional ties from sexual interactions. He perceives sex as a deeply personal experience, and he bonds instantly to whomever he gets intimately close to. He doesn't, however, go around sleeping with strangers and then becoming attached, the attachment begins before he ever gets into bed with this other person. He is a very nurturing lover but can sometimes make his partner feel as though he is smothering them with all of his concern and care.
He sometimes uses sex as a means to validate whatever particular mood he's in. If he's feeling down on himself, he may use a sexual partner as an object to make himself feel better. When he is in good spirits, and his confidence levels are high, he is a loving and nurturing partner who sees beauty in your sexual union. He likely has an affinity for breasts, and some with this Eros placement have a bit of an oral fixation. He loves to celebrate the female body and can become quite jealous, should anything start to come between the two of you.
His Eros in Leo:
With his Eros in Leo, he gets the most erotic enjoyment and feels the most pleased with his partner when that partner expresses great appreciation for his physique, sexual prowess, or whatever else you want to complement him on.
As long as he knows that you are enjoying yourself and you are completely enamored with him and his sexual talents, he's a happy man. Should this adoration begin to fade, however, he may lose interest and move on to another partner who worships him as you once did. Those with Eros in Leo are warm and inviting souls who make their partners feel loved and cared for, until, of course, the adoration stops and they get kicked to the curb.
He is likely to be a big flirt but may spend quite a bit of time engaging in autoerotic behaviors, from which he gets lots of pleasure. He's known to be excellent in bed, as well as being a very generous lover. The only hitch to that is the fact that he expects his partner to reciprocate in kind.
His Eros in Virgo:
With his Eros in Virgo, he has a discerning attitude toward sexual exploration, yet he sees sex as a healthy function of the body we were all born with. He may worry more than some others about his ability to perform and can be overly critical and analytical of himself at times.
He's methodical when it comes to getting it on, and he sort of rates himself on how he did once all is said and done. What really gets him there is making certain that every aspect of his sexual adventure is perfect, down to the smallest details. When he can achieve “perfect” sex, this sends him right over the edge.
He is very smart, and much like those with Eros in Gemini he needs to intellectual stimulation before he feels ready to take it to the next level. Although the Virgin symbolizes Virgo, he is anything but.
He has an earthy sensuality about feels that through the act of sexual exploration he can renew certain parts of himself. He may go through celibate periods, while other times he is most certainly not. His connection to nature finds him following different cycles as they feel appropriate for his health and personal evolution. He wants to ensure that his partner is satisfied, and will go to great lengths to not disappoint in bed. Despite the sense of purity connected with the sign of Virgo, he has moments where he explores the taboo, kinky side of his personality—And he loves every minute of it.
Eros in Libra:
With his Eros in Libra, he may be the one in sexual relationships that gives more than they get. He is naturally charming and nearly irresistible to those in his company, but because he works so hard to keep his partner happy and satisfied, his desires and needs can fall between the cracks. He loves it, and it's a huge turn on when he's able to go out and display his beautiful partner like a trophy or eye candy. This is never in the vein of being disrespectful; he just get so much enjoyment out of beauty and to know that this person is his and nobody else really gets him going.
He's in love with love, every aspect of it. He is someone who truly needs a partner to share his life with. If made to go it alone there is virtually no satisfaction or happiness found in anything that he does. Over time it is not uncommon for those with Eros in Libra to become resentful of their partner, due to the imbalance in the give and take of who is the one experiencing more pleasure because of the efforts of the other person. He works so had at balancing his environment and keeping everyone happy; he would do well to work on this issue, should it come up, before he begins to resent the one he loves the most.
His Eros in Scorpio:
With his Eros in Scorpio, he is a highly sexually charged individual who puts a lot of time, thought and effort into creating a sexual experience that transcends all else. He's magnetic and irresistible, and some are intimidated by the power that just seems to ooze out of his pores. He demands his partner either be all in or all out. He isn't interested in a halfway kind of sexual relationship. He asks a lot of his partner, but he gives a lot in return. He tends to meld and become one with his sexual partner, body, and soul until all that is left is the combined energy of the two of you intertwined. He is extremely loyal and would never do anything to hurt his partner, as long as they have done nothing to hurt him. Those with Eros in Scorpio always get revenge when wronged, so the best course of action is simply to not betray the trust of an Eros in Scorpio person.
Sexual encounters are thrilling to him, and he gets pleasure and enjoyment out of every facet of the experience. From the act of sex itself to the closeness of two bodies, to the level of vulnerability that each person is exposed to for a short time, he needs this in his life. Without the intimately erotic side of his relationship, he would have a hard time finding happiness.
Eros in Sagittarius:
With his Eros in Sagittarius, he has a lighthearted outlook on sexuality and the act of sex itself. He loves sex, absolutely loves doing it. He needs to be with a partner with whom he can relate on a spiritual level, as well; otherwise, the quality of the experience decreases dramatically. He's a seeker of knowledge and he wants to learn as much as he can about as many things as he can. Someone who can facilitate that acquisition of knowledge turns him on like nobody’s business. He craves good conversation, laughs and gathering bits of wisdom as he goes along his journey, and the sexual experiences in life are like a great bonus.
He likes for sex to be fun and he's likely a pretty competitive lover. He likes to make a game or sport out of the act, and this is how he reaches his highest points of ecstasy and pleasure. Things that make the sex adventuresome, such as doing it in a hidden public place or outside gets him going and adds layers of fun to the whole experience. He likes the idea of free love, and he isn’t one to become terribly attached to every lover he takes, but he does require his partners to be completely honest with him, just as he is with them. He doesn't do clingy; this is a turnoff for those with Eros in Sagittarius. When he does settle down, it will be with someone he loves and appreciates for their mind, not just their sexual prowess. He needs to explore your body in his youth as to not have regrets when he does settle down for good.
His Eros in Capricorn:
With his Eros in Capricorn, he doesn't often allow himself to open up to the possibilities of exploring his erotic side to the degree that all of the other signs do. He tends to be more reserved, and he rarely ever rushes into a romantic or erotic situation without thinking it through thoroughly. All this thinking often deters him from ever getting to that point, but not every time. There are things that are a turn on to your guy; he's just cautious and selective.
He' so used to being in control in day to day life that when he let's loose, and when in the right company, he may choose to relinquish control of the situation completely. Those who have Eros in Capricorn are found to be into things that some see as being taboo. BDSM, sadomasochistic behavior, and other things that allow him to let go of control and let someone else take the reins is often just the thing his to fulfill his most erotic desires. By allowing his partner to assume total control, he's able to briefly escape his mind and leave his normal reality behind for a time and just enjoy something that's his little secret. This is actually a very empowering situation for him, but he can only be certain about indulging in this type of erotic pleasure when he's found someone and created a stable relationship where he knows he can trust his partner. Trust is key.
His Eros in Aquarius:
With his Eros in Aquarius, he likes to experiment with a wide variety of erotic pleasures. Things that are considered “normal” just don't seem to quench his thirst, but when he steps outside of his comfort zone a little and sees what all is out there, he comes to realize there's a myriad of different things that light his fires. Eros in Aquarius creates a definite need for your guy to be able to freely explore his sexuality and find what works for him and what is pleasurable to his senses. This doesn’t mean that he isn't loyal, it just shows that anyone who has Eros here should consider allowing themselves to try different things before settling down. At least then he can say that he did explore and he found things he likes and things he doesn't.
One area of eroticism that those with Eros in Aquarius seem to fancy is engaging in sexual encounters involving more than two people. It may not be your thing, I mean, it’s not for everyone, but it if seems like something you’d enjoy, you can bet your man will be down for some sexual exploration. There are some with this Eros placement who find sharing these sexual experiences with friends they already know can be very rewarding.
His Eros in Pisces:
With Eros in Pisces, he experiences this erotic love and pleasure that the soul craves when being intimate with someone he feels connected to as a true lover. He needs that connection, and casual sex is just not his thing. He meanders through life searching for a soul mate, and when he finds them, he'll do his best to stay as close to his partner as he possibly can. Unfortunately for those with Eros in Pisces, he often winds up feeling disappointed if things don’t continually work out. Usually, this is attributed to his perception that this soulmate connection will be with someone who he needs to make him complete.
The only way to resolve this is for him to stop searching for someone to make him happy, but rather someone to share his happiness with. If he can manage to wrap his head around this concept, he will have a better chance of experiencing those moments ecstasy that are a part of his soul’s overall mission. This Eros placement magnifies his sense of compassion for his partner. He feels so connected to this other person that he's able to offer up exactly what they need, which is another part of this scenario where your man finds erotic fulfillment. Eros in Pisces can bring amazing, unforgettable experiences, just so long as he doesn't lose himself in the process.
When reading through all of this, keep in mind that what we’re looking at when it comes to Eros is a side that a lot of people never allow themselves to experience. By embracing your soul's erotic desires, and the erotic desires of your Aries man, you not only get to know yourself better, but you can also experience pleasures that might otherwise be forever outside your reach. And, when you use this knowledge to fulfill his deepest, darkest fantasies, ones he may not have even considered yet, he'll seriously never want to let you go!
A Few Things To Remember
The Aries man makes for a great partner and lover and is one of the most genuine guys you’ll ever meet. His daring charm and outgoing personality make him irresistible to just about everyone, but not everyone is a perfect match for this his intense warrior mentality.
He’ll keep you on your toes, thats for sure. His massive energy supplies and his drive to succeed and get what he wants out of life make him a lover with tons of passion to share. Understanding his sexuality is just one of the pieces of the puzzle that is the Aries man, and after reading through these pages, you should be well on your way to getting a good look at who he is as a whole.
There are three main things to remember that will help your relationship, both sexual and otherwise, fulfill both his needs and yours.
• He likes to be in control, so let him lead the way most of the time. Don’t confuse this with being timid, which is one of his turn offs. Letting him play the traditional male role appeals to his instincts and keeps him feeling “manly enough.”
• Always keep him guessing and adding variety to your relationship. He gets bored quickly when things become too routine, but a good dose of variety and excitement in the life you share will keep him happy and engaged.
• A small compliment goes a long way with an Aries man. He has a deep seated need to always look the best, perform the best, be the best. When you complement him on the parts of himself that he takes pride in it will really set the mood. This is also a good way to raise his spirits if he’s ever down.
Using the information about the Aries man contained this book, you should have a better understanding of how to connect on his level. You’ll be able to decode his deepest secret desires quickly and give him a night he'll never forget by appealing to the side of himself that he rarely lets out. By grabbing yourself a copy of both his natal chart and yours, finding the key love planets, Venus and Mars, and then referring to the previous sections of this book for interpretation, you'll be primed and ready to explore your relationship even further with an extensive synastry compatibility reading.
Keep in mind that all the things you’ve learned today still just brush on the surface of what all can be can be determined with Sextrology. Once we have all of the birth info for you and for your Aries man, we can gain so much more insight into things by looking at aspects between all of the other planets we didn’t go over today, as well as how your charts work together as a whole.
I really hope you’ve learned a lot from this additional book.
If you’ve got any questions or need further help to figure out your particular Aries man, please don’t hesitate to be in touch!
This is a special deal just for my readers! So please don't share it with anyone! It's just for you, whenever you decide it's the right moment to get a deeper look into your relationship! I'm not sure for how long I'll be able to offer this special price, so do get in touch in case the coupon code expires and I'll try to fit you into my schedule.
Now, what are you waiting for? Get out there and have some sexy fun with your Aries Man!
May the stars be on your side,
Your friend and relationship astrologer,