30 Dirty Little Secrets About Your Aries Man Learn How To Capture His Heart Even If You're Not The Perfect Zodiac Match
Hello there!
I see that you have a particular interest in getting to know how Aries men operate, maybe you even have an Aries man of your own that you want to become closer to.
Whatever the case, you're in exactly the right place!
I have some things I'd like to share with you about Aries men. First, though, I'll give you a brief rundown of how I got here, and why I decided to share my Aries Man Secrets program.
Even if you aren't a big believer in the ancient practice of Astrology, this is one astrological reference you'll want to stop and check out.
You see, there was once a time when I was skeptical of Astrology, it's true. I changed my tune after a trip to Romania, where my aunt opened my eyes to the amazing secrets held in my stars. Let me backtrack just a bit to give you the full picture of what happened.
I had been in a perfect relationship with this perfect guy (he was, and still is, actually a Taurus) and I thought my life was going along very nicely. At first, I wasn't even going to go to Romania to see my aunt because I didn't want to leave my guy behind. It was that serious.
So, there I am, minding my own business when the Universe decides to get my attention in the worst way when my Taurus broke things off between us. I was in shock. I hadn't done anything, at least I didn't think I had...
Everything had been going so smoothly and we'd been having such great conversations and experiences together, why was he doing this??
Well, regardless of why he was doing it, he was, and I was left feeling totally out in the cold. I went from cloud nine to bottom floor in record time. It was bad.
That's when my mom asked one more time if maybe I'd consider taking that trip to see my aunt and get away from everything. I considered it and decided, what the heck? I had nothing to lose and I needed to busy myself with positive experiences.
Once I got unpacked, my aunt started asking questions (I guess I wasn't doing a very good job at hiding my recent emotional wounds). I told her some of what had happened and said I just wanted to not think about it, or him. Before we closed that topic, however, my aunt asked for mine and my guy’s birth information so she could cast our charts. I didn’t think too much would come of it, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to hear what she had to say.
Let me tell you, I was floored when she began telling me things that were quite private and there was no way she could have known, unless, of course, our charts and stars really were revealing these things to her.
It was amazing, we talked for several hours and by the end of the night, I had a deep fascination and a basic understanding of astrology, as well as a thirst to learn more.
With the tips and information gleaned from mine and my Taurus' charts, I made my move once back in the states. Turned out my aunt and astrology were totally right and, once I'd applied the methods of communication and understanding that I'd come to understand through our synastry reading, then we were able to work things through and we are still together today, more than 10 years later!
This is why I'm sharing my knowledge with you.
I've worked with countless personal clients over the years who all have run into a myriad of different problems or issues with their partners.
After I really started to get into learning all about astrology and how it can help people communicate I kind of became obsessed. I never grew tired of learning, speaking with other astrologers, and sometimes even their clients, and reading every book I could get my hands on.
After the incredible impact astrology had on my life and my relationship, I knew I’d found my life’s purpose. I knew that one of my jobs in this lifetime is to help couples find a positive balance and happy, joyous energy together by exploring their celestial makeup and taking the advice of their stars.
I want you to have a successful relationship with your Aries man, free from drama and problems, and full of love and harmony.
So, when you decide to learn from my Aries Man Secrets program, I've included every possible relationship situation and solution you could think of.
I'll go over how to handle long distance relationships, first physical encounters, how to communicate, how to make him fall in love, how to make him want to put a ring on it, and so much more.
But for starters, I wanted to give you a taste of what you'll learn...so I created this list of 30 dirty little secrets to help you better understand your Aries man. These are some BASICS just to get you on the right track!
#1 — Aries Men love to be in control. Aries being the first sign of the Zodiac, believe they are the trendsetters and want to do everything first while being the best at it.
If you are the love of this mans life, this means that you can count on your Aries man to take control, and handle business. When it comes to not knowing what to do, you know he will come to the rescue...which can be a bit of a blessing or a curse.
For those partner’s whom would like a bit more independence, this can be a tad bit frustrating. However, it is nice to give up the reigns every now and then and know that you’ll have someone competent making decisions and standing behind them.
#2 — Aries men are not couch potatoes! Anticipate an active and busy man to go hiking with, enjoy hobbies, and have fun with you. Aries men are notoriously funny, and love to have a good time when they’re not conquering the World.
If you have heard any stereotype of the Aries man, this one is absolutely on point! You will be hard-pressed to keep a good man down when he is born under the sign of the Rising Sun. The Aries man will want to go and go, and when it is almost bed time, still find time for that one last thing that needs to be accomplished before he lays his head down to sleep.
The ever-busy and eager to accomplish, Aries men will never fail to keep you on the run and with a checklist in hand. Don’t expect him to keep track though, that most likely will be your job if you care to get involved! He is definitely too busy sorting and stacking in his mind, however, he will love the consideration that you care enough to keep him on track. He is a busy man, and any support towards his goals is a huge plus in his mind.
#3 — Not only is the Aries man active, but he loves nature! It would be perfectly normal to see a happy, but extremely filthy Ram covered head to toe in dirt and muck from an outdoor adventure.
If you are the least bit squeamish about being outside in the open-air hiking, biking, camping, trailing, four wheeling, or being dirty in general, you may want to think about putting on some gloves to protect your manicure because your Aries man is going to be outside in the Sun, getting dirty and sweaty, and loving every second of it.
He is completely one with nature when the Sun is out and shining. As a fire sign, it doesn’t get much better for this type of man; and you can expect greasy hands, and soiled pants to come as a full package! He’s a man’s man, and well worth it for the lover he works so hard for.
Opposing this, an Aries man can be just as comfortable in a suit and tie and will wear it well, getting just as “soiled” working hard in the office and sweating over figures and tables to get the job done. Nothing is unobtainable for this man, be it strategy and statistics or being down in the trenches in the Earth.
#4 — Aries Men thrive on competition, and you will not be betting against this man very often without either going broke or dealing with a smug ‘I told you so’ smile way too often!
If you hear him say, ‘bet me and lose’, you can almost guarantee you are going to be on the losing end of that gamble, and it is best to say, ‘no thanks! I believe you’ and leave it at that. However, Aries men love the challenge and will good-naturedly badger you until some sort of prize is awarded after they conquer whatever world they have set off to liberate.
This could turn into a lot of fun depending on your personal level of competitiveness and leads right into secret number 5!
#5 — Aries Men crave that need for a contest! If you are up for the challenge and know you have a skill set of your own that you can beat him at, SHOW HIM!
The good-natured Aries man may thrive on competition and friendly rivalries; however, you will also see a flower bloom under the circumstances of your own sort of competition. This could not be more of a set stage for romance no matter who wins or loses, just the thrill of the chase creates the perfect scene as passion and adrenaline are almost one and the same for this man.
The ‘bet me and lose’ attitude could turn into a win/win for you both in an instant, and a little game could turn into something more quite quickly. A little struggle and rivalry get more than just the heart pumping, but a formed comradery certainly does not hurt a positive love match.
#6 — Don’t discount the ideas of an Aries man. He will have an abundance of extraordinary, forward-thinking, and ‘out of the box’ concepts that most glance over easily or have not come up with yet.
This is one of the many things to appreciate about the leader of the Zodiac, as an Arian Man is shocking in his thought process and natural born leadership qualities. With this responsibility comes the talent of being able to back up guidance with insight and innovation that few other signs natively have.
It’s always a good idea to mull over advice given from a man born under the Sun of Aries, as this is a gift from the ruling planet of Mars, God of War himself, in strategy and approach to any issue you may have. With this kind of back up, who would not want to hear what the man has to say?
#7 — As Mars is the Aries Man’s ruling planet, aggression can be an issue. Yet, this isn’t always a negative aspect and those he cares about are always well protected and safeguarded.
An Aries man will defend his family and those he cares about with the possession of 100 mother bears freshly out of hibernation. No one messes with this man’s loved ones, and if you dare cross that line, then you dare to provoke the finely encased wrath waiting patiently only for a proper target.
One the other hand, this aggressive nature is something that has been dealt with since puberty and has been keenly learned how to be reeled in since it was realized. The handle and control Arian men have on their aggression are distributed in their competitive nature and humor, albeit sometimes it can be rather rough or untimely. Most Aries men are very aware of their own dispositions and find outlets in physical work or hobbies to keep themselves in check.
#8 — Coming off impatient or stern can be a self- defense mechanism, but most Aries men are soft- hearted and sweet on the inside. It’s hard to get to that point with this man, but once you do it is worth the time and effort.
Most Aries men just don’t have time for small talk and chit- chat. They are busy, have too much to do, not enough hours in the day, and if you’re not helping him in some capacity or another, expect to run with him through his day just to try to get to know him.
Don’t get discouraged! That rough and tough exterior is worth cracking, and you may find that one particular weak spot that will gape wide open and stop him in his tracks to your common ground.
#9 — Aries men don’t wait to gain respect, they expect it. Call it the Mars mentality, Alpha Male Syndrome, or just having respect for everyone else, and expect the same regard back.
Whatever label you want to slap on it, Aries Men have the natural aura of an assumed respect. While this can be frustrating for all parties involved, once understood, this trait can be worked with and dealt with much easier!
They will not disrespect you, and until you disrespect them the favor will be returned. Arian men are perfect gentlemen until you give them a reason not to be, then the white gloves are off, and you will understand better the disregard of “Mars Mentality”.
#10 — Aries men are natural debaters and will put up a remarkable fight to get their point across! However, if you do the same and give then something worth thinking about, you can change their mind respectfully.
Aries men are not so staunch in their beliefs without giving or concession when they are proven wrong. They just demand that if they are to relinquish their own opinion, someone better have a fantastic argument worth changing their own mind.
Remember, this fire sign is the strategic planner, so you need to come up with an idea much stronger than their mind already works. Have facts and logic with references to show where your knowledge is derived from. Not only will you impress this man but gain even more respect and admiration.
#11 — You won’t ever wonder what he is thinking as an Aries man is direct in his thought process and daring in verbalizing exactly what he wants.
Even if the popular opinion is not what everyone wants to hear, you can always count on that Aries man to vocalize it proudly. He’s going to say what is on his mind, usually unfiltered and raw with the flair of this leader of the Zodiac Pack.
Mars shines hard through this man, and it can come out rather harshly at times. Just know it’s said from a place of passion and honesty, and not with malice or to cause pain. Morality and ethics are severely lacking in the eyes of someone that finds the need for integrity in everything, and this can push him to the outer edge in many social groups. There is a fine line considering his charisma usually balances his candor.
#12 — With Mars being his ruling planet, patience is not a virtue, and it is rather easy to find yourself dealing with a battering Ram. Aries men can be some of the most impatient of all the signs.
When an Aries man wants something done, he wants it done 30 seconds ago. That is if he is not in a hurry, and it’s not that he is being unbendable or unreasonable, it is purely that there are much bigger and better things going on in his mind. A checklist is purely a means to an end, and that end is the goal he has in mind. If you are that goal, you will appreciate his impatience!
#13 — Believe it or not, after all that, Aries men aren’t all work and no play! They are quite childlike and love to have fun. Being extremely active, they love to take time out for childlike shenanigans.
No fun until the work is done, but once that happens, all bets are off. You can find yourself with the businessman by day, and the party animal at night in some circumstances. The versatility of this man is so extreme that you never can tell what fun or wild idea he will have next.
So, when your Aries man has some time off, do not be surprised if you have a suitcase waiting on the bed for you, or a text asking what you are doing for the next 3 days and if you can be available to leave in the next 15 minutes. When they want to play and have the means, it is considered done!
#14 — An Aries man is competitive and loves a good conquest, especially when it comes to his love life. A partner worth fighting for, someone to prove and show his worth is almost as good as ‘going to battle’.
Aries men love fighting for everything they have and will not accept anything handed to them easily. Let him prove his worth to you, allow him to show his value, as this not only gives him pride but allows you to see the real man behind the machismo.
#15 — Don’t ever lie to a man born under the Sun of Aries. All respect will be lost, and your value as a trusted person will lose all validity.
No matter how bad it is, honesty is always your best policy with this man. An Aries man can smell a lie a mile away, and you will want to keep it as real as possible to keep your accreditation with him. It is much easier to respect someone that is telling the truth, no matter how awful it may be, than someone who feeds fish stories to keep another person happy. Trust is huge, and a foundation built on lies with an Aries man is unacceptable; he will just turn around and walk away. Remember, respect is something always given until it is lost. Once that happens, your authenticity has failed and been defeated...and there is nothing worse to this warrior male who knows nothing but winning and losing when it comes to wars be that in love or life in general.
#16 — Physical attraction will always be his biggest motivation; however, an Aries man looks further than skin deep when it comes to choosing his mate.
You can definitely catch that Arian man’s attention with a pretty smile and curves, but it takes more than just looks to keep him! You must have personality and humor, the ability to challenge his mind and engage in conversation, and most importantly continue to grow and change in life with him.
Just like every couple, you have to be able to grow together. Aries men grow at a rapid pace and are in a constant state of change, so prepare yourself to keep up with new ideas and self-inflicted challenges that can make someone that wants more stability or sense of normalcy a bit unhappy.
#17 — If you’re wanting to date an Aries man, he will greatly appreciate the hint. They get a bit wrapped up in their own day to day, and subtle hints aren’t easily caught. The best approach is always direct.
He will welcome you letting him know your interest, and then put the ball in his court. Let him know and then fade back and dare him to do something about it.
The challenge is irresistible for him, especially if he’s had an interest in you, too. If you are crushing on an Aries, let him know you’d love to get together sometime. That should be enough to get his wheels turning, and be quite fun to see what happens next.
#18 — Aries men are so much on the go always, when downtime does happen, they can get bored very easily. Don’t take this personal!
An Aries man could be with you, their best friend, their own mothers, or by themselves, and could be bored to tears if their mind isn’t being stimulated with thought and planning like they are used to. It’s a very hard balance for this person to find the line between full-on the go-to resting, and boredom can turn into a huge problem.
Don’t take it personal, and if anything, allow your Aries man to stalk the house to find something to do, or you may find yourself shadowing the mountain near the house behind him in search of “fresh air” with him during your reading time!
#19 — You may not think it, but Aries men can hold a jealousy streak in their hearts once they find the one they want to hang on to!
They’ve stalked their prey, won over your heart, proven their worth, and now in love and enamored with someone. All that work, and you wouldn’t expect that Aries Man to have some jealousy surrounding the one he fought so valiantly for?
This is the man ruled by Mars, and if you are his after a good long war, there will be some traces of the green-eyed monster lingering about. Protective of those he cares about most, jealousy can easily be seen from this overprotective and watchful sentry.
#20 — Aries Men are particular and perhaps even considered a bit picky. Be that in their morality, partners, or everyday life, you can bank on the fact that there will be more than just a bit of quirkiness to him.
If you know an Aries Man, then you’re probably nodding your head right now and know exactly what I’m saying. He’s very specific in what he wants in almost all things. There is hardly a time when he won’t have an opinion, and if he doesn’t have one, he’s just waiting for you to inspire his own thought with what he “wants for dinner”.
Aries Men always know what they want, be that in a partner, what to wear, in life, career, or even as simple as a haircut. Sometimes, they do need some guidance, but once that is established, he’s back on track and off again with his newly inspired ideas and own sense of individuality.
#21— While sometimes seeming selfish, an Aries man will give the world to someone he cares about and deems deserving.
He’s busy doing his own thing so much that it can seem like he’s got a one-track mind purely for his own agenda. Don’t let this fool you, as the Aries man is truly incredibly giving to those he cares about most.
That fighting spirit translates into battling for you too and knowing what you want, and need will turn into his own goals-giving him the much-needed chance to yet again prove how much you mean to him by helping you to achieve your own greatness. What better way for him to show his love by attacking the world and conquering it in your name?
#22 — Aries Men need security too, even behind all that bravery and courage. They are still sensitive and have anxieties that will need to be soothed to make sure you’re both on the same page.
Let’s face it, as explained, Aries men are incredibly busy and usually lost in thought. This thought will sometimes be focused on your relationship and if everything is on the up and up, still they will need security in knowing everything is ok. Verbal assurances are nice, physical representations are even better as this is how Arians know how best to communicate.
Body language is so incredibly important for your Aries Man, so speak to him with your eyes and with your actions. Don’t be timid or afraid to show him how you are feeling. This will keep your relationship solid and concrete, giving him the security he needs to know you are ok as a couple, and if you’re having issues, talk it out together and work on it. Honesty is always best, and he will appreciate the genuine emotions and how to work on it.
#23 — Most of the time, an Aries Man will seem to see in colors of black and white until someone shows him there are more than just shades of grey in between.
They are very focused on one thing until someone can explain other ideas and bring more ‘color’ into their viewpoints. As someone so attentive, it’s easy to become fixated on one viewpoint. An Aries man can feel rigid and without a lot of give to their opinioned ideals.
However, the right person can break through and completely splash a rainbow of explanation that opens new ideas and concepts that will have an Aries man listening carefully and not be so black and white hard headed and Ram-like.
#24 — Aries Men value their freedom to express themselves and continue their hobbies. Even in committed relationships, they still need their time to pursue personal endeavors.
Aries men need to have personal goals, and while they love spending time with their loved ones, you must give them individual space, too. This goes right along with how Aries men get bored. If you don’t give them personal space and time for their individuality, then you’re dooming even the most perfect relationship.
Aries men must perfect themselves constantly as their goal in this lifetime is to work on constant goals and set trends-going where no man has yet dared to tread. This requires time, and space to do so. Be sure you’re allowing your Aries man this separate growth time, or you’ll be dealing with a different breed of Ram to contend with!
#25 — Confidence is sexy! You can expect nothing less from your Aries man, and he will want the same from his partner.
Like said before, if interested, let that Aries man know, and see what happens next. Confidence in being able to show your interest, then having confidence in the back and forth nature of the sparring games of love being that of quick- witted banter or looking fabulous in evening wear that will drive your Aries man insane. Whatever it is, do it with strut and assurance in yourself.
It doesn’t matter what physical attributes the Aries man is attracted to, if that confidence factor is there, he will immediately notice. This is the number one head turner for the man ruled by the planet of Mars, as this poise is needed most for someone of his nature.
#26 — Of all the Fire elements, Aries men possess the most fearlessness, masculinity, and sometimes much to our dismay...machismo.
Yes, sometimes, that Aries man you know may seem like a chauvinistic cave man, building fires and dragging his woman off by her hair. But, they’ve come a long way in such a short time considering that was every man a few hundred thousand years ago! The Aries man is mostly ruled by the instinct of all signs of the Zodiac, and that comes with a lot of the flight or fight characteristics that are hard to let go of.
Yes, that may mean that he will be the one stepping in front of you, again being overprotective, and possibly even overstepping your own personal boundaries of what you feel you can handle yourself, just be sure that you’re speaking your truth and be honest. Even an Aries man can listen and understand emotions when properly given information and apply logic to help him harness his predisposition to take control.
#27 — While being an over the top romantic isn’t usually an Aries man’s trait, just knowing that he’s trying is a for sure sign he’s into you!
Aries men will be down the line traditional in their trying to impress and woo you, wine and dine with candlelit dinners and possibly even flowers and chocolates at first. It’s when he feels comfortable that you’ll see the real man’s ingenuity in dating.
This is when his true inspiration will show, and dating gets more creative. So, don’t be surprised by him giving you a time and what to wear, and being picked up for a whirlwind adventure like you’ve never had before! Tradition will fly out the window once he gets comfortable, so anything goes once you hit that point in your relationship.
#28 — Once an Aries man trusts you, that softer side you didn’t know even existed will show and your patience will be rewarded 10-fold.
There is a vulnerability to a warrior that not many know, and it’s a precious gift that only a few truly ever get to see intimately. Love and weakness can be seen almost as the same, and it leaves an Aries man open to the exposure that he’s not used to in the slightest bit.
This is a huge change from the invincibility that is often portrayed, and those who are lucky enough to break through that tough outer shell to see the real man inside won’t be disappointed. To be truly loved by a Fire sign is to know the heat without being burnt, and the passion alone is all but consuming.
#29 — Divide and conquer is a true partnership with an Aries man. A true companion to him will not just be his lover, but his fellow warrior in life’s goals and trials.
You will have to be strong and do your part, too. He will stand firm when you need someone to rely on, however, he won’t always be able to be the spine to stand straight and tall. No matter what, people can’t always be everything to everybody, and the strong always have their weak moments.
It’s so much more on a deeper level than just love and romance for him, as his pyramid of needs are complex and have many caveats. Aries men respect those that can be trusted to get tough when the times call for it, and if you can rise to the occasion and become the warrior with him, then he knows he has his partner for life.
#30 — Charismatic and full of leadership qualities, it is no wonder you are attracted to an Aries man. Inner strength is pulled seemingly from thin air and can be harnessed by this man in ways not many people are capable of doing.
Fire signs all have the ability to pull from the Sun and shine brightly, however this leader of the Zodiac does it with style and grace, as is his birthright.
If you can get past his war-like Mars propensities and sometimes overbearing Ram tendencies, you will be rewarded greatly by a faithful and warm man that will protect and always keep you laughing.
For all his faults, he is still human, but there are secrets to understanding this sign a bit better and knowing what to expect. The rewards are great, and time spent with an Aries man can be worthwhile and fulfilling.
Now that we’ve gone through these 30 little secrets, you may be wondering what else you need to know to get into your Aries man’s head and heart.
Well, there’s a LOT left to learn about these sensual, sexy Fire signs, but don’t worry, I’ve got you covered!
I wish you all the very best in life and love, and I hope to be able to assist you along the path you’ve chosen, exploring the nature of the Aries man.
May the stars be ever on your side,
Your Friend & Relationship Astrologer,