The Secrets To Successfully Communicating With Your Aries Man
As you’ve probably figured out by now, Aries men aren’t really what you’d call the “quiet type,” but they aren’t really stellar communicators, either. It can be tricky figuring out just the right way to communicate with your Aries man so that you can both get your points across, it's true. It's not impossible, however, and as you go through this book you'll learn, not just how to text your Aries man, but how to really connect with him without even saying a whole lot.
Your Aries man is bold and brash, and he doesn't always realize when he’s overstepping his bounds in a conversation. He’s definitely candid, I mean, he has no trouble at all telling you what’s on his mind, as long as there’s some benefit to his doing so. This can make communications with him frustrating to say the least, trust me, I get it 100%. And that's exactly why I've put together this crash course on communicating with your Aries man.
Being that he’s a fire sign, and ruled by Mars at that, your guy has a tendency to just blurt out whatever is on his mind with little regard for propriety, and sometimes with little regard for the feelings or viewpoints of whoever it is he’s talking to, and he expects people to listen and have interest in what he has to say. When it comes to stopping to listen and hear what other people have to say to him, though, well, that’s a different story!
He’s down for adventure any day of the week, but ask him to sit down and have a serious conversation and you could end up disappointed with his reaction or response—That said, I’ve put this extra Aries bonus book together to help you navigate through this, very situation, or whatever else comes up.
As you read through these following pages, we’ll go over some common scenarios that I've heard over and over from my clients who are seeking advice on their Aries men. We’ll go over ways you can get him to talk, like really talk. And, we’ll go over how to initiate positive communication with him, and then what to do once you’ve gotten his attention.
My goal here is to help you find easy, viable solutions to common issues that come up frequently with Aries men by giving you the tools and the knowledge you need to make a success of your relationship with your Aries man.
Now, it’s time to learn a little something about Aries and how they communicate!
Getting The Conversation Started
With Aries men, getting the conversation started isn’t really much of an issue, especially if you’re already on his radar. Once an Aries has you in his sites he will be relentless in his efforts to get your attention. He knows without a shadow of a doubt that he’s your type—Because he’s an Aries, how could he not be your type?!
There’s no denying that these guys are a touch on the arrogant side, to put it lightly, but for the most part they really do mean well. They’re blunt and like to get straight to the point, so don't expect for there to be any beating around the bush on his side. If he wants to talk to you there’s not much, short of a stampede, that will stop him.
So, if you have an Aries man in your life that you haven’t yet figured out how to break the ice with, the solution is pretty straightforward—Just do it. Even if you don’t really know where to take the conversation once you get it started, your Aries is one man who’s a pretty safe bet when it comes to just winging your conversation. Odds are, he will find a good direction for the conversation to go if you don’t. And truthfully, nobody is more adept at "winging it" than an Aries!
Aries men tend to take the lead in whatever situation they find themselves in. After all, Aries is the first of the Cardinal signs and isn’t afraid throw themselves into whatever they’re doing, including their conversations and relationships. They can come across as being overly aggressive at times, but this is normal, and really, it’s probably a part of what makes him so attractive to you, right?
Taking that into account, it’s important that you don’t let him dominate the conversation all of the time. Why, you ask? Well, just as much as these guys like to dominate and have control over their environment, there’s something about a woman who shares that same fighter’s spirit and can knock him off the podium, so to speak, that really gets his fires burning (hotter than usual).
How To Communicate On His Level
Aries is a sign all about action. To your Aries man Actions speak louder than words, and empty words mean absolutely nothing if you’ve got a track record for not following through on things you’ve said in the past. He’s a "fool me once" kind of guy, so if you want him to listen and take the time to communicate you’ve got to show him you’re someone who says what they mean and means what they say.
He’s quick witted and just about as charismatic as they come, which means he’s usually the livelies one in a group. Not all Aries men are super outgoing, but for the most part these guys are not the shy, quiet type. One of their best attributes is their “glass is half-full” mentality, something that makes Aries one of the more motivational and driven signs in the zodiac.
Your Aries man will never tell you that you can’t accomplish something, he's very positive and encouraging in that way, and he won’t understand if you ever try to limit him or suggest he can’t achieve what he puts his mind to.
Attitude is one of the most important things to be mindful of when you’re communicating with your Aries man. His aggressive temperament can make for some lively conversations, for sure, but his extreme excite-ability can become rather annoying at times—don’t worry, everyone else feels the same way.
I hear so often from clients that their Aries man can’t get all the way through one thought or topic without arguing and debating some other point until he’s satisfied that he won, sometimes forgetting to even finish the thing he started out talking about. Sometimes, though, you can find a way to redirect the conversation to get back on track, but you’ll very likely have to speak up, maybe even interrupt him, for him to realize what you’re saying.
It can be confusing or hard to figure out how to react to some of the things that come out of his mouth, and the closer you are to your Aries man, the more true this will be. He’s either really happy and excited or really angry and, well, still excited. In either state of mind, it's not infrequent that Aries men leave their partner thinking, "Did he really just say that?!"
In an argument, Aries will stand his ground and fight until someone gives up or someone dies, so It’s best to avoid getting into arguments, if possible.
Having a good sense of humor is important when you’re talking to an Aries, and if you can make him laugh a little, all the better.
Conversations with him are fast-paced and can range from one extreme to another, and he will definitely keep you on your toes.
Now, that we've gone over some basic elements of how Aries communicate, let’s look at some basic examples of how you can set yourself up for success when it comes to texting him.
Crafting The Perfect Text
Your Aries guy is always on the run and always has something going on, so texting is really the perfect way to get in touch with him. Sometimes, though, you’ll shoot him a text, see that he’s read it, and yet he doesn’t send a reply back for a few hours or a day or whatever. This is annoying, to say the least, and it leaves you wondering why he isn’t responding.
The result of that situation, usually, is you feeling frustrated and annoyed with him and him not knowing why you’re upset. Next thing you know, you’re in an argument that started all over a simple misunderstanding. The original lack of reply from him was because he was either busy right then and forgot to reply later, or that he was only sorta busy and your message didn’t strike him as something that made him want to stop what he was doing. Which, yes, the latter option there is kind of rude, but it’s not what he would consider rude—Unless, of course, you did it to him.
So how do you get him to see your message and reply? I’ll tell you.
Being overly wordy is one mistake you can make when crafting a text to your Aries guy. If he sees a text that’s short, to the point, and can be answered without messing up his flow, he’s much more likely to stop to send you a reply. If, however, he opens his messages and finds a novel on the screen, he probably won't take the time to stop and read all the way through what you wrote.
Short, sweet, and to the point is the goal when texting your Aries man.
If you’re just getting to know each other, or perhaps you don’t even really know one another yet, you want to send a message long enough to reestablish who you are, but not so much that he feels overwhelmed.
So, if you text him something simple like “Hi,” this is a dead-end starter text. He may say,“hi,” back, but unless one of you gets things going beyond that, the conversation isn’t going to get very far. Instead of just saying hello, try something like this:
“Hey! I enjoyed meeting you the other day, how’d you like to maybe catch a movie or something?”
Or, if you don’t want to be quite so bold, or if you’ve already known him for a while, you can try something like:
“Hey, what’s up? It’s Linda. Are you going to the party this weekend?”
This will definitely get him to perk up and wonder what party you’re talking about (you’ll have to have a party or get-together to mention, of course). But, this will get him ready and raring to go out and see what kind of fun or adventure he can get himself into.
If you want to really impress upon him that you’re someone he could enjoy spending some time with, you could always throw your own party. I know, I know, that’s quite a lot of work just to get a guy interested in talking, but parties are fun, and depending on your outlook on it, having a party could be the perfect segue to reaching the next level with your Aries man.
If you do decide to throw a shindig and want to invite him, try something like:
“Hey, you! Not sure if you’ve heard, but I’m throwing a party at my place Saturday and it’d be awesome if you came. It's sure to be lots of fun :)”
If throwing a party or get-together isn’t an option, you can always go for good ole' blunt honesty—Something that works quite well with Aries men--and just tell him you’re diggin' him and ask him flat out if he’d like to hang out or do something.
Something like:
“Hey, it’s Linda! I was wondering if you’d like to get together sometime? I think we could have a lot of fun getting to know each other :)”
These are just a few examples of how you can get him interested and get him back into your company through text. Use your imagination, and as you get to know him better you’ll figure out other fun ways to keep the texts lively and interesting.
Also, short, humorous messages are always welcome to your Aries inbox. Something that doesn’t take too long to focus on but pops some comedic enjoyment into his day is just the thing to get his attention and brighten his day.
Key tip to remember: Keep your messages sweet and to the point, and try to be uplifting and positive. Save the serious topics for when you're face to face. Your Aries man won't stop to deal with drama via text, so don’t even bother.
Getting Him To Ask You Out
Getting your Aries to ask you out will happen without you having to do anything special. If there’s chemistry and he wants to ask you out, he’s going to ask you out. He will be relentless in his pursuit of you and getting you to agree to let him take you out. He’s this way with everything he wants in life, which is probably why he usually gets what he wants.
Once he decides he wants you, he can be a modern day Don Juan and sweep you right off of your feet. He’s a romantic at heart, even though you may never perceive him as being such. He sees the wonder in things like love and he falls in love easily. Commitment, however, is another story all together.
He likes the honeymoon phase, which, with an Aries man or woman, can last quite a while past the usual point in the relationship where a relationship becomes “comfortable.” He will woo you and make you feel like the most important person in the world, because in his world you are.
You don’t want to give in to him right off the bat and accept his invitation for a date, though; no matter how much you want to say yes. The excitement of the chase is a part of the fun to Aries men, so when you immediately agree to whatever he wants to do without making him work for it a little, he could lose interest. I’m not saying to try and run him off or anything, but it never hurts to tease your Aries man a little! Trust me, he will respond accordingly.
What To Do Once You Get That First Date
Ok, so now you’ve agreed to letting him take you out—Because this is how it is with Aries, he can be very much the gentleman when he wants to be—Now what do you do to keep things going in the right direction?
Your first date with an Aries man is sure to be one you won’t easily forget. He’s handsome and charming and he’s got this youthful quality about him that’s pretty irresistible. Once you get past the initial getting to know one another, which with an Aries is usually pretty quickly, things will start to get a lot more personal.
Now, typically he won’t try to get that serious on the first date, but if you’re sending signals that you want to get physical he’s not one to discriminate too heavily—Don’t worry, there’s a WHOLE other book in this series about the Aries man’s super-libido—That said, you’ve got to draw your boundaries early on with him, because boundaries aren’t always something Aries considers like he should.
Don’t worry, he’s persistent, but he’s not the type to become upset if you aren’t into anything physical yet. And, he’ll appreciate it that you’re decisive and to the point about things. Most Aries read body language quite well and your Aries man should pick up on what your body is saying.
Your general first date conversations will be full of exchanging information about yourselves and that type of thing. When getting to know him, don’t feel as though you need to pretend to be someone different from who you really are. He’s a very genuine kind of guy and he wants a partner who’s the same.
As far as ideas for fun dates with your Aries man, you can’t go wrong planning active dates where the two of you actually go and do something rather than just having dinner and seeing a film. He lives every day in search of his next adventure, and the more new experiences you introduce into his life, the stronger your bond can become.
Keeping It Going
After you’ve gone out on a few dates and gotten to know your Aries man a little better you’ll have a good idea of whether you want to continue things and how serious you want to become with him. Aries men are the best during those lovestruck first few weeks and months of a relationship, and they love making their partner feel like a queen—Seriously, you’re in for a treat!
When smitten, Aries men will completely throw themselves into a relationship, but this doesn’t mean the two of you will have long, deep conversations, and it doesn't mean he's necessarily committed. Yes, there will be times when a serious conversation is the only real option, but in general Aries communication style ranges from larger-than-life, when he’s excited, bold-and-forceful, when he’s pursuing something, short-and-to-the-point, pretty much all the time, or angry-and-loud, when he loses his temper.
For some Aries couples, those sweet, thoughtful, and sometimes raunchy texts, are like a lifeline to each other and these messages are exchanged all day long on some days. Other couples, usually professional-types who just can’t communicate all day, reserve communication and conversation for when they’re together.—One thing your Aries man will always appreciate, regardless of which of those two text-categories you fall into, is a sweet, sexy message out of the blue. If you send him a picture of you that’s meant for his eyes only, you’ll really put a smile on his face and he'll be thinking about you for the rest of the day.
Aries men are not known for initiating deep, meaningful conversations where you explore each other’s souls. It’s not that they are totally averse to having them, it’s just that it’s not something they feel needs to happen. Aries live in the moment and doesn't often stop to question things and ponder the meaning of life. If it’s important to you, though, you can probably get at least one or two moments like this out of your Aries man.
In your day to day back and forth, just remember not to beat around the bush. Your Aries man isn’t someone who reads between the lines to find out what you really mean—The way he sees it, you either mean it or you don’t and if you didn’t mean it you wouldn’t have said it—In short, Open, honest, excited, sweet, & sexy, communication is the key to keeping it going with an Aries man.
Now, we’ve all got a side of us that’s not so great, it’s human nature and nobody is perfect. Next, we’ll go through some of the pitfalls to watch out for when communicating with your Aries man and how to best handle it when these situations present themselves.
Possible Pitfalls To Watch Out For
Communicating with your Aries man will sometimes be frustrating and you may think he’s intentionally trying to drive you mad. Don’t worry, he’s not. Aries personalities, for the most part, have this perception that they are the most important person in any given situation. Much like that of an only child, Aries men can sometimes forget how to be empathetic toward others. As you might guess, this can cause problems in a relationship.
I want to say that he’s not selfish, and really, there are sides of his personality that are very giving and loving, but being an Aries there’s going to be some selfishness somewhere in your man. The thing is, when this side of him pops up, he won’t realize how he’s acting. This is why it is so very important to set boundaries with your Aries man before he tries to cross them.
As long as your Aries man is interested in what’s going on, and as long as he’s under your spell, he’ll stick around. While these guys aren’t the type to commit to someone quickly, once Aries has decided to be with you, he won’t stray unless there are some dire underlying issues that need to be worked out before you do anything else.
One main complaint I hear about from women with Aries partners revolves around their inattentive habits when it comes to listening to what you’ve got to say, then turning around and sharing their own news as though it should be the most important in the world right then.
If this becomes a persistent problem for you in your relationship with an Aries man, you’ll need to have one of those long conversations where you just unload on one another and set him straight—Always, always be honest about how you feel. Even if you think he won't like it or it’ll hurt his feelings, he’d prefer you be blunt.
That brings us to probably the biggest issue that comes up the most frequently when talking about Aries men—Their tempers.
That warrior mentality is something that both men and women born under the Aries Sun all share. Fire signs can be hot heads to begin with, but Aries is different. Ruled by Mars, Aries is powerful and intense, and although they aren’t the type to hold a grudge, they are the type to go ahead and get even, or get their point firmly across to whoever crosses their path, right then and there.
Certain situations or people might set your Aries off and you’ll see him go off on a tangent about this and that, all while he essentially prepares for war in his head that's never going to actually happen. Aries, in general, are easily worked up, but with a little self-work, and maybe even meditation, it is possible for and Aries to learn to control his temper rather than allowing his temper to control him.
Because he realizes this temper within himself, your Aries man may withdraw sometimes, especially when you’re having problems or if you’ve been arguing, or if he's just had a really bad day, because he doesn’t want to go off and say things he’ll regret. Trust me, it’s better that he takes a time out to collect himself before you try to talk to or reason with him.
Some Aries men have a bad habit or perception that they’re just always right, no matter what. They see things one way and one way only, and there’s not a thing in this world that will change their mind or get him to consider your stance on something. If your Aries man feels this way, know that it's not likely that he'll ever "come around." In most of the successful couples with an Aries man who've been together forever, the women usually relate to me that they try to ignore that particular trait in their Aries man and they don't get too hung up on trying to prove to him that he's wrong, because it's a futile effort and there's other, better things you could be doing with your time together.
When you run into this, there’s not a lot that can be done to “fix” things. Explaining to him how his actions make you feel is a good start, but usually when an Aries has this mindset it takes some doing to get them to see the light and mellow out. Either that, or the mellow comes with age. Like most things, your Aries man, too, will lessen in vitality with age, but he’ll still probably be the most intense one in a group even when he’s 80.
All in all, Aries men make some of the best partners around. Your Aries man is a passionate soul who may not be the best at verbally communicating, but that’s because he’s a doer, not a talker. He has his down sides, but so do you, so it’s learning what you can deal with and what you can’t deal with that becomes key to choosing the right partner for you. The deeper we go through this Aries Man Secrets series, the closer you’re coming to mastering this relationship by understanding your man and learning how he thinks, communicates and loves, and that is pretty awesome!
If you’re wondering what you can do to make him feel special or show him you care, please be sure to check out 25 Surprises To Delight Your Aries Man In this next bonus book you’ll find a well crafted list of ideas sure to really tug on his heart strings and show him how you feel.
I wish you all the very best in life and love! Now, get out there and get the conversation going with your Aries man!
May the stars be on your side,
P.S. Hey, don't forget. If you're still confused about his text messages and what they mean, or if you’re just stumped on how to effectively communicate with your Aries man, I can always help you out by analyzing them for you (Who knows, maybe he's not the best guy for you after all!).