25 Ways To Make Your Aries Man Feel Special
Aries men are a lively bunch, and believe me when I tell you that they really do enjoy indulging themselves and being made to feel special-But who doesn’t, right? Well, with the help of some of these tips, your Aries man will really appreciate how you go out of your way to make sure he knows how you feel about him.
My quest to help you discover ways to improve your relationship is why I’ve put together this list of things you can do to delight your Aries man and show him how much you really care. Not every single one of these things will apply to every Aries man out there, which is why I've included a nice variety of things you can do with or for him that will leave him remembering it was you who put that smile on his face.
Your Aries is a man of action, always on the move and looking for the next adventure, or sometimes the next conflict, he can get into. The subtle little things you say may escape him and never make it to his cerebrum-Which, I know, can be kinda frustrating. That said, this book is chock-full of action based ideas to make your man beam with that innocent, energetic and charming smile that only comes from those fire-starter Aries men.
As you know, your Aries man is fast-paced and high-octane, and he can be kinda hard to keep up with if you’re not on your game that day. He needs a lot of variety and activity in his life to keep him from getting bored-He absolutely detests being bored, but I’m certain that by this point you know that. So, the best way to put that big beautiful smile on his face is to keep him guessing and do your best to stay one step ahead of him (when it comes to figuring out ways to surprise him, anyway).
Now, when you’re thinking up those fun ways to keep the excitement in your relationship, remember that Aries is the very 1st sign in the zodiac, which kind of makes him the “baby” of the zodiac. His ever-curious nature and his fearless way of jumping into situations head first without really thinking it through makes it easy to come up with things he’ll be interested in doing-The trick, though, is finding things that will stick in his mind and make him remember not just the experience, but who he shared that experience with. That person we want him to remember is you, FYI.
Now, let’s get to that list!
1.) Arrange a skydiving day
Ok, so I know this is kind of an intense start to our list, but keep an open mind and finish going through the entire list before you decide on your next move with your Aries man.
He’s a daredevil in every sense of the word, so it's safe to assume that your guy will be down for hurling himself out of a plane at high speed/high altitude. Now, of course, before you surprise him by giving him a little push, you'll need to be sure he's not afraid of heights or anything.
And, also of course, you've gotta be willing to man up and jump yourself, but if it works out, and if you're both down to hurl yourself at Earth at lightening speeds and defy death by way of gravity, this could be an unforgettable experience for you both!
2.) Surprise him with tickets to see his favorite sports team play
You really can't go wrong here. Aries men are very competitive and they thrive on physical activity, athletics and things that generally make him happy. So, when you pop in with tickets to a game he's been dying to see, he'll know that you really care. Plus, I mean, I can think of no better way to score some major points with your Aries man than to get into the game with him and cheer on his team--Just don't cheer on the wrong team!
3.) Make a point to introduce him to your inner circle
When you’re getting into a relationship with your Aries man it’s important to make a point to introduce him to your inner circle when the time is right. If you’d like to take things further and he seems like he does too, go on ahead and include him with your closest friends and family.
When in a relationship, Aries men need to know they’re important to you and they truly prefer to be your #1, so including him more with your other friends will definitely make him feel special-Then, to add sprinkles on that icing, you can brag on him a little when you’re introducing him. He'll love that.
4.) Get your guy a durable monogrammed coffee tumbler
Aries guys are always on the go, and they pretty much maintain this state of constant motion until they go to bed and get up the next day, or night, depending on their schedule. A lot of Aries personalities are real caffeine-aholics, and depend on coffee and other caffeinated beverages to give them their edge on the competition. Some Aries drink coffee all day and into the night, yet oddly enough they never seem too affected by the caffeine.
It goes without saying, then, that a monogrammed tumbler he can take with him in the morning, or whenever, would really brighten up his day. This is a great gift for your Aries man because it not only is a nice thing to have, it also has a practical application that will help keep him on the go conveniently and stylishly. He'll think of you every day as he sips his cuppa joe.
5.) Take date night to the closest theme park
Aries men may be tough guys, but the most of them are just big kids at heart. Being the very first sign in the zodiac, Aries tends to have a more optimistic, wide eyed view of the world, less cynical than Capricorn but more fierce than Sagittarius. If this sounds like your man, a theme park date could turn into an incredibly enjoyable and memorable experience for both of you.
6.) Take some time and play video games with him
Staying on the subject of Aries men being big kids, all about having a good time, your guy will be pretty impressed if you sit down to play one of his games with him. Of course, if you are already a gamer this option's not so much for you because you're already doing it.
If you aren't a gamer, however, and especially if it's out of character to see you with a controller in your hand, changing things up and surprising him by doing things he likes is a perfect way to let your Aries man know you really care. If you are playing a game where there's a little friendly competition, all the better. Remember, though, Aries play to win, so don't expect to walk away victorious if you are new to the game.
7.) Pick him out some nifty universal tools that everybody needs
When problems pop up Aries wants to find a solution and get things back on track and moving like, now. Well, Aries men aren't the greatest when it comes to planning ahead for potential predicaments, so it's very likely that his tool set has a few gaps that need to be filled if he's to be able to fix any problem that could come up without delay.
And just think, when something does come up and he's got the tools to handle it, he'll think of you and know that you were looking out for him. Plus, you just solved a problem that could have held him up even longer--Major points with your Aries man.
8.) Respect his personal space and his need for freedom
Even if your Aries guy is the happiest man in the world because he's with you, he still needs his personal space and for you to give him his freedom without trying to pin him down by being clingy or giving him the third degree when he gets back to you. Aries men are very loyal once they're committed to a partner, but typically it takes them a long time to reach a point where they're ready to commit to someone.
There is a fear that commitment will hold them back from feeling, and being, free to explore and just live the fast-paced way they live. If he loves you, he loves you, and if he seems reluctant to go to the next level, take a step back from your situation and make sure you're respecting his space and freedom and avoid being clingy if you want to lock things down with your Aries man and make him feel special.
9.) Throw him a surprise birthday party
If it's almost time for your Aries man's birthday, why not arrange a surprise party for him? He loves surprises and throwing him a party with all yours and his friends is sure to show him he's your #1 and make him feel really special.
If you have the option of throwing the party at a nice public venue or your house/his house (depending on your current living arrangements), planning the shindig at a public venue will free his personal space of after-party mess, which he will appreciate.
10.) Surprise him with a nice, engraved watch
Aries aren't exactly known for their punctuality, so a watch could be, again, a useful tool he can use every day, and a sweet gift from his main squeeze. If you aren't sure what kind of watch to get him, and if he has one already but needs replacing, you're pretty safe going with the same style. If he doesn't wear a watch yet, do your best to find something fitting of his personality.
A good bet is getting one that's durable, waterproof and all that. The best part is the sexy engraving you'll put on the back of the watch face, which gives your gift sentimental value on top of the practical value it adds to his day to day life. He'll think of you whenever he checks the time, and when he takes it off and sees the inscription he'll get all hot and bothered thinking of you. This one's truly a win-win!
11.) Fill the role of being his adventure buddy
Not everyone is suited for keeping up with an Aries. I mean, these guys are like Energizer bunnies or something--even without the caffeine. That said, if you're willing and ready to accompany him, or perhaps lead the way, on some of the crazy adventures he takes, or dreams of taking, you'll instantly become a keeper.
Some ideas for adventures you can have on a budget and in a short amount of time could include going rock climbing, surfing, if you've got any caves nearby you could be spelunkers for the day, or you could go so far as to take a trip to some remote place with your man and experience different cultures together. New adventure and excitement is what he thrives on, so don't worry if you can't choose just one adventure for the two of you. This is something that can last the span of your entire relationship.
12.) Get him some man-bling
One thing I can say about Aries is that they always seem to look sharp, whatever the occasion. This goes back to Aries ruling the 1st house of self and outer appearances. This one will only be helpful to you if your Aries man is the type to wear jewelry--For some guys it's just not their thing--So you'll want to investigate that first and foremost.
If you discover that your man is into a little man bling then you can go out and find just the right piece that's subtle and elegant, yet bold and kinda fierce looking. This is another primo opportunity to have something engraved and give him a little forever memento to make him think of you when you're not together. And, he’ll love knowing that he looks good in what he’s sporting.
13.) Enjoy seeing an edgy comedian show together
Your Aries man has a pretty quick wit and he loves to laugh. His serious yet jovial attitude is perfectly fit for a comedian who’s got a touch of sarcastic humor mixed into the show. He’ll appreciate that you have a sense of humor, too, and that will be one more thing the two of you share in common. Plus, comedy shows are crazy fun and you’re sure to have a great night with your fire-ball Aries man.
14.) Snag him up a Go-Pro camera setup so he can capture his adventures without slowing down
Like we’ve talked about, your Aries man is always on the go, so he needs things that help to facilitate his ability to continuously move about freely. He tries his best to avoid things that slow him down, but he sees so many interesting things in his wanderings that he’d really enjoy being able to go back and watch it again, not that he’s one to live in the past-Actually, he’s the exact opposite.
Your Aries man will really dig one of these. He’ll not only be able to record his epic adventures and encounters effortlessly, now he can share the experience with you, or his friends, after the fact.
15.) Give him a sentimental gift from an experience you shared
Your Aries man is really a romantic at heart, and he’s into the sweet stuff more than you might think. Aries are also known for their grand adventures and dreams and fitting in as many amazing experiences into life as he can is one of his lifetime goals. As you might imagine, he has a soft spot for those memories that are just the best, and if you're together he’s going to want to make some of those awesome memories with you!
Find something small, just a little memento from whatever the experience is, and give it to him when he’s not expecting it. He’ll feel special and loved knowing you went out of your way to do something so sweet for him, and it’ll bring back those great memories of what you shared and get him looking forward to your next adventure/life experience together.
16.) Make an effort to get along with his “pack”
Aries men are really protective over those closest to them. If you’re in his inner circle, you’re practically like family, so he likes it when all his favorite people get on well together. This isn’t to say that you have to like everyone he introduces you to, some people are bound to clash with one another-diversity is what keeps the world spinning, after all-What I am saying is to at least give it your best try to get to know his “pack,” or his inner circle. He’ll appreciate it, and you just might make some new friends.
17.) Hook him up with a high quality fireplace set
Ok, so hear me out on this one-and remember that in the beginning I said that not every tip would work for everyone, that’s why I’ve listed so many-If your Aries man has a fireplace and you notice he’s in need of one of those fire poker sets, finding him one and gifting it to him at an appropriate time (or just because it’s Tuesday and you want to give him a fireplace poker set) is one of the perfect gifts you can give an Aries man.
Why, you ask? Well, it might seem a bit obvious, but Aries is a fire sign, so naturally he’s fond of getting a fire going when it’s cold out. Sometimes you might even catch him with it burning even if it isn’t cold out just because he likes it that much. If you fall into this narrow opportunity category where you can supply your Aries man with one of these sets, consider yourself lucky because he will really appreciate it and he’ll see that you do pay attention to his likes and needs. It's the little things, you know?
18.) Take a couples weekend casino trip
Even if you don’t have a lot of money to blow gabling, you can still have so much fun on a trip to the casino with your Aries man. You'll see your Aries man's light up when you hit the front doors of the casino and the energy and buzz draws him in. He’ll have a blast and, even if you aren’t much of a gambler, you’ll have a great time, too.
Some people are just born lucky, a lot of those people are Aries born. For whatever reason, Aries tend to attract luck and good fortune in whatever they do, to include games of speculation and chance. His daredevil mindset gets off on the risk of losing, so there is a need to make sure you don’t introduce your guy into a “problem.” That’s not likely, though. What is likely is that you’ve got an amazing weekend in your future with your very special guy -And you might even be able to get the food and room comped!
19.) Looking for something fun to do? Why not try flag football?
This is another one that will only work for you if you are in the right environment, but if you can manage to bring your collective pack together for a rousing game of flag football (or some other game where you can generate a little friendly competition amongst friends), there's a very good chance that your Aries man will be more than happy to get in on the game.
Aries men are some of the most competitive and athletically inclines guys around, so when you tell him you’re the one who arranged the whole deal he’ll stop and think twice, then he’ll decide he really digs that about you. You don’t have to go all out and try to do anything crazy or outside of your own personal physical fitness level, just try to find something fun you can do together, or with your group, and have at it! Life’s too short to not have fun regularly-And more than anyone else, your Aries man knows it.
20.) Change Up Your Daily Routine Together
If you’ve already established a relationship with your Aries guy, then you’ve probably got a routine of some sort that you’ve fallen into together. This is normal and natural, and really, it’s a sign of a healthy relationship. Well, healthy relationship or not, your Aries man may become bored if things become too routine. He hates monotony, and nothing is less appealing to the Aries man than thinking that he’s going to be doing the same thing at the same time day after day after day.-It kind of creates this image in his head of him at age 90 still taking out the trash every Tuesday and Thursday and having dinner at exactly 6:00PM forever.
Surprise him once in a while by changing up your routine to keep things interesting and to keep him from becoming bored or unhappy with the relationship. If you always have date night at your favorite restaurant on Saturdays, surprise him by telling him you want to go out on a Tuesday and choose a date night destination you’ve never been to before.
Reorganize your furniture before he gets home so things look and feel fresh when he gets in, maybe try your hand at a little feng-shui to lighten up the energy in your home. Shop at a different grocery store, go for a drive when you’d normally be going to bed, have breakfast for dinner, and change things up just enough that he doesn’t start to feel like he’s living in some weird version of Groundhog Day.
Some things you can’t switch around, so don’t feel like you have to reinvent the wheel here. The key to making this tip work out is to just shake things up in your day to day life together enough that he doesn’t start to feel trapped in a monotonous routine.
21.) Sign The Two Of You Up For A Culinary Cooking Class
Your Aries man will be stoked at the idea of taking a cooking class with you, even if he already knows how to cook. While Aries personalities aren’t typically all that concerned with indulging themselves with decadent foods-He’s not a Taurus, after all- what these guys do really appreciate about culinary dishes is the presentation. If you can find a class or group that will teach the two of you how to create beautiful and delicious dishes together, you’ll have your date nights figured out for the duration of the class, and he’ll have a blast.
Once you’ve completed the course, he may not use these skills all that often, but he’ll never pass up an opportunity to learn something new he can add to his long list of skills and abilities. What’s even better, he’ll now be able to create aesthetically pleasing dishes for his guests when he has parties, and you’ll get to spend some quality time together creating memories and making delicious foods, all of which he will just love. Also, he’ll really dig the fact that you thought of it, especially since going to culinary class isn’t your run of the mill date night affair. It’s fun, its different, and it’s a great chance to bond even further with him.
22.) Spend The Day Test Driving Sports Cars
Not only does your Aries man love road trips, he loves to go fast. Should your trip land you at a car dealership, you’ll see his eyes light up like a Christmas tree at all the new and different models of vehicles that are out for sale. He’s high octane himself, and what better way to keep him moving than with a beautiful sports car? I’m talking about the kind of car that when you get in, all your troubles melt away and the car itself makes you feel like everything's gonna be a-ok.
You don’t have to actually buy a car to get the keys to one, so indulge his senses and his love for vehicles in general by picking a dealership that will allow you to take your pick and take him for a spin. If they’ll let you, you can take turns trying out different vehicles, and who knows, one of you may even decide to take one home! Either way, you’re sure to have blast together and you’ll make some fun memories along the way.
23.) Score major points with a jersey from his favorite team or player
Like we’ve talked about here, and as you probably already know, Aries are well-known for their love of competitive sports, so now it's time to find out who his favorites are. When you pull out a jersey from his team or player he’ll be like a kid at Christmas-I mean, he’s a big ole' kid anyhow, but this kind of surprise will really brings out the excitement and light in his eyes. And there’s no doubt, this surprise will definitely make him feel special and let him know you pay attention to what brings him pleasure and joy.
Also, I’m not trying to give you mission impossible or anything, BUT, if you can somehow finagle coming up with an autographed jersey, ball, bat, or whatever, he’ll be forever yours.
24.) Get him a Rubik’s Cube
While not everyone enjoys working tirelessly on a puzzle that seems to have no solution, your Aries man is one of those who really enjoy working through tough puzzles and games. Remember, he’s the competitive sort, and not just with typical athletics, he goes into every situation in life with the intent to come out on top, so figuring out a puzzle most people toss down in frustration is like an ultimate win for him. Plus, most Aries men just genuinely enjoy puzzles and such.
Nowadays there are actually Rubik’s Cubes with light up block that travel around in different directions depending on which game you’re playing with the cube, so don’t think you’ve only got the one option in picking out a cube for your guy. Even if he can’t or doesn’t figure it out, those things make a nice addition to an office or living room, as everyone who comes through is sure to try their hand at it and reassure your Aries man that he's not the only one who hasn’t yet figured out that particular puzzle. He’ll like it and he’ll like it even more because it came from you.
25.) Don’t be afraid to let loose and have some fun in the bedroom!
Your Aries man is full of passion and a burning need to share his lusty energy with you. These guys are by-far the most intense, debonaire, charming and exuberant lover you’ll ever have in your bed-And that’s no joke.
Aries is literally ruled by Mars, the planet of passion, energy, conflict, action and physical desire, which gives him an unparalleled sex drive. Your guy will love it that you’re on the same level and that you want him as much as he wants you. He’s not the most romantic guy you’ll ever date, but he probably is the most passionate.
Aries men aren’t known for their love of lengthy foreplay. When he wants to be with you he wants to be with you, not waste time teasing each other. You may have to slow him down a bit and get him to savor the experience. He knows how to satisfy, so if you do snag yourself one of these smokin' guys, you really are a lucky girl! Don't worry, I'll go into much more detail on this topic in Aries Man Sextrology!
There are countless other ways you can impress and delight your Aries man beyond what we’ve gone over here. These ideas are great, but you know your Aries better than I, so take some time to tweak these things to fit your specific situation.
Think of this list as a jumping off point for you to find even more things that make your Aries man feel special and happy in your relationship. The more you get to know him, the more you’ll come to realize just how special he is to you and you’ll keep finding better and better ways to let him know it. Now, what are you waiting for? Get out there and go have some fun with your Aries man!
May the stars be on your side,
Your friend and relationship astrologer,
P.S.: Hey, when I say friend, I mean it. Feel free to get in touch if you've got any extra questions!
You can email me at contact@horoscopesocialnetwork.com and I'll try to help you out as soon as I grab some free time.