How To Win Back Your Aries Man After A Breakup
So you had what you thought was a perfect relationship with the perfect Aries man, but all of the sudden things went south. Now you’re left wondering what you could have done differently and if you’ll ever get him back again. Don’t worry; you aren’t alone-And you’re in good company!
Now, I know this can be a touchy subject, and maybe you’re still kinda reeling from the heartbreaking feeling of it all, but there’s still hope, and that is exactly what this book is all about. That’s right, I’ve put together this bonus book to help you understand what you can do to win him back! It won’t be the easiest task in the world, but sometimes living with your Aries guy can be challenging, so I feel quite confident that you are fully up for the task.
Even if you haven’t lost your Aries man, these insights into his mind will help to ensure that you never do!
Figuring Out What Happened To Your Relationship
Before you can fully get into “relationship-save” mode, you’ve got to figure out when and where things went wrong between you and your Aries man. There are literally tons of reasons people decide to go their separate ways, and having the quickest, most explosive temper in the zodiac puts hot-headed Aries in the high percentile of breakups. Sometimes the reasons are silly or superficial, and sometimes there are valid reasons that either you or your partner make that decision to split. What’s important to remember is that no matter who made the final decision, as long as you are still willing to try, there’s still hope for a happy future.
To understand what's brought you to this point, start with who decided to end the relationship. Was it you or was it him? If it was you who called it, you first need to think very hard about your reasoning and decide if you truly do want him back. Stopping to take a moment to consider this all-important question will not harm your chances of attracting him back into your life-Unless, of course, you decide that his past transgressions are just too much to risk dealing with again and you change your mind. If this is the case, don’t sweat it. The idea here is to create the life you want, and if you couldn’t live with him before, you probably won’t be happy living with him again.
If it was him who called things off, you can figure out the why pretty easily using a process of elimination method-Or maybe he straight up told you why (in typical Aries fashion), which makes this first step much easier to get through.
Top 5 Reasons Aries Men Leave & How You Can Make Him Stay
There are five main reasons why an Aries man will call off a relationship. We’ll go through these now, as well as what you can do to get him back or keep him from leaving.
• He felt restricted by the relationship-The Aries man needs to be able to retain his independence in a relationship and can’t stand to feel like he’s boxed in or trapped. Codependency and attitudes of ownership in a relationship are sure-fire ways to run off an Aries man. He’s eternally curious and loves to explore the world around him, and any woman who thinks she can put him on a short leash is only setting herself up for major disappointment.
If, in looking back over the course of your relationship, you realize that this is where you went wrong with him, the solution is relatively straightforward and simple. You’ll have to find ways to show him you respect his need to remain independent, and then not freak out when he tells you he’s going out with the guys after work. You can tell him your intentions, and he will appreciate it, but actions truly do speak louder than words with Aries men and his “I’ll believe it when I see it” attitude doesn’t put much stock into what could be empty promises.
You see, one of the biggest turn-offs for Aries men is a partner who is too needy, clingy, or controlling. He can’t stand to feel dominated, and to be honest, he probably wishes you’d have more girl’s nights of your own. Being able to maintain your respective individuality is vitally important to him, and no amount of passion will keep him in a relationship where he feels suffocated or like he’s been chipped and clipped. If you love him, you’ve got to let him go and trust that he will come back to you, otherwise you may never see him again.
• He got bored-The Aries man can’t stand to be bored. In fact, he absolutely hates to be bored. He hates it so much that he’s resolved to just not allow boredom or mediocrity into his life, and definitely not into his love life.
If you look back and realize that maybe your relationship was a little bit too predictable, it was probably way too predictable for his tastes. The Aries man needs variety and excitement in his life, even when it comes to relationships. If you are someone who needs to plan things out, that’s great, you can probably teach him a thing or two about staying on schedule and pre-planning, and he can probably teach you a thing or two about spontaneity. If, however, you realize that you planned out everything and that’s when he started to lose interest, you’ll want to reel it in a little and give living life on the edge a try.
Again, this is a pretty easy issue to fix, as long as you’re willing to put in the effort to do so. You’ll be amazed at his reaction when you add some spice to the relationship!
Remember when you first got together, and how his charismatic and passionate energy sucked you in and held on tight? Well, that energy is still there, and he needs an outlet to express it. He needs and wants a mate who is willing to live life to the fullest, otherwise, why live it at all?
If you have genuine feelings for one another it won’t be difficult to sway him to give it another try, you just have to be honest and upfront about what you want. Spontaneity is the key here and not letting day to day trials and tasks weigh down your relationship with your Aries man. Surprise him with a weekend getaway or suggest the two of you do something exciting like sky diving or mountain climbing.
• Lack of Chemistry-Aries men are some of the most passionate and excitable guys around, and when they feel a chemistry connection with someone, they will pursue that relationship with a ferocity that it truly all their own. However, if the relationship lacks chemistry, his fire will soon fizzle out, and he’ll be looking elsewhere for love.
If you didn’t have any chemistry at all you wouldn’t be in a relationship with your Aries man in the first place, but it is possible for that chemistry to fade under the pressure of day to day life. With an Aries man, it is especially important to keep that chemistry alive if you want your relationship to last.
How can you add chemistry back into your relationship? Well, if you had it to begin with the odds are it’s still there, life has just gotten in the way, and you’ve stopped putting enough of yourself into the relationship with your Aries guy. Take the time to go on romantic dates, gaze into his eyes, spend time together “in the moment.” When you’re preoccupied with what’s happening at work and other things, you aren’t fully in the moment, and your Aries man may start to feel like he’s second string to everything else in your life.
• The sex is lukewarm at best-No question about it, Aries is the master when it comes to passion and romance. Being ruled by Mars, your Aries man is driven by passion and fires that burn deep within his soul.
If your sex life with an Aries man is lacking in excitement and passion, it can become more of an issue than you might realize. You see, these guys are all about making that spiritual and physical connection, it’s what they’re born to do. A lack of passion and exuberance over the physical connection creates a huge disconnect for these guys.
You can try as hard as you want to fake the passion and connection that should come naturally, but if it’s not real, your Aries man will feel that and eventually he will feel the need to move on to a relationship with a partner who truly ignites his soul. You see, he needs a physical connection and to be spiritually stimulated by his partner.
• Infidelity-Nobody likes to be cheated on, and usually this is pretty much a deal breaker no matter what the other person’s zodiac sign is. Aries men are only slightly more understanding than most. Really though, if there was infidelity involved in why he brought the relationship to an end there is a problem much deeper than what you see on the surface, and these are the issues that should be addressed before you even try to move forward with getting him back.
If infidelity was the reason that the two of you split up, there’s still a chance to make things work. Like I said, though, you really have to look at the underlying issues at hand here before making any decisions on whether or not you want to give this particular relationship another go.
On occasion, the Aries man will be the one who cheated, and he will break a relationship off because he feels he isn’t good enough for his partner. If you really feel the relationship is worth trying to save after one of you has been less than faithful, then go for it. This one is less simple to achieve, obviously and will require a lot of communication followed by just letting it go. Aries men are entirely capable of moving on, especially if the two of you are on the same page and have found closure, but it is most definitely a two-way street, and you’ve both got to be completely ready and willing to put the past behind you and not look back.
Winning Him Back For Keeps
Now that you have a good understanding of why these guys end relationships, it’s important to know what you can do to win him back for good. Aries men are hard to pin down, they need to maintain their independence, and they hate to feel like they’re being suffocated by their relationship. As we’ve gone over, he hates that. However, when in a good relationship with a partner who can be his best friend, pal, and lover, these guys are some of the most loyal and giving men in the zodiac.
You don’t have to go out and change who you are or anything, so please don’t. Everyone deserves a partner who loves them for who they are, not who they could be if they tried really hard. What you can do is reinvent parts of yourself, maybe change your style or try some new things that he wouldn’t expect you to do. Variety is the spice of life, so they say, and it never hurts to spice things up when you’re looking to attract and keep your Aries man!
The Aries man, as you know, is a man of action. He believes in practicing what you preach, and empty words from others fall on his deaf ears. If you want to keep him forever, or if you need to get him back in your life, you’ve got to start walking the walk and not just talk the talk.
He isn’t a super-sappy emotional kind of guy, so you can’t approach him all weepy eyed and begging him to come back. This will only make you seem desperate, and that’s no good. In fact, taking the approach of crying, begging, or otherwise seeming desperate for his love will only result in losing his respect. He doesn’t understand weakness in people, and he’s looking for a strong partner to share his life of adventure with.
If there are things about him that are a total deal breaker for you, don’t cave and say, “I hate that, but it’s fine as long as you’ll come back to me.” If it’s not fine, let him know and stand your ground. You’ll earn his respect this way and have a much better chance of building a life you want to live with your Aries guy. Being able to effectively communicate is important here, as it is with any relationship, if you want him to hear what you’re saying and understand where you’re coming from.
Once you’ve come to understand where each you both stand and what you both want, then you can get busy rebuilding what’s been lost, and this time you’ll be starting with a solid foundation of communication and respect-The true building blocks of any relationship.
How To Avoid Being Dumped By Your Aries Man
There’s no sure-fire way to avoid being dumped, it sucks, but it’s one of those parts of life that we all have to deal with from time to time. There are things you can do to avoid being dumped by your Aries man, though, and we’ll go over some of those now.
• Be open minded-Don’t be afraid to embrace new ideas and ways of doing things. There’s more than one way to do everything, and sometimes it takes a few tries before you figure out what works best for you, or what works best for your relationship. Be open to suggestion, debates or conversations on the pros and cons of, well, pretty much anything. He’ll love your open-mindedness and the fact that you’re willing to do things his way once in a while.
• Avoid being a Debbie downer-Aries men are eternally optimistic and see all the many possibilities that life has to offer. If you are the one who’s always telling your Aries man that his dreams are too big, or even worse, if you tell him it’s not possible to achieve them, he’ll stop involving you in the things he does. The way he sees it, that kind of negativity will only bring him down and hinder his chances of success. It’s important to lift one another up and be an encouraging influence in his life, and believe me when I tell you that with your Aries man you will always have someone there to tell you all the reasons why something is possible. Be that person who’s always there to cheer him on and take life by the horns!
• Give him his space-Again, I can’t stress this enough! Avoid becoming too clingy or too demanding of him, especially if you are in a new relationship. I mean, you’ve got to give one another adequate attention, of course, but you’ve got to maintain your own individuality and independence while allowing him to do the same. Every relationship evolves into a situation where you’re closer and more comfortable with one another, this is totally normal and to be expected. Where some people go wrong, and usually this happens more with water signs, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, is becoming too emotionally needy right off the bat. This is also really common in those who have their Moon in a water sign. If your Aries man’s Moon is in a water sign, however, he may very well have a side of him that secretly digs having a partner who shows their emotional needs more freely than most. To find out where his Moon lies you’ll have to take a look at his birth chart or have a synastry reading completed for the two of you.
Things To Remember
Relationship stress and breakups are emotionally draining and just make you feel awful, but the most important thing to remember is to not freak out or go into a deep depression over a man. If it is meant to be, it will be, but it might require some damage control if your relationship has ended or things just seem too far gone to fix. Communication is important, but what’s more important when you’re with an Aries man is the followthrough of what you say with what you do. Sometimes this communication will be yelling, it may even escalate to screaming (especially with hot-headed Aries), but sometimes you just have to let it out. Once you’ve said what you’ve got to say, however, you’ll want to do your best to keep your wits about you and avoid emotional outbursts.
All in all, Aries men make amazing partners, and if you find that the two of you are compatible and have genuine feelings for one another, you’ll find this relationship to be very rewarding. It isn’t hard to get an Aries man to give your relationship a second try; he understands that people go through rough patches now and again. As long as you can avoid getting hung up on the past and you’re truly ready to move forward together, the odds are pretty stellar that things will work out in your favor here.
Ok, so now, take all of this information and digest it. Consider what things you can change and what things you can’t, and take from the past whatever lessons are there for you. Know that there isn’t a magic cure that will bring instant solutions to your relationship problems, but that with work on both your side and his, reconciliation is very possible.
As a final side note, it is important to consider why you want to reconcile with your Aries man. I say this simply because not everyone can find happiness with these guys. It can take a lot of work and effort to get back to where you can rebuild a relationship, and it’s always a shame when you finally get there just to realize that the relationship still just won’t work for you. Take the time to really go over in your mind, and perhaps write it out on paper, the reasons why you want to rekindle things and what are the pros and cons to your desires. If, after that, you’ve decided that this is truly what you want and need to do, then go for it.
I wish you all the best of luck in life and love, & may the stars be on your side!
Your friend and relationship astrologer,
P.S. Hey, I know how confusing these guys can be an I truly am here to help you through whatever issues you’ve come across with him. Feel free to get in touch if you've got any extra questions... email me at contact@horoscopesocialnetwork.com and I'll try to help you out personally as soon as I grab some free time.
I can't promise how quickly I can reply as I get a lot of messages, but email me and we'll try.