Decoding the Sexual Secrets of the Virgo Man
If you’ve already read through the other books in this series all about the Virgo man, you’ve probably got a pretty good idea of what these guys are all about. The one thing we haven't really looked at in depth yet, however, is the one thing we’re all thinking about-Sex.
Well, rest easy because this book is dedicated entirely to the Sextrology of the Virgo man. With the knowledge found within these pages, you’ll be equipped with all the information you need to really make an impression on your sexy Virgo man!
What is “Sextrology”?
You’ve probably guessed it by now, but Sextrology is what you get when you use the art of Astrology to learn about more than just someone’s personality.
We’ve all had those moments where you realize you’re getting close to getting it on with someone new and you suddenly wish you knew a little more about what they liked, how they liked it, when they liked it, and so on.
Lucky for you, I’ve outlined pretty much everything you could ever want to know about your Virgo guy, down to favorite positions and times of day he likes to get down and dirty. And I must say, this has been a very revealing book to write!
Before we get into all the juicy details, I want to take a moment to explain how sexual astrology works. We’ve already explored the basics of how astrology works, the ways you can use the stars to map out your relationship success, learn how to communicate with your Virgo man, and even how to tell if you two are compatible based on your Sun signs. We’ve gone over the basic rules of synastry readings and even how well Virgo men relate to each individual sign in the Zodiac, making you something of a Virgo man expert by now.
I won’t go into all of those details again here, but if you haven’t yet read these parts of this series on Virgo men, you may want to look over that later.
Sextrology is very much the same as regular Astrology, we are just looking at some different points in your Virgo man’s, chart to gather the info that we need to learn a little more about what turns him on.
The main focus in Sextrology is the planets and other celestial energies that govern our passions, desires, sexual drives and our deepest needs.
To determine this we pay close attention to Mars, Venus, Pluto, the asteroid Eros, and then the 5th, 7th and 8th houses in the chart we’re exploring. There are, of course, other things to consider, but these are the most applicable to what we’re learning about today.
So what can all of these things show us about a person’s sexual desires and preferences? Well, I’ll tell you:
Mars and Venus
First off, Mars is a fiery planet that we associate with passion, virility, sexual drive, lust and desires. Where Mars is located in your chart shows how you go about pursuing your desires and what really lights your fires, so to speak. Mars is linked to the ancient Roman god of war, so naturally the sign placement of Mars in your chart tells a lot about your disposition for expressing fiery passion, your competitive side and in what ways you get out your aggression, but that doesn’t really apply here-unless, of course, you are into that kinda thing. Which, actually, your astrology chart can show! ...And you thought all those things were secret.
Anyway, second we look at the lovely Venus. Venus was known as the ancient Roman goddess of beauty, love, fertility, seduction, pleasure and Victory.
This is the softer side of our sexual appetite and her placement in your chart shows how you love, how you seduce and what types of lovers you attract and who you are attracted to.
Venus is also linked to the Greek goddess Aphrodite, who shared the same attributes in Greek history. If you get much into the Greek and Roman backgrounds of astrology you’ll find that there are a lot of similarities between the different gods and goddesses that we connect with the astrological archetypes.
-It can be very enlightening and I really recommend looking deeper into this side of astrology if you want to gain a true understanding of what it all means and how everything works together-
Once you know how to interpret and blend these two energies together, based on their placement in your Virgo man’s chart, it becomes easy to decode his sexual drives and desires.
The sign these planets are in will show how he approaches love and lust, and can even give insight as to how you can improve all of your sexual experiences.
Pluto’s role in how you embrace your sexuality is more revealing of your darker side. Pluto is the modern ruler of Scorpio, the sign we most closely a ssociate with secret desires and taboo topics. When we look at Pluto, we find where you are the most primal in your sexual appetite.
Pluto works to help you transform yourself, often referred to as a representation of the phoenix rising from the ashes. Pluto plays many roles in astrology and is an indication of where you place the most importance when it comes to discovery and growth, in general.
Pluto is associated with life and death, birth and regrowth, and can show where you draw your sexual power from. Connections between Pluto and Venus or Pluto and Mars can be very powerful indications of a sexual bond that transcends basic desire and takes your sexual experiences to a place of spiritual connection.
Another important point to investigate in your chart is the Eros. Eros is not a planet per se, but an asteroid that lies between Venus and Mars in your natal chart. The reason that Eros is so important is because this asteroid reveals your most primal, erotic desires.
Some say Eros shows the true erotic desires of our soul, so you can see how being privy to where Eros is in your partner’s chart can be an integral key to taking things to a whole new level of intimacy.
In mythology, Eros is the Greek god of erotic love, and in the natal chart reveals your souls erotic desires. Some say that he was born of chaos, while others state him to be the son of Aphrodite.
Unlike the normal planets in a chart, Eros is depicted as what sign in your chart he is found. More than Eros’ placement in your chart offering insight into how you experience passion and “get there,” this little asteroid can actually help you to become a better lover when you investigate its whereabouts in your partners chart.
When you get a Sextrology reading for you and your partner, whether you look it up yourself or confer with an astrologer like me, you can quite literally walk away with an instruction guide to giving your partner what his or her soul is yearning for.
Not only that, you can reveal to your partner what will drive you wild. Trust me, once your partner sees what you can do with your new knowledge they’ll be more than happy to try your new stuff, too.
Aspects made to other planets and the houses where your Mars and Venus fall act as an indication of where these energies are most prevalent in your life and where you can make the very most of them.
For example, the houses I mentioned earlier, the 5th, 7th and 8th, are pretty important to look at when you are going through your Sextrology chart. These are the areas in your stars that show where you love, flirt, have fun, what kind of partner you are best suited to link up with, and at what points in your life you approach sex and those primal urges that can’t be denied.
So, when you take all this info and combine yours and your Virgo man’s charts, you can easily explore the areas in your stars that show what you both need in order to achieve the highest levels of satisfaction. You’ll be armed with enough knowledge to almost guarantee you will hit the big “O” and have a sexual experience you’ll never forget.
Understanding the Sexual Side of the Virgo Man
Now that you have a little more info on how you can utilize Astrology to have the best sex of your life, let’s take a look at the sexual side of the Virgo man.
Born between August 22-September 23, Virgo is sometimes seen as being a prude. The whole “virgin” thing gives the impression that these guys are just not all that fun or exciting when it comes down to doing the deed.
Honestly, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Being an Earth sign, the Virgo man is one of the most sensual signs in the Zodiac. He is definitely not as sexually suggestive or outwardly expressive of his desires as some of the more daring signs, but he knows how to get the job done, trust me on that.
Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the fast thinker and the trickster. This makes him very analytical when it comes to everything, including his sexuality. He strives to understand everything about life, which, in some cases, makes these guys sexual scholars.
In his youth he is no expert, but over time the Virgo man takes the things that he’s learned from personal experiences, as well as from other sources, and does his best to ensure that he can and will do a “good job,” just as he does with everything in his life.
If you want to get into bed with a Virgo man, you’ve first got to get into his head. The Virgo guy is incredibly smart and he needs a partner who can connect with him on an intellectual level if he is to connect with you on a physical level.
He isn’t interested in shallow attempts at intimacy, and really, he’s probably at least a little bit insecure. He’s got to trust the one he’s with, otherwise you won’t get very far with him. It can take some time to get him to the point that he’s comfortable enough to engage sexually with a new partner, and there is a lot of effort he will put into making sure that you are the right one for him to invest himself in.
This is just the way that he is and it isn’t likely to change. The great thing about his high level of scrutiny when it comes to choosing a sexual partner is that once you’ve gotten there with him he will not disappoint.
Because the Virgo man puts so much emphasis on finding the right partner, both spiritually and physically, and due in part to his lack of promiscuity, it’s important to make sure that you know what you are getting into.
He isn’t one to engage in one night stands, not traditionally, anyway. I mean, everyone has that one experience that was just not in line with their “norm,” or at least most of us do, but the Virgo man is different. He is sincere and once he’s emotionally invested enough of himself to open up to you completely, the odds are he’s prepared to go all in, and will be in the market for an actual relationship.
Not that sex equals relationships with a Virgo man, he just spends so much time and energy making sure you are the right one that once he’s arrived at that conclusion he’ll want more than just your body.
The Virgo man isn't entirely opposed to the whole friends with benefits thing, so this could be a possibility if you aren't really looking for a full blown relationship. What he’s not into is casually picking up a stranger at the bar and letting them into his world at intimacy level 10. This will not happen.
The Virgo man doesn’t deal well with emotional displays, especially in public. He doesn’t know how to handle it and too much PDA can make him very uncomfortable. When approaching the idea of sex with a Virgo man you’ll want to avoid doing so in a crowd.
However, if you are already to the point that you have little inside jokes or special signals for what’s on your mind, this can be very endearing, just so long as the other people in the room don’t know what’s happening. In case you haven't yet realized, he's a pretty private person, especially when it comes to intimacy.
Another thing about Virgo men is that they can come off as being very cool and detached. He may be burning with desire for you on the inside, but figuring out how to relate this to you is something that he has trouble with.
He is overly analytical at times and may obsess over his plans to seduce you to the point of losing his mojo and deciding to go home and try again tomorrow.
For this reason, it isn’t a bad idea for you to make the first move. He lacks sexual confidence, at least until he’s been with a partner and knows what to expect, so if he seems a little nervous in the beginning this is probably why.
These guys thrive on planning and predictability, even when it comes to their sexual experiences. This can work in you favor, however, because while he’s spending the work day imagining what date night is going to be like he’s going to be imagining what’s to come all day long.
And we all know what happens when you sit and daydream about sex...you want sex. The question then is simply whether or not he’s got the confidence to make it happen, which he will as long as he’s trusting of you and you’ve already arrived at that point together.
What He Likes
Virgo men are eager to please in every facet of their lives, and this need does not exclude pleasing his partner. Anything he does he wants it to be worth doing, and that includes you.
The Virgo man wants to know that you are more than just an amazing lover and a hot body.
You’ve got to have the smarts to stimulate his brain along with his other parts you stimulate. Your intellect is what really gets him going, your body is just an amazing bonus that, trust me, he is more than happy to get with the whole package.
He wants a partner who is fit and who takes their health seriously. This doesn’t mean you have to be a health nut or that you have to run marathons, but it does mean you should try to present yourself in the best physical light possible.
This doesn’t stem from some shallow notion that people should look a certain way, but from his appreciation for health and fitness in himself and others. He tries his best to keep his body up to par and it's a huge turn-on for him when his partner does the same.
He likes someone who will take control in the bedroom. It is not often that these guys will come out and be all Don Juan like, taking you on the kitchen table and all that. I mean, it can happen, but it won’t be his norm.
He can get so hung up with planning and preparing for the event that having you come in and want him NOW can be very exciting. While he likes to plan, he isn’t opposed to sexual surprises, so long as it's something he will like and not anything too far outside of his comfort zone. In other words, should he come home from work and you are ready and waiting in a sexy little number, he will not be unhappy. In fact, he’ll love it.
The Virgo man may not be the most adventuresome when it comes to trying out new positions, but he won’t be opposed to your suggestions, either. If you are tired of the way the two of you get it on, initiate something new. Tell him what you want and you will get it. It’s as simple as that.
He will love your direct approach that keeps him from having to guess what you want, and it will give him added confidence to try the new positions or whatever you implement into your sex life more often. Eventually may even venture so far as to come up with new things he’d like to try
The Virgo man is really into cleanliness, and this includes personal hygiene. Not that you don’t already keep everything in perfect order, but it doesn’t hurt to make sure that you are well polished when you go to getting it on with one of these guys.
Bad breath, weird smells and general bad hygiene will definitely turn him off. Conversely, if you are well kept and fresh he will not only appreciate it, he will be more willing to explore more of your body. This is great, too, because you know that your Virgo man will always be on point with his general cleanliness, which is more that I can say about some people.
Because Virgo men are so analytical of themselves you may find that your Virgo guy likes to explore some form of personal voyeurism.
Probably not in the very beginning, just because he is a bit on the shy side, but after you’ve gotten closer and the level of trust is at a maximum, he may be down to make a little home video. This taps into some of his erotic fantasies, and it gives him the opportunity to do a little self-evaluating.
While that doesn’t sound incredibly exciting, the act of doing it will be very exciting and you will share something that really gets you both going.
You’ll find with the Virgo man that the closer you are, the more he will like what’s happening between the two of you. He can be very seductive and his earthy sensuality is just irresistible. He wants to give you what you want, and knowing that he’s doing his job in bed is another huge turn-on for him.
Moans of pleasure and affirmation that he is pleasing you will only heighten his own levels of sexual satisfaction. It’s a cycle that, for you, is really a win-win kind of thing, so enjoy it! He certainly will.
So, now you get the general idea of where to start with what he likes in the sack. You’ll learn more about your particular Virgo man as you grow together and get to know one another more intimately.
Being able to stay on-point in your sexual relationship, as well as the other parts of your relationship is the key to pleasing this guy, so put your thinking cap on and explore the different ways you can bring out the sensual side of your Virgo man.
What He Doesn't Like So Much
For the Virgo man, vulgar displays and crudeness are a huge turnoff. This is, of course, different from adding a bit of kink into your sexual routine. Under the right circumstances he can get down with being a little kinky, but things that are just plain crude just won’t cut it with him.
In fact, things like this make him shudder and can totally spoil the moment. Taking that into consideration, think twice about the super taboo things you try to add into your sexcapades with your Virgo man.
Bad personal hygiene is a huge turnoff for the Virgo man. I know we went over this in explaining how much he appreciates good hygiene, but it bears importance to emphasize how big of a deal this is to the Virgo man.
If he comes in for a kiss and you’ve got some halitosis happening or spinach in your teeth from lunch you had 7 hours ago, things will abruptly come to an end.
Multiple sexual partners is something that the Virgo man just can’t handle, not typically, anyway. He doesn’t want to share you with someone else, much less right in front of his eyes. While this may not be what you are into either, your safest bet is to never suggest this to a Virgo.
He is sensitive deep down and if you are in a sexual relationship with him there is sure to be at least some modicum of emotional attachment there. The best way to avoid problems here is to just avoid the whole threesome thing, unless he brings it up.
Whatever is shared between the two of you should stay between the two of you. Virgo men are not super outspoken when it comes to describing to their peers the manner in which he took you last night, and he’d appreciate it if you did the same. The way he sees it, what’s shared between the two of you is special and not for the entertainment of others.
Should he become privy to the fact that you’ve told everyone all about his sexual prowess he could become very self conscious, or at least a little miffed that you didn’t respect what the two of you have more than to notify the masses.
Talking with a close friend is one thing, but telling large groups of people is a huge turnoff for these guys.
The Virgo man doesn’t want to play head games with you. Fake or superficial attempts at showing connecting with him in an effort to get him in bed will not be well received.
In fact, shallow anything is a big turnoff for him. These guys are pretty deep, on top of being incredibly smart, and they see through just about anything, so it’s best to come at your Virgo man with only the most genuine desires.
How to Seduce the Virgo Man
Now that you know some of the things he likes and dislikes, let’s take a look at some tried and true methods of seduction that your Virgo man won't be able to resist.
Mental Stimulation is the Highest Form of Sexual Seduction
For the Virgo man, if you can’t stimulate him mentally you won’t stimulate him physically. He’s a cerebral creature and he needs a partner who can articulate their thoughts and keep his active mind engaged.
Nothing turns these guys on like someone they can count on for good conversation. He also likes a partner who can make him laugh, so something like “Hey baby, how about that theory of relativity?” said jokingly that goes into an actual intellectual conversation can lead to some pretty raunchy sex after the conversation ends. It may sound a little weird, but once you “get” the Virgo man it makes perfect sense.
Make Him Dinner and Create a Nice Ambiance
Virgo men tend to be the ones always taking care of other people. He lives to serve and he can come up with the most effective and efficient way to get any job done.
When you go out of your way to make him dinner and maybe light some candles and run a nice hot bubble bath for two for afterwards, it makes him feel special and shows you really care.
The environment should be calming and one that sets the mood for romance. Doing these things and being genuine in your desire to care for him shows him you really are genuine in your desire to be with him.
Trust me, after you’ve shown him how much you care and you go out of your way to do something so sweet and special for him, he will be more than ready to do something special for you, if you know what I mean.
Make Sure Your Wardrobe is On-Point For Any Given Situation
We touched on this a bit in some of the other books in this series on the Virgo man, but it is worth repeating here in the category of how to seduce your Virgo.
He is someone who will always make sure that he’s dressed for whatever the occasion is, and he’d like for you to do the same. I don’t mean you have to dress to the hilt wherever you go, but being sloppy kind of falls into the same category as being crass or vulgar with these guys.
When he sees you all put together and killin’ in in the wardrobe department, he’ll be hard pressed to contain his desire to take those clothes right off of you.
Dressing nice seems like a relatively simple thing to do, and not really even a particularly seductive thing to do, but it is definitely something that will get the attention of your Virgo man. It’s even more important if you are going out someplace nice.
Trust me, though, when you bust out that little black dress, or your equivalent of such, he won't be able to take his eyes off of you. Also, if you are going to dress in something sexy for your Virgo man, this applies big time. Something that is classy and leaves a little to the imagination will turn him on far more than crotchless panties and tassels on your nipples...or whatever, you see what I’m saying. Stay classy for the Virgo man and he’ll find you completely irresistible.
Show Him You’ve Got Mad Respect For Him
Virgo men are confident in their domain, which is usually pertaining to work and work related things. When it comes to love and romance, though, they aren’t quite so confident in their ability to succeed like they can when they can plan for the task.
That’s because romance and seduction isn’t a task, and in fact, it can confuse them or cause them to have some feelings of anxiety. When you show him, even by coming out and telling him point blank, that you respect him and what he’s all about, you will raise his feelings of self confidence and he’ll start to feel more comfortable with his ability to succeed with you.
Confidence with you means more sexual confidence and a better experience for both of you. Plus, he will love that you recognize his talents and the things he knows he's good at.
Also, Virgo men are really into knowing how you feel. They don’t like things to be ambiguous, they like to plan and to know the score. If he goes into things knowing that you already have respect for him he will feel more comfortable getting closer with you than if he was iffy on how you felt about him.
Look Him in the Eyes
Eye contact is a big thing for Virgo men. When you look someone in the eyes you see through to their soul, at least some say this is true, and I tend to agree. Virgo men don’t typically walk around making eye contact with everyone they meet because it gives away far too much of themselves, and they don't like that. When you make eye contact with a Virgo man and hold his gaze, and not in a weird staring contest kind of way, you form a sort of unspoken bond with him.
If he maintains your gaze, you probably already have him hooked. In that moment when you are lost in his eyes, he experiences a brief feeling of vulnerability and has to open himself up to you on some level. This can help to draw him out of his protective shell without even really having to try. Just let your eyes do all the work.
When in an intimate setting, perhaps sitting on the couch in the candlelight after that nice dinner you made for him, making eye contact can be the thing that pushes him over the edge and into your arms.
This goes especially double for when you are in the throes of passion. Some people close their eyes during sex, some look at the ceiling, some look at the t.v or whatever-don’t do that with this guy.
When you are being intimate with the Virgo man, and obviously at this point your attempts at seduction have totally panned out, make eye contact with him and deepen the connection.
This makes for some intense sex, I mean, really, it’s amazing how powerful this little trick can be. His piercing eyes will see through any veil you may have put up, though, so be prepared for that.
What Mars and Venus Can Show You About Your Love and Sexuality
Now that we’ve gone through what he likes, doesn’t like, and sedition techniques your Virgo man will respond to, let’s look a little deeper into the different Mars and Venus placements and what they can tell you about how to best approach him.
If you know your Virgo man’s birthday you can draw up a natal chart for him, or have an astrologer cast one for you. There are numerous websites where you just put in your birth info and the chart you want to see is generated for free, so that’s always an option available to you.
Whichever you choose to do, once you’ve got your charts you will want to locate Venus and Mars and make a note of what sign they are in.
There are other things to consider like aspects to different planets or points in the chart, but for now we are just looking at how the planets of love and passion express themselves in each sign.
Mars in Aries:
Mars is right at home in Aries, after all this is the sign that Mars is ruler over. In this sign you are quick to make a move, and when you see something you want you go after it.
With Aries being a Cardinal sign, this Mars placement is all about initiation. There is a need to exercise caution with this Mars placement, however, as it can lead to being a bit overzealous when it comes to getting what you want. Those with this placement tend to attract partners who are high-octane and intense like you.
Venus in Aries:
With Venus in Aries you need passion and excitement to really feel the romance. You are turned on by forceful displays of passion and you are likely to be the one who initiates the relationship.
You don’t mind doing the chasing when you find someone you feel a connection with and you tend to attract people who are direct and assertive. You are a high energy lover and need someone who can keep up.
Mars in Taurus:
With Mars in Taurus you like to take a steady approach to passion and your stamina allows you to go all night long. You crave success and you are willing to put yourself out there to get what you want in life and in your relationships.
You can be a little bullheaded and don’t easily give up once you’ve set your sites on someone who tickles your fancy.
Venus in Taurus:
With your Venus in Taurus you are a sensual and caring partner who needs a sense of stability within your relationship. You are possessive and can be jealous if your partner gives you reason to think there’s anything deceptive happening within your union.
You love to touch and feel your partner and massages are one of your favorite things to indulge your partner with. You are a classy
personality and attract those who are well put together, as you are the same.
Mars in Gemini:
With your Mars in Gemini you are a high energy lover and you know how to use your words to express your desires and needs to your partner.
Mental connections are important to you and you get turned on by good conversation with someone you are attracted to. You can often feel torn between two different options for who you want to pursue, but in the end you know how to follow your heart.
Venus in Gemini:
With your Venus in Gemini you have a need for variety in your love life. Eventually you will settle down with the right person, but there is a good possibility that you could have two great loves in your lifetime.
You can’t fall in love if you don’t feel you can make mental connection with your partner. You fall in love easily but can lose interest just as easily. You attract sexual partners who are intellectual types but can become bored if you aren’t kept mentally stimulated.
Mars in Cancer:
With your Mars in Cancer you can have a hard time separating the physical side of relationships with the emotional side. You have to work at not becoming attached to someone just because you sleep with them, unless, of course, you are in a committed relationship. You are willing to put most or all of your energy into taking care of your partner and can be very protective.
Venus in Cancer:
If your Venus is in Cancer you can have a hard time opening up and letting anyone in when it comes to your romantic relationships.
You need a certain level of security in your life and you want to know with all certainty that your partner genuinely cares. When in a relationship you are a very nurturing partner, but the need to care for others and your own insecurities can push you into being a demanding partner. You attract those who feel deeply and there has to be an emotional connection for you to fall in love.
Mars in Leo:
With your Mars in Leo you have no problem making your desires known to those around you. If you can’t get the attention of the person you desire to be with, you’ll do whatever it takes to make sure they see you and that your message is conveyed in a loving and creative way.
You desire a partner who will stroke your ego a bit and when they stop doing this you could lose interest. You're a passionate lover and sex with someone who you care for or love is one of your favorite ways to pass the time.
Venus in Leo:
With your Venus in Leo you are a warm, romantic soul who is generous with your love and affection. You value happiness and joy in a relationship and you make an amazing lover. Your seductive style is fun, flirty and makes your partner feel like royalty. You love it when your partner shows you just how much they love you and you are naturally great with kids. You attract fun loving partners who are attracted to your warmth and generosity.
Mars in Virgo:
With your Mars in Virgo your passion and drive is very focused and directed on whatever or whoever it is that you want. You don’t like to stop moving and you feel a need to serve those who you care for.
You work hard to succeed, including when you are in the throes of passion. You are driven to please your lover and will go to great lengths to do so. You want a lover who is passionate about life and has a good head on their shoulders.
Venus in Virgo:
With your Venus in Virgo you can have very specific opinions about how you would like your romantic relationships to unfold. You value hard work and organization and you have an innate need to plan and know what’s ahead, even in your love life.
You can sometimes be overly analytical and judgmental of your partner, but you do so discreetly, for the most part. You need to be needed when it comes to love and you get a great deal of satisfaction out of caring for the one you love. You tend to attract partners who can fill some practical need in our life.
Mars in Libra:
With your Mars in Libra you prefer to be the one being chased rather than the one doing the chasing in relationships. Your Mars energy is a bit subdued and you’d much rather make love than war.
You desire to be with a partner who is attractive and cultured and you need to have balance in your life, as well as in your relationship. When making love you are incredibly giving, but may sometimes get the short end of the stick. You should make more of an effort to let your partner know what you need, too.
Venus in Libra:
With your Venus in Libra you have a love for the beautiful things in life and you have a need to be in a partnership with someone you can connect emotionally with.
You are masterful at finding solutions to disagreements that everyone can agree with, but sometimes you short change yourself at the cost of maintaining the peace. Others are attracted to your natural beauty and elegance, but you require more than just a physical attraction.
Mars in Scorpio:
With your Mars in the deep and brooding Scorpio you have a powerful and magnetic personality and you aren’t afraid to go after what you want.
You have an intensity about you that a lot of people find intimidating, and they are probably wise to be so. Your passions run deep and you have an insatiable sexual appetite, but require more than a superficial relationship. You need someone you connect with and who you can trust. Guard against jealousy in your relationships.
Venus in Scorpio:
With your Venus in Scorpio you take love and relationships and commitment very seriously. When in a relationship you take everything that goes on to heart because you feel things so intensely.
Your emotions run deeper than most other people you know, which can be the root of some jealousy problems within your relationships. You aren’t interested in anything superficial when it comes to love, and you can see through any facade.
Sexual connections are very important to your happiness and for having a fulfilling love life. You tend to attract people who can match your own smoldering depths of feeling.
Mars in Sagittarius:
With your Mars in Sagittarius you are high energy and you need to experience life to the fullest. You have an optimistic outlook on the future, but you tend to being a bit overbearing when it comes to imposing your personal beliefs on others, including your partner.
You need to experience sexual freedom and you can’t stand it when lovers get clingy or try to pin you down. You are a bold personality who has no problem taking the initiative and going after the one you want.
Venus in Sagittarius:
With your Venus in Sagittarius you have a need to be able to love freely and commitment can be a source of stress and anxiety. If someone makes attempts to force themselves on you or tries to push you into a relationship you aren’t into you, will quickly make your escape. You love “love,” you just don’t love being tied down in one spot, unless, of course, you know you’ve found “the one.”
You need a partner who connects with you on an intellectual level and whom you can share your thoughts and dreams with. You attract many people with your jovial temperament and your great personality, but it takes someone special to persuade you to stay in one place for an extended period of time.
Mars in Capricorn:
With your Mars in Capricorn you have more control over those primal urges that drive most people into going after their desires. You are a very sensual lover and you have a lot to offer your partner, but you know that there is a time and place for everything and if it just isn’t right you would rather avoid pleasure altogether than fall into something that isn’t really working for you.
You like to be the one in control in your relationship. You possess the capacity to be incredibly passionate but do so on your own schedule.
Venus in Capricorn:
With your Venus in Capricorn you have a reserved manner of loving and you may not know quite how to go about expressing your feelings. If your responsibilities aren’t all taken care of and in good order you can’t focus on things like romance and any partner you allow into your life has got to be on point with their own personal aspirations and life goals. What you lack in the mushy romantic stuff you make up for with your ability to take care of all the responsibilities that life throws your way. You tend to attract partners who take their roles in life seriously and who see you as someone they can build a successful, responsible life with.
Mars in Aquarius:
With your Mars in Aquarius you have a unique and quixotic way of approaching life and you aren’t afraid to go after what or who you want.
When it comes to relationships you have to be first turned on by your partners mind before you will be too much interested in what they have to offer physically. You are very open minded and seek out partners who are willing to experiment a little and have some fun.
The things that really turn you on are apt to change on a whim and you never know what will get you going. Commitment isn’t too much your thing, you’ve just got too much life to get out there and live.
Venus in Aquarius:
With your Venus in Aquarius you have a need for friendship and your own personal freedom above solidifying a romantic relationship. It is most likely that you will enter into a relationship with someone who you’ve known for a long time and after you’ve settled down and sown your wild oats.
Any partner you take has to respect your vast need for independence and personal space or you won’t stick around. Traditional love is not your thing, instead you want something and someone unique and different from the norm. You tend to attract partners who don’t quite fit into society’s little box, but who compliment your innate eccentricism nicely.
Mars in Pisces:
With your Mars in Pisces your drive and passions are driven by your sense of creativity and your imagination. Your sexual drive is high and you have the propensity to fantasize about things that you don’t seem to be able to create in your life.
You may dream of the perfect lover, a dream that you will chase your entire life if you allow yourself to. You can do a lot with your high levels of creativity if you allow yourself to embrace your fiery mars energy rather than allow fear to hold you back from reaching your full potential.
Venus in Pisces:
With your Venus in Pisces you are seen as someone who has a soft and imaginative way of showing love and affection. You have a sensitive nature that can be taken advantage of if you don’t watch out for people who don’t have your best interest at heart.
You have a penchant for giving too much of yourself in relationships and accepting lovers who don’t reciprocate your level of devotion and self-sacrifice.
You fall in love easily and completely, however, you tend to escape reality through your dreams. It can be difficult to stay grounded when the world you create seems so much better than the real world you would rather not face. You tend to attract partners who are wounded or who make you feel as though it is your responsibility to pick up their slack.
What Eros Can Reveal About Your Erotic Side
Now that you know how to decode the influence Mars and Venus have in your Sextrology chart, we’re going to delve into Eros and what this asteroid reveals about your deepest, most erotic needs and desires.
The following interpretations will give you the edge you need to become the best lover your Virgo man has ever had, as well as show you how to have the most amazing sexual experience you’ve ever dreamed of.
As I explained in the beginning of this book, Eros is the Greek god of erotic love, and the son of the Greek goddess Aphrodite, nestled between Mars and Venus in your chart. Most standard natal charts don’t show Eros, but you can find your Eros placement with a little research or by consulting a professional astrologer for a personal reading that goes much deeper than just these three celestial bodies.
Unlike the traditional planets, Eros is shown simply as what sign in your chart this asteroid is in rather than the exact degree, so if you see that in your searching, don't worry. Also, don’t confuse Eros with Eris, as these two are completely different and have very different meanings.
Eros Meanings in the Signs
Eros in Aries:
With your Eros is in Aries you require a lot of sexual experiences to feel totally fulfilled in your relationship. Your sex life can be chaotic at times but your passion is intense and always seems to be in high gear. If your partner can’t keep up with you on this you may start to lose interest in the relationship and choose to move on to someone more sexually driven.
You like the cat and mouse game that comes along with pursuing a romantic relationship. When your prospective partner declines your advances you perceive that as a challenge rather than an actual dismissal of your request.
In a way, this is like foreplay and it prepares you for the impending relationship, of which you have no doubt will be forthcoming once you’ve broken down the walls that the one you desire has put up.
Eros in Taurus:
With your Eros is in Taurus you are happiest when you have a steady, healthy relationship in your life, but you are apt to be extra possessive and perceive your partner as more of a possession that an equal.
For you, sex is more than just something that you do, it is a part of who you are. You experience sexual experiences very intensely and, in fact, your sexual relationship is tied closely to your level of well-being.
Love is not a definite requirement for you to engage in sexual activity with a compatible partner, but it makes things more enjoyable.
When you are unable to be with a partner, rather than go without the release, you have no problem handling business alone. For you this is something that must be done, but you do not get the same level of satisfaction unless you can pair up with a loving partner. You are naturally a very gifted lover and your partners are never disappointed.
Eros in Gemini:
With your Eros in Gemini you have a very open mind when it comes to sexual encounters and your approach to the more erotic side of life. You need a partner who can turn you on with words, and who will be receptive to you sharing with them your deepest darkest desires and erotic fantasies.
Due in part to the influence of the twins, those with Eros in Gemini have the capacity to engage in sexual adventures with more than one person at the same time and sees these encounters as more of an experience than an emotionally binding contract with one person.
This is not to say that you lack the ability to be faithful to the one they love, there just has to be love there for you to be faithful. Intellectual compatibility is a requirement for the love and fidelity to develop and grow, and in fact, those with Eros in Gemini seem to get off on things that are spoken or written.
You may find that you enjoy things such as erotic novels and dirty talk a little more than the next guy, but it satisfies a deeply felt need and desire.
Eros in Cancer:
With your Eros in Cancer you can have a really hard time separating emotional ties from sexual interactions. You see sex as a deeply personal experience and you bond instantly to whomever you get so intimately close with. You don’t, however, go around sleeping with strangers and then becoming attached, the attachment begins before you ever get into bed with this other person. You are a very nurturing lover, but can sometimes make your partner feel as though you are smothering them with all the concern and care you have to offer them.
You sometimes use sex as a means to validate whatever particular mood you are in. If you are feeling down on yourself you may use a sexual partner like an object in an effort to make yourself feel better.
When you are in good spirits and your confidence levels are high, however, you are a loving and nurturing partner who sees beauty in your sexual union. You have an affinity for breasts and some with this Eros placement have a bit of an oral fixation.
You love to celebrate the female body and can become quite jealous of your partner should anything come up that causes you to feel that way.
Eros in Leo:
With your Eros in Leo you get the most erotic enjoyment and feel the most pleased with a partner who you feel worships you in bed. As long as you know that your partner is enjoying themselves and is completely enamored with you and your sexual prowess you are happy.
Should this adoration begin to fade, however, you can lose interest and may choose to move on to another partner who worships you as your previous partner did. Generally those with Eros in Leo are warm and inviting souls who make their partners feel loved and cared for, until, of course, the adoration stops and they get kicked to the curb.
You are likely to be a big flirt, but may spend quite a bit of time engaging in auto-erotic behaviors, from which you get a great deal of pleasure. You are known to be an excellent lover, as well as being known to be a very generous lover. The only hitch to that is the fact that you expect your partner to reciprocate.
Eros in Virgo:
With your Eros in Virgo you have a discerning attitude toward sexual exploration, yet you see sex as a healthy function of the body that you were born with. You may worry more than some others about your ability to perform and can be overly critical and analytical of yourself at times.
You are methodical when it comes to getting it on and you sort of rate yourself on how you did once everything is said and done. What really gets you there is making certain that every aspect of your sexual adventure is perfect, down to the smallest details. When you can achieve “perfect” sex this sends you over the edge.
You are highly intelligent, and much like those with Eros in Gemini you need to be intellectually stimulated before you feel ready to take it to the next level. Although Virgo is symbolized by the Virgin you are anything but. You have an earthy sensuality about you and you feel that through the act of sexual exploration you somehow renew certain parts of yourself.
You may go through periods where you are celibate and times when you are most certainly not. You feel connected to nature and get on different cycles as they feel appropriate for your health and personal evolution. You want to ensure that your partner is satisfied and will go to great lengths to not disappoint in bed. Despite the sense of purity that is connected with the sign of Virgo, you have your moments where you explore the more taboo, kinky side of your personality-And you love every moment of it.
Eros in Libra:
With your Eros in Libra you may be the one in your sexual relationships who gives more than they get. You are naturally charming and pretty much irresistible to those in your company, but because you work so hard to keep your partner happy and satisfied, your own desires and needs can fall between the cracks.
You love it, and it turns you on, when you are able to go out and display your gorgeous partner like a trophy or eye candy. This is never in the vein of being disrespectful, you just get so much enjoyment out of beauty and to know that this person is yours and nobody else’s really gets you going.
You are in love with love, every aspect of it. You are someone who truly needs a partner to share your life with. If made to go it alone there is virtually no satisfaction or happiness found in anything that you do.
Over time it is not uncommon for those with Eros in Libra to become resentful of their partner, due to the imbalance in the give and take of who is the one experiencing more pleasure because of the efforts of the other person. You work so had at balancing your environment and keeping everyone happy, you would do well to work on this issue, should it come up, before you begin to resent the one you love so much.
Eros in Scorpio:
With your Eros in Scorpio you are a highly sexually charged individual who puts a lot of time, thought and effort into creating a sexual experience that transcends all else. You’re magnetic and irresistible, yet some are intimidated by the power that just seems to ooze out of your pores. You demand that your partner be all in or all out. You aren’t interested in a halfway kind of sexual relationship.
You ask a lot of your partner, but you give a lot in return. You tend to meld and become one with your sexual partner, body and soul, until all that is left is the combined energy of the two of you intertwined. You are extremely loyal and would never do anything to hurt your partner, as long as they have done nothing to hurt you. Those with Eros in Scorpio tend to always get revenge when they are wronged, so the best course of action is simply to not betray the trust of an Eros in Scorpio person.
Sexual encounters are thrilling to you. You get pleasure and enjoyment out of every facet of the experience. From the act of sex itself, to the closeness of two bodies, to the level of vulnerability that each person is exposed to for a short time, you need this in your life. Without the intimately erotic side of your relationship you would have a hard time finding happiness.
Eros in Sagittarius:
With your Eros in Sagittarius you have a lighthearted outlook on your sexuality and the act of sex itself. You love sex, absolutely love doing it.
You need to be with a partner with whom you can relate on a spiritual level, though, otherwise the enjoyment level drops dramatically. You are a seeker of knowledge and you want to learn as much as you can about as many things as you can. Someone who can facilitate your acquisition of knowledge turns you on like nobody’s business. You crave good conversation, laughs and gathering bits of wisdom as you go along your journey, and the sexual experiences you have are like a great bonus to all the rest.
You like for sex to be fun and you are likely a pretty competitive lover. You like to make a game or sport out of the act and this is how you reach your highest points of ecstasy and pleasure.
Things that make the sex adventuresome, such as doing it in a hidden public place or outside gets you going and adds layers of fun to the whole experience. You like the idea of free love and you aren’t one to become terribly attached to every lover you take, but you do require your partners to be completely honest with you, just as you are with them.
You don’t do clingy, this is a turnoff for those with Eros in Sagittarius. When you do settle down it will be with someone you love and appreciate for their mind, not their sexual prowess. Explore your body in your youth as to not have regrets when you do settle down for good.
Eros in Capricorn:
With your Eros in Capricorn you don’t really allow yourself to open up to the possibilities of exploring your erotic side to the degree that all of the other signs do. You tend to be more reserved and you rarely ever rush into a romantic or erotic situation without thinking it through completely.
All this thinking kind of deters you from ever getting to that point, but not every time. There are things that turn you on, you are just cautious and selective.
You are so used to being in control in day to day life that when you let loose, and when in the right company, you may choose to relinquish control of the situation completely. This who have Eros in Capricorn are found to be into things that some see as being taboo. BDSM, sadomasochistic behavior, and other things that allow you to let go of control and let someone else take the reins is often just the thing your soul is yearning for.
By allowing your partner to assume total control you are able to briefly leave your own reality behind for a time and just enjoy something that is your little secret.
This is actually a very empowering situation for you, but you can only indulge in this type of erotic pleasure when you’ve found someone and created a stable relationship where you know you can trust your partner. Trust is key.
Eros in Aquarius:
With your Eros in Aquarius you like to experiment with a wide variety of erotic pleasures. Things that are considered “normal” just can’t quench your thirst, but when you step outside of your comfort zone a little and see what all is out there you’ll find a myriad of different things that light your fire.
Those with Eros in Aquarius need to be able to freely explore their sexuality and find what works for them and what is pleasurable to their senses. This doesn’t mean that they cannot be loyal to a partner, it just shows that those with Eros here should consider allowing themselves to try different things before settling down. At least then you can say that you did explore and you found things you like and things you don’t.
One area of eroticism that those with Eros in Aquarius seem to fancy is engaging in sexual encounters involving more than two people. It may not be your thing, I mean, it’s not for everyone, but it if seems like something you’d enjoy you can rest assured you aren’t the only on with this Eros placement who digs group sexual encounters.
Actually, there are some with this Eros placement who find sharing these sexual experiences with friends they already know can be very rewarding.
Eros in Pisces:
With Eros in Pisces you experience this erotic love and pleasure that the soul craves when you are intimate with someone whom you are connected to as a true lover. You need that connection and casual sex is just not your thing.
You meander through life searching for your soul mate and when you find them you want to be as close to your partner as you possibly can.
Unfortunately for those with Eros in Pisces you can become disappointed if things don’t continually work out, but this is usually because you are searching for someone who will complete you.
Your soul is already complete, you need not search for someone to make you happy, but someone to share your happiness with. If you can manage to wrap your head around this concept you stand a much better chance of finding this ecstasy that is a part of your soul’s mission.
Your Eros placement magnifies your sense of compassion for your partner. You feel so connected to this other person that you are able to offer up exactly what they need, and this brings you joy, as well. Eros in Pisces can bring amazing, unforgettable experiences into your life, just make sure you don’t lose yourself in the process.
Putting It All Together
Remember that what we’re looking at when it comes to Eros is a side of ourselves that a lot of people never let come out. By embracing your soul's erotic desires you not only get to know yourself better, you can experience pleasures that might otherwise be forever outside your reach. And by understanding the secret erotic desires your Virgo man feels on a soul level, you will definitely be the most amazing lover he's ever had.
Your Virgo man is one lucky guy, that’s for sure! He’s not the easiest guy in the world to figure out, but he’s never claimed to be either.
All of this information aside, the most important thing to remember when it comes to getting closer to your Virgo man is to build a bond of trust with him. He can be one of the most sensual guys you’ve ever been with, but he’s got to know he can trust you before he will indulge in a sexual relationship.
If you haven't yet, you’ll need to grab a copy of both his natal chart and yours, find Venus, Mars and Eros in each and make note of these placements.
At this point you’ll be ready to use the Venus, Mars and Eros interpretations in the earlier sections of this book to decode his sexual secrets.
If you choose to have a compatibility reading done by a professional astrologer, such as myself, you will be able to ask for a copy of your chart along with your reading.
Keep in mind that all you’ve learned today is still just brushing the surface of what all you can determine with Sextrology. Once we have all of the birth info for both you and your Virgo man, we can gain a lot more insight into both your sexual relationship and your emotional relationship by seeing what aspects your planets make with one another and how your charts work together.
With all of this knowledge you are well on your way to discovering your Virgo man’s deepest desires and becoming the best lover he’s ever had.
You can use this to build a strong and satisfying relationship that works for both of you and brings happiness into your life on a whole new level.
Seriously, if you apply all of the information here you’re guaranteed to blow his mind. Now, go out there and have some fun getting up close and personal with your Virgo guy!
I hope you've learned a lot from this book!
May the stars be on your side,
Your friend and relationship astrologer,
P.S. I'd love to hear from you! If you've got any questions or need some extra help with your specific situation, feel free to email me directly at contact@horoscopesocialnetwork.com and I'll be happy to help you out as soon as I grab some time.