30 Dirty Little Secrets About Your Virgo Man
Learn How To Capture His Heart Even If You're Not The Perfect Zodiac Match
Hello there!
I see that you have a particular interest in getting to know how Virgo men operate, maybe you even have a Virgo man of your own that you want to become closer to.
Whatever the case, you're in exactly the right place, and I am so happy that we’ve found each other!
I have some things I'd like to share with you about Virgo men. First, though, I'll give you a brief rundown of how I got here, and why I decided to share my Virgo Man Secrets program.
Even if you aren't a big believer in the ancient practice of Astrology, this is one astrological reference you'll want to stop and check out.
You see, there was once a time when I was skeptical of Astrology, it's true. I changed my tune after a trip to Romania, where my aunt opened my eyes to the amazing secrets held in my stars. Let me backtrack just a bit to give you the full picture of what happened.
I had been in a perfect relationship with this perfect guy (he was, and still is, actually a Taurus) and I thought my life was going along very nicely. At first, I wasn't even going to go to Romania to see my aunt because I didn't want to leave my guy behind. It was that serious.
So, there I am, minding my own business when the Universe decides to get my attention in the worst way when my guy broke things off between us. I was in shock. I hadn't done anything, at least I didn't think I had...
Everything had been going so smoothly, and we'd been having such great conversations and experiences together, why was he doing this??
Well, regardless of why he was doing it, he was, and I was left feeling totally out in the cold. I went from cloud nine to bottom floor in record time. It was bad.
That's when my mom asked one more time if maybe I'd consider taking that trip to see my aunt and get away from everything. I considered it and decided, what the heck? I had nothing to lose, and I needed to busy myself with positive experiences.
Once I got unpacked, my aunt started asking questions (I guess I wasn't doing an outstanding job at hiding my recent emotional wounds). I told her some of what had happened and said I just wanted to not think about it, or him.
Before we closed that topic, however, my aunt asked for mine and my guy’s birth information so she could cast our charts. I didn’t think too much would come of it, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to hear what she had to say.
Let me tell you, I was floored when she began telling me things that were quite private, and there was no way she could have known, unless, of course, our charts and stars really were revealing these things to her.
It was amazing, we talked for several hours, and by the end of the night, I had a deep fascination and a basic understanding of astrology, as well as a thirst to learn more.
Armed with the tips and information gleaned from mine and my Taurus' charts, I made my move once back in the states.
As it turned out my aunt, and astrology, were both totally right and, once I'd applied the methods of communication and understanding that I'd come to understand through our synastry reading, then we were able to work things through, and we are still together today, more than 10 years later! This is why I'm sharing my knowledge with you.
After I started to get into learning all about astrology and how it can help people communicate, I kind of became obsessed. I never grew tired of learning, speaking with other astrologers, and sometimes even their clients, and reading every book I could get my hands on.
After the incredible impact astrology had on my life and my relationship, I knew I’d found my life’s purpose. This was when it became crystal clear that one of my jobs in this lifetime is to help couples find a positive balance and happy, joyous energy together by exploring their celestial makeup and following the advice revealed in their charts.
Immediately, I realized just how valuable resource astrology could be-Especially when you apply the knowledge held in yours and your guy’s stars.
Even if you and your guy aren’t a perfect match, with the help of astrology you can learn how to work through the issues that are keeping you from finding total happiness together. With a bit of astrological insight, you can easily turn obstacles into opportunities to learn more about one another, as well as learning more about yourself!
And yes, it really is that easy. All you’ve got to do is seek out the information and then start applying it in your everyday life. It’s literally like getting an instruction manual or guide to relationship success.
Through the years, I’ve worked with countless personal clients who all have run into a myriad of problems or issues with their partners, many of whom were seeking information on how to better understand and relate to their Virgo man.
Whether your guy has you completely confused and lost as to how he truly feels, or even if you’ve already got a well-balanced relationship, astrology can help make things so much more clear.
The things my Virgo Man Secrets program will teach you about his inner psyche will help to strengthen your connection through gaining a better, deeper, and more substantial understanding of one another.
Deep down, we all just want someone who gets us. My mission is to make sure that you “get” your Virgo man.
I want you to have a successful relationship with your Virgo man, free from drama and problems (Virgo men really hate drama), and full of love and harmony.
So, when you decide to learn from my Virgo Man Secrets program, you can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that I've included every possible relationship situation and solution you could think up. Included in my program, I go over how to handle long distance relationships, first physical encounters, how to communicate, how to make him fall in love, how to make him want to put a ring on it, and so much more.
But for starters, I wanted to give you a taste of what you'll learn...so I created this list of 30 dirty little secrets to help you better understand your Virgo man. Free for you, these are some BASICS just to get you on the right track!
#1 Virgo will do whatever it takes to make sure their family is well taken care of and happy, even if it kills them.
Virgos have the habit of putting everyone else before themselves and will move mountains if that’s what it takes to ensure the well-being of their loved ones. It’s important that Virgo takes a break to focus on self-care or the risk of health issues and anxiety increases to almost being a given.
You can score major brownie points with your Virgo man by showing him that you can share the workload of keeping everything going smoothly. You may not make it look as effortless as a Virgo, but you weren’t really trying to.
#2 Virgo sometimes has trouble expressing their truest feelings, but will show their love for you through acts of service and generosity.
Despite having mad communication skills, Virgo men aren’t the best at opening up and sharing their feelings verbally. This fear of opening up and showing their vulnerable side can sometimes make them seem detached or un-emotionless when, in all actuality, that’s not the case at all.
The truth of the matter is that he cares very deeply, he simply has better control over his emotions than most of us. All of his life this trait has been both a blessing and a curse. Instead of blurting out a bunch of emotional verbiages a Virgo man will show you how much he cares by taking care of you.
#3 Virgo can be very critical of others, but nowhere near as critical as they are of themselves.
Believe it or not, your Virgo man does mean well when he offers up those annoying comments and criticisms of how you did or didn’t do something the way he would have; you know, the ones that make you want to choke him. He’s always trying to push you to be your best, or at least that’s how he sees it.
Relaxing is close to impossible with all of those thoughts about how he should have done something differently and worrying about what’s to come tomorrow. If you can find a way to get your Virgo man to slow down and stop worrying, go for it!
#4 Every Virgo has their particular way of doing things and believes that their way is the “right” way. You will never win this argument.
The Virgo man is always into something, and when there is nothing new to do you’ll probably find him fine tuning or otherwise improving something he’s already done.
When he happens to notice that you aren’t doing a task the way that he would you can bet you’ll soon know all about why he does whatever it is the way that he does.
He just can’t help himself, and he won’t be able to rest until he’s satisfied that you understand why he’s more right than you.
This is not one of the Virgo man’s finer traits; however, you can’t help but appreciate the Virgos ability to figure out virtually anything.
#5 A Virgo is the most caring and giving partner you’ll ever have, but the instant you stop being loyal is when his selfless giving stops.
A Virgo man will go out of his way to give you what you want and will do things for you that make your day easier and less stressful.From picking up your laundry to walking your dog when you have to work late, having a Virgo man in your life is one of the best decisions you’ll make; being disloyal to him would be one of the worst. He’d rather find someone who is worthy of all he has to offer then keep giving it to someone who is disloyal.
#6 Virgo is tenacious when working toward a goal and will drive themselves to the point of exhaustion to make it happen.
Whether work related or personal milestones, Virgos are incredibly driven when it comes to setting a goal and seeing it through to completion. This drive and perseverance can mean a lot of long nights at the office are ahead for your Virgo man, and that can be a real drag.
Being with a Virgo, it’s important to make him stop and smell the roses every now and again. There will always be another deadline or meeting, so don’t let him tell you he will relax just as soon as he’s done with this one last thing. ”One last thing” is like a Virgo urban legend that doesn’t actually exist.
#7 The Virgo man is a doting lover who pays close attention to what you like so he can be the best you’ve ever had. He also pays close attention to personal hygiene. Cleanliness is important.
Your Virgo man strives to be the very best in everything he does, to include being the best lover you’ve ever had in your life.
You wouldn’t think it right off, probably due to his well put together quasi-conservative look, but Virgo men are incredibly sensual and energetic lovers who are by no means afraid to get a little weird in the bedroom.
One thing that’s a deal breaker for getting physical is bad hygiene habits. Is this even worth mentioning? Maybe not, but you never know. And, since this is SO important to the Virgo man it seems worthy of this list.
#8 Virgo is one of just a few zodiac signs who possess the ability to dwell on something for days, weeks, months, or however long it takes to figure out a solution to any given situation or problem. Trust me when I say that you don’t ever want to be the problem a Virgo has to solve.
Virgo men don’t easily let go of a thought once they get it into their head. The positive side to this obsessive Virgo quality is that no problem will ever go unsolved, but the
major downside becomes evident when a Virgo is unhappy with you, regardless of the reason.
The way to break one of these obsessive thought pattern cycles is to distract your Virgo man with something that makes him exceedingly happy. Sleep does nothing for his persistent thoughts, but a pleasant distraction can break the cycle.
#9 Virgo is one of the most sensual signs of the zodiac. Anyone who thinks of Virgo as being the sweet and innocent type is dead wrong.
A lot of people think of Virgo as being more practical than sensual and are fooled by the whole virgin thing. This idea of what the Virgo man’s sexuality is all about could really not be more wrong.
Virgo men have an earthy kind of sensuality, and a burning intensity within that will make you feel like you’ve never felt before.
Loving, attentive, passionate, the Virgo man doesn’t advertise his sexual prowess like some other guys. He prefers to share this side of himself with his special partner and let the rest of the world keep guessing.
#10 -If you want to get into the heart of a Virgo man you must first start with his head. Having a mental connection is a top priority.
Virgo men are some of the most intelligent guys around, and if you want to get in close with one of them you’ve got to have your wits about you. You can be the most gorgeous woman he’s ever laid eyes on, but if you don’t connect mentally, getting into a relationship won’t even be a consideration.
To connect with your Virgo man on an intellectual level, find something scholarly that you both have an interest in that you can talk intelligently about. Or, you can wow him with your knowledge of fun facts about his favorite authors (something you can totally Google).
Once you get to know one another better, you’ll find other things you share a common interest about and things you can learn from one another. These are just some ideas to get you started.
#11 It’s wise to just leave Virgo alone until they’ve had their coffee and adequate time to wake up in the morning. On the rare occasion Virgo wakes up late, you’ll probably want to avoid them altogether and try again tomorrow.
Virgo is not the sunny, cheery, morning person type, and anyone who’s spent more than just a few early mornings with one of these guys knows what I’m talking about. There are, of course, always exceptions to the rule, but generally speaking, Virgos wake up being jerks for about the first half hour they’re awake.
It’s anyone’s guess why Virgo doesn’t dig mornings, but my take on it is that it’s due to the fact they never stop thinking. When a Virgo goes to bed with a problem on their mind, that problem goes with them into dreamland.
When they first wake up those problems are staring them in the face, almost taunting them for taking a mental break to sleep. If it weren’t a required bodily function, your Virgo man would probably skip sleep altogether.
#12 Virgo men are very particular about what they like and who they will allow into their inner circle. If one of these choosy guys chooses you, go ahead and face it-You are damn near perfect!
If a Virgo man chooses you, it’s really something to take pride in. Virgo men only accept the best, so if you wind up in a relationship with one of these guys that means he thinks you are perfect!
The downside to this is the pressure it puts on you to maintain this level of “perfection,” and the typical Virgo habit of criticizing (out of love, of course) if you fall below expectation. The trick to not letting this bother you is to simply not take it seriously and realize that it isn’t just you he’s criticizing, it’s literally everything.
#13 Uncertainty is the worst thing for a Virgo to feel. It drives them absolutely nuts.
For someone who plans and maps out every element of their lives, an uncertainty of what’s going to happen next is basically torture. If you want to drive a Virgo to their breaking point all you have to do is throw them off their schedule.
Learning to go with the flow is one of the major life lessons that Virgo has to learn in this lifetime, and quite often it is their partner who is the best teacher.
Planning everything out to a tee is actually kind of impractical because life rarely actually goes as planned. As long as you don’t muck up their plans out of spite, your Virgo will thank you for the life lesson...someday.
#14 Virgo is very good at making it look like they’ve got everything totally under control when in all actuality they have no freaking clue what they’re doing. ‘Fake it till you make it’ should be their motto.
Virgo is quite adept at making it appear as though they’ve got this life all figured out, partly because they have confidence in their ability to figure things out and partly because it would be more trouble to ask for help than it is just to carry on and hope for the best.
The way Virgo sees it, it’s much more difficult to control the situation when you’ve got someone helping you who knows you aren’t totally sure what you’re doing.
The amazing thing is that nine times out of ten this system works and Virgo comes out on top, giving off the selfimage of being good at everything. If you want to make your Virgo man smile, compliment him on this inherent Virgoan skill.
#15 Virgo has no interest in fake or shallow relationships. If you plan to grow a romantic connection with him, you better come prepared to show your truest colors. Your Virgo can see them whether you show them or not.
There is no room in the Virgo man’s life for things that are fake or phony, least of all relationships. He intends to surround himself with those who can and will lift him up to his highest expectation and who genuinely demonstrate their intentions in any partnership that is formed.
Anything less than this is seen as a waste of precious time. Not to mention that your Virgo man can see straight through any BS throw his way.
#16 Virgo will not be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t respect their privacy.
One of the biggest and most important things to remember when you are with a Virgo man is to respect his privacy. Some couples seriously invade one another’s space simply because of insecurity or trust issues-A relationship habit that is totally unhealthy as well as uncalled for.
If your Virgo man feels his privacy or personal space no longer exists he will not give a second thought to moving on. To him, a breach of privacy is a signal of having no respect for him, something he won’t hang around for.
On the other hand, if a Virgo thinks their partner is dishonest they will stop at nothing to find the truth.
#17 Virgo is a loving partner and friend who’d do just about anything for you, unless, of course, you aren’t willing to do the same for yourself.
Your Virgo man may not be the most romantic guy you’ve ever been with, but he is likely the most loyal friend you’ll have. When a Virgo guy loves you, he will go far out of his way to help you and support your dreams.
What he will not do is make all of those dreams happen FOR you. Your Virgo man will go to the ends of the earth to help you, but if he thinks his help is making you lazy, he may retract his assistance completely.
#18 Virgo longs to have someone push them beyond their limits sexually, but they will never ask for it.
Your Virgo man will never admit it, but one of his biggest fantasies is to have a partner who pushes him beyond his usual sexual limitations and out of his comfort zone. He wants to do things with you that he will never actually voice out loud, but he will definitely not protest if you bring up.
As far as what types of things fall into this category, well, that depends entirely on your comfort levels and what you aim to get from the experience. Test the waters before you suggest anything major and remember to avoid suggesting anything that would result in the two of you getting dirty. Talking dirty is a perfect way to start out.
#19 A Virgo will try their hardest to not hurt your feelings unless they are pushed too far, in which case concern for feelings goes out the window.
Your Virgo man will go to great lengths to avoid hurting your feelings. He hates to see you sad, and he doesn’t know how to handle super emotionally charged situations, and hurting your feelings will create both of these things he tries so hard to avoid.
With that said, if you give your Virgo man a reason to hurt you, such as cheating on him or lying to him, any regard for the state of your feelings immediately disappears.
As wonderful and caring as he is, the Virgo man has a sharp tongue and knows exactly how to tear someone apart with his words when provoked.
#20 Being underestimated is one of the biggest strengths you can have, and Virgo understands this 100%
A Virgo will pretend to be clueless about something until they realize everyone else is clueless about it as well. As long as the Virgo in question is underestimated, the obligation to help others who should really learn to do whatever the task is by themselves can fade into their distant thoughts.
Sometimes it's just nice not to be "the guy" everyone comes to with their problems. And, if you ask your Virgo he will likely deny it, but sometimes it's nice to let other people fix things. Of course, not one to let the team down, your Virgo will always come through when you need him, even when he doesn't really want to.
#21 -If Virgo is not in the mood to talk about something, you won’t be talking about it.
Your Virgo man has no problem closing himself off from the people around him if that’s what he feels he wants to do. That said, once he’s decided that he doesn’t want to talk, pushing the issue is a total waste of time that will only agitate the situation.
If your Virgo man shuts you down every time, you mention something specific, have patience. You can bet that he has not forgotten whatever it is you want to talk about. In fact, he’s probably dwelling on it, and he’ll start talking again before too long.
The worst thing you can do in that scenario is to become overly emotional. Play it cool, and he’ll come around.
The only thing that will come of pushing a Virgo to talk about something they don’t want to talk about is a fight that you (unless you are a Virgo yourself), stand little to no chance of winning.
#22 A Virgo man will make you his top priority until you give him a reason not to.
In a relationship, the Virgo man makes his partner and the life they build together his top priority. He makes sure his other half is well taken care of in every way, even when doing so becomes a hassle or an inconvenience.
He never lets obstacles get in the way of his relationship, and he will do just about anything to make sure the one who captures his heart knows just how incredibly special they are to him. All of this can change in a flash, however, if his partner proves to be less than deserving of his devotion.
Lying, disloyalty, manipulation, and of course cheating, are all offenses that, to the Virgo man, are unforgivable. Noone ever gets away with dishonoring a Virgo without repercussion.
#23 Virgo has the mind of an elephant and never forgets a deed that’s been done to them, be it good or bad. Depending on the situation, this can either endear you to your Virgo for life or help you to create a lifelong enemy.
If you think your Virgo man will forget a past deed, positive or negative, you obviously don't know your Virgo very well yet!
These guys have a mind like a steel trap and nothing is received into their supreme analytical mind without being stored in the old memory banks...forever.
Seriously, and you can try this at home, your Virgo guy probably can tell you when and where you were the first time you met.
He can probably even tell you what day it was. He can also remember your first argument, what it was about, where you had it out, and how he won the discussion.
Don’t get me wrong, though; it isn’t that he can’t or won’t forgive you for mistakes made along the way. It’s just that he won’t ever forget them.
The super positive part of this Virgoan trait is you never have to worry that he will forget your birthday, your anniversary, or any of the other days of the year that are special in some way...He’ll even remember your aunt’s Weiner dog’s birthday if you tell it to him!
#24 The mind of a Virgo never stops working, like ever. Relaxing is not a part of their vocabulary.
You’ve probably noticed by now that your Virgo man doesn’t ever seem to stop to take a break. Even when he does stop you can tell the gears in his little head are just a turning, but what is he always thinking about? Simply put, everything.
Your Virgo man wasn’t born with whatever gene it is that makes people lazy, either mentally or physically. He feels that he should always be doing something, always working toward progress. This is why his life seems to be so well put together yet he often seems completely exhausted.
If you want to successfully surprise your Virgo man with something that will benefit both him and you, as well as preserve his mental well-being, book a stay at a resort or something similar where things are neat and clean, and there is no work for him to do.
A few glasses of wine and good company will help to bring his thought train back to what’s most important-I’ll give you a hint, it’s NOT whatever is happening back at the office! If he starts to freak out, softly remind him that all those things will be waiting for him on Monday.
As long as you haven’t torn him away from an active situation that requires his attention, he will gradually settle into the idea of taking a mini-vacay, and he’ll probably thank you for it later.
#25 There is no point in trying to hide anything from a Virgo. If they want to find out something about you they will. It might take a year or more, but they will find whatever you’re hiding.
Besides Scorpio, Virgo is the best, most thorough private eye on the block. With their sharp sense of intuition, brilliant Mercurial mind, and their ability to completely sort through any BS that’s thrown their way without ever forgetting a single detail, Virgo is not someone you want to get into the habit of telling false truths.
In fact, you should really stick to only the actual truth when dealing with your Virgo man.
He always knows when he’s lied to and, like we already talked about with #23, he never forgets. The thing that is interesting about Virgo men is their ability to hold onto a fact or a clue, or even some element of their environment that just doesn’t quite fit in, until one day the pieces all come together.
Just when you think you’re safe, a receipt from two years prior falls out of your luggage (or whatever) and you hear your Virgo man exclaim “Ha! I knew it!” as he puts together the pieces in his head and realizes that you DID buy drinks for the whole bar on your business trip and now he wants to know why you would fib about something so seemingly insignificant.
#26 -If you want to turn a Virgo on, take care of your body, mind, and your bills.
Virgo is by no means shallow, but sometimes shallow and practical can seem the same when really the two couldn’t be more opposite. Sure, your Virgo man likes a lady with a hot body...Who doesn’t? But really, hotness level notwithstanding, the Virgo man is most attracted to a woman who takes care of her body and lives a healthy lifestyle.
Of course, you can’t just be healthy to get the attention of one of these super particular men.
You’ve got to have a good balance between body and mind. In other words, you can’t be a total dimwit but eat all organic and think you’ll attract the attention of a Virgo man.
Also, you’ll want to get your bills under control before you try having a serious relationship with a Virgo. They seem to have a knack for making the transition from “we’re kinda serious, we think,” to “we plan to wed in the spring,” feel like you’re filling out a credit app. You can bet your Virgo man has his sh*t together, all he asks is that you do as well.
#27 Virgo does not try to be the center of attention, but has a presence that others can’t seem to ignore.
Rarely will a Virgo man intentionally try to steal the spotlight, but his natural energy vibration just seems to attract the attention of those around him. Usually, this isn't a problem. Sometimes he even enjoys the attention from his friends and peers.
Then there are times when he definitely does not want any attention at all but has a hard time letting whoever is pestering him down-If you help him out of a jam by deflecting attention so he can move along, he will be forever grateful.
#28 Believe it or not Virgo is one of the dirtiest, kinkiest, most intense lovers you’ll ever have.
The Virgo man is an incredibly sensual and sexual being. There is a side of him that, when unleashed, will truly give you shivers. Sure, there are Virgo men out there who just keep with the missionary position and make love like it’s just another chore to check off their to-do list (which is never ending)-Actually, some say they all start out this way.
But then there are those more evolved Virgo men who’ve managed to overcome their fears of rejection and realized their full sexual potential.
These guys are unmatched in their passion and intensity. There is a burning sensuality deep inside of them that is just begging to be released and shared with the right partner. If you are that partner, well, you’re one lucky girl!
#29 Virgo is an enigma that you will never fully understand. This adds to his exponential charm ashe’s always prepared but also slightly mysterious as to how he knows everything he knows.
You may not know this, but Virgo actually plans out how to change things up. For instance, your Virgo man may change the way he writes a certain letter or number just to keep from being too predictable. Yes, that’s right, he even plans when he’s going to become “unpredictable.”
Highly intuitive, Virgo somehow seems to just know things before anyone else. If you want to impress your Virgo man and have a chance at getting inside of that head of his, pay close attention to the little things about his personality that are different than most others.
When you pick up on his subtle changes that nobody else notices he will not only be impressed by your keen insight, but he will also start to share more of himself with your and open up on a whole new level. I know it sounds weird, but I honestly couldn’t make this stuff up.
#30 Virgo often lets fear of rejection get in the way of sharing how they really feel. If you have a thing for a special Virgo man, let him know!
The biggest setback Virgo's face is their inherent fear of rejection, should they ever come out with it and actually share their true feelings.
Yes, they know they’re a good catch, and yes, they know their body is rockin’...or at least they know they’ve followed their health and diet plan and the numbers suggest they have the perfect BMI, so, therefore, they must be physically attractive.
The issue isn't so much that your Virgo man lacks confidence, it’s more that he overanalyzes himself to the point that he is capable of talking himself out of going after the things he wants most in life, aside from handling his responsibilities like a boss.
He probably wasn't the most popular guy in high school, and he may or may not have ever put himself out there and taken a chance on romance.
He’s excellent at handling, fixing, or organizing whatever calamity life throws at him, but he has a deep seated fear of following his heart.
So, if you’ve got it bad for your Virgo man crush, tell him! Let him know you think he's just the bee's knees and tell him how you feel. If he’s not into it, he’ll let you down softly, but if he is into it, well, if he’s into it then you can consider yourself one lucky girl.
He will be the best friend and most thoughtful lover you’ve ever had, all while dedicating his life to making certain you’re taken care of.
Sure, he’s kind of neurotic and a bit of a know-it-all, but you know that going into it. If you show him true love and devotion, he’ll literally give you all he’s got.
Just don’t do him wrong or else all that will walk right out the door with him and he’ll probably end up sulking somewhere mumbling to himself how he knew he should’ve just kept going in the direction he was headed in before love ever came into his life to hurt him.
What To Do Next?
Now that we’ve gone through these 30 little secrets, you may be wondering what else you need to know to get into your Virgo man’s head and heart.
It’s exactly what I've successfully advised my happiest personal clients do to get and keep the love of their Virgo men as well. I just hope it will prove as valuable to you as it has to other women in love with a Virgo.
I wish you all the very best in life and love, and I hope to be able to assist you along the path you’ve chosen, exploring the nature of the Virgo man.
May the stars be ever on your side,
Your Friend & Relationship Astrologer,