How to Successfully Communicate With a Virgo Man
I've prepared this little Texting guide for you to make your job easier when attempting to attract and keep the Virgo man you're interested. I really hope it helps, and I'm open to your feedback and questions. Email me anytime at contact@horoscopesocialnetwork.com and I'll try to get back to you as soon as a I grab some free time.
So let's get to it!
The Virgo man is one tough cookie to crack when it comes to getting him to open up and communicate with you in the beginning stages of a relationship. He tends to be a little more shy and reserved than some other signs in the Zodiac, but being ruled by Mercury he really does place a lot of value in communicating.
He operates on an intellectual level and communicating is kind of one of his specialties, but this does not make it any easier to get him into one of those more intimate conversations that usually ushers in the start of a romantic relationship. In this book we will go over how to accomplish getting him to open up to you and how to best catch his eye and keep him interested in conversations.
Virgo men are wordsmiths, they are masterful at articulating their thoughts and they don’t mind sharing them with others who can keep up with the conversation. Texts and emails are favored methods of conversation for these guys, but written letters and actual conversations will work, too.
It kind of depends on how important the conversation is and whether or not the Virgo in question is trying to multi-task while holding the conversation.
Not one for empty conversations where the only purpose of exchanging words is to fill an empty space, you’ve got to keep the Virgo man engaged and interested if you want to have a real conversation with him.
He values finding people who he can have intelligent conversations with, so once you get him going you will likely be able to continue on, going from one topic to another, as long as you both have something to add that is interesting.
Who Should Send the First Message?
It can be frustrating trying to decide should you be the initiator of conversation with a new guy or should you wait by the phone for him to contact you?
On the one hand, waiting can drive you mad, but on the other hand, you don’t want to come across as too aggressive or needy. So, what do you do?
Well, when it comes to the Virgo man it is totally acceptable to make the first move. In fact, with this guy making the first move is usually the right choice. If you wait around on him you may be waiting forever.
It’s not because he isn’t interested that he isn’t likely to make the first move in calling or texting you, it’s really just because he’s kind of shy.
If a Virgo guy already has a thing for you, he may actually be the type who picks up the phone, types a message, erases it, puts down the phone, rethinks his decision, picks up the phone, and this can go on until he either decides to message you or just put his phone away and get back to work. If you take this same kind of approach, things can get quite tiring on both ends. You are truly better off to just make the first move and initiate contact.
How To Get Him To Talk/Text Now that you have determined that it is ok to be the one to initiate contact you’ve got to decide on how you will start the conversation.
The odds are good that you met your Virgo guy in a work setting or somewhere like a bookstore or a park. Either this or you may have been introduced by a mutual friend. Wherever you met can give you the initial topic you can use to get things rolling.
Whatever you use to get him talking, it needs to be interesting enough to warrant a response. Of course, if he’s been contemplating what to say to you and then he gets a “ding!” message notification and it is you, it doesn’t much matter what you say.
You want to give him something to work with, so try to avoid the simple, “Hi.” This doesn’t really leave him anything to work with other than saying “Hi” back. You want to start a conversation you can start now and perhaps even pick back up on later.
If you can find a way to work it in, you can always start a conversation with a Virgo man by talking about his work.
This can be tricky to get past, though, and you could get stuck on this topic. There is no “right” way to do this, to be honest. Initiate conversation, see where things go and respond accordingly. Just know that you can’t sit there for any extended amount of time saying, “Hi.”
Virgos like to talk on topics that are intelligent and interesting. You can ask his advice on something, talk about current events, philosophy, pets, things you like to do for fun, or whatever comes to mind.
When the conversation ends, you can easily end things on a positive note and leave it open ended by letting him know you’ll talk to him later.
This lets him know that you, too, enjoyed the conversation and that you’d like to continue it at a later date, perhaps on an actual date.
Getting Him to Ask You Out
It isn’t uncommon for the Virgo man to clam up when it comes time to ask you out. Most Virgo men are kind of withdrawn and shy and don’t go around asking people out on dates.
If he does just come out and ask you, congratulations, he is officially smitten! If he doesn’t, don’t feel discouraged. Most Virgo men would rather do anything than get into an awkward situation where he feels compelled to show emotion-something he doesn’t do all that well.
Don’t let this get you down, just know that you may be the one who makes the first move in propositioning a date.
I know, I know...Here you’ve made the first call and now you are having to make the first move to get a date. Just do it, what have you got to lose?
Consider this, I’ve had clients who have missed out on years of a happy relationship because one was a Virgo and the other was too afraid to make the first move. Would you rather possibly be turned down or miss out on a really great guy and a potentially amazing relationship?
Alright, now you’ve got him talking and you are ready to suggest that the two of you spend some time in each other’s company, but what are you going to suggest?
A nice quiet music venue or a dinner for two are some great ways to get to know your Virgo man, now tuned future date. He is someone who has a good appreciation for nature, so if you live some place that supports it, you could invite him on a nice hike with you. Movies are always a good option, so long as you both like the choice in films.
As far as the timeframe for when you should try to get him to go out with you, there is no time like the present! Virgo men do like to plan things, so you may even find greater success in planning a time ahead later in the week that works for both of you. The upside to this is the anticipation that builds up while you wait for your date night to come.
Getting to Know Him a Little Better
Alright, you’ve made contact, you’ve got a date planned and you are really excited about how things seem to be working out.
Now you have to figure out how to go about getting to know him and getting him to open up to you a bit. After all, you can’t really decide if you want to take this budding relationship to the next level until you know him a bit better, right?
Getting him to open up can be tricky. The Virgo man is, by nature, kind of shy, but beyond that, he isn’t much for opening up emotionally-Not at first, anyway. The way to a Virgo man’s heart, and the way to coax him to open up to you, is by genuinely showing him that you do, indeed, care for him, and that he can trust you. Without trust the whole foundation for building a relationship with a Virgo man falls apart. He’ll clam up and return to whatever mundane task he was working on prior to your date.
You’ll want to keep his attention and keep the conversation light and lively once you get to talking one-on-one.
Being prepared to converse on a myriad of different topics is one way to keep his attention, but you can’t go into a discussion without having actual knowledge on said subject.
You can’t come across as anything less that genuinely interested, either. Virgo men can see right through empty attempts at gaining their attention, and while he will find this endearing, there is potential for things to go south if try to be someone you are not with him.
Virgos respect intellect and others who can process information quickly and throughly.
They tend to analyze everything from every angle and have a need to understand pretty much everything. Honestly, he makes a great conversationalist, but if you try to pry too deep into his emotional side he will quickly change the subject or clam up.
You’ve Got to Give it Time
It’s important to understand that Virgo man is not one to quickly jump into a commitment or a relationship. You can’t rush him, nor should you want to.
Enjoy the time you’ll spend becoming friends and let the relationship marinate a bit before you take things to the next level. He needs to know he can trust you and the best relationships do tend to come from a strong friendship base that you can refer back to when things get tough-As relationship invariably do from time to time.
Avoid being pushy or too needy, this will only push him away. Showing him that you have respect for him and having a genuine interest in the things you do together and the conversations you have will help to draw him closer to you and create a feeling of being able to become more than just friends.
What the Virgo man is looking for is a partner, a worthy co-pilot whom he can maneuver his way through life with.
He holds himself to high standards and an’t accept anyone or anything that is less than what he feels he deserves or desires in a partner.
This doesn’t mean he is snobby, not in the least. What he is, is selective and this trait has probably served him well throughout his lifetime.
He will be the one to plan out your 50 year anniversary the moment he’s decided that he’s fallen for you. He will know the names of your future, but still imaginary, children, as well as where they will go to school and possibly how long the commute will be from your future house to his future job.
This is just the way he is, he loves to plan and not knowing what’s ahead makes him nervous.
His motto is “I analyze,” showing right there that you can expect for him to give you a good once over with his mind. He wants to make certain that he is making the right choice when it comes to choosing a mate, after all, it is a pretty important decision who to share his life with.
Don’t rush it, you’ll have plenty of time with your Virgo man, should the two of you prove to be a good match, and there is no better way to determine whether you do or not than to spend time getting to know one another.
Maintaining the Relationship
Once you’ve gotten past the initial awkwardness that can come with getting into a relationship with a Vigo man, you’ll want to figure out what makes him tick and how to keep him interested.
All that stuff about marriage and planning for the future is realistically way down the road, for now you want to focus on just growing a successful relationship and getting to know one another inside and out.
The key to getting to know him and maintaining the relationship you’ve started to develop is to keep the lines of communication wide open.
Your Virgo man is no longer all that shy now that you’ve gotten comfortable with one another. In fact, you may find it hard to get him to shut up when you want him to.
Conversing is very important to the growth and development of your relationship, as is building a good foundation of friendship and trust. It’s important that the Virgo man can confide in you and that the two of you can talk about anything. The more that you gain his trust, the more he will open up to you emotionally.
Foreseeable Issues
As with everything in life there are potential issues and problematic situations that can arise when you are dealing with a Virgo man.
Getting him to open up to you and really move things forward in the direction of a relationship can be difficult, but not impossible. He can sometimes give off the vibe that he isn’t interested in talking or connecting, but nobody wants to be connected 100% of the time.
One of the most common things I hear from clients when it comes to Virgo men is that initially they aren’t very physical creatures, not in the sense that a lot of men can be.
This isn’t always a bad thing, in fact, it can be kind of endearing, depending on your personality. It isn’t that your Virgo guy finds you unattractive, not at all. It’s just that the Virgo man wants to get to know your mind before he gets to know your body.
Sure, he’s thought about it, but Virgo men aren’t in the for the physical aspects of a relationship, and 9 times out of 10 he’s going to make sure that you are mentally compatible before you get down and dirty.
This is not to say that things won’t get steamy between the two of you, though. He simply has more respect for you, and for himself, than to engage in something that could possibly make a mess of the relationship he is trying to develop with you by jumping your bones before the time is right. Actually, once you get to that place where you are ready to take your physical relationship to the next level you may be surprised at just how sultry and seductive this “virgin” can be.
Another issue that I hear a lot from partners of Virgo men is that they can seem married to their work. This creates tension if you start to feel like he has gotten over the relationship or just isn’t interested anymore.
There is something that you’ve got to understand about your Virgo guy, though-He is a worker bee. His job is very likely where he draws from when he calculates his personal success and where he stands in life.
He will work tirelessly to perfect his performance or boost his reputation at work, and truly, work makes him happy. Some people relax and have fun, while the Virgo man is spending his free time getting a jump start on next week’s tasks.
When this occurs, and it very likely will, you have to take the time to stop and tell him that his busy work life is infringing on the relationship that you’ve worked so hard to build.
He may not make major changes immediately, but he will take your concerns into consideration-Heavy consideration.
All in all, Virgo men make for great partners. Sure, it takes the right kind of person to be in a successful relationship with one, but if you've made it this far the odds are good that you’ll do just fine.
These guys can be analytical to the point of becoming overly critical and he may even have a touch of OCD when it comes to organizing and keeping things neat and tidy. He can drive you mad with all of his incessant planning and needs someone who can keep him mentally stimulated. At the end of the day, however, he is fiercely loyal and will do just about anything to make sure that you have all that you need in life.
Showing him that you are someone who can be trusted and who will be there for him is imperative, but this is true of any successful relationship.
By drawing out his emotional side and getting him to express a side of himself that he would otherwise keep locked away inside, you are helping him to grow and develop as a person.
This may be a bit uncomfortable in the beginning, but truly it will be a rewarding experience for the both of you. He will do the same for you by opening your eyes to new things and by sharing his vast knowledge with you.
This can be a mutually beneficial and really rewarding relationship as long you are both happy and on the same wavelength.
Your friend and Relationship Astrologer,
p.s.: If you've got questions personally for me or need any extra help. I'm here for you - email contact@horoscopesocialnetwork.com and I'll get back to you when I can spare a few minutes... I'm really busy and can't always reply to everyone, but do email me. You may also be interested in my full reading where I devote special time just for you.