How to Get a Virgo Man Back
So your relationship with a Virgo man has come to an end and now you are wanting him back. You may not totally know what happened or what caused this breakup, but you know that you miss him and his quirky, overly observant ways.
Luckily, astrology can offer you valuable insight that can help you figure out how to win him back and this time you’ll know how to make it last, or at least you’ll have a better idea of how to make it work.
I’ve had countless clients come to me in tears, absolutely distraught and confused because of losing their Virgo boyfriend. It can be very frustrating to you, especially when the Virgo in this scenario is the one who decided it was time to end the relationship.
Often times, and this can be very confusing, a Virgo man will pull away just as he starts to have real feelings for you. The reason for this is typically fear or uncertainty when it comes to knowing what comes next.
If this is the reason that your relationship with a Virgo man has come to an end, it might be relatively easy to reel him back in. Virgo men are some of the most critical creatures you will ever meet.
They over analyze everything, to the point of creating a sense of fear in the possible faults they are able to find as they meticulously pick apart the relationship they’ve built with you, or were in the process of building. In this instance, the only way to get him back is to convince him to live in the moment and stop living in the land of “what if.” -I said it might be relatively easy, I didn't say it would be simple.
Other reasons that a Virgo man might end a relationship that was going along seemingly well are fears of emotional intimacy. Not all Virgo men know how to handle their emotions, or more accurately, they don’t know how to handle your emotions.
He may have convinced himself that he can’t give you what you need and sees the most humane thing to be ending it before things go any further. Again, this is usually a case of getting him to talk to you and to stop thinking so darn much.
Virgo men are very intelligent, sometimes too intelligent. They have this need to label everything and if they can’t put a label on it, they figure that it can’t be real.
Having a partner who is too demanding or who uses the Virgo man is another reason I’ve sen them call it quits, as well as, obviously, being treated poorly in the relationship. There are some things that nobody will stand for, and these things don’t exactly require explanation.
Actually, though, Virgos are one of those signs who will stick around longer than they should in some situations simply because they feel a need to take care of their partner-Some partners take advantage of their kindness and their willingness to carry the bulk of the burdens in a partnership.
These asymmetrical relationships never last forever and are, understandably, more difficult to rekindle.
Maintaining a cerebral connection with their partner is something that is very important to the Virgo man. If this connection is lost it can be very difficult to get a Virgo guy to hang around. He’s not really one for empty connections, and physical pleasures aren’t enough to keep those home fires burning.
The biggest reason that relationships with Virgo men come to an end are trust issues.
He has to feel that he can trust you, otherwise he won’t hang around for long. Other things like disagreements on when or how to spend joint funds and the Virgo man’s partner lacking in responsible habits are also reasons that things can fall apart with these guys.
Depending upon the nature of your breakup and the reasons behind it, getting back together with your Virgo guy could be fairly simple or it could take quite awhile.
If you are stuck in a situation where you’ve proven yourself to be untrustworthy it will take much longer than if you just couldn’t find things you agreed on due to day to day stresses. That seems pretty obvious, though.
Virgo men aren’t super emotional creatures, as I’ve stated, so don’t expect to hear from friends that he is a mess, hasn’t eaten in days, or is binge watching 90’s movies and won’t get off the couch.
It will behoove you if you don’t get to this level of depression over the split, either. If you are determined to make things work again and you put in the time and effort, the odds are you’ll be able to make it happen, so cheer up!
What he will do is recoil and retreat. He will use the unpleasant energy that comes with any breakup and find himself a project to work on, the worse the breakup, the bigger the project. You won’t hear from him and he won’t be the guy who tries to stay friends or hand out.
If he feels incapable of making you happy, he will be feeling like he’s failed, which is just the worst fate ever to a Virgo man. If you’ve hurt him, or if you were the one to call an end to the relationship, he won’t want to be around you for a while and will do whatever is necessary to maintain a good distance between the two of you.
This makes it kind of difficult to rebuild your relationship, I know. Nothing in life that’s worth having is ever easy, not usually anyway, so if you really love him and want him back, you will have to find a way around his evasive measures and a way back into his heart.
Rebuilding What’s Been Lost
Regardless of the reasons your relationship has come to a temporary close, the best thing you can do in the beginning is give him space. He needs time to think and to lick his wounds, even if they are self inflicted.
The odds are good that he’s hurting emotionally after a breakup. Virgo men don’t handle emotions all that well, however, so if you make attempts to connect with him right away he will very likely do his dead-level-best to try and convince you that he had no feelings to begin with.
This can hurt both of you further, which is why he needs the time to process what’s happened and come to terms with his emotions. Don’t worry, this usually doesn’t take too terribly long. If things came to an end because of his own insecurities you can be confident in contacting him sooner.-A day or so can be adequate in this scenario.
That is, of course, unless you aren’t quite there yet. Remember, you don’t have to make this all about him, if you aren’t ready to get back in touch with him, wait until you are. Forcing it will only cause additional tension when you do talk and can be detrimental to finding a positive outcome.
Take some time to step back and look objectively at the entire situation and everything that led up to the breakup.
The things that require fixing usually require a total overhaul of sorts. You can’t expect to just put a bandaid on a bullet wound and return to a happy place together, it just doesn’t work that way.
If you were too needy, demanding or clingy in the past you have to come to terms with why you felt the need to express yourself in that manner before you attempt to fix things.
As with all relationships, if you are a part of the problem you’ve got to fix what’s not working within yourself before you try to fix the other person. In fact, telling him what he needs to change will have the opposite effect of what you’d like to happen, so look inward before you go any further in this.
When the time comes and you are ready to get in touch with him -if you broke up with him this should be at least a week or so after the split-try writing him a letter. Calling can result in ignored phone calls and texts are too impersonal. If you don’t plan on seeing him face to face, a handwritten letter explaining your thoughts and what you’d like to have happen is the next best thing. In fact, this can be better in a lot of ways because it gives him something tangible and written that he can reflect on.
He will reply, so don’t worry. That is, unless there is some underlying element to this split that is irreparable. If that was the case, though, you’ll need more than this book to mend things with a Virgo man.
Once you are talking again, working toward understanding one another on a mental and spiritual level will help you both in deciding if this is even the right relationship for you.
If things got to the point where you had to part ways, the odds are that the connection that once brought you together with your Virgo man was lost somewhere in the mix.
By taking the time to listen to one another and to gain a better understanding of what the other person needs and desires in life, you will lay the foundation to fix and possibly rebuild what you once had.
And again, if he only ended things because a fear of failure in the relationship or because he got too caught up in the land of “what if,” you’ve got to find a way to show him how to live in the here and now.
Also, though, if this was the situation, the foundation for a relationship may just not be solid enough for his comfort, and this is something you’ll need to address and work on together.
Listen with the intent to hear, not with the intent to respond and think before you speak.
Don’t worry, he won’t rush you or press you for an immediate reply most of the time-I suppose this will depend on the nature of your relationship as a whole, as well as why you split.
Creating a Sense of Stability With Your Virgo Man
For them to put their efforts into making it work, Virgo men need to know that the relationship they are in is one that can offer a sense of stability.
If you have by now decided to give it another go, you must know that the Virgo man is more sensitive than you may think. He isn’t one to go through three or four breakups. This is your last shot to make it work with him, so creating a strong stable foundation is going to be the key to a successful relationship.
If you are the type to go out and leave him at home because he isn’t as social as you are, now would be the time to make some changes.
Try spending more nights at home, or inviting him to go out with you, perhaps to smaller gatherings than your norm.
This is not to say that you’ve got to be chained to one another and can never go out and have fun, but these early stages of rebuilding your relationship are fragile and you need to be able to make some compromises and find a good balance that will allow you both to feel happy and content in your union.
Continuing to keep the lines of communication open between you and your Virgo man is another very important part of rebuilding what you thought you’d lost.
To the Virgo man, actions are important, but words are how he knows what you intend on doing. Be honest and stick by whatever you decide together to be the new norm in your relationship. If you aren’t happy with something, tell him.
You’ve got to be willing to talk it outing let him know that you are willing to listen to anything that comes up that bothers him in return.
Make some plans together and stick to them. Virgo men find comfort and solace in planning for the future. If you intend on building a future with him, take the time to plan some things out and make some mutual goals you can work toward together.
Working toward goals is something that Virgo men really enjoy. There is nothing more satisfying, well, almost nothing more satisfying, than completing a goal successfully to these guys.
If you can make a plan, create a goal and the achieve it together, this will add levels of strength to your relationship that can help to foster a sense of unity and stability that feels long lasting.
Understanding the Nature of Virgo
Breakups are never easy, but if you are truly dedicated to getting your Virgo man back for keeps, and you are realistic about what has to be done in order for this to happen, it’s possible. It will take more than just the things we’ve gone over thus far, though.
I mean, all of that is a good start and can work, but to make things work in terms of forever, you have to be able to understand the nature of Virgo. What things are most important to him and what makes a relationship truly rewarding for him to be in are just as important as what makes a relationship truly rewarding for you.
The following are the top 5 things to remember when trying to rebuild a relationship with a Virgo that’s been lost.
1.) Besides being analytical and intellectual types, Virgo men are really quite emotional. They may seem like they have a cool, detached exterior, but on the inside most of them are big ole softies. This is a part of where the need for so much stability comes from when you get into a series relationship with a Virgo man.
He doesn't want to get hurt, nobody does, but he is masterful at creating standards and a plan to help him avoid the nasty feelings that are felt when we get emotionally hurt. This isn’t the only reason he needs stability, he likes to have a stable life all around, but this is a large part of why he so desperately needs to feel secure and stable in matters of the heart.
2.) Being a mutable sign, Virgo tends to bend more than he should sometimes. He will do this for a certain amount of time and even let others take advantage of him until one day he just snaps. It is ill advised to push a Virgo man to this point because you won’t get him back.
He will move mountains to make certain you have what you need in life, but this should always be a two way street. As soon as the Virgo man begins to feel used he will move on and focus his helpful energies on someone more deserving of his kind hearted need to help others, or he may just focus on work and shirk relationships altogether.
3.) He needs someone to help draw him out of his shell. In some situations, a relationship between the Virgo man can lack emotion and work out. This happens more when a Virgo and a Capricorn get together than any other sign combination. This is not always a relationship that is totally sustainable, though. The Virgo man needs a partner with the capacity to make him feel something and who can coax the feelings out of him.
I’m not saying that the only partner for a Virgo man is someone who is emotionally expressive all the time, not at all.
But it is important to take the time to work on establishing a relationship where you and your Virgo man can both comfortably express yourselves and your emotions when the moment is right. Conversely, it is good for a Virgo man to have a partner who he can help to find a better sense of practicality. A good sense of balance, or yin and yang, is whats needed in an ideal relationship with a Virgo man.
4.) He can be insecure. This goes back to the need to create stability to ensure that he doesn’t get left out in the cold in a relationship.
The Virgo man doesn’t need reassurance every day, but in a relationship, especially early on or when things get rocky, he needs some reassurance that his partner isn’t going to stray. This doesn’t mean saying, “Don’t worry, I’m not leaving you.” This means working together to form a strong bond with your Virgo guy and planning, together, for your future.
5.) He needs a mental connection and someone who can keep up with the conversation. Above the physical and emotional bonds that create relationships, the Virgo man truly needs someone who stimulates him mentally.
He isn’t looking for a superficial relationship and he isn’t looking for a trophy wife-Not the majority of them anyway-He wants a real partner, someone he can build a life with and someone who is deserving of his caring disposition and undying loyalty.
Now that you have made it this far, I hope that I’ve been of some help to you in figuring out how to patch things up with your Virgo man.
They certainly aren’t your typical “manly men” and on the surface he may seem to be a little high maintenance, but really he is just a guy who wants to share his life with the right person and he will treat this person with love, respect and a great deal of care. If you are meant to be together and you can add joy and happiness to each other’s lives, the potential to make things work is definitely there.
It is important to consider why you want to reconcile with your Virgo guy, and I say this simply because not everyone can find happiness with these guys. It can take a lot of work and effort to get back to where you can rebuild a relationship and it’s always a shame when you finally get there just to realize that the relationship still just won’t work for you. Take the time to really go over in your mind, and perhaps write it out on paper, the reasons why you want to rekindle things and what are the pro’s and con’s to your desires. If, after that, you’ve decided that this is truly what you want and need to do, then go for it.
Take all of this information and digest it. Consider what things you can change and what you can learn from the past.
Know that there is not a magic cure to bring instant solutions to your situation, but that with work, understanding and a true sense of caring for one another that reconciliation is possible. The main thing you have to remember with a Virgo man is how important trust and stability, as well as communication is to him in building something that will last. Good luck in all of your endeavors, as well as with your relationship! I wish you all the best.
I truly hope my books helped you better understand your Virgo man!
I wish you all the best of luck in love and life!
Your friend and Relationship Astrologer,