Unleashing The Secrets Communicating With Your Scorpio Man
Figuring out how to best communicate with your Scorpio man can be kind of difficult, especially if you plan on just using words! He comes across as secretive and quiet, always observing but never really letting you know what’s on his mind.
What he lacks in dialogue, though, he makes up for in that mysteriously sexy demeanor he’s got going on, so there is that. In this book, we’ll explore the different ways in which you can get your Scorpio man to open those lines of communication that are so important when it comes to building a successful relationship.
Scorpios are known for their secretive nature, and there’s really not much you can do about that. He will never divulge everything to you because then he would feel completely vulnerable and, well, this would mean a complete loss of power he’d have over the situation—You’ll quickly come to realize that the Scorpio man in your life will very rarely, if ever, give up control, regardless of the situation. Once he feels that he can totally trust you, however, you’ll see him start to open up a lot more.
Now, I know what you’re thinking—All that is great, but how do you get things going? Well, that’s where we’re going to start, with initiating conversation and establishing a connection with your sexy Scorpio man.
How You Can Get Him Talking
When it comes to those initial words shared between you and the Scorpio man in your life, there’s no “right” way to go about things. Honestly, it kind of depends on the situation and what your goals are. As is typical of Water signs, Scorpios are moody individuals, meaning he may seem really open to talk one minute and completely shut off from the world the next. For this reason you’ve got to be able to read him in order to determine the best time to make a move.
Learning to read your Scorpio guy is, as I will soon explain, the biggest and most important component of successful communication if you want to really get inside his head.
He’s a man of very few words, but he chooses those words carefully.
I can’t tell you how many clients I’ve had come to me worried that their Scorpio guy was short and didn’t seem friendly. Since friendliness and a willingness to talk and get to know one another is pretty much the standard for “I like you,” it can be really maddening when you think he’s diggin you, but seems to have such a short vocabulary. Don’t worry! It’s not you, it’s him—And it’s normal.
Scorpios are not into small talk and will rarely ever engage in meaningless conversation. They take everything seriously and can’t stand to waste their precious time on empty words. That is, unless there’s some ulterior motive behind it. You won’t often find your Scorpio guy hanging around the water cooler waiting to hear the end of his co-workers story about how the entertainment was late to her daughters 6th birthday party. Taking that into consideration, it’s best to have something to say when you approach a conversation with one of these guys.
It isn’t entirely out of the question that he will be the one to initiate the conversation with you, either. Yes, he can seem shy and reserved, but he is also capable of being very forceful when he wants something. He will get you on his hook, but the manner in which he will communicate won’t be all words. He talks with his body, with his eyes, and with his soul. He can get your attention from across the room and have you swooning over him without so much as a single word. He's masterful at this.
When he does talk, it will be about something that holds importance, or it will be all about you—After all, if he’s taking the time to go after you, you hold importance.
So in the beginning, you can get him to talk a bit just by making the bold move to go and start a conversation. No real trick there, although it does help if you have something to say besides “So, how’s the weather supposed to be tomorrow?” I mean, you’ve got to give the conversation some substance. The tricky part comes after the initial few words—To pass up to the next level in conversing with your Scorpio man in the beginning you’ve got to learn to read him. There has to be some level of chemistry there, and trust me, you’ll know if you’ve got chemistry or not.
How To Talk With Your Eyes And Know What He’s Saying
More than any other sign, Scorpios communicate with their eyes and with their minds. They possess intense powers of intuition and can often gain more information about a person or situation by observation and reading body language than they could by actually talking with the person. This is one of the things that can make communicating with a Scorpio kind of frustrating, especially if you are a big communicator and rely on verbal communication.
You’ve got to take the time to learn to communicate without speaking if you really want to get on his level. You don’t have to become an empath or develop psychic abilities to communicate with your Scorpio man, but you do have to develop a connection with him that goes beyond the initial chit-chat.
Eventually he will open up to you and share more of himself with you through conversation, but until that day comes it helps to be able to interpret what he’s saying with those piercing eyes of his. And you can bet that he’s learning quite a lot about you by using the same methods. Look him in the eyes, let yourself feel his energy and trust your intuition.
It almost sounds too simple, but the only way to really communicate through eye contact is by trusting yourself and intuiting the messages he’s sending you. This can be quite easy when you let go and trust yourself. I mean, it’s not hard to decipher “I want you now,” when looking into those dark, smoldering eyes. And he’ll know what you are saying, all you’ve got to do is open your mind and let him in. It may sound crazy, but trust me, this will work.
Good Topics of Conversation to Get You Started
Now, I know you are wondering what, beyond trusting your intuition and talking with your eyes you can say that will spark his interest, right? Well, here I’ll go through some good conversation starters for both speaking and text:
1.) Scorpios are very financially conscious, most of them anyway, and investments are kind of their thing. If you know enough, or can research enough to get things started, you may have some luck with asking him his thoughts, opinions, or even for some advice on what’s happening in the market. This may seem a bit drab, but for some of those Scorpio men out there, this will be right up their alley.
2.) As I’ve mentioned, Scorpio’s are born with one foot in and one foot out, meaning they have a natural connection to the darker side of life. If you have any knowledge about occult matters, and it doesn’t have to go incredibly dark, this can be a great conversation starter. You can bet that your Scorpio man will have some interest in the macabre and would stop to engage in some conversation about matters occult, or otherwise, if he’s got an interest in you. And, this could be what tips him into becoming more intrigued with what else you share an interest in.
3.) Anything that you are passionate about will spark an interest within him. Scorpios ooze passion, so when he sees that you are really, truly, passionate about a topic he will at the very least want to see what all the fuss is about and why you put so much of yourself into this one thing. Now, if it is something he’s not into or something he finds silly or a waste of time, he may quickly lose interest, but he’ll still appreciate your passion.
So those things can work for when you want to actually “talk,” but what about when you are texting? Because he is a man of so few actual words, texts can actually work out quite well. Keep your messages short, succinct, and to the point and he will be much more likely to respond.
Here’s a few topics and comments that can help with those moments you just don’t know what to type:
1.) You can send him a quick message asking if he wants to catch a movie, perhaps a new thriller that’s out. Or, if you are comfortable with it, you may want to suggest a movie night in, watching scary movies on the couch, in the dark. Something like:
“Hey, if you’re free I’d love to watch a scary movie with you at my place?”
Avoid going into asking what he wants to watch or where he wants to go. Short, sweet and to the point is the key here.
2.) If you want to make sure he’s thinking about you with that dirty mind of his, send him something tastefully sexy. This is, of course, once you are comfortable with entering into this realm of conversation with your Scorpio guy. You can just about bet that he’s ready!
“I’ll give you three guesses as to what I’m not wearing.”
Make it fun, and make him work for the answer. Hard to get is a fun game in the early stages of Scorpio courtship. With any luck he will ponder and imagine what you’re not wearing until he can’t stand it and perhaps he will show up at your door to find out.
3.) In a lot of ways you have to just be as forceful as he is when you want to express your feelings. While playing hard to get can be fun and flirty, it also pays to be blunt and honest.
“I want you now.”
This really takes out all of the guesswork for him. It lets him know the score and leaves things open. He can either accept or deny your desires, but the odds are very much in your favor that, with this message, you’ll have him soon. The odds are even better that you will love it. You both will—He’s a Scorpio.
Sexual Communication With A Scorpio Man
One of the major ways that Scorpio’s, both men and women, communicate is through sex. This can be one of the more fun, and definitely one of the more pleasurable ways to connect with your Scorpio man, hands down!
You see, to the Scorpio man communicating and forming your bond is more than just verbal and more than body language. It’s everything combined. Scorpio men give 100% of themselves when it comes to real, important relationships. There is no halfassing it with these guys, there is no “casual relationship.” I mean, unless that’s the agreement you have with one another, in which case, he will still put all he’s got into the sexual aspect of your connection.
When you are making love to your Scorpio man, given that you’ve surpassed the initial stages of “Hey, how ya doin,” and you’ve reached this point in the relationship, he will communicate with you in a way that you can really only understand once you are in that moment. Again, this is one of those elements of communicating with him where you honestly just have to let go and trust yourself, trust your body, and trust your Scorpio.
What to Do If He Goes Silent
Now that you know a little bit about how the mind of the Scorpio man works when it comes to communication, it’s important that we cover one potential snag that could come up. What should you do if he just goes silent for a bit?
Because of their tendency to be moody as all get-out, Scorpio men can and will go into hiding from time to time. This is very rarely about you or him not wanting to talk to you, unless you’ve done something that’s made him mad or hurt his feelings—But you will know if that’s the case.
He’s just a moody man and from time to time he will clam up. It happens. The important thing for you to remember when it happens is to not freak out. A part of understanding your Scorpio man is understanding when to just let him be. He’s going to brood, I mean, “brooding” is even a word used to describe the Scorpio man. So let him brood. He’ll start talking again, just don’t push or pressure him. One thing these guys do not like is being bossed around or told what to do.
Trust me, he isn’t going anywhere once he’s interested in the relationship. Sure, there will be the occasional situation where he might feel insecure or try to shield himself from emotional pain, and do so by insulating himself. It could happen. But unless you’ve actually done something to give him a reason to back away, he won’t, not permanently, anyway.
He could be secluding himself for the purpose of remaining mysterious if he feels you are getting too close too quickly. Don’t let him string you along...I mean, there is a limit to how long you will hold on if he goes silent. Feel it out if this happens and, again, trust your instincts by reading the things he’s not saying to decipher why he’s acting the way he is.
Why It’s So Important to Show Off Your Confidence When Communicating With Your Scorpio Man
Scorpio’s really dig confidence and find a super confident mate incredibly sexy. I mean, there’s very little that is hotter than someone who’s confident in their own skin. The kind of confidence that trickles down and makes you start feeling better about yourself is one thing that will really cause him to take notice of you.
When you walk into a room you’ve got to know that you own that room and everyone in it. For this you’ll gain massive respect from the Scorpio man.
He loves power, and even more he loves a powerful partner. It’s all in how you carry yourself, your body language can’t lie, so show off your sexy confidence.
What you definitely don’t want to do is come across as a pushover. The Scorpio man has no real use for someone who is willing to be a doormat. This is a huge turnoff for him. That being said, if you approach the conversation in a seriously timid fashion you won’t get very far. Have confidence and be yourself.
Honesty is Literally Everything
Honesty is everything when you are communicating with the Scorpio man. If you aren’t going to be upfront and honest you may as well not even attempt to converse with him. He will see through any deceptions and the results will be bad. Just—bad. If you want to gain his trust and get to the point where he will really open up to you, be honest. Be blunt. Just be you, unabashedly you.
So Now What? Putting This All to Good Use
Now that you know and understand a little more about how he communicates and why he does some of the things that he does, you can put your newfound knowledge to use and really connect with your Scorpio man.
The truth is, you won’t really know him inside and out for a very long time. He’s like an onion with about a million layers that will continually reveal a little bit more and a little bit more about the enigma that is the psyche of the Scorpio man.
It can take years, or even a lifetime to get deep inside of his head and gain a true understanding of what he’s all about and how to speak his language, but you have to start somewhere and, truthfully, you are already off to a pretty great start!
All in all, Scorpios make amazing partners. Sure, they’re moody and have emotional depth unsurpassed by any other, but they are loyal, loving and will give you all of themselves, asking only in return that you do the same. You’ll learn his subtle body language as your relationship grows and before you know it you won’t need an excessive amount of words to let each other know how you feel. By using your eyes and that special, almost psychic connection that will undoubtedly develop between you and you Scorpio man, you’ll find within him a partner who loves you more intensely than you’ve ever been loved before.
Showing him that you are someone who can be trusted and who will be there for him is imperative, but this is true of any successful relationship. By embracing his emotional side and offering him the level of intimacy and the emotional connection that he needs to feel safe and secure within the relationship, you’re opening up the floodgates. For this he will give you the world and then some.
There will be bumpy spots in the road and you might not quite know how to handle some situations that come up, especially if you aren’t really much for drama—Scorpios can be rather dramatic when they want to be—But truly, if you can handle his smoldering intensity and occasional moodiness, you’ll find in him a connection that touches your very soul.
Now, go out there and work on developing, or strengthening, the lines of communication between you and your Scorpio man. And if you are wondering what you can do to show him just how much you care, be sure to check out my other bonus mini-ebook on 25 ways you can do just that.
Best of luck!
p.s.: If you've got questions personally for me or need any extra help. I'm here for you — email contact@horoscopesocialnetwork.com and I'll get back to you when I can spare a few minutes... I'm really busy and can't always reply to everyone, but do email me. You may also be interested in my full reading where I devote special time just for you.