30 Dirty Little Secrets about Your Scorpio Man Learn How to Capture His Heart Even If You Two Are Not the Perfect Zodiac Match
Hello there!
I see that you have a particular interest in getting to know how Scorpio men operate, maybe you even have a Scorpio man of your own that you want to become closer to.
Whatever the case, you're in exactly the right place, and I am so happy that we’ve found each other!
I have some things I'd like to share with you about Scorpio men. First, though, I'll give you a brief rundown of how I got here, and why I decided to share my program.
Even if you aren't a big believer in the ancient practice of Astrology, this is one astrological reference you'll want to stop and check out.
You see, there was once a time when I was skeptical of Astrology, it's true. I changed my tune, however, after a trip to Romania, where my aunt opened my eyes to the amazing secrets held in my own stars. Allow me to backtrack just a bit to give you the full picture of what happened.
I had been in a perfect relationship with this perfect guy (he was, and still is, actually a Taurus) and I thought my life was going along very nicely. At first, I wasn't even going to go to Romania to see my aunt because I didn't want to leave my guy behind. It was that serious.
So, there I am, minding my own business when the Universe decides to get my attention in the worst way when my guy broke things off between us. I was in shock. I hadn't done anything, at least I didn't think I had...Everything had been going so smoothly, and we'd been having such great conversations and experiences together, why was he doing this??
Well, regardless of why he was doing it, he was, and I was left feeling totally out in the cold. I went from cloud nine to bottom floor in record time. It was bad.
That's when my mom asked one more time if maybe I'd consider taking that trip to see my aunt and get away from everything. I considered it and decided, what the heck? I had nothing to lose, and I needed to busy myself with positive experiences.
Once I got unpacked, my aunt started asking questions (I guess I wasn't doing an outstanding job at hiding my recent emotional wounds). I told her some of what had happened and said I just wanted to not think about it, or him.
Before we closed that topic, however, my aunt asked for mine and my guy’s birth information so she could cast our charts. I didn’t think too much would come of it, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to hear what she had to say.
Let me tell you, I was floored when she began telling me things that were quite private, and there was no way she could have known, unless, of course, our charts and stars really were revealing these things to her.
It was amazing, we talked for several hours, and by the end of the night, I had a deep fascination and a basic understanding of astrology, as well as a thirst to learn more.
Armed with the tips and information gleaned from mine and my Taurus' charts, I made my move once back in the states.
As it turned out my aunt, and astrology, were both totally right and, once I'd applied the methods of communication and understanding that I'd come to understand through our synastry reading, then we were able to work things through, and we are still together today, more than 10 years later!
This is why I'm sharing my knowledge with you.
After I started to get into learning all about astrology and how it can help people communicate, I kind of became obsessed. I never grew tired of learning, speaking with other astrologers, and sometimes even their clients, and reading every book I could get my hands on.
After the incredible impact astrology had on my life and my relationship, I knew I’d found my life’s purpose. This was when it became crystal clear that one of my jobs in this lifetime is to help couples find a positive balance and happy, joyous energy together by exploring their celestial makeup and following the advice revealed in their charts.
Immediately, I realized just how valuable resource astrology could beespecially when you apply the knowledge held in yours and your guy’s stars.
Even if you and your guy aren’t a perfect match, with the help of astrology you can learn how to work through the issues that are keeping you from finding total happiness together. With a bit of astrological insight, you can easily turn obstacles into opportunities to learn more about one another, as well as learning more about yourself!
And yes, it really is that easy. All you’ve got to do is seek out the information and then start applying it in your everyday life. It’s literally like getting an instruction manual or guide to relationship success.
Through the years, I’ve worked with countless personal clients who all have run into a myriad of problems or issues with their partners, many of whom were seeking information on how to better understand and relate to their Scorpio man.
Whether your guy has you completely confused and lost as to how he truly feels, or even if you’ve already got a well-balanced relationship, astrology can help make things so much more clear.
The things my program will teach you about his inner psyche will help to strengthen your connection through gaining a better, deeper, and more substantial understanding of one another.
Deep down, we all just want someone who gets us. My mission is to make sure that you “get” your Scorpio man.
I want you to have a successful relationship with your Scorpio man, free from drama and problems (despite seeming like a magnet for it, Scorpio men really hate drama), and full of love and harmony.
So, when you decide to learn from my program, you can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that I've included every possible relationship situation and solution you could think up.
Included in my program, I go over how to handle long distance relationships, first physical encounters, how to communicate, how to make him fall in love, how to make him want to put a ring on it, and so much more.
But for starters, I wanted to give you a taste of what you'll learn...so I created this list of 30 dirty little secrets to help you better understand your Scorpio man. Free for you, these are some BASICS just to get you on the right track!
#1 When it comes to taking care of their family, Scorpio will stop at nothing to ensure their closest loves are cared for, whatever the cost.
Scorpios are known to be one of the most loyal and protective signs in the zodiac. This loyalty is unending when it comes to their blood relatives or those who may as well be.
While your Scorpio man may not make sure the bed is made and your fave dinner was prepared when you walked in the door, he will protect you and go to whatever lengths necessary to keep you safe from harm.
#2 With his piercing eyes that seem to see right into your soul, Scorpio has a certain kind of magnetism that draws you in and refuses to let go.
There is just something about the Scorpio man that you can’t seem to resist. Those piercing dark eyes that clearly see into the depths of your soul have a way of pulling you into his sphere, and before you know it you’ve become obsessed.
For as long as Scorpio wants to keep you under his spell, that’s just where you’ll be. Be cautious here, as once you’ve encountered one of these sexy Scorpio men, other men will be lucky to pale in comparison.
#3 Scorpio has a definitively vengeful side. He will love you forever, but cross him and he will burn your proverbial playground to the ground.
It comes as no surprise that someone so dark and brooding as Scorpio has a vengeful side rivaled by none. With a mind like an elephant, he will remember any good deed you ever do. He will also remember any cross action taken upon him, so keep that in mind.
A Scorpio is not someone you want to cheat on or otherwise get over on. It may not happen today, tomorrow, or even next week, but Scorpio will seek revenge where revenge is due. The same goes for anyone who brings harm to those he loves.
#4 Scorpio would much prefer an intimate night at home to a crazy night out on the town.
This is not to say that Scorpio doesn’t enjoy a night on the town from time to time, but to the Scorpio man quality time with the one person he’s placed his focus on is just as good, or even better than having to share you with everyone else.
While he gets great pleasure from showing off what he’s got, he has no intentions of sharing his partner. The more you get to know your Scorpio, the more you’ll realize how reclusive he can be.
#5 If sexual prowess were money, your Scorpio would have a net worth of about a bazillion dollars. Being a sexual god is one Scorpio trait that few partners will complain about and none will be able to forget.
The rumors are true, Scorpio is one of the most sexually advanced creatures to walk the earth. It’s almost like these guys are born knowing how to make you screamIt’s really uncanny if you ask meThen again, why complain?!
One thing you can rest assured of when dealing with a Scorpio is that your sex life will never be the same again. The Scorpio man will push your limits and expose you to things you may have only dreamt of in your wettest dreams and kept in the darkest parts of your fantasies. Scorpio will release these dark fantasies and make you feel good about them. Very good.
#6 Scorpio can be rather self-destructive at times, and there is not much you or anyone else can do to stop it. The good news is that through destruction comes transformation.
When engaging with a Scorpio, the more you get to know him the more you will come to see that he has a definite self-sabotage mode, to which there is no “off switch.” This can be painful to watch and the worst part is, there isn’t much you or anyone else can do about it.
Much like the desert scorpion that will turn his deadly stinger upon himself before allowing an outside force to bring him to an end, the Scorpio man will self-destruct before allowing any person or situation to do the job for him.
This is one extreme Scorpio trait that further connects this mysterious zodiac sign to the act of growth and transformation through destruction.
#7 Trust issues are something you will encounter when dealing with a Scorpio. Trust is to be earned and maintained and is not easily given.
Scorpio and trust issues go hand in hand, so if you want to get one of these guys to trust in you 100% you’re going to have to earn it.
Earning the trust of a Scorpio is not altogether a difficult task, but it does take time and demonstrating that you are, without a shadow of a doubt, a trustworthy partner.
The cool thing, though, is that once a Scorpio trusts you, you’re in....as long as you never, ever...let me reiterate...EVER betray that trust. The first inkling that his trust was misplaced will 100% eliminate the chance to ever get back in the green zone with him.
#8 Scorpio looks at life and relationships through the lens of “all or nothing,” so if you want to be with one of these sultry, sexy men, you’ve gotta either be all in or all out.
Scorpio isn’t the type to ride the fence, not in love, not with money, not with anything. That said, it’s important to first consider if you really do want to be with the Scorp you’ve got your eye on because once you set things in motion that’s the direction he’ll be expecting things to continue going.
This is not to say that Scorpio’s are super easy to get into a relationship with. In fact, that couldn’t be further from the truth (trust issues and secrecy pop into the picture to confuse things a bit). However, if you commit to a Scorpio man, heed my advice and take that commitment seriously. You can bet that he will.
#9 Scorpio has a secretive side that you will never fully get to see. It does not mean he’s cheating, it means he’s a Scorpio.
One of the biggest complaints I hear from my clients about their Scorpio men is how secretive they can be, and I get it, I really do. Typically when your partner starts acting shady it means there is shady stuff happening and red flags go up all over the place. I know.
The thing about Scorpio men, though, is that having that layer of mystique that nobody really understands is a part of what makes him a Scorpio.
If you are going to love and be attracted to the dark and brooding mystique that pulled you in, you’ve got to respect that part of his personality. Prying is a definite no-no.
#10 Although sex isn’t the most important part of a Scorpio relationship, it is vitally important to the Scorpio man.
Scorpio is one of the most sexually fueled signs in the zodiac, for sure, and keeping up a healthy and enjoyable sex life is a big deal if you want to keep one of these guys around long-term.
This is not to say that there aren’t Scorpios who go through periods of celibacy. There are times when Scorpio will just decide to take a sex break. This usually doesn’t mean that the relationship is over and done with...and if it does, well, you probably are already privy to that.
#11 If tall dark and handsome is what you’re looking for in a man, look no further than a Scorpio!
It’s true, Scorpio is just about as tall dark and handsome as you’re going to get. Those chiseled features, piercing eyes, shrouded in mystery have been known to hypnotize even the strongest of women. If it’s happened to you, don’t sweat itYou are so not alone!
It’s not just his actual physical attributes that make him so sexy, either. It’s something that not even I can fully explain, but I will admit that, albeit in another lifetime, I, too, have fallen prey to one of these enigmatic men.
If you’ve seen the show Lucifer, you can probably envision what I’m talking about. If you haven’t....well, I think you should because I have no affiliation with that show, but I really dig it!
#12 Within the Scorpio, psyche lies a depth of emotion that not even the Scorpio himself will ever fully understand.
If you’re looking for a man who has emotional depth, Scorpio is your guy. Be forewarned, though, as very few have ventured down the rabbit hole of Scorpionic emotions and come out unchanged.
That’s the thing about these guys, they transform you. They transform whatever they touch, and when it comes to romantic entanglements, well...should you enter into a relationship with a Scorpio man, you can know with all certainty that you will not ever be the same person you were before you hooked up.
#13 Scorpio comes into this world wounded, and not even you can fix him. You must accept this.
I have yet to meet a Scorpio who isn’t wounded in some way. Be it a physical scar, an emotional wound, or even remnants of some tragedy from a past life, your Scorpio has some area of his existence that most would label as “damaged.”
The key here, and this goes double to all you “fixers” out there, is to let him be. Don’t try to fix what’s been done; you can’t. What you can do is to help build up a solid and trusting relationship that allows him to feel safe and as though he can trust you.
Like I said before, it ALL goes back to those trust issues. If he doesn’t trust you you’ll never know what those wounds are all about and then comes up issues of secrecy and the eventual decline of the relationship.
#14 It’s a given that the Scorpio man will, in his lifetime have his fair share of sexual partners. Some will be meaningful and some will be flings, but all will go through a strict evaluation prior to doing the deed.
If you’re inexperienced in the ways of the flesh, the thought of hooking up with such an experienced and sexually dynamic man can be intimidating, I know. It’s tough, but try not to let this aspect of things intimidate you. Whatever you don’t yet know, he will be more than happy to teach.
That being said, please don’t get me wrong. The Scorpio man is not your typical man-whore. In fact, he doesn’t have sex with just anyone, oh no...he chooses who he wants and goes after that person full on. If he wants you, he will have you, unless, of course, you have some kind of Scorpio kryptonite in your pocket or you’re already attached.
Do what feels right, but don’t hold back on his account. This is one man whom you are more than welcome to let your freak flag fly!
#15 Scorpio has no interest in fake or shallow relationships. If you plan to grow a romantic connection with him, you better come prepared to show your truest colorsScorpio can see them whether you show them or not.
There is no room in the Scorpio man’s life for things that are fake or phony, least of all relationships. He intends to surround himself with those who can and will lift him up to his highest expectation and who genuinely demonstrate their intentions in any partnership that is formed. Anything less than this is seen as a waste of precious time. Not to mention that your Scorpio man can see straight through any BS throw his way.
#16 Scorpio will not be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t respect their privacy.
One of the biggest and most important things to remember when you are with a Scorpio man is to respect his privacy. Some couples seriously invade one another’s space simply because of insecurity or trust issuesA relationship habit that is totally unhealthy as well as uncalled for.
If your Scorpio man feels his privacy or personal space no longer exists he will not give a second thought to moving on. To him, a breach of privacy is a signal of having no respect for him, something he won’t hang around for. Like I’ve said many times, he has a secretive side....without it he’d actually be less attractive and mysterious.
On the other hand, if Scorpio thinks his partner is dishonest he will stop at nothing to find the truth.
#17 Scorpio operates on a primal level. Not one to play around, he sees what he wants and he takes it, and he rarely feels bad about that.
Ruling the 8th house of the zodiac, Scorpio men are among some of the most primal beings you will ever in your whole life encounter. This can be incredibly sexy, but it can also be a little scary or confusing to those of us who operate on a more logical wavelength.
The cool thing is, the primal instincts and ways of your Scorpio man will actually start to rub off on you after some time and you’ll find yourself actually allowing yourself to engage in and indulge in your innermost fantasies and desires...whatever those may be.
The trick to winning over a Scorpio man, if he hasn’t set his sights on you already, is to get those primal urges stirring within him.
I go much more into depth about this in my Program, but basically, unleash the wild woman within and let him see that sultry vixen you keep hidden away for just the right occasion. He’ll really dig that.
#18 Scorpio is one of the most, if not THE most jealous of all the zodiac signs, so take this into careful consideration when mixing up with one.
It’s true, Scorpio men are the most jealous types out there, but they aren’t always typically jealous like you might think. I mean, these guys have the tendency to try and dominate and overtake whatever they deem to be “theirs.” When in a relationship with you, you become just that.
It’s vitally important here to stand your ground and not allow your Scorpio to take complete control of your social life or your life in general. He may not even realize to what extent it’s happening, but if you let it get out of control, trust me, it will.
The Biggest mistake you can make with a Scorpio man is trying to make him jealous!!! Should this thought cross your mind....Avert! Avert! It’s a trap!!!
#19 With his ambitious and powerful presence, combined with undying determination, if he decided he wanted to, Scorpio could rule the world.
Scorpio men are powerful, there’s just no getting around that. The only time that this enigmatic sign loses power is when he gives it up due to some bout of self-loathing or
while in the midst of a self-destructive phase. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, though, Scorpio will always have the ability to rise to the top...if he wants to, that is.
Some less evolved Scorpios may be thought of as bottom dwellers, the ones who lurk in the night waiting to steal, pillage, or rape the next passerby. But this, to some extent, is all Hollywood mumbo-jumbo made to make Scorpio man look like the villain that he could be....if he wanted to, that is.
You see, Scorpio can be whatever he wants to be. He is a chameleon of sorts, but the only thing he will never be is fake. Love him or hate him, he is who he is and when he speaks people listen.
#20 Scorpio is thought to have one foot in and one foot out when it comes to the veil that exists between this world and the next. He is truly fascinating.
It’s an interesting and vastly misunderstood quality of Scorpio men that they seem to have an “in” with the forces that swirl around us constantly without any of our knowing it. Some say Scorpios are psychic, and I personally believe this to be a very big truth, but it depends upon the Scorpio in question as to just how well this natural born gift is handled.
He always seems to know what you’re thinking, what you’re planning, and what you would like to do next. How does he do that? Well, I don’t know, but he does and it’s something you just have to come to grips with. He’s special in that way, but it can make him seem a bit off- putting in the sense that his dark and brooding side can get very, very dark.
Then again, he can use this as an advantage to help when help is needed. Think of the scene in the movie Constantine, you know, the one with the cat. That very scene sums up this side of Scorpio pretty much to a tee.
#21 If Scorpio is not in the mood to talk about something, you won’t be talking about it.
Your Scorpio man has no problem closing himself off from the people around him if that’s what he feels he wants to do. That said, once he’s decided that he doesn’t want to talk, pushing the issue is a total waste of time that will only agitate the situation.
If your Scorpio man shuts you down every time, you mention something specific, have patience. You can bet that he has not forgotten whatever it is you want to talk about. In fact, he’s probably dwelling on it, and he’ll start talking again before too long. The worst thing you can do in that scenario is to force the issue.
The only thing that will come of pushing a Scorpio to talk about something they don’t want to talk about is a fight that you, unless you are a Scorpio yourself, or perhaps a Virgo, stand little to no chance of winning.
#22 Scorpio is known for his intelligence, which, combined with his powerful presence and refusal to back down will definitely take him places.
Some see Scorpio as something of a goth or perhaps even some kind of evil wizard who’s casting spells on those who seem to fall helplessly in love with the enigmatic energy that emanates from his very soul. And, while he may be all of that, he is truly so much more.
The intelligence of Scorpio comes partly from his innate knowledge of the ways of the world and partly from his ability to focus in on one thing until he has it perfected. I kind of see this as a slight mixture of Virgoan tendencies that are amplified by his confidence and refusal to allow himself to be intimidated.
Scorpios often wind up in highly respected, and highly compensated positions in life due to their lack of fear, their
refusal to stand down, and their unmatched intelligence. Not an adversary I would want to have!
#23 Scorpio has the mind of an elephant and never forgets a deed that’s been done to them, be it good or bad. Depending on the situation, this can either endear you to your Scorpio for life or help you to create a lifelong enemy.
If you think your Scorpio man will forget a past deed, positive or negative, you obviously don't know your Scorp very well yet! These guys have a mind like a steel trap and nothing is received into the great depths of their psyche without being stored in the old memory banks...forever.
Seriously, and you can try this at home, your Scorpio guy probably can tell you when and where you were the first time you met. He can probably even tell you what day it was. He can also remember your first argument, what it was about, where you had it out, and how he won the discussion.
Don’t get me wrong, though; it isn’t that he can’t or won’t forgive you for mistakes made along the way. It’s just that he won’t ever forget them. The super positive part of this Scorpionic trait is you never have to worry that he will forget your birthday, your anniversary, or any of the other days of the year that are special in some way.
#24 Scorpio is extremely competitive, but his biggest competitor will always be himself.
Scorpio does not lose. He does not like to lose, and he will not allow himself to lose if there is anything that can be done to stop it.
The Scorpio man is serious and he takes life seriously. If you were to ask a Gemini or perhaps Sagittarius, they’d tell you that Scorpio needs to cool his jets and just relax, but this is just not his style. Life is serious business, and so is winning.
Now, I’m not saying that Scorpio is deceitful or anything of that nature, but I will say that the Scorpio man will stop at nothing to accomplish his goals, even if it means stepping on the little guys as he climbs his way to the top. Survival of the fittest and all that, in his opinion, the weaker of the species should either become stronger or get out of his way.
Despite the wealth of feelings stirring around inside of this unique soul, the feelings of others unrelated to his inner circle may or may not be a consideration when it comes to getting what he wants.
#25 There is no point in trying to hide anything from a Scorpio. If one of these guys wants to find out something about you they will. It might take a year or more, but they will find whatever you’re hiding.
Scorpio is hands down is the best, most thorough private eye on the block. With a sharp sense of intuition, brilliantly intuitive mind, and their ability to completely sort through any BS that’s thrown their way without ever forgetting a single detail, Scorpio is not someone you want to get into the habit of telling false truths.
In fact, you should really stick to only the actual truth when dealing with your Scorpio man.
He always knows when he’s lied to and, like we already talked about with #23, he never forgets. The thing that is interesting about Scorpio men is their ability to hold onto a fact or a clue, or even some element of their environment that just doesn’t quite fit in, until one day the pieces all come together.
Just when you think you’re safe, a receipt from two years prior falls out of your luggage (or whatever) and you hear your Scorpio man exclaim “Ha! I knew it!” as he puts together the pieces in his head and realizes that you DID buy drinks for the whole bar on your business trip and now he wants to know why you would fib about something so seemingly insignificant.
Herein lays the start of losing trust and possibly the end of your relationship. Be honest and you’ll never have to worry with this at all.
#26 With Scorpio, there is no gray area in life. He sees the world in black and white. You’re right or you’re wrong...and in his world, he is always right.
Like I have mentioned already, there is no riding the fence with a Scorpio man. Things either are, or they are not. You love him or you hate him. He wants you, or he wants nothing to do with you.
This does not mean he is not willing to learn new things, quite the contrary. Scorpio is actually one of the most curious signs of the zodiac. It’s just that his “Fixed” quality doesn’t allow for much wiggle room once he’s decided something is one way or another.
This all or nothing, black or white mentality can seem intense, and that’s probably because it is. He’s intense. He’s a Scorpio.
#27 When it comes to finding the perfect partner, Scorpio seeks someone who is real, genuine, and will never betray him. If you’ve got these qualities, you’ve got a chance with a Scorpio.
Beyond being true to him and to the relationship, when you are trying to attract or otherwise live with a Scorpio, it is vitally important that you remain true to yourself. Never divulge all of yourself to him, either.
The Scorpio man is attracted to someone who holds a bit of mystery comparable to his own. Once he’s figured you out completely there’s not much left to do besides sex, and without the mystique, the passion may just not be there.
Whether he likes it all or not, be yourself. If that means fighting sometimes over this or that, then fight it out. He IS a primal sign after all, and giving in, changing yourself, or becoming a doormat because you think that’s what he wants will instantly cause him to lose interest Or worse, it will cause him to pity you.
#28 Scorpio is one of the dirtiest, kinkiest, most intense lovers you’ll ever have.
The Scorpio man is an incredibly sensual and sexual being. There is a side of him that, when unleashed, will truly give you shivers. His passion knows no bounds and the things he will try to engage you in can be somewhat taboo, depending on who you’re talking to and what their personal outlooks are.
You can go as far as you’d like with this, and your Scorpio man will have absolutely no problem with it. Whatever perversions you’ve been keeping hidden away in the depths of your thoughts, or perhaps the things you were never comfortable approaching a past lover with Your Scorpio man will indulge you on every level.
Come prepared because he will change your outlook on sex and what sexual fantasies can really be all about in a matter of hours.
#29 Scorpio is an enigma that you will never fully understand. His hypnotic gaze and unwavering passion can put you into a trance, and there’s just something charming and mysterious as to how he knows everything he knows.
If you spend enough time around your Scorpio, you’ll realize that he is someone you’ll never truly know. There will always be that part of him that’s lurking in the shadows, observing and waiting for the right time to make his move.
He always has an answer for whatever problem may arise, albeit his answer may not always make sense to you more Mercurial thinkers, one thing is for sure He always gets results.
Whether he’s climbing the corporate ladder, zealously defending his home and family, blowing your mind with the intense and crazy amount of orgasms he has to offer the right partner, or just lounging around looking like your next big mistake, if this list of Scorpio secrets hasn’t turned you off then it looks to me like you’re right where you need to be!
#30 Now for the biggest Scorpio man secret: He’s not as scary as people make him out to be. In fact, deep down, there is a man who longs for the same things that you do. He just wants to be loved.
He puts on a good front, not that he is fake or phony, this front is a part of his personality, but behind that leather jacket and those piercing eyes is a man who needs a partner who will be loyal and who will grow with him.
He’s multifaceted, for sure, and you’ll never completely understand him, but where would be the fun in that?
Seduce him, love him, allow him into your world and you will have yourself the most intensely passionate lover and friend you could ever in a million years hope for. Scorpio isn’t the right mate for everyone, but neither is Virgo, or Sagittarius, or Gemini, or any of the zodiac bunch. If you want him, go for it, all in....that’s what he’d do.
One last thing, though, whatever you do, do it fearlessly. That’s also what he’d do!
Now that we’ve gone through these 30 little secrets, you may be wondering what else you need to know to get into your Scorpio man’s head and heart.
Well, there’s a LOT left to learn about those born under this sensual, sexy Water sign. I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised at all if someone told me the word Scorpio popped up in a Thesaurus search of the word “enigma,” but don’t worry, I’ve got you covered!
I wish you all the very best in life and love, and I hope to be able to assist you along the path you’ve chosen, exploring the nature of the Scorpio man.
May the stars be ever on your side,
Your Friend & Relationship Astrologer,