How You Can Draw That Scorpio Man Back Into Your Life
So your relationship with a Scorpio man has come to an untimely end and now you want him back. You may not even completely understand why things went down the way that they did, especially if he was the one to bring an end to the relationship. Now you are heartbroken and kind of at a loss for what to do, right? Well, worry not, because astrology can actually help with this problem and offer insight into what you can do to win back your Scorpio man, this time for good.
I’ve had countless clients email me or call me up in tears wanting to know what they could do to get back the Scorpio man they’d lost. These guys can be rather cruel and the damage done to the relationship can leave you feeling really distraught and at a loss of where to go from there. Trust me, I understand what you are going through and I am here to help.
If You’re Confused About Why He Left, Here’s Some of the Reasons Scorpio Men End Relationships
There are many different reasons that a Scorpio man might decide to bring a seemingly happy relationship to an end, the biggest one being his own insecurities. Of course, there are a lot of reasons that he would bring a not so happy relationship to an end, as well, and we will discuss and go over all, or a lot of, those here in this book.
You see, Scorpio men have this tendency toward letting their jealousy and their imagination run a little wild. As you might imagine, this can lead to a lot of negative thinking when suspicions begin to rule his thoughts. You may be doing absolutely nothing wrong, and yet he has this image in his head of you with another man and it just sort of spirals downward from there.
Other reasons a Scorpio man might choose to end a seemingly happy relationship is if he doesn’t feel that his partner is as invested as he is. These guys really are the all or nothing type. There is no causal relationship with him, you are either all in or not in at all. A lack of communication is almost always at the root of these sort of problems, and actually, the Scorpio here is usually where the communication blockage begins. Being a man of few words, it can be difficult to figure out how to best communicate with him to show him how much you really and truly do care. This can leave him feeling left out in the cold, so to speak, and cause him to give you the cold shoulder as a result.
The Scorpio man really hates to be told what to do. Having a partner who tends to be on the bossy side can also be a cause for concern that will leave him ready to bring the relationship to an end. The feeling that he’s being told what to do can actually kind of infuriate him and so the relationship leaves him with a bad taste in his mouth. This may seem like a weird reason to end a relationship, I mean, why not just talk it out? Well, because these guys are intense and they really aren’t very good at verbally explaining themselves. The very idea that he needs to explain himself can also be something that causes him to call it quits and move on.
So far these things probably seem kind of silly, right? I mean, for the most part these are issues that could be worked through if he’d only give you the chance to do so. The thing is, you probably didn’t even know he was feeling like calling it quits until he did. There was no warning, no requests to talk things through, none of that. He just up and decided to end it all. I know things probably seem really bleak right now, but there are some things you can do to win him back and that’s what we’re going to discuss right now.
What You Can Do to Win Him Back
It’s no easy task to win back a Scorpio man, but it isn’t impossible either. These guys aren’t exactly known for going back into a relationship that they think has no future, but if a future with him is what you truly want there’s always hope. First things first, though, you’ve got to come out of the funk you’re in.
You’ve gotta give it time
Getting him to come back to you is going to take time, so you need to prepare yourself for that. It isn’t something that will happen over night, and actually, letting him miss you is the best thing you can do to get started down the road to reigniting your love for one another.
Unless there is just no chemistry or love between the two of you, your Scorpio ex is going to be missing you after the break. He thought that ending things was the right course of action, but now his bed is empty and cold and he’s probably feeling just as low as you are. Letting him sit and think and realize how much you meant to him isn’t easy when you just want to pick up the phone and call him to tell him how much you want him back, but it’s the first step in making things right again. How long you let this go on kind of depends on how long you were together. The more time you’ve spent together, the more time you can safely spend apart and still have a chance to repair your relationship.
Honesty is always the best policy
If the relationship coming to an end was your fault, or came about as a direct result of something you did or a mistake you made, you have to come clean and just be completely honest with him about it. And you’ll definitely want to offer him the most sincere and genuine apology that you can muster.
You want to avoid begging or coming across as desperate, though, as this will not get you anywhere. If you hurt him in some way, the chances that he will forget whats happened are really non existent, but if you can be honest and explain your side of things he’ll respect you for respecting him enough to come clean.
There are some things that are total deal breakers for the Scorpio man, and infidelity is the main one. If you cheated on him there is very little chance that he’ll come back. Still tough, it never hurts to try and coming clean will at the very least help to clear your conscious.
You can suggest a renewal of the relationship through transformation
One big thing Scorpios are known for is their love for transforming things and breathing life back into something that has become lifeless. They are never satisfied to leave things as they are for very long and they stay in a constant state of evolving and improving themselves. If you can express to him that you want to transform the relationship and build something better from the rubble that is now broken you just might be able to make him realize that the end you've met is really just an opportunity for transformation.
Never simply suggest that you go back to the way things were. In his mind, and probably in reality, the way things were didn't work out, so why would he want to go back there? By appealing to his natural desire to rebuild and renew things from the ground up you have a much better chance to win him back and get your relationship back on track.
To achieve this you’ll probably have to start from the very beginning. In other words, a brand new relationship between two people who now know and have an understanding of the things that could, and did, go wrong. Don’t try to rehash all of the problems you had, this just brings up bad memories. Instead, you want to focus on the future and what you can have if you work towards it together.
If you really want him back you’ll have to be willing to look into the ugly parts of one another and be willing to take a chance on this person you love by destroying all you’ve got left in an effort to rebuild something better than before.
Things you should definitely NOT do to try and win him back
Just as there are things you can do that will help you in your effort to reconcile with your Scorpio man, there are things that you most definitely should avoid doing. It’s hard enough to get one of these guys to reconsider their decision to leave a partner when you’re doing things right, so if you make the wrong move now it’s pretty much going to be done for good.
Don’t be fake in your requests for his return
A Scorpio can see through BS a mile away, and they do not respond well to fake attempts at sincerity. As I said, you’ve got to just be honest with him. If you did something that caused his heart to break or his trust in you to fall, you will get nowhere by defending yourself with statements that are empty or insincere.
Don’t think making him jealous will bring him running back to you Scorpio men are just about as jealous as they come to begin with, so there is really no reason at all to intentionally try and make him jealous after the relationship has come to an end. Purposely dating his friend so he will find out or placing yourself in a position for him to see you with someone else in an attempt to spark those intense feelings of jealousy that he’s known for are very, very bad ideas. Using this strategy may make him angry, it’s true, you may even make him jealous, but what you will not do is make him come back to you with any of these actions. It’s best to just not even think about this method of calling him back into your arms. He will just forever remember you as breaking his heart, which is actually very fragile.
Don’t start frequenting places he goes thinking he will see you and come running back
This kind of borders on stalking, which is never a good idea. You want to avoid injecting yourself into areas of his life that are, in his mind, private. If he has a place he always stops in for a drink after work and you never went there when you were together, don’t start now. He’s got places he goes that are “his,” and if he didn’t invite you before, he definitely won’t respond all to seeing you there now.
Don’t try to manipulate the situation
Some people are natural born manipulators and can convince anyone of anything by twisting a situation with their words. While this can actually be a helpful trait in some life situations, it is not something you want to rely on to get your Scorpio man back. He is one of those natural born manipulators, although he probably doesn't often use this superpower on people he cares for. He will know if you try to manipulate him, and it will only make him furious. Once you’ve taken this road with him he will know that he can’t trust you and your chances of mending the relationship will become nonexistent.
Things You Need to Understand About Scorpios If You Want to Make Things Work
Breakups are never easy, but if you are truly dedicated to getting your Scorpio man back, and you are realistic about the ways you have to go about achieving this, it’s possible. It will take more than just the things we’ve gone over so far, though. I mean, all of the things we’ve talked about thus far will get you off to a good start, but there is more to these enigmatic men than simply knowing why they broke things off and the things you can do or not do to get back into their good graces.
Once you have successfully gotten back to a point where the two of you are talking, and maybe you’ve even agreed to start back slowly and try to rebuild the relationship, there are a few things you need to know.
In order to make things work out this second time around, you’ve got to develop a really good understanding of how his mind works. Understanding what things are important to him and what he desperately needs in a relationship for it to be satisfying and rewarding is the key to making your second go around stand the test of time.
The following are the top 5 things to remember when rebuilding a relationship with your Scorpio man:
1.) Even though he seems like a tough guy and someone who can easily be considered the strongest presence in the room, he isn’t all that strong emotionally. Scorpio men are emotionally driven creatures. 99% of his choices in life are based on how he feels, so making him feel bad will not bode well for the longevity of your relationship.
He trusts his intuition above rational thinking and if you don’t have his best interest, or the best interest if your relationship, at heart he will know it. If you want to be with him you have got to be genuine, and really this is true of any relationship ever. The difference between the Scorpio man and most other men is that he can feel it when his partner isn’t totally into the relationship. He just knows, and he trusts his intuition.
2.) Being a Fixed sign he can be stubborn and hardheaded, making him difficult to handle from time to time. He isn’t quite as stubborn as other Fixed signs, however, due to his strong emotional side and the tendency for him to change his mind based on how he's feeling. If he thinks changing his mind or caving will somehow give him the upper hand and a bit more control over the situation, he will. That being said, if you have something you feel is important and you want to explain to him in an effort to get him to change his mind or his way of thinking, you have to appeal to his emotional side.
You can’t just come at him with facts and logical information because this is not how his mind works. If you can get him to feel a certain way you just might be able to get him to see things your way. One thing is for certain though, taking the dogmatic approach to changing his mind will get you absolutely nowhere with this man.
3.) The Scorpio man is very sexually connected to his partner, and your sexual chemistry is one of the most important factors to maintaining a truly intimate relationship with him. This isn’t something that you can fake, there’s got to be chemistry between the two of you or there isn’t much hope of him sticking around. The act of sexual intimacy is one of the ways he communicates and connects with a partner, so a relationship that lacks real chemistry and this kind of connection is kind of doomed from the beginning. You can work on building chemistry and adding to what you have to work with, sure, but you definitely cannot fake it. You’ve got to be willing to open yourself completely to him in this way and this is one of the few ways that he will open himself completely to you.
Now, I am certainly not saying that you have to go further than you are comfortable going with him physically if you want to keep him around—Never let someone make you feel like you have to give it up if you want to be with them—What I am saying, though, is that once you’ve reached this level of intimacy within your relationship you have to be willing to totally let yourself become vulnerable and you’ve got to want to share in the experience with him. He loves intensely, he makes love intensely, and he connects with his lover with an intense kind of passion that is hard to find. True intimacy is the key to developing this part of your relationship with a Scorpio man, and that kind of intimacy is something that's very important to him.
4.) He has a jealous side that is going to come out from time to time. The key to maintaining a good balance with this is to maintain a good sense of trust within one another. Because he feels things so deeply and so intensely he can become, well, he can be really annoying when he gets jealous. He might resent your friends, your job, maybe even your family if he feels like his position in your heart is compromised by something or someone. This is one of his less positive traits, yes, but it’s one that you need to understand if you want your relationship to grow in a positive direction. Reassurance through your actions and through the unspoken connection you share is the key to keeping his jealousy in check. Also, you can’t let him use you around. It takes a strong personality to be with a Scorpio man, and often times, even though it may not seem that way, you will actually be the stronger one.
5.) He is a loyal man who just wants a partner who connects with him on a soulmate level. He really wants to spend his life with someone, even when he gets angry or decides he should just go it alone. On the inside he just wants to be loved. When in a mutually respectful and loving relationship where he feels his heart is safe, he will be the best partner you could ever ask for. Passionate, doting, loving, maybe a little clingy sometimes...but hey, you did hook up with a Water sign, so this is to be expected. When the world is falling to pieces around him, all he sees is you, whether it seems that way or not.
Putting It All Back Together
Now that you’ve made it this far, I hope that I’ve been able to help in your quest to reconcile things with your Scorpio man. They certainly aren’t your typical lot, and they can be incredibly difficult to live with from time to time, but if you are meant to be together and you can add joy and happiness to each other’s lives, the positive potential to make things work out is definitely there.
It is important to ask yourself why you want to reconcile with your Scorpio man, and I say this simply because not everyone can find happiness with a Scorpio. It does take a lot of work and effort to get back to where you can rebuild a relationship with one of these guys, and it’s always a shame to go through all of the emotionally charged steps to rebuilding a relationship just to get there and realize that it just can’t work.
Take the time to sit down and go over in your mind the real reasons you want to be with him. I find it helpful to write these kinds of things down on paper, weighing the pros and cons, as well as determining the reasons you want this particular relationship so badly. After you’ve done this, if you’ve decided that this truly is what you want and need to do, go for it. But if you are doing it for the wrong reasons you are better off to find someone you can make it work with.
Take all of this information and digest it. Consider what things you can change to make the relationship a success, and also what things he needs to change for you to be happy. Love is a two way street, and there’s no magical solution that will fix the problems you’ve had together that tore you apart. However, with love, understanding and a desire to make things work there is hope.
I wish you all the very best of luck with your Scorpio man. And if you are still stuck trying to figure out how you can communicate with him, check out my other bonus book in this series Unleashing The Secrets To Communicating With The Scorpio Man. Every bit of information that helps you to understand one another is helpful, and that’s exactly what these books are intended to do.
Now, look... each situation is very unique and complex. So many things can factor into your next best move. I don't know your relationship's background or why exactly you broke up... And this may not be the relationship you should be pursuing. Maybe your Mr. Right is some other guy, maybe not even a Scorpio. But then again, maybe you DO have to give your ALL to get THIS GUY BACK. It can be very confusing.
Feel free to email me if you've got any questions or need any help, my tech support email is contact@horoscopesocialnetwork.com
Wish you all the best and, as always, May the stars be on your side!
Your friend and relationship Astrologer,