25 Fail-Proof Ways You Can Make Your Amazing Scorpio Man Feel Special
If you are reading this book, the odds are very good that you already know how incredibly special the Scorpio man is. There’s something weird and intriguing about him and he’s got you under his trance, right? And now you want to know how to go about making him realize how great he really is and how much he means to you, or maybe you just want to do something that will brighten his day. Either way, you’ve come to the right place!
There’s nothing more endearing than when someone goes out of their way to make you feel special. This goes double for the Scorpio man. He may not show it on the outside, but behind his steely stare and that powerful persona is a man who really wants to know that his partner is in-tuned with him. I’ll show you how to accomplish this and give you the tips you need to ensure that you are armed and ready for any and every occasion you’ll share with your sexy Scorpio man
Within these pages you’ll find 25 fool proof ways to show your Scorpio man just how tuned in you are that will show him how incredibly special he is to you. From the tangible to the not so tangible, we’ll go over how you can prove to him that, yes, you do know him maybe a little better than he thinks, and that he’s not the only one who knows what his partner likes.
1.) Do something kind for him for him out of the blue
Scorpios are like elephants in that they never forget anything that anyone has ever done for or to them. Now, this can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on what it is that they are remembering, but in this case it will be a good thing-A very good thing.
Whether it’s something as small and simple as surprising him by picking up his dry cleaning or something as extravagant as writing his name in the sky, the Scorpio man in your life will never forget your kind gesture. Not only will he not forget it, he will reciprocate with something great aimed to make you feel amazing, too.
2.) Make it a point to respect his privacy
A Scorpio man will always maintain a certain air of mystery about him. He's big on privacy and there will always be things about him that you don’t fully know, or maybe that you just don’t quite understand. This is his nature and he needs to know that his privacy is respected.
It can be hard sometimes, but if you love him, and more importantly trust him, you’ve got to be able to give him some personal space. No, this isn’t something you can present to him as a gift per se, but it is an everyday action that will make him feel special because he won’t feel he has to go out of his way to maintain his privacy. Let him have his little secrets-Some days he may feel like that’s all he’s got and he will love you for the level of personal respect you show for him by doing so.
3.) Get him a good quality leather jacket for those cold days and nights
Scorpio men are the epitome of dark and sexy, and what’s more fitting for the Scorpio man in your life than a quality leather jacket? The darker in color the better. When looking for the right style to get, look at the longer lengths that have a hidden pocket or two on the inside. This gives him a place to carry things he wants to keep closer to him and the length will add just the right touch of mystery to his ensemble.
If he’s a daredevil type who likes to ride a motorcycle you can also look into something more sporty that adds a layer of protection to his rides. He’s probably already got a wardrobe full of things that make him appear even more dark and dangerous than you know he is, and this gift option allows you to add to that. As a bonus, he’ll always think of you when he’s wearing it!
4.) Surprise him with a moonlit walk along the beach
Scorpios are drawn to the water and they love to be out in the moonlight, so naturally inviting him out for a nice moonlit stroll is something that he will really enjoy. You can substitute the beach for any other large body of water, so don’t let living inland get in the way of making this happen.
While out under the stars in the dark of night you can really connect with him and the water will make him feel right at home. This appeals to so many of his senses he’ll probably want to make it a regular thing for the two of you.
5.) Show him that he’s a step above the other people in your life
When it comes to relationships, Scorpios need to know that, in your book, they are a step above the rest. You don’t have to go out of your way or make a big production about it, all you’ve got to do is show him in subtle ways that he is your #1. This will help to squash any insecurities he has and will make him realize how special he is to you.
Now, by this I don’t mean to shut everyone else out, of course. Just find small ways to let him know that him and your relationship take precedence over some of the other areas of your life.
6.) Surprise him with sexy boudoir photos
Scorpio men are incredibly sexual creatures, as I’m sure you’ve found out by now. They love to make love, in fact, connecting with a partner on this primal level is one of the most important aspects of the relationship for them. For this reason, and the obvious other reasons, your Scorpio man will absolutely adore the ideas of you surprising him with some racy, yet classy, photos of yourself.
Scorpio men can be jealous, so don’t have just anyone head up your photo shoot. Actually, if you aren’t totally comfortable having someone else take the photos you could even set the stage and invite him to be your personal photographer-I’ll let you just imagine where things will go once you’ve gotten the photo taking out of the way!
7.) Prioritize the quality time you get with one another
Quality time alone is important for all relationships, but especially so when you are in a relationship with a Scorpio man. Make sure that you make time for just the two of you and that you do so on a regular basis. Dinners and nights out with friends are great, but he’s going to value the time he gets you all to himself a lot more than time spent with others. Also, you can’t exactly bond and connect if you are always surrounded by other people. Make your alone time a priority and he will definitely do the same.
8.) Plan a date where you create something together
Scorpios are creative souls and they love to be able to breathe new life into something that’s been cast out after serving its purpose. Plan a date night, or even a day, where you can create something together and try to do it with something you can recycle or repurpose.
A great example of this, and actually something that clients have related to me is a great bonding opportunity, is to create a mosaic out of an old mirror or something similar. If you can snag yourself a mirror that’s been thrown out, or even one you are just not using, you and your Scorpio man can spend hours together putting together a work of art that can be hung on the wall as a reminder of how well your creative sides work together and it’s something that you’ll have for years to come.
9.) Add photos of the two of you to your personal space
Whether it’s at your work, in your office or in your home, it pays to put out a few good photos of the two of you together. For one thing, when you end up in an argument or disagreement, as all couples do at some point, seeing your smiling faces is an excellent reminder of the good times you share with one another. And for another, he will appreciate the fact that you aren’t afraid to put your relationship out there for whomever enters into your personal bubble.
This can help in those moments, because they are bound to occur, when he wonders if that new guy at work is eyeballing you. Just knowing that he’s “there” in some way can make him feel a little bit better about not actually being there. It may sound like a silly reason to put up personal pictures, but trust me on this one- It can work wonders for some of the little jealous pangs he might have worrying that someone else might think you are on the market.
10.) Surprise him with dinner at an upscale restaurant for two
Scorpios really do enjoy indulging in the nicer things in life from time to time, and you'll like it too. Going out to a nice place where you can both dress the part gives him a sense of power in some ways. I mean, we all get that feeling of being a little more powerful when dressed to the nines and entering into a fancy place with fancy people.
The darker the better when it comes to ambiance, so choose somewhere with dim lighting, candles, and an expensive menu. Don’t drive yourself into the poorhouse dong this, though, that will really just cause him stress. Perhaps this is best for a birthday, anniversary or some other special occasion. As an alternative to this you can always create the ambiance yourself and plan for a romantic candlelit dinner at home. Either way he will really love it, and he’ll love that you prepared it.
11.) Embrace the macabre and invite him to join you
By now you probably already know that your Scorpio man has an affinity for the darker side of life. He is someone who was born of both worlds and he has an innate connection to the occult, whether he embraces it outwardly or not. Showing him that you have some interest in this side of life will not only help to deepen the connection you share, it will also open the doors for other things he will start to feel more comfortable sharing with you.
If you aren't sure where to start with this, suggest something small like a guided ghost tour or even just a movie with a darker focus and see where things go from there. If you have the chance to visit, New Orleans is a great place full of macabre activities you can do together day or night. Just work with what you’ve got, at some point he’ll let you in on the darker side of life that he knows and you may even learn something or gain an affinity for these things yourself.
12.) Surprise him with something kinky and fun
I think we can all agree that Scorpio men have this insanely sexy vibe about them. And there’s something about him that just makes you think dirty thoughts and makes you want to do dirty things, right? Well, why not jump in feet first and go for it?!
It can be intimidating at first if you aren’t historically someone who’s embraced this side of your sexuality, and we’ve all been there-Even your Scorpio man. Come up with something that fits with your comfort level and let things progress as you go along. You can start small with a sexy little leather and lace outfit that’s for his eyes only, or you can go as far as breaking out the ball gag and bondage gear. Whatever you do, he will love it-Do you hear me? LOVE it. And you will too. Once you open those doors and let your Scorpio man show you the taboo side of love making you’ll never find another man who lives up to his sexual prowess, I guarantee it. So really, this is a win on both fronts.
13.) Get something that commemorates your dedication to one another
Scorpio men are not the type to get into a casual relationship-It’s pretty much all or nothing with these guys. Once you’ve reached the point in your relationship that you feel you’ve committed yourself and to one another and you’re dedicated to the relationship, get something that shows it.
Maybe you aren’t ready for marriage but the idea of promise rings sounds nice, or maybe you can have your favorite photo of the two of you blown up and framed so that you can put it somewhere you share a space. It can be something you have engraved or even something less obvious like getting one of those packages where you make a donation and get to name a star or something and you name it together-Now it’s your star, together. He’ll love the feeling of mutual dedication and it will help to strengthen your relationship and bond that’s developing.
14.) Looking for another great gift idea? get him a nice leatherback journal
Scorpios are natural born investigators and they love to research and discover what’s below the surface. It doesn’t really matter what exactly it is, if your Scorpio man is interested in something you can bet he will take the time to find out all there is to know about that one thing. You can help him keep his records in order by gifting him a nice leatherback journal full of blank pages.
Small size works great for this because them he can keep it on his person and take notes when the time comes. I mean, you never know when you’ll come across a clue or something you want to learn about, right? Getting it in leather means it will last, which is important because he’ll be getting a lot of use out of this one. And again, black is always the best color, especially when it comes to leather products.
15.) Add some Kama Sutra books to your collective library
As I’ve mentioned, Scorpios are intensely sexual creatures and just about anything sexual is going to be right up his alley. One thing that a lot of people miss about the sexual side of the Scorpio man, however, is the fact that he sees sexual experiences as being transformative in a lot of ways. You’ll never be exactly the same as you were before you experience one another sexually and there is always a transformation of some type that happens during the act.
Kama Sutra is an ancient philosophy and practice wherein sexual experiences transcend the simple desires of the flesh and become a link to gaining better understanding of, not just your partner or yourself, but of the connection we have to the Universe as a whole. This erotic method of lovemaking explores many different sexual positions and techniques that will bring you to new heights of intimacy and intense connection with your Scorpio man and is probably the best tip of all contained in this book. If you’ve never heard of Kama Sutra, or you have but you never really gave it much thought, do yourself a favor and explore this with your Scorpio man. You will not be disappointed, and again, plain old sex with someone else will just never live up to the things you’ll soon experience using this technique.
16.) Get him something that speaks of ancient knowledge like an old occult book
Back to the topic of the occult again, you ca’t go wrong presenting your Scorpio man with some old, or ancient, text that holds within it secrets he’s not yet discovered. Even if he has some knowledge, he will never know everything, but he will try his best to learn as much as he about the things we just don't fully understand.
When you present him with a gift like this it shows that you truly want to help him in his quest for more and more knowledge and that you care and are in-tuned with what he finds to be of great importance. He will love this gift and he will love even more that you thought to acquire it.
17.) Shower him with affection from time to time...at least once a week
Everyone likes to have the one they love just shower them with affection, right? Well, most everyone. The Scorpio man does, unless of course he’s doing that pouty brooding thing that he’s so good at, in which case you may want to wait until he’s in the mood. You’ll need to feel it out and use your ever-growing powers of perception to read his mood and find the best times to give him your undivided mushy attention, then he’ll love it.
You see, Scorpio men, and Scorpios in general, tend to be pretty clingy and need to know that their partner is in it as deep as they are. This partly comes from the tendency this powerhouse zodiac sign has toward insecurity, and partly from their personal intensity in all that they do-to include being all over their partner. If you aren’t typically the clingy to super crazy affectionate type you’ll need to indulge him every now and again to keep those insecure feelings at bay. And not just that, but this is just something that he craves and needs and if you want to be his one and only you’ve got to learn to give it to him. It’s in these moments that you can have some intense bonding that helps to perpetuate your intimate connection and secure your bond and relationship.
18.) Avoid being pushy
With the Scorpio man it doesn’t pay to be super pushy. He knows what he’s doing, and if he doesn’t, well, he will figure it out in time. I’m not saying to avoid giving him advice as a whole, but you’ll want to avoid advising him in a manner that’s bossy or suggests that he doesn't know what he’s doing in life. He has to maintain a certain level of control, and this level is pretty high-higher than a lot of other people you’ll come across-and if you try to push him into something before he’s ready, or something he doesn't want to do or doesn’t agree with, he will do the opposite just to spite you. After all, he is a fixed sign.
On that same token, don’t let him push you around either. Be strong, firm, and stand your ground when needed. He’ll respect you for this, and for not doing the same to him. Some guys are like doormats, and we’ve all had the experience of getting mixed up with one or two of those. The Scorpio man is not that guy, so don’t mistake him for such.
19.) Create a secret that is just between the two of you
The secretive nature of the Scorpio man is not limited only to the things he wants to keep from you or to himself, he also finds great pleasure and value in secrets he can share with his partner in life. This can be an inside joke that the two of you share, or even better a dirty little secret that only the two of you know. It can even be something dark that you’ve never shared with anyone else.
Whatever your little secret together is, it will pave the way for him letting you in on more of his secretive side and show him that he can trust you to not share privileged information with outsiders. This can take time to build up, but it’s an invaluable part of your relationship that can’t be replaced with anything else.
20.) Be blunt, honest, and upfront with him about everything
A Scorpio can detect BS a mile away, before you even have the idea to throw it on him, so it’s best to avoid even trying to throw shade his way. Not a lot of people are honest and blunt about everything, so when he sees that you are it will make him trust you and make him feel special that you choose to be completely trusting of him and upfront with him about everything. Even if it’s something that he may not like, you’ve got to maintain a steady stream of honesty with your Scorpio man. Nothing else will do.
21.) Introduce him to your friends and family
Scorpios are a pretty private bunch, as you’ve well figured out by now, and they take things like introductions to important people in your life rather seriously. If he didn’t take the relationship seriously he wouldn’t introduce you to his inner circle and he assumes that you are the same. So, when you take this next step he knows that you have enough pride in him and respect for him to let him into your inner circle. This may seem like a small notion to some, but to the Scorpio man this is a huge step in the direction of total commitment. That being said, don’t do this until you are ready to commit. Unless, of course, he’s a family friend already, in which case sharing your new relationship status with others will fill the slot of the all-important induction into your tribe.
22.) Create a scrapbook of your relationship and give it to him as a gift
All the power, intensity and sexuality aside, Scorpios are highly emotional creatures and they respond well to emotional gifts. Making a scrapbook of your first year together, saving ticket stubs form movies and pictures of things you’ve done together or places you’ve been will really hit him in the heart and give him some serious feels. He’ll feel amazingly special that you took the time to put it all together and to know that you remember all those moments with a smile on your face. Plus, you’ll have this memento to look back on for years to come-Maybe you can even share it with your future kids someday, who knows!
23.) Create a mixed tape, cd, or MP3 playlist for him
This may sound incredibly 90’s, but it goes along with the whole scrapbook idea and is something that your Scorpio man will love, cherish, and probably listen to a million times over. Like I said, your Scorpio man is a very emotionally driven guy, in fact, I can’t drive this fact home enough. Everything he does is driven by emotion, this is what makes him so incredibly intense. I mean, what’s more intense that emotions? Not a whole lot. So when you take the time and put the emotion into creating something so personal for him it really shows how important and how special the connection you have with him is to you.
In this day and age the MP3 playlist is probably the most convenient way to go about accomplishing this task, but in my personal opinion a good old fashioned CD is the best choice. That is, if your computer even has the ability to burn one of those. Can you say nostalgia? Trust me, he’ll love you for it.
24.) Get him a good tool kit
Not very romantic sounding, I know, but Scorpios love to breathe life back into things and having the right tools can mean the difference between properly fixing something and, well, not. He likes to be able to handle whatever comes up, and he never does anything half-ass, so having the right set of tools for the job can really come in handy. Also, this gives him just a little more control over his personal environment, knowing that he can fix whatever he needs to whenever he needs to. If he’s got a hobby or an interest that requires tools of some sort you can focus on this rather than getting him just your standard set of screwdrivers and Allen wrenches or whatever.
25.) Tell him how special he is to you
Even with letting him know how special and amazing he is to you through actions, gifts and through sharing intimacy, you should also let him know how you feel by just telling him. Be it a simple, “I love you,” or a conversation about your future that lasts until the sun comes up and you’re both left wishing it would go back down and allow you to continue on with your conversation, words are important. He usually isn’t a man of many words, this is true, but the words that he does speak, as with the words that he wants to hear, mean a lot and coming from you they will mean even more.
There are many other ways to let your Scorpio man know how you feel and things you can do to make him feel special, but these will get you started down the right path. Think of this list as a jumping off point and use it to delve a little deeper into the relationship with your amazing Scorpio man. The more you come to know him, the more ways you will discover to make him feel special, and the more he will do to show you how incredibly special you are to him. Whatever level your relationship is at, and whatever level you reach, never stop showing one another how you feel. This is the key to keeping those fires burning with intensity and passion that keeps a relationship going.
I wish you and your Scorpio man all the very best of luck. Now, get out there and have some fun with your Scorpio man. And whatever you do, be sure you don’t skip number 15! And if things just haven't gone the way you’d planned and you need to find a way to get him back, be sure to check out my other bonus book on how to pull a Scorpio man back into your life. Because sometimes in love, life just happens, and I’m here to help you through it.
All my best!