Fool Proof Ways You Can Communicate With Your Gemini Man
By now you are well aware that your Gemini man is all about communicating, and he’s really very good at it. He can express himself in ways some of us can only dream of, and his articulation is on point, to say the least.
He may be a little awkward in some situations, but we all are from time to time. His ability to talk to anyone about anything can be a bit intimidating if you don’t have such great communication skills, and that’s what this bonus book is here to help you overcome.
Being that Gemini is the airiest of air signs, and ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, he has no problem getting his words out there.
He’s down for any mode of communication you can come up with, from texting, to email or Skype, to good old fashioned verbal conversations. He may actually drive you mad with his need to be plugged in all of the time. While he doesn't prefer empty conversations, he isn’t above having them, so have some patience with his chatterbox tendencies if you can.
Getting the Conversation Started
With Gemini men, getting the conversation started isn't really much of an issue because, as I just explained, he loves to talk. He will be the one holding down three conversations at a time, and somehow he will be able to keep up with every single one. One of the ways this guy likes to communicate best is through flirting, which he may or may not even realize he’s doing in the moment. If you’ve caught his eye, or if he’s caught yours, you can get to know a pretty good bit about him just by your initial conversation. If there’s nothing to talk about, he will come up with something, so there's not a whole lot of pressure on your end to keep things going.
The thing that can be frustrating about his methods of conversing is that he tends to jump from one topic to another, never spending too long on any one subject. He oozes charm and really knows how to bring groups of people together. You see, the Gemini man is one who thrives on having a lot of people he can talk to, possibly because just one person could have trouble keeping up with him when he’s in chatty mode. And my goodness, if you get more than one of these guys in a room together and get them going on a topic, you will likely find yourself staring in awe at the speed of which they exchange information and bounce from one subject matter to another, neither of them missing a beat.
That all being said, you want to know how you can best communicate with your Gemini man, and that’s what we’re going to go over in the next few sections. By the time you’ve finished this book, you’ll be more than ready to jump into the conversation and you’ll know how to score yourself some one-on-one time with this social butterfly you’ve got your sites set on.
How to Communicate On His Level
Gemini is an intellectual sign, so naturally your Gemini guy is going to appreciate some mentally stimulating conversation. You don’t have to be a genius, so don’t sweat the whole “intellectual” label, but you do need to be able to keep up and get on his level.
The funny thing with the Gemini man is that no matter how smart he is, he’ll rarely go too deep into any one subject, probably because of his short attention span and the fact that he gets bored pretty easily.
It isn’t all that important what you bring to the conversation, just so long as you come with enthusiasm and good energy. You can talk about grocery store prices if you can make it sound intriguing enough, so use your imagination.
As time goes on and you get to talking more you’ll find that your Gemini man has no trouble leading the conversation for the most part. If you’re shy, you’ll quickly feel comfortable talking to your Gemini man. He has a knack for bringing people into the mix and he hates to see anyone left out or left behind. He’s really sweet that way.
Now, even though he is happy to chat with anyone about anything, he needs a partner who can meet him on an intellectual level.
Like I said, you don’t have to be a scholar to converse with him, but if you can teach him something new or make him scratch his head at your theories, he’ll be hooked and seek out further conversations with you. Believe it or not, not everyone is able to interest him, so achieving this task is something to feel proud of yourself for.
Now, let’s look at some basic examples of how you can set yourself up for success when it comes to texting him.
Crafting The Perfect Text
You can shoot him text that simply says “Hi,” and you’ll probably get a response, but this response will likely be left at something like, “Hello to you.” So using this simple method you aren’t going to get very far. Instead of just saying hello, try something like this:
“Hey! I enjoyed meeting you the other day, how’d you like to maybe catch a movie or something?”
Or, if you don’t want to be quite so bold, or if you’ve already known him for a while, you can try something like:
“Hey, what’s up? It’s Linda. Are you going to the party this weekend?”
This will definitely get him to perk up and wonder what party you’re talking about (you’ll have to have a party or get-together to mention, of course). But, this will get him ready and raring to go do his thing and stretch those social butterfly wings.
If you want to really impress upon him that you’re someone he could enjoy spending some time with, you could always throw your own party. I know, I know, that’s quite a lot of work just to get a guy interested in talking, but parties a re fun, and depending on your outlook on it, having a party could be the perfect segue to reaching the next level of your friendship.
Perhaps send him something like this:
“Hey! I don’t know if you’ve heard yet, but I’m throwing a party this Saturday at 9 and it’d be awesome if you came. It Should be lots of fun :)”
These are just a few examples of how you can get him interested and get him back into your company, while starting a conversation that could potentially continue on through the day via text. You can use your imagination, and as you get to know him a little better you’ll come up with things to say to him that spark up even more communication between the two of you.
Key tip to remember: It’s important to keep in mind that your Gemini man is quick witted and he appreciates others who are the same. The more clever and witty you can make your messages, the more interested in you he’ll become.
Getting Him To Ask You Out
Now that you have some pearls of wisdom tucked away that you can use to get the ball rolling with your Gemini man, you’re probably wondering how you can get him to ask you out.
Because these guys are so innocently unaware of their natural tendency to flirt with just about everyone, he may not pick up right away on the fact that you’re flirting back with him. Or more accurately, he may not realize why you’re flirting back with him.
Once you’ve crossed that threshold of conversation and you want him to ask you out, you can do one of two things:
You can come right out and tell him, “Hey, I really dig you and I was thinking maybe we could go out, just the two of us.”
Or, you can beat around the bush and drop hints that he may or may not totally “get.” The choice is yours, but bear in mind that these guys really do better with straightforward information. Plus, there is no shame in being the one who asks him out. If you want him, go for it.
Just don’t forget to establish that foundation of a mental connection first. Even if it’s brief, he’s good with making on the spot choices and if you connect and things just click, there’s no reason you shouldn’t come right out and invite him out with you to expand on your connection a bit more.
What To Do Once You Get That First Date
Ok, so now you’re finally on a date with your Gemini man and all seems right with the world. Great! Now what can you do to keep the conversation moving and keep him engaged? Well, I’ll share a few tips and tricks here to making the date and the conversation lively and fun for the both of you.
Gemini guys love to people watch They’re fascinated by people and why we do the things that we do, so picking a nice eatery with lots of great energy and some outside seating (weather permitting) is a perfect way to keep the conversation going and keep things interesting.
People watching is a favorite hobby for Gemini, which is where the outdoor seating comes into play. You can have fun for hours sitting back and imagining how other people’s dates are going, what people are saying to one another, and coming up with back stories for these other strangers you’ll probably never actually talk to.
Your Gemini probably loves movies, so going out to see a show is always a great place to start. After the movie is over and you’ve perhaps gone to grab a bite to eat, or gone to meet up with some friends, you can make the movie plot the focus of your conversation. perhaps try to come up with future story lines using the same characters or comment on the writing of the screenplay.
Avoid sad, serious movies though, as these guys really prefer to keep things light and digging into the why’s or how’s of a serious drama film could bring the conversation down a bit and leave you unsure of how to get out of a conversation that just keeps getting darker and darker.
Beyond these ideas, you can find a million and one ways to enjoy spending time with your Gemini guy. He loves to travel and adventure is sort of his thing. He doesn’t like to stay in one place for too long, so you’ll never be bored with the dates you go on. If you do make the mistake of letting things become boring or predictable, you’ll want to change things up a bit to keep his interest from wavering.
You can suggest a road trip, perhaps going camping, or exploring the world around you. You don’t have to worry so much with what exactly the two of you will talk about because he’s always got some thoughts flowing through that head of his that he’ll be more than happy to share with you.
Keeping It Going
After a few dates and getting to know one another a little better, you’ll want to get to the meat and potatoes of just who your Gemini man really is.
By now you’ve seen his flirty, outspoken side, but you want to get into that head of his and poke around a bit. You want to know what really makes him tick and see how his mind works, but getting past the superficial facade he shares with the world can be a bit more difficult than you might think.
He talks on a myriad of topics and his thoughts move at lightening speed. How do you get this guy you’ve now totally fallen for to open up to you and share with you some of his inner workings? Well, to be quite honest, it may take a while for this to happen. Allow me to explain:
Your Gemini man probably doesn’t open up to that many people. He has a wide circle of acquaintances, but only a small handful of real friends.
He likes to keep people happy, so he maintains this bubbly, charismatic outer personality that makes people love to hear he’s coming to the party. He likes to keep everyone around him engaged and interested, but rarely does he delve deep into the inner workings of his own mind, not out loud anyway. You can get to this part of his mind, but he’s got to trust you.
Gaining his trust takes maintaining that mental connection and really developing a strong friendship foundation for your relationship to grow from. Conversations that last well into the wee hours of the morning, even if they aren’t specifically about you or him,
maybe you’re talking about philosophy, science, art, or whatever...these are the moments where he will come to realize that you’re more than just a pretty face. This is where he will come to connect with your mind on a level that gives him a sense of comfort in knowing you’re someone he can let inside.
Possible Pitfalls To Watch Out For
Nobody is perfect, least of all the duplicitous Gemini man. He’s wonderful to be around and oh, so much fun, but there are some downsides to this relationship that it’s good to be privy to before you go too far. I’m not saying these are reasons to avoid a relationship, but they are things that will probably come up.
He wants you to be engaging and he’ll stick around as long as he’s interested in what’s going on between the two of you.
This sense of loyalty grows as your relationship does, of course, but in the early stages of things, or in that weird transitional period between, are we friends, are we dating..what’s happening here? He may veer off in a different direction and you might not hear from him for days.
If this happens, the last thing you want to do is pester him and put a lot of pressure on the relationship. You can shoot him a text, maybe say:
“Hey, haven’t hear from you in a couple of days, just making sure you’re ok :)”
This is fine. This is sweet, caring, and shows that you miss having him around. What you do not want to do is this:
“Hey again, I didn’t get a text back from you so I just wanted to make sure my message went through.”
“So, are you not talking to me anymore? What’s going on? I’ll be here when you are ready to message me back.”
“Are things over between us? I haven’t heard from you in four days and I’m starting to worry. Call me back, please”
And so on and so forth...this will quickly set off red flags in his mind that you’ve become too needy. This kind of serial messaging will definitely cause him to back off and maybe avoid you for a while longer—Maybe even forever. He likes to communicate, he does not like to be bombarded by messages demanding his time.
You don’t want to sound desperate. If anything, you want to sound the opposite of desperate. He needs to know that you haven’t dropped your whole life to be with him. In other words, you’ve got to have your own life.
For the Gemini man, romantic relationships are not something he needs to survive. I mean, yes, some of them are attachment types who need to have constant company and constant attention, but for the most part he wants to know that you can handle time without him and that you aren’t going to put a lot of pressure or boundaries on how he communicates or when.
He’s a free spirit, and if you are someone who needs that high level of co-dependence in your relationship, a Gemini man may not be the very best choice for a mate.
You want to avoid sharing with him everything about yourself right off the bat. If he loses interest in the chase, or if he no longer feels there is anything you can learn about one another, he will likely lose interest and move on. Bearing that in mind, you want to maintain a certain level of mystery about yourself.
I hope these tips and bits of advice on how to communicate with your Gemini have helped you to reach a new level of understanding what you should and shouldn’t do when you’re conversing with him. These guys are some of the easiest-going, most interesting people in the world to talk to, so make sure that, above all, you have fun with it.
Happiness and a life filled with fun adventures are goals of the Gemini man, as well as having someone to share these experiences with. As long as you can keep him interested and, really, as long as you’ve got that mental connection, you can maintain a great relationship with someone who will keep you laughing and intrigued at his ideals day in and day out.
As I’ve mentioned before, he can be kind of annoying at times, but he really is one of the best partners you’ll ever have. Don’t be too clingy, demanding of his time, bossy, or negative, and he’ll happily keep the conversation going for days, weeks, maybe even years to come.
You may find that you even need a break from his chatter from time to time, and that’s ok. You never have to worry that he hasn’t got some friends to talk to in your absence. And, despite what some may say, the Gemini man is loyal to a fault, the key to unleashing that loyalty though, is him finding someone who he genuinely loves and cares for. Communication is a huge part of him reaching this point, so use the information provided here and in the other books in this series on the Gemini man and make him yours forever.
If you’re wondering what you can do to make him feel special or show him you care, please be sure to check out 25 Fun Ways To Make Your Gemini Man Feel Special. In this next bonus book you’ll find a well crafted, fool proof list of ideas you can use to really tug on his heart strings and show him how you feel.
I wish you all the very best in life and love! Now, get out there and get the conversation going with your Gemini man!
May the stars be on your side,
P.S. I'd love to hear from you! If you've got any questions or need some extra help with your specific situation, feel free to email me directly at contact@horoscopesocialnetwork.com and I'll be happy to help you out as soon as I grab some time