30 Dirty Little Secrets About Your Gemini Man Learn How to Capture His Heart Even If You're Not the "Perfect" Zodiac Match
Hello there!
I see that you have a particular interest in getting to know how Gemini men operate, maybe you even have a Gemini man already in your life that you want to become closer to.
Whatever the case, you're in exactly the right place, and I am so happy that we’ve found each other!
Like I said, I have some things I'd like to share with you about Gemini men. First, though, I'll give you a brief rundown of how I got here, and why I decided to share my Gemini Man Secrets program.
Even if you aren't a big believer in the ancient practice of Astrology, this is one astrological reference you'll want to stop and check out.
You see, there was once a time when I was skeptical of Astrology, it's true. I changed my tune after a trip to Romania, where my aunt opened my eyes to the amazing secrets held in my stars. Let me backtrack just a bit to give you the full picture of what happened.
I had been in a perfect relationship with this perfect guy (he was, and still is, actually a Taurus) and I thought my life was going along very nicely. At first, I wasn't even going to go to Romania to see my aunt because I didn't want to leave my guy behind. It was that serious.
So, there I am, minding my own business when the Universe decides to get my attention in the worst way when my guy broke things off between us.
I was in shock. I hadn't done anything, at least I didn't think I had...Everything had been going so smoothly, and we'd been having such great conversations and experiences together, why was he doing this??
Well, regardless of why he was doing it, he was, and I was left feeling totally out in the cold. I went from cloud nine to bottom floor in record time. It was bad.
That's when my mom asked one more time if maybe I'd consider taking that trip to see my aunt and get away from everything. I considered it and decided, what the heck? I had nothing to lose, and I needed to busy myself with positive experiences.
Once I got unpacked, my aunt started asking questions (I guess I wasn't doing an outstanding job at hiding my recent emotional wounds). I told her some of what had happened and said I just wanted to not think about it, or him.
Before we closed that topic, however, my aunt asked for mine and my guy’s birth information so she could cast our charts. I didn’t think too much would come of it, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to hear what she had to say.
Let me tell you, I was floored when she began telling me things that were quite private, and there was no way she could have known, unless, of course, our charts and stars really were revealing these things to her.
It was amazing, we talked for several hours, and by the end of the night, I had a deep fascination and a basic understanding of astrology, as well as a thirst to learn more.
Armed with the tips and information gleaned from mine and my Taurus' charts, I made my move once back in the states.
As it turned out my aunt, and astrology, were both totally right and, once I'd applied the methods of communication and understanding that I'd come to understand through our synastry reading, then we were able to work things
through, and we are still together today, more than 10 years later!
This is why I'm sharing my knowledge with you.
After I started to get into learning all about astrology and how it can help people communicate, I kind of became obsessed. I never grew tired of learning, speaking with other astrologers, and sometimes even their clients, and reading every book I could get my hands on.
After the incredible impact astrology had on my life and my relationship, I knew I’d found my life’s purpose. This was when it became crystal clear that one of my jobs in this lifetime is to help couples find a positive balance and happy, joyous energy together by exploring their celestial makeup and following the advice revealed in their charts.
Immediately, I realized just how valuable resource astrology could be-Especially when you apply the knowledge held in yours and your guy’s stars.
Even if you and your guy aren’t a perfect match, with the help of astrology you can learn how to work through the issues that are keeping you from finding total happiness together. With a bit of astrological insight, you can easily turn obstacles into opportunities to learn more about one another, as well as learning more about yourself!
And yes, it really is that easy. All you’ve got to do is seek out the information and then start applying it in your everyday life. It’s literally like getting an instruction manual or guide to relationship success.
Through the years, I’ve worked with countless personal clients who all have run into a myriad of problems or issues with their partners, many of whom were seeking information on how to better understand and relate to their Gemini man.
Whether your guy has you completely confused and lost as to how he truly feels, or even if you’ve already got a well-balanced relationship, astrology can help make things so much more clear.
The things my Gemini Man Secrets program will teach you about his inner psyche will help to strengthen your connection through gaining a better, deeper, and more substantial understanding of one another.
Deep down, we all just want someone who gets us. My mission is to make sure that you “get” your Gemini man.
I want you to have a successful relationship with your Gemini man, free from drama and problems, and full of love and harmony.
So, when you decide to learn from my Gemini Man Secrets program, you can breathe a sigh of relief knowing
that I've included every possible relationship situation and solution you could think up.
Included in my program, I go over how to handle long distance relationships, first physical encounters, how to communicate, how to make him fall in love, how to make him want to put a ring on it, and so much more.
But for starters, I wanted to give you a taste of what you'll learn...so I created this list of 30 dirty little secrets to help you better understand your Gemini man. Free for you, these are some BASICS just to get you on the right track!
#1 - A Gemini will do his very best to avoid telling a lie. But, these guys often get pegged as liars because of their outgoing nature and the fact that they quite obviously march to their own drummer.
Gemini get’s a rap for being two-faced or deceitful, when really there are very few Gemini men out there who are just total liars. The reason for this misconception is the way the mind of a Gemini works.
Your Gemini man may feel one way today and have you totally convinced that is the direction his thought process or actions are going, only to completely change his mind the next time you see him. Technically this is not lying, but a sign of a creative and ever-changing mindset.
#2 - Despite having the ability to express himself in a myriad of ways, the Gemini man often finds it difficult to express his feelings. That goes double when it comes to romantic expressions.
There’s no question that one of the Gemini man’s greatest attributes is his mad communication skills, as long as you aren’t trying talk about anything too terribly serious. This fear of opening up and exposing his emotional vulnerability can make your Gemini guy seem detached or
un-emotionless when, in all actuality, that isn’t the case at all.
The thing is, Gemini men tend to just kind of freeze up when it comes to explaining themselves and their emotional inner workings. It is so much easier to make chit-chat and flit from one topic to another and just circle around discussions on the important things in life, like love and romance.
Given the time to become comfortable with the idea, your Gemini will eventually, most likely impulsively, open up and blurt out all those things you’ve been dying to hear.
#3 - Gemini is able to see both sides of every story, hence the relation to his constellation of the twins, Castor and Pollux.
Gemini's innate ability to see all side of every situation can make it almost impossible to win an argument with one of these guys. At the same time, this ability to analyze and think through each and every side of a scenario can help to open your eyes to many things you may have otherwise overlooked.
You’ll never be bored when you are with a Gemini man, but you may find yourself all of the sudden asking a lot more questions about life than you did before. His
Mercurial mind is always working, thinking and coming up with weird questions that your relationship with him all that much more intriguing.
The downside to this ability to see all sides is his inability to make a decision and stick with it.
#4 - The Gemini man requires a certain amount of attention from his partner, which can sometimes come across as being needy or clingy.
The Gemini man needs attention to keep going and he doesn’t normally fair all that well in solitude. In a romantic relationship, Gemini feels he is not getting enough of his partner’s time, one of two things will occur-Both can be equally annoying:
If your Gemini feels he is being left out or ignored he may become clingy and demanding which, depending on just how clingy and demanding he’s being, can be a real turnoff.
The other side of this coin (because with Gemini there are always two sides to everything) is that your Gemini man may feel rejected by a sudden decrease in the attention you give.
As a result, and to avoid the embarrassment or hurt feelings of rejection, he may begin to act as though he just has better things to do than spending time with you. In this situation, you can bet that it won't take long for him to find a new partner or co-pilot.
Neither of these Gemini reactions is all that fun to deal with, so you’ll want to make sure you are giving your Gemini man enough TLC to avoid issues.
#5 - When it comes down to exploring your sexuality together, the Gemini man will be willing to try just about any idea, suggestion, or fantasy you throw his way.
Gemini is one of, if not the most curious signs of the zodiac, to include whatever adventures you embark upon together behind closed doors. Having the active mind that he does, the Gemini man is capable of coming up with some pretty crazy ideas and is always willing and ready to try whatever suggestion you introduce.
If you’ve always wanted to try talking dirty with a man but never had the guts or the opportunity, now is your time to shine! You’d be amazed at some of the naughty things that run through the Gemini mind, and you can trust that whatever he puts his effort into in the bedroom will be worth your time.
That said, if he really cares for you he probably won’t come out with his deepest, darkest fantasies right off the bat. You may have to be the one to ignite the flame, but believe me when I tell you that he will have no problem keeping it burning!
#6 - Gemini can be loud and obnoxious, and this goes double, or even quadruple when in the company of other Gemini guys.
One thing about Gemini men is that they all, almost without exception, live up to their bi-polar reputation of having multiple personalities-Like I mentioned before, these guys are the “twins” of the zodiac and need lively interactions with others to thrive.
That said, things really start to get interesting when you have two or more Gemini men in the same area, especially if you are at a party or some other fun gathering...And, especially if they have drinks. In this particular scenario, you may suddenly start to see a whole other side of your guy.
This can be good or it can be bad, depending on your own temperament...but, for the most part, it’s usually kind of annoying. Or, perhaps I should say that it can quickly become annoying. Two Gemini men together are basically
the equivalent of four rowdy children, and yes, they do need supervision from time to time.
If you are the type who likes to keep things low key and quiet, a Gemini man who has Gemini friends (as I find they almost always do) might not be the best fit for your needs. Two or more Gemini men in the same location simply do not know how to be quiet or low key.
The upside to this is the amount of fun to be had...even if it lands you in a bit of trouble at the end of the night, you’ll never walk away saying you were bored.
#7 - Along with having boyish good looks, Gemini men are known for their attractive physique and strong upper body composition. You will rarely find one who doesn’t appreciate a compliment or comment on how attractive you find his best features.
We are all different in our physical appearance, obviously, yet there are certain physical attributes we find to be inherent each individual sign of the zodiac-Definitely one of the many facets of astrology that absolutely fascinates me-In Gemini, the shared physical characteristic is the chest and upper body.
Not one to shy away from a compliment...and if we’re being real, being someone who, deep down, has a rather
inflated opinion of his own appearance...you will definitely score some major bonus points by making your sexy Gemini man aware of the fact that you’ve already taken note of his hotness.
#8 - Gemini is the chameleon of the zodiac and may even give the impression of being absolutely nothing like a Gemini at all. This is what the Gemini character is all about.
It can be a bit bewildering when you know your Guy is a Gemini but acts nothing like you’d expect a Gemini to act. You may begin to wonder if he’s hiding something about who he really is when in all actuality it’s his ability to “act as if” that’s what the root of Gemini is all about.
If all that sounds complicated, well, it can be...but it doesn’t have to be. Honestly, you just have to take him at face value and if you have a keen sense of perception you’ll see him evolve and morph into numerous “types” as you travel through life together.
No two Gemini are ever going to be exactly alike, but this is one of the amazing things that make the Gemini man so fascinating and so much fun to be around.
Of course, if you like to always know what’s ahead and plan life down to every detail this can be rather
maddening. This is something I hear all the time from my clients who come to me perplexed by the Gemini propensity to sway from one personality type to the next. The ironic thing here is that your guy probably has no clue that he is acting any way other than what feels normal to him.
#9 - The very moment you think you’ve got your Gemini man figured out he’ll flip the script and have you wondering if you know anything at all about him. He’s charmingly fickle in this way.
Gemini is by far one of, if not the most, unpredictable signs in the zodiac. It’s not that he does the on purpose to drive you crazy, despite what you may think, it’s just that Gemini is one sign who is always true to himself.
Now, just because he’s being true to himself does not mean that he completely understands what that means, in that, you’ll rarely find a Gemini who can fully explain to you why he is the way he is. He just...is.
I like to point this out in an effort to dispel some potential frustration in your relationship. One prime example is when a client comes to me explaining how she went through a lot of trouble to surprise her Gemini man with something she thought was his favorite. But, she found the
gift (whatever that may be) in the trash or haphazardly stuffed in the back of his closet, making it seem as though all that effort and thought put into surprising him was not only for naught but was also unappreciated.
As long as you remember that the very basis of the Gemini personality is constantly changing you can avoid a lot of hurt feelings when what you thought was his “favorite” turns out to be of no interest to him.
#10 -If you want to get into the heart of a Gemini man you must first start with his head. Having a mental connection is a top priority.
Gemini men are some of the most intelligent guys around, and if you want to get in close with one of them you’ve got to have your wits about you.
His Mercurial mind is one of his biggest assets and you’ve got to be able to keep up with him without being boring if you want to have any kind of shot at making something with one of these quixotic guys last longer than five minutes.
Bottom line-You can be the most beautiful woman he’s ever laid eyes on, but if you don’t connect mentally, getting into a relationship won’t even be a consideration.
To connect with your Gemini man on an intellectual level, find something scholarly that you both have an interest in that you can talk intelligently about. Or, you can wow him with your knowledge of fun facts about his favorite authors (something you can totally Google). And, yes, he does read....when he can manage to sit still for long enough.
Once you get to know one another better, you’ll find other things you share a common interest about and things you can learn from one another. These are just some ideas to get you started. Philosophical topics are never a bad idea if you are at a total loss of how to get into that sexy mind of his.
#11 - Gemini has an optimistic outlook on life and is generally one of the happiest signs in the zodiac. This, however, does not mean that your Gemini man won’t have off days that leave you wondering what sparked this Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde change in his disposition.
We all have our triggers and things that will just always set us into a bad mood, this is just human nature. The thing about the Gemini man is that he can change from helpful Dr. Jekyll to evil Mr. Hyde in literally no time at all, sometimes with seemingly no provocation.
This multiple personality stuff is one thing that’s definitely inherent to ALL Gemini personalities. You can try to learn what things make him flip the switch like that, but really that can be something of a futile effort as he probably doesn’t even know himself.
Just like every other human on this planet, sometimes he just has an off day, but unlike most other humans on earth, the Gemini man gets over his mood upsets quite quickly.
One of the best things about having a Gemini in your life is their ability to cheer others up. So, if you are feeling down in a funk, don’t hesitate to vent to your Gemini guy.
He may not totally understand but you can bet he will be the first to point out the silver lining in whatever your situation may be. It’s almost like a gift.
#12 - The Gemini man often finds himself in the doghouse due to having a partner who misunderstands his methods of socializing with other members of the opposite sex. He can’t help it that he is a natural flirt, in fact, he probably doesn’t even realize he’s flirting...that is until his lady angrily points it out.
Sometimes it takes nerves of steel and a whole lot of patience and understanding to be with a Gemini man. Gemini men are generally likable and they all seem to
possess an uncanny ability to carry on four or five conversations all at the same time, all while keeping each persona engaged and entertained without ever missing a beat.
This is cool and all, but to the more jealous types this can come across as a threat to the health and well-being of their relationship. I mean, we all get jealous from time to time.
Even the Gemini man has his moments of jealousy if he perceives an outsider to be after what’s his. But, the key to building a successful relationship with a Gemini is being able to trust him without stifling his need to socialize.
Now, there are times when other women will be actively pursuing your Gemini man and he will just keep chatting them up, honestly oblivious to what’s going on. In this scenario, it is totally acceptable to step in and make your presence known.
Most of the time, he’s just making his rounds, catching up or getting to know new people. This is something the Gemini personality needs and demanding that he steer clear of those conversations will only drive a wedge between the two of you. He’s a social butterfly and sometimes you just have to let him fly, knowing that he’s going home with you.
#13 - The Gemini man can’t stand to be bored and will stop at nothing to keep things interesting.
You’ve probably realized by now that your Gemini man doesn’t really stop and just “do nothing” all that often, and when he does it’s usually after he’s spent his energy on some kind of adventure or if he is thinking through a problem that needs solving.
Sometimes I wonder if every Gemini out there has a serious case of ADHD, myself included, because of our inability to stay on track. One of the strongest Gemini traits is flitting from one thing to another, or one conversation to another, and always being on the move.
Some of this is simply out of fear of becoming bored. And, let me tell you with 100% certainty that there is nothing in this world more aggravating or dangerous than a bored Gemini.
Now, it is certainly not your job to keep your guy entertained, he isn’t a child...not exactly anyway, but it is important to remember what a huge aversion to boring stuff these men have.
A Gemini who stays bored for too long will either go off to find some excitement or action or get into trouble. There are really no other options in this scenario.
#14 - Gemini personalities are very good at making it look like they’ve got everything totally under control when in all actuality they have no freaking clue what they’re doing. Fake it till you make it should be their motto.
Gemini is quite adept at making it appear as though they’ve got this life thing all figured out, partly because they have confidence in their ability to figure things out and partly because the adventure of figuring it out as you go along tends to land them in interesting, sometimes even exciting situations.
The Gemini man sees life as an adventure, and so he approaches each situation he comes upon as such. He may or may not read the directions (you never can tell with these guys which way they’ll swing).
But, the longer you’re around your Gemini you’ll notice that he has this uncanny ability to always land on his feet. This is one pretty consistent Gemini trait shared by all of those born under this unique zodiac sign.
#15 - The Gemini man needs a partner who will hold him accountable for the things he does and gives him boundaries.
The Gemini man isn’t the kind of guy who keeps a schedule and plans things in advance. The odds are he doesn’t even balance his checkbook because, well, he has it all in that brilliant Mercurial mind of his
Personally, he thinks all that sounds kinda boring if you ask him-And you know how he feels about being bored.
There’s a reason Gemini is known as being the zodiac’s eternal child, and as we all know, children need boundaries set for them so they don’t get into too much trouble.
The Gemini mind is curious to no end and can get carried away with different things if there isn’t someone in their life who holds the capacity to be more disciplined than he is.
This is not to say that your Gemini man can’t function and live like a normal adult...not at all. But, there will always be that inner child in him that wants to make decisions based on impulse rather than considering what effects those choices may have on his life.
Let’s use money management as an example. Some Gemini men are great at handling business and keeping the bills paid. Whereas, some may work hard just to be broke due to frivolous spending that, if he had a partner to hold him accountable for and say, “Do you really need that
new motorcycle right now?...You know, since you’re in- between jobs and living off of your savings and all”
#16 - Despite being the charming and talkative creatures that they are, Geminis have a hard time developing real relationships that go beyond the superficial.
You wouldn’t think it from talking to him, but your Gemini man probably hasn’t had very many “true” relationships and friendships in his lifetime.
Sure, he is friends with just about everyone he knows, and he may even be the type who seems to never know a stranger, but those relationships and acquaintances are all superficial. None of those people actually get to know the real man behind the facade.
The truth of the matter is most Geminis don’t even fully understand themselves, so letting someone else into the deeper parts of their psyche and soul is a veritable impossibility.
That’s where having someone who is willing to put in the time and effort to solve the Gemini puzzle is so important to the development of the Gemini man.
It can be frustrating at times, but once you start to break through those walls and get to know the man behind the
revolving mask he wears there are great rewards to be reaped on both sides.
#17 - Fun and enjoyment in life is a definite requirement for anyone who wants to develop a long-lasting relationship with a Gemini man.
The Gemini man needs to have fun, laughter, creativity, and excitement in his life. If these things are lacking, especially when it comes to his relationship, he will lose a part of the essence that makes him who he is. This kind of goes back to the whole boredom thing.
So, if you are going to attempt to grow a lifelong connection with your Gemini man you’ve got to be creative in finding ways to keep him guessing and maintain an air of unpredictability, at least in some aspects of your life and relationship together.
The moment he starts to feel like the relationship is a predictable dead end road, the likelihood of him moving on becomes almost certain.
#18 - If you are someone who is used to having a lot of time alone or if you prefer a nice quiet environment overall, the Gemini man will change all of that.
Even the shyest, well mannered, or reserved Gemini man will eventually reveal his more intrusive side, it’s only a matter of time.
Some of you reading this, most likely those born under earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) need your nice orderly space and downtime more than others and may begin to find your Gemini counterpart definitively less cute and charming and more annoying than you remembered him being before.
The key to making it through this kind of imbalance in any Gemini relationship is finding the right balance of giving him enough of your attention while still maintaining your normal periods of time alone. In achieving a positive balance you can help to better the odds of long-term potential with your Gemini.
#19 - Speaking of the long-term potential with your Gemini man, it is important not to give up on him if it takes longer than you would like for the two you to make things “official.”
Fear of commitment comes with every Gemini, but this fear dissipates as love, trust, and your feelings grow. I’ve talked to so many ladies who place way too many
deadlines and expectations on themselves, always leaving something to feel anxious or unsatisfied about.
How long it takes to commit to your relationship should not be something that happens because “it’s time.” When you’re with a Gemini commitment comes from the heart and is a pretty big deal.
Once committed, though, Gemini is a loyal partner and friend who will always keep you smiling and who can make you feel loved and admired.
#20 - Every Gemini has a little bit of crazy in them, and when it comes out it can be intense. Learning how to embrace his crazy is one of the key elements of having a successful relationship with a Gemini man.
Don’t let this one scare you, going through life with a Gemini is something for which there’s really no way to know what you’re getting yourself into until you’re right there in the thick of it. This is not necessarily a bad thing, and it will certainly keep things from becoming dull.
In fact, when you’re with a Gemini man there is literally never a dull moment. Crazy is a relative term, but over time you’ll see that your Gemini has a side of himself or an ingrained habit that makes you step back and think, “What the hell is wrong with you?” Learn to appreciate this part of
him and you’ll have a much better chance at building a long happy relationship together.
#21 -Behind his winning smile and confident energy are bouts of insecure thinking and a fear of rejection. That is one of the many reasons he has trouble totally letting his walls down for someone.
Even the most outspoken, confident Gemini experiences moments of self-doubt and down thoughts that can lead to feelings of insecurity.
Everyone feels insecure from time to time, it’s just a part of being human. The thing is, when Gemini really feels something and it’s uncontrollable and uncomfortable you never know how intense the episode will be.
Right along with these moments are the amazing, super fun times you will share with your Gemini man. There’s going to be a lot of adventures in your future that will make up for the moments of being annoyed with him for letting the volatility meter on his emotional scale get out of control.
#22 - Gemini will try hard to keep you happy and smiling, but if doing that becomes too much work or stress you’ll often find Gemini personalities bail without notice.
The Gemini man will try his best to keep you smiling and happy. When you’re happy he’s happy. If you happen to be super high maintenance, however, or if you consistently create uncomfortable situations for him, it wouldn’t be unheard of for you to just wake up one morning and find that he's gone. He didn’t even leave a note.
With the Gemini man having so very little patience for things that make him feel frustrated and confined, he would rather leave and think on it before he says anything directly to you.
It is, by far, not a perfect system, but if you look back in his history, it’s probably a move that has served him well at least once.
Communicating without sounding condescending is a key part of keeping his attention or getting it back when tension builds.
#23 - Ironically, the thing that scares the Gemini man most and the thing that he desires the most are almost one and the same. Only a Gemini guy will explain his position as a commitment-phobe, only then to throw in something about not wanting to be lonely.
To a Gemini, commitment and giving up some of his freedom is the scariest thing in the world. Many Geminis, if
you were to take a poll, would tell you they went through a phase where they weren’t interested in a serious relationship at all.
The other side of that coin, however, is that every Gemini man just wants someone cool to spend his life with. A partner in crime, so to speak.
Your Gemini man may also pop up and suggest the two of you get married the next time you’re together via video chat one late night-And mean it.
Bottom line, he wants a partner who he can be happy and free with and with whom he can work together with to build an amazing life, the just wants her to be cool.
#24 - The mind of a Gemini never stops working, like ever. Relaxing is not a part of their vocabulary. Along with their Mercurial mind, you’ll rarely see your Gemini man stagnate for very long.
You’ve probably noticed by now that your Gemini man doesn’t ever seem to stop to take a break. Even when he does stop you can tell the gears in his little head are just a turning, but what is he always thinking about? Simply put, everything.
Your Gemini man wasn’t born with whatever gene it is that makes people lazy, either mentally or physically. He feels that he should always be doing something, always working toward progress. Of course, his idea of progress and that of others may be completely different.
If you want to successfully surprise your Gemini man with something that will benefit both him and you, as well as preserve his mental well-being, book a stay at a resort or something similar where the two of you can embark on an adventure of some kind where you spend some device- free time together and really talk to one another.
#25 - Gemini has no problem whatsoever going from one extreme to the other on a matter or topic if that’s what might help his cause.
When it comes to something he is passionate about, the Gemini man will pull out all the stops to get his point across and resolve the issue or do his part.
Being a mutable air sign ruled by Mercury, you never have to question it when a Gemini feels strongly about something everyone is going to know about it.
He understands crowd psychology and always seems to somehow end up in a position of leadership regardless of what type of social setting he’s in.
#26 - Even though Gemini truly loves to communicate with people, he also needs a little space to have some downtime every now and again to recharge. It requires a tremendous amount of energy just being a Gemini.
You may not have known, I mean, who would guess that a Gemini would be caught enjoying time by himself? Not many people who know one, that’s who.
You can gain points with him for several reasons if you time it right when it comes to giving your Gemini guy some breathing room. If you do it too soon he will think you don’t want to spend time with him, like you’re rejecting him
And if you do it too late...well, you’ll know it’s too late to give him some space if he just up and disappears.
The key thing to remember is that Gemini personalities don’t need much time to recharge, so don’t plan to give him the whole day to lounge around and catch up on some reading. Pay attention to his signals and use your best judgment with the information you have at the time.
#27 - Keeping with the theme of duality, the Gemini man will almost always have two great romantic loves during his lifetime.
Something about the whole duality thing keeps Gemini rolling in pairs...of everything. This is, I’m sure, not any surprise to you by this point.
Now, you may be thinking, “Oh no, he said I am his first love!” Don’t let this be a cause for concern. Like I mentioned at the very beginning of our Gemini Secrets list, your guy is honest and will do his best not to fib. Some Gemini men do, but that’s true of any zodiac sign. There are always the outliers and those who prove to be an exception to the rule.
In my personal experience, both as a relationship astrologer as well as being a Gemini myself, I’ve found that quite often Gemini doesn’t know how to handle love and relationships at first, but will end up coming full circle and that first love will end up being the one.
It’s for this reason that I say to not worry much if you are your Gemini man’s first love. And, truthfully, you’ll both end up being right where you’re meant to be and with whoever you’re meant to be with as long as you listen to your heart and trust your instincts.
#28 - When you’re with a Gemini man for an extended period of time there will be instances where you’re labeled as the “bad guy.” It’s going to happen, but there are plenty
of reasons why you shouldn’t get too upset about that. I’ll explain here.
Nobody likes to be thought of as the “bad guy” in a situation, especially when it comes to romantic relationships, but there are times when somebody’s got to step up and assume that position. If you’re going to be with a Gemini you will most often find yourself wearing this label.
Before you ask why just think about it for a moment. Gemini men are charming and inquisitive and you just can’t help but love them...that is unless you hate them (I also have found that there isn’t a whole lot of gray area when it comes to this. You either really like one of them or you absolutely can’t stand the thought of spending one more moment in their presence).
The truth is, with his optimistic outlook on pretty much everything and his child-like exuberance, being coupled with a Gemini can sometimes feel like being a parent. Don’t let the fear of your Gemini not liking what you’ve got to say stop you from keeping things on track.
Without one of you being the “bad guy,” the relationship would eventually fizzle out. He might be upset in the moment, but at the end of the day, he will be glad you talked him out of that impulse buy (or whatever parade of his you had to rain on). In fact, he needs someone like
you in his life and he loves you for it. The key is being nice about it.
#29 - The Gemini man is an enigma that you will never fully understand, so don’t drive yourself crazy trying to. Instead, focus on just enjoying the time you have together and make the most out of every situation and opportunity.
You never know what to expect with one of these guys. Their duplicitous inner core gives him the ability to change things up, even various different little quirks may come and go. He might seem a little crazy from time to time
Highly intuitive, Gemini somehow seems to just know things before anyone else. If you want to impress your Gemini man and have a chance at getting inside of that head of his, pay close attention to the little things about his personality that are different than most others.
When you pick up on his subtle changes that nobody else notices he will not only be impressed by your keen insight, but he will also start to share more of himself with your and open up on a whole new level.
#30 -Despite all of his flighty habits and tendencies, the Gemini man is actually a deep thinker who has a lot of interesting views. To hear these views you’ll have to get past superficial small talk. Philosophical questions and
discussions can sometimes nudge him in the right direction.
It’s easy to become so totally wrapped into in conversation with a Gemini that before you know it an hour has passed and, while you are still really enjoying his company, you still don’t know much about him beyond the basics. You want to know what he’s all about.
The manner in which one articulates their response to questions of a philosophical nature is a huge indication of their mental and emotional maturity, so getting into one of those mind-bending conversations is sure to reveal a good deal about his overall personality, believe it or not.
From this, you can determine how he reacts to taking your chit-chat further, and you’ll get a peek inside his headspace, which can give you an idea of his sense of character based on his reply.
If you’ve got it bad for your Gemini man crush and you haven’t told him yet, tell him! Let him know you think he's just the bee's knees and tell him how you feel.
If he’s not into it, he may try to avoid the subject, which is annoying and childish and you’ll know to move on to someone else. If he is into it, well, if he’s into it then you can consider yourself one lucky girl.
He will be the best friend and most thoughtful lover you’ve ever had, on top of his schoolboy smile and great biceps.
Sure, he’s kind of flighty and his indecisiveness could drive a more grounded person mad, but the Gemini man is one of the most fun and entertaining partner you could ever ask for.
Once ready to settle down, all the Gemini man is really looking for is a chill partner to accompany him on adventures and be by his side.
Now that we’ve gone through these 30 little secrets, you may be wondering what else you need to know to get into your Gemini man’s head and heart.
Well, there’s a LOT left to learn about those born under this charming and quirky air sign. I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised at all if someone told me the word Gemini popped up in a Thesaurus search of the word “enigma,” but don’t worry, I’ve got you covered!
I wish you all the very best in life and love, and I hope to be able to assist you along the path you’ve chosen, exploring the nature of the Gemini man.
May the stars be ever on your side,
Your Friend & Relationship Astrologer,