25 Ways To Make Your Gemini Man Feel Special
Clients often say to me, “Linda, how can I show my Gemini man how special I think he is?” This question comes up so frequently, in fact, that I want to share with you the top 25 ways you can make your Gemini man feel special and show him you really care.
He’s a man of many words, but sometimes he misses the subtleties of your actions and what they mean, so if you’re someone who believes that actions speak louder than words, getting your message through to him can be tricky.
In the pages that follow, I’ll share with you some of the ways you can accomplish your goal of showing him how you feel while strengthening the connection you have. Armed with these 25 f tips you will have a perfect plan of action and a surprise for any occasion that pops up.
The Gemini man loves to be surprised and he loves variety even more. If you’ve ever been close to one this is probably already common knowledge. For this reason, you’ll need to be continually coming up with new and inventive ways to surprise him and keep him guessing. Also, it’s good to remember that Gemini is the perpetual zodiacal child, and it doesn’t take much to impress and delight him. This basic stuff should all give you a general idea of what types of things will make him say, “Aww, you really do care!”
Now, let’s get to that list!
1.) Listen To What He’s Got To Say
As I’ve stated previously, your Gemini guy loves to talk. Communication is his thing and he’s very good at it. He’s happiest when he’s mentally stimulated, and he’ll talk your ear off if you let him. This is great, I mean, some guys will just clam up and you’ll never know what’s going on with them, but not your Gemini man. One thing that you can do to make him feel special and know that you really care is to listen to him, like, really listen. Even when you aren’t quite sure what he’s rambling on about, or when he’s jumping from one topic to another, the conversation is sure to be lively and entertaining, so indulge your Gemini man and hear him out.
What’s even better than just listening to him is if you remember something he’s said in the past. This will make him stop and think, “Wow, she really is listening to me.” Trust me when I say the positive effects of showing him you pay attention will resonate with him and he’ll be happy as a clam—A really talkative clam.
2.) Make A Real Effort To Get Along With His Friends
Next to his family, a Gemini’s friends are the most important people in his life. They’re his support structure, and he knows he can always turn to them for advice or for a good time because he’s such a great friend himself. It can be hard coming into a new relationship and being introduced to the circle of friends he’s built around himself, but you’ll score major points with your guy if you can get along and become an official member of his tribe.
There may be occasions, or specific people, that may not accept you as a new member of the group, but eventually this will wear off. If it doesn’t, at least you can say that you genuinely tried. This isn’t something you’ll have to worry about dealign with for too long though, considering how much Gemini men hate to deal with jealousy, even if it is coming from a trusted friend. And who knows, you might just grow to love his group of friends as much as you love being with your Gemini.
3.) Subscribe Him To A Magazine You Know He’ll Enjoy Getting
Magazines are a favorite of this Sun sign, and I’ll tell you whyGemini men love to read, they love to learn new things and expand their knowledge base, and they love to stay up to date on current happenings, but they have kind of a short attention span. Magazines are perfect because they provide articles that teach and inform him, while also providing aesthetically pleasing pictures and images that satisfy his artistic or curious side. If he decides to go and do something different, he can easily come back to a magazine and pick back up right where he left off, and magazines tend to reveal information in short bursts.
It’s almost a certainty that your Gemini man has multiple things he’s interested in, be it electronics, computers, fashion, cars, you name it, there’s a magazine dedicated to it. This makes a perfect birthday or anniversary gift, and it says to him that you get how his mind works. Plus, a lot of the time you can get a deal where you order one subscription and get another for free or something like that...It’s really a win-win.
4.) Get Him Something He Can Be Creative With
Gemini’s are a creative bunch, and you’ll notice as you get to know your Gemini better that he really enjoys indulging his creative side. Whether it’s woodworking, painting, sculpting, drawing, writing, or whatever else he’s into, he’ll be stoked when you present him with the tools he needs to create new and inventive things. One great idea to encourage bonding between the two of you is to plan a creative project you can do together. This will be fun lots of fun for both of you. And, in the process of breathing life into your creation, you’ll notice he opens up more because he’s enjoying what he’s doing and you’re working as a team.
Some ideas for what you can do together to get your creative juices flowing are make a beautiful mosaic out of multi-colored glass or pieces of an old mirror you don’t use anymore, take an art class together, work together writing a short story or play, decide to each make something special for the other person you can save as a keepsake, or whatever else you can dream up that will produce your desired result of unleashing his whimsical side.
5.) Accept Him Completely For Who He Is
Your Gemini man is not the average guy, he’s quirky, energetic, maybe even little bit weird, but he is genuinely 100% himself. Now, the perplexing thing about this is that he may very well change his personality from one day to the next, but this is merely a product of his dual nature, it isn’t because he thinks he should change for someone else. No matter how hard you might try to get him to change, and trust me that trying will only push him away, he’s going to be who he is and his dual personalities are going to both hang around—Forver. We all are guilty of generating the image or ideal of our perfect mate, but the way to find this person is not by “fixing” someone who doesn’t live up to your ideals. He needs to know that you accept him and love him just the way he is. And besides, if you don’t like him the way he is, what are you doing with him anyway?
6.) Help Him Slow Down And Relax With A Massage
Gemini’s love massages, it’s one of the few things that help to slow their fast paced mind and promote relaxation, which they aren’t exactly known for excelling at. When you offer to give your Gemini guy a massage he will be more than happy to accept it! Focus on the upper body, like the chest, upper back, and arms, and don’t forget to throw in a few complements on these parts of his body while you’re at it.
Gemini rules the upper body, chest and arms, and these guys usually take a lot of pride in their physique. And, to be pretty honest, you won’t see many Gemini men who are lacking definition in this area. Of course there are Gemini men out there with different physical characteristics; astrology can’t exactly predict that everyone who falls under a specific Sun sign will look alike. But, as a general rule, Gemini men are usually pretty well built in the chest and arms. This gives you a chance to express your fondness for his best physical assets, and as an added bonus for you, you’ll get to rub your hands all over his sexiest features.
7.) Nothing Says Love Like Throwing Him An Impromptu Birthday Party
Gemini’s love to be surprised; it keeps them on their toes. One amazing and fun way to surprise your Gemini man is with a party just for him on his special day. When you throw him a surprise birthday party you check off a lot of boxes on the list of his favorite things. He loves to party and have a good time, he loves to spend time with his friends, and he loves to bring people together. You doing this for him as a surprise gets you major cool points and shows you care.
When you bring all of his favorite people together for the purpose of having a good time that’s centered around him, your Gemini guy will be beaming with joy, and it will really do the trick when it comes to making him feel special. After all, Gemini is known as the eternal child of the zodiac, and while this can be frustrating at times, what better way to appeal to his childlike nature than with an impromptu birthday party!
8.) You Can NEVER Go Wrong With Books
If you’re looking for a perfect gift for your Gemini man, a bookstore is the perfect place to start. You’ve got to remember, he is ruled by Mercury, making him one of the most well read and well written signs of the zodiac. He’s naturally adept at writing, and he likes to keep notes on things he thinks about or ideas he comes up with. A nice book full of blank pages he can fill with these thoughts and ideas is something he will really get a lot of use out of, and he’ll think of you every time he goes to jot something down.
Or, if you really want to score some major points with him and give him something he’ll not only love, but also that he will make very good use of, you could look into getting him a book he can learn something new from. Be it a how-to guide to building stuff, a biography on someone he admires, or a random book all about something you think he’d find interesting, he will definitely appreciate the fact that you saw this item and thought of him.
9.) Take Him On A Road Trip: Destination Unknown
Gemini’s love to explore and expose themselves to new and exciting places and things, and a favorite way to do these things is by way of car. Road trips are fun anyway, but when you take off on an adventure with a Gemini you’re really in for a treat. When he’s happy, he’s so much fun to be around, and the conversations you’ll share along the way are guaranteed to be full of laughs and even a few bonding moments. There’s no real need to know your destination when you set out on the road, and actually, this can be a lot more fun than something pre-planned. He’ll love your sense of adventure and spontaneity, and he’ll love even more that you invited him along for the ride.
10.) Spend The Day Test Driving Sports Cars
Not only does your Gemini man love road trips, he loves to go fast. Should your trip land you at a car dealership, you’ll see his eyes light up like a Christmas tree at all the new and different models of vehicles that are out for sale. You don’t have to actually buy a car to get the keys to one, so indulge his senses and his love for vehicles in general by picking a dealership that will allow you to take your pick and take him for a spin. If they’ll let you, you can take turns trying out different vehicles, and who knows, one of you may even decide to take one home! Either way, you’re sure to have blast together and you’ll make some fun memories along the way.
11.) Don’t Flip Out Over His Mood Swings
When you’re living life with a Gemini, mood swings are unavoidable. It can be agitating, and sometimes perplexing how he can swing so wide in opposing directions at the drop of a hat, but it’s going to happen. If you find that you went to bed with one guy and you woke up next to someone completely different who’s wearing your man’s skin like a body suit, don’t freak out. He’ll come back around to being the guy you know and love, but for a little while he’s going to embody this alter ego that all Gemini’s have.
You may be confused as to what made his mood flip, and to be honest, there may not have been anything specific at all that brought out his other side. There’s not really anything you can do to stop it, so the best course of action is just to embrace this other side of his personality and come to grips with the fact that you are in a relationship with two men in one. Because a lot of people are put off or weirded out by his dual personalities, he’ll love that you aren’t.
Now, you may not like the other side of him, as some Gemini’s have a dark side that likes to come out and get some attention from time to time, some call this waking the deamon child, and if this is the case you may just want to take a girls night or spend a day doing something that you enjoy without his company. Just so long as you don’t freak out over the noticeable transformation he’s just made, you’re good. On the contrary though, most Gemini’s “other side” is delightful and fun to be around, so you’ll have to make the call for whether or not you want to hang around him when he swings one way or another when the time comes, and trust me, eventually it will.
12.) Keep In Mind That He’s Not One For Extravagant Displays Of Affection
Gemini’s are fun and imaginative lovers and partners, there’s no doubt about that. What they don’t like is having to go overboard to show their partner how they feel, or for their partner to go to crazy lengths to show him how they feel. This is weird and uncomfortable for him, because it creates a lot of pressure for him to be able to reciprocate accordingly. Believe it or not, he’s actually a pretty low key kinda guy and when it comes to the mushy stuff, and especially the mushy emotional stuff, he prefers the two of you keep things on a pretty even keel. Respecting this will really make him appreciate the fact that you are who he loves and that you love him the way he likes best—Chill.
13.) Take Him Out To A Comedy Show
I’m sure you’ve noticed by now that your Gemini guy loves to laugh and to generally just have a good time. He’s quick witted himself and humor is something he really digs. Funny people on the street, funny shows, funny stories, you name it. Taking him out to a comedy show will not only make him happy, it’ll show him that you’v got a sense of humor and like to laugh too. This is an especially great tip for dates early on in the relationship. You’ll laugh together and he’ll see the side of you that has a sense of humor to match his, something very important to the Gemini man, making him want to spend even more time with you than he did before.
14.) Be Supportive Of His Newest “Flavor Of The Week” Hobby Or Interest
Gemini men are not known for their great sense of consistency— Not even a little bit. He’ll bounce from one interest to another, and he’ll love every minute of it. One day he may be completely immersed in building model cars, just to drop this hobby and move on to creating a new role playing game from scratch that he plans on playing with his friends. It’s not all that often that he will actually finish a project unless he’s really into it and nothing new catches his eye before he’s done. Whatever you do, don’t be discouraging or he’ll see you as trying to ruin his fun—Like I said, he is the eternal child of the zodiac.
After a while you may find that your house is filled with unfinished projects and weird little doodads and toys that he’s put away for another day. Rather than getting frustrated at his inability to see these things through, be supportive and maybe even get involved and help him to make it all the way through a project to the end. Being supportive of his widely varying interests will show him that you care and that you want him to be happy, even if it means filling your attic space with an eclectic collection of things he swears he will “get back to one of these days.”
15.) Do Random Nice Things That Show Him How Much You Appreciate Him
Everyone likes it when they are the recipient of random acts of kindness, I mean, it’s great. The Gemini man is especially appreciative of the little things you do, without any notice and that catches him off guard, to show him you really dig him. It doesn’t have to be anything big, you could do something as simple as pick up his dry-cleaning or feed his fish so he doesn’t have to worry about it, like I said it’s the little things.
If you’ve had a lot of time with your Gemini man, you know he’s someone who would do anything to make sure the one’s he cares for are happy and well taken care of. Returning this gesture goes a long way to show him how much you care. If you can surprise him in some way, all the better. He’s attracted to spontaneity and kindness, so when you show him you’re full of both of these things he will love spending time with you even more.
What you don’t want to do here is immediately expect something from him in return. It’s not that he won’t reciprocate, he will, but when you turn around and expect it right after you do something for him the positive energy that was generated between the two of you when you did your good deed will quickly start to diminish and he’ll feel obligated and pressured to do something for you. Do it because you care, not because you expect something in return.
16.) Be An Anchor In His Life He Knows He Can Depend On
With Gemini being the airiest of air signs, he needs someone in his life who can act as an anchor and a kind of “home base” that he knows he can rely on. He may have sides of him that seem grounded, but you can bet his head is in the clouds. He has a fear of becoming stagnate and a distaste for staying still or in one place for too long. This makes it hard for him to put down roots, but there are always going to be times when he needs to feel more stable than he may actually be.
You may just be the one who talks him out of the ideas that are too crazy or out there, or things that could end in injury. You may be the one who helps him keep his finances in order when he decides he really needs to buy that sport-bike he saw at lunch, or you may be the one he comes to for serious matters he knows he needs to handle maturely. Whatever you do that gives him that sense of comfort and being connected to the earth in some way, he will love and appreciate the fact that you care so much for him that you take the time to be his rock. This one doesn’t sound too glamorous, I know, but if you are the more stable one in your relationship it kind of comes with the territory. And every Gemini needs someone in their life who keeps them grounded, who better to be that person than you?
17.) Change Up Your Daily Routine Together
If you’ve already established a relationship with your Gemini guy, then you’ve probably got a routine of some sort that you’ve fallen into together. This is normal and natural, and really, it’s a sign of a healthy relationship. Well, healthy relationship or not, your Gemini man may become bored if things become too routine. He hates monotony, and nothing is less appealing to the Gemini man than thinking that he’s going to be doing the same thing at the same time day after day after day. It creates this image in his head of him at age 90 still taking out the trash every Tuesday and Thursday and having dinner at exactly 6:00 forever. This can quickly spiral into an over exaggerated and unrealistic depiction of gloom and doom—At least he’s got a great imagination, right?
Surprise him once in a while by changing your routine up completely to keep things interesting and to keep him from becoming bored or unhappy with the relationship. If you always have date night at your favorite restaurant on Saturdays, surprise him by telling him you want to go out on a Tuesday and choose a date night destination you’ve never been to before. Reorganize your furniture before he gets home so things look and feel fresh when he gets in, maybe try your hand at a little feng shui to lighten up the energy in your home. Shop at a different grocery store, go for a drive when you’d normally be going to bed, have breakfast for dinner, and generally just change things up just enough that he doesn’t start to feel like he’s living in some weird version of Groundhog Day.
Some things you can’t switch around, so don’t feel like you have to reinvent the wheel here. The key to making this tip work out is to just shake things up in your day to day life together enough that he doesn’t start to feel trapped in a monotonous routine.
18.) Respect His Personal Space
Even though your Gemini man loves having you around, there are going to be times when he just wants to hang out by himself, or perhaps when he’ll want to go out with his friends without you. Don’t get offended when this happens! He can’t spend ALL of his time with you or the time you spend together won’t mean as much and, honestly, if you spend all of your time around him he could lose interest. He knows this, so when he says he is going out with the guys, or whatever it is that he does in his own time, respect that and don’t scoff or become upset or unhappy. He hates that.
If you’re the nosey type who likes to dig around in your man’s stuff, go through his phone, or generally be a space invader of the worst kind, stop that right now. Gemini men really value their privacy, and your guy will not appreciate it if you violate his. I’ve known of Gemini men who actually keep their prized possessions in a safe just to keep them protected, and why not? Well, this one particular client of mine made the mistake of breaking into his safe because she just could not stand not knowing what he had hidden from her. He found out, it caused them a lot of problems, and in the end, there was nothing in the safe worth even mentioning. As you might have already figured out, a great big ole’ fight ensued, which only perpetuated those negative feelings for everyone involved.
I know, I know, it can be hard to stay out of his stuff when he is seemingly flirting with other people or when one of those moods hits where he starts acting different from usual, but you have to. Flirting is one of the ways he communicates, and half the time he doesn’t realize he’s even doing it, and the whole mood swing thing we’ve already covered. You have to trust him, and in trusting him you’ve got to respect his personal space. He’ll appreciate it and your trust in him will show him, not only that you care, but that this relationship has real potential.
19.) Ask Him For Advice
Gemini’s give the best advice because they know something about everything and they possess the ability to see both sides of every situation. If you are in need of advice and you don’t know where to turn, your Gemini man is not only the best option, but he will feel really special and love that you trust his opinion enough to come to him. He’s the best when it comes to objectivity, and he would never steer you in the wrong direction. If you have a problem or something you just can’t figure out, even if in that moment you go to talk to him he’s doing something incredibly goofy or childish, he will happily go into advisor mode and he’ll show a genuine interest in helping you reach a solution to whatever it is you need to solve.
He’s got a quick and agile mind and he can process information at lightening speed, and the odds are good that in his varied life experiences (depending on his age) he’s already been through something similar or known someone who has. In a hurry to decide what to do? He’s your man. Need someone to tell it to you straight? He will do just that, so don’t expect him to just say what you want to hear. Even if you just need someone you can vent to or bounce ideas off of while you figure it out yourself, he’s the guy you should turn to. He gets a lot of joy out of helping those he cares for, and you, of all people, will definitely get the best advice he has to give.
20.) Be Honest And Blunt With Him, Whatever The Situation May Be
Geminis get a bad rap for being dishonest, when really they are far from it. They get this reputation from their natural ability to manipulate people and situations with their silver tongues, and from their sometimes sneaky seeming behavior, but all in all they’re a truthful lot. He’ll be honest with you, and he’ll expect you to do the same. You may think he’s going to get mad or flip out over something, when in all reality he’ll do just the opposite. Like I’ve said, he is capable of seeing all sides of a situation, and even if he doesn’t like something, he’s able to see things objectively and he will really appreciate the fact that you value him enough to be truthful. I’m not saying certain things won’t cause a rift or an argument, I mean, he is human; but honesty is always the best policy, and this goes double for dealing with a Gemini man.
21.) Surprise Him With A Fun New Gadget He Can Use To Connect With The World
Geminis love electronics. Computers, tablets, phones, smart watches, smart tv’s, basically anything with “smart” in the description that can be utilized to gather new information and communicate with other people will be right up his alley. Video games are a big thing for a lot of Gemini men, and I’m sure some of you reading this who have a Gemini man in your life kinda hate that fact. Try not to hate it. If gaming makes him happy, let him game. Perhaps try gaming with him and get in on the fun—He’ll really love that.
Aside from gaming related gifts or activities, you can surprise him with any sort of messaging or computing device and really make his day. If you can get him something that has multiple functionality options, like a tablet or smartphone where he can stream video, keep up with email, look up the news to see what’s happening in the world, check the weather, maybe even make some phone calls, and just generally stay connected, you’ll have found the most perfect Gemini gift of all. It’s rare you’ll see a Gemini without a phone in hand nowadays, and he’s become to accustomed to staying connected that he’d really be lost without it.
22.) Get Him A Good Pair Of Binoculars Or A Telescope
This one may sound a bit strange, but follow me here. Gemini is an air sign, arguably the airiest of all the air signs, making the sky his natural domain. With a good pair of binoculars your Gemini can explore the skies from the ground and watch those birds he likes to observe so much fly free. He secretly, or maybe not so secretly, wishes he could fly and deep down he’s at least a little bit jealous of creatures that can. This gift idea puts him that much closer to this dream of his, as well as giving him a way to get a really good look at those majestic flying creatures.
Besides bird watching, your Gemini man will get a kick out of being able to clearly see long distances from one central spot. He enjoys people watching and what better way to people watch than from a comfy vantage point where you can get a good look at all the details of what’s happening without having to pretend you aren’t staring and observing those around you? This may sound a little creepy, but it really isn’t when you think about it. He’s not peeping into people’s windows, he’s watching the general public and observing how we, as humans, interact. This is a gift he will love, and one that might actually surprise him that you thought to choose it for him.
If you can’t find a set of binoculars that fit your needs, or if you think your guy would prefer to set his sites a bit further away, you can’t go wrong in getting him a telescope. Giving him something he can use to explore the stars and planets from his own yard, or wherever he sets it up at, gives him a feeling of freedom that he may not be able to explain to those who don’t share his airy disposition. It’s a good feeling, trust me here, I’m a Gemini too, remember, and we love anything that gives us an extended sight ability. As a bonus with this particular gift, you can share some amazing moments with your guy stargazing.
23.) Never Divulge His Secrets To Anyone Else
If your Gemini man shares things with you that he doesn’t want anyone else to know, you definitely do NOT want to spill the beans, not even a little bit. Once you’ve gotten to a point in your relationship where he starts sharing his personal secrets with you, or just things he wants to keep private, you’ll know you’ve leveled up in the relationship, so to speak. He may even share something trivial with you first as a test to see if you can be trusted to keep these things between just the two of you. If he finds out you’ve shared this sensitive information with your friend, mom, sister, or whomever, you’ll be knocked right back down to whatever level you were previously at, and you’ll probably be there for a while. Gemini men aren’t known for their wealth of secrets, I mean, he’s no Scorpio, but in time there will be things he wishes to keep private, so if you are the “keeper of this knowledge,” be sure you keep it to yourself.
24.) Sign The Two Of You Up For A Culinary Cooking Class
Your Gemini man will be stoked at the idea of taking a cooking class with you, even if he already knows how to cook. While Geminis aren’t typically all that concerned with indulging themselves with decadent foods—He’s not a Taurus, after all—what these guys do really appreciate about culinary dishes is the presentation. If you can find a class or group that will teach the two of you how to create beautiful and delicious dishes together, you’ll have your date nights figured out for the duration of the class, and he’ll have a blast.
Once you’ve completed the course, he may not use these skills all that often, but he’ll never pass up an opportunity to learn something new he can add to his long list of skills and abilities. What’s even better, he’ll now be able to create aesthetically pleasing dishes for his guests when he has parties, and you’ll get to spend some quality time together creating memories and making delicious foods, all of which he will just love. He’ll really dig the fact that you thought of it too, especially since going to culinary class isn’t your run of the mill date night affair. It’s fun, its different, and it’s a great chance to bond even further with him.
25.) Don’t Be Afraid To Get Wild And Adventuresome In The Bedroom
As you can see, I saved the best for last. Your Gemini man is probably one of the best, if not the very best lover you’ll ever have. He’s fun, adventuresome, giving, loving, and a little kinky when he wants to be. What more could you possibly ask for in a lover? If you aren’t into something he proposes, just say so. He would never pressure you to do anything beyond your comfort level. If you are into venturing into his sexual fantasy land and trying some new things, however, I am can promise that you will not regret it!
It takes more than just a physical connection for him to come completely out of his shell, and this is something a lot of people don’t understand. Some see him as being this promiscuous, overly flirtatious, super confident, charming guy who could have anyone he wanted, and surely must. This is actually quite inaccurate, the part about him being promiscuous anyway. All the other things are pretty spot on.
That being said, when you’re building your relationship with your Gemini man and you get to the point where intimacy come into play, you’ll know that you’ve made that all important mental connection that is the foundation for a solid relationship. The closer the two of you get, and the more comfortable you are with him, the better your sexual experiences together will become. You’ll find your groove and little by little I’m confident you will become more adventuresome between the sheets. He’s just so irresistible.
Then there’s the other side of the Gemini man, one that some might refer to as the “darker side” of his sexuality. Keeping in mind that he is a sign of duality, and he likes things that come in two’s, having two lovers at once is a secret fantasy of every Gemini. It may or may not work for your particular relationship, and like I said, he will never push you into anything, but if this is a fantasy you’ve secretly had and now you’re with a Gemini man, your options just became more expansive. You can feel it out with a little dirty talk, which he loves, and see where things go. He’ll love that you’re opening up to him and exploring your own darker side with him.
There are countless other ways you can impress and delight your Gemini man beyond what we’ve gone over here. These ideas are great, but you know your Gemini better than I, so take some time to tweak these things to fit your specific situation. Think of this list as a jumping off point for you to find even more things that make your Gemini man feel special and happy in your relationship. The more you get to know him, the more you’ll come to realize just how special he is to you and you’ll keep finding better and better ways to let him know it. Now, what are you waiting for? Get out there and go have some fun with your Gemini guy!
May the stars be on your side,
Your friend and relationship astrologer,
P.S. Hey, when I say friend, I mean it. Feel free to get in touch if you've got any extra questions... email me at contact@horoscopesocialnetwork.com and I'll try to help you out as soon as I grab some free time.