How To Text A Capricorn Man—Understanding His Communication Style
The Capricorn man is one tough cookie to crack when it comes to getting him to open up and communicate, especially in the early stages of your relationship. His reserved, often stoic demeanor can be a bit off-putting, even making him seem unapproachable.
I mean, these guys aren't exactly known for having stellar communication skills, and you’ll rarely come across one who enjoys hearing himself talk for the sake of talking.
Not one for empty conversations where the only purpose of exchanging words is to fill an empty space, you’ve got to keep the Capricorn man interested if you want him to engage in any sort of real conversation with you. Just figuring out how to approach him can feel like work, but it doesn’t have to be something you stress over.
Technology today has really changed the way we as humans communicate with one another. We have so many options now when it comes to communicating that choosing the best way to stay in touch can be a little overwhelming.
With the memes, emojis, Snapchat, Whatsapp, texting, and the multitude of messenger applications all at your fingertips, how do you know what will elicit a positive response from your sea-goat?
You don’t want to send something that will turn him off, but you don’t want to come across as dull or boring, either. You want to figure out what to say and how to say it, and with a Capricorn man on the receiving end, you know you’ve got to come correct with whatever you send...It would be so much easier if only he weren’t so intimidating!
First things first, you’ve got to relax and stop letting this stress you out. If he wants to talk to you, he will. If he doesn’t, he won’t. And, if he’s given you his number, it’s a safe bet to say that he does and will.
A lot of...well, actually, all of how he responds will have to do with what type of a mood he’s in and what he’s currently doing when you send him that first message. If he’s in a crappy mood he will delay responding. If you surprise him, or if he’s busy working away on something, you won’t get a response right away.
He isn’t the type to lunge for the phone every time it dings, nor is he the type to take personal calls or texts during business hours. If he’s expecting your call or text, however, that’s a whole different ball game.
If he says he will answer at a certain time, he will. He’s very reliable like that. We’ll get more into the reasons why he’s not replying a little later in this book. For now, let’s focus on how you can get him engaged and interested.
Let’s Get This Conversation Started!
Capricorn is a sign all about action. To him, actions speak louder than words, and empty words mean absolutely nothing if you’ve got a track record for not following through on things you’ve said in the past.
He’s a "fool me once" kind of guy, so if you want him to listen and take the time to communicate you’ve got to show him you’re someone who says what they mean and means what they say.
Despite his no-nonsense exterior, the Capricorn man has a lighter side that comes out when he’s engaged in good conversation.
Attitude is one of the most important things to be mindful of when you’re communicating with a Capricorn man. It’s important to avoid being excessively negative, but it is also important to avoid being excessively positive.
It requires a delicate balance, but once you figure out where exactly your Capricorn man stands psychologically, it becomes easier to find that sweet spot nestled somewhere between being uplifting and positive while still being firmly rooted in reality.
So, how do you find that sweet spot with your man? Well, you have to know him pretty well to gain intimate knowledge of how his mind works, but there are general guidelines that will help you get there. Here, I’ll share with you five key tips for how to match his communication style and make him want to respond.
• First, you need to know how your Capricorn man thinks, which can be easily determined by finding the house and sign designation of Mercury and the Moon in his natal chart. These two celestial energies govern how his mind works and his emotional responses to any given situation, so attaining this knowledge is a tremendous help when it comes to judging how he will respond to your texts.
Having a quick look at his natal chart, or having an astrologer complete a reading for you, will open doors to his mind and ensure you know exactly how to communicate with him to get the results you want.
• Second, you have to be confident in yourself and in what you have to say, otherwise, he’ll pay you no mind and he may not even answer your text, as in never ever. Capricorn men love a woman who knows what she wants and has confidence that she can get it. If you’re nervous about texting him, do whatever you must to keep that from coming through in your messages.
• Third, you’ve got to have something to say if you want him to pay attention to your messages. In other words, open-ended messages like, “Hey,” won’t get you very far at all. Take the time to come up with a plan before you send that first message.
• Fourth, you’ve got to maintain a good sense of propriety with your messages. Capricorn men won’t waste their time replying to a text that appears to be crass, vulgar, or rude. He’s a respectable guy and he wouldn’t consider mixing up with a woman who holds herself to anything less than high standards.
If you read through your text and it seems inappropriate for where you’re currently at in the relationship, your safest bet is to delete that one and try again—If you want to get a reply from him, that is.
• Fifth, if you overload him with information the odds are he won’t respond. Most Capricorn men are less than enthusiastic about communication as a whole, so sending your man a text that overwhelms him is one way to guarantee that he won’t respond.
The same goes for sending multiple messages before he has the chance to send a reply. Think about what you want to convey to him and come up with a nice, neat, concise way to get your thoughts across without bombarding him with unnecessary details.
Crafting a Perfect Text Message
You’ve been thinking about it and trying to come up with some fantastic opening line that will dazzle him and really pull him into the conversation. But, trying to figure out how to accomplish with a Capricorn man can pose a bit of a challenge.
That’s ok though because here we’ll go over how you can craft the perfect text that will almost guarantee he will not only be interested in what you have to say but will also pique his interest in you as a whole.
Your Capricorn man is always busy (usually working) and always has something going on, so texting is really the perfect way to get in touch with him.
Sometimes, though, you’ll shoot him a text, see that he’s read it, and yet he doesn’t send a reply back for a few hours or a day or whatever. This is annoying, to say the least, and it leaves you wondering why he isn’t responding.
The result of that situation: you are left feeling frustrated and annoyed with him and he doesn’t know why you’re feeling upset. Next thing you know, you’re in an argument that started all over a simple misunderstanding.
Or, even worse, he’s giving you the silent treatment—Which, I don’t know about you, but I would much rather deal with just about anything other than the silent treatment. Silence when you just want to communicate with him is absolutely maddening.
The original lack of reply from him was because he was either busy right then and forgot to reply later, or that he was only sorta busy and your message didn’t strike him as something that made him want to stop what he was doing. Which, yes, the latter option there is kind of rude, but it’s not what he would consider rude— Unless, of course, you did it to him.
So how do you get him to see your message and reply? I’ll tell you.
Being overly wordy is one mistake you can make when crafting a text to your Capricorn man.. If he sees a text that’s short, to the point, and can be answered without messing up his flow, he’s much more likely to stop to send you a reply.
If, however, he opens his messages and finds a novel on the screen, he probably won't take the time to stop and read all the way through what you wrote.
• Short, sweet, and to the point is the goal when texting your Capricorn man.
If you’re just getting to know each other, or perhaps you don’t even really know one another yet, you want to send a message long enough to establish, or re-establish who you are, but not so much that he feels overwhelmed.
So, if you text him something simple like “Hi,” this is a dead-end starter text. He may say,“Hi,” back, but unless you have something incredibly interesting or impressive to add beyond that, the conversation isn’t going to get very far. Instead of just saying “Hello,” try something like this:
“Hey! I enjoyed meeting you the other day, how’d you like to maybe catch a movie or something?”
Or, if you don’t want to be quite so bold, or if you’ve already known him for a while, you can try something like:
“Hey, what’s up? It’s Anna. Are you going to that party at Josh’s place this weekend?”
This will definitely get him to perk up and wonder what party you’re talking about (you’ll have to have a party or get-together to mention, of course). But, this could also be a deal breaker if your Capricorn man isn’t into going out to parties.
The times when this kind of text would work in your favor is when it is his friend who’s hosting the party, or, in the rare case where he’s actually a Capricorn who attends parties regularly.
• If you aren’t sure, hold off on this approach and move on to one of the next suggestions.
Of course, if he is into the idea of enjoying some fun with friends, you could always throw your own party. I know, I know, that’s quite a lot of work just to get a guy interested in talking, but parties are fun and depending on your outlook on it, having a party could be the perfect segue to reaching the next level with your Capricorn man.
If you do decide to throw a shindig and want to invite him, try something like:
“Hey, you! Not sure if you’ve heard, but I’m throwing a party at my place Saturday and it’d be awesome if you could come! It's sure to be lots of fun :)”
If throwing a party or get-together isn’t an option, you can always go for good ole' blunt honesty—Something that works quite well with Capricorn men—and just tell him you’re diggin' him and ask him, flat out, if he’d like to hang out or do something.
Something like this:
“Hey, it’s Anna! I was wondering if you’d like to get together sometime? I think we could have a lot of fun getting to know each other :)”
Now, there is a very good possibility that your Capricorn man is either too busy to go out or just isn’t into fun. Should this be the case, there are ways to get into his head without suggesting anything fun or frivolous.
• One great option is to ask for advice on a subject you know he is knowledgeable in.
When you ask a Capricorn man for advice on something important, he almost feels it is his duty to reply. This is not a trait of his that you want to take advantage of, though, especially since doing so could make him start ignoring your texts altogether. Just don’t ask stupid questions unless you’re looking for a smart-ass reply!
“Hey, (insert your guy’s name here)! I hear you really know your stuff when it comes to (insert subject), and I was wondering if I might pick your brain a bit, perhaps over dinner?”
Not only does this convey that you respect his opinion, it also tells him that whoever sent you in his direction does, as well. A Capricorn man can’t resist a little ego boost, especially when it’s dealing with an area of life he works hard at doing well in.
Also, asking this type of advice shows him that you, too, are a go- getter who’s concerned with success and achievement— Something he both requires and admires in a partner.
Or, if you’ve already discussed your plans or goals with him and his advice worked out, now you’ve got a perfect segue into getting him to have a little fun celebrating with you.
“Hey (Insert your guy’s name here), I got the promotion! Thanks for the great advice the other day. I was hoping you might join me to celebrate later?”
Even the most serious, no-nonsense Capricorn can see the value in celebrating the attainment of goals and professional achievements.
And trust me, showing him that you are dedicated to reaching your goals, both personal and professional, will pique his interest in furthering a relationship with you.
These are just a few examples of how you can get him interested via text. Use your imagination, and as you get to know him better you’ll figure out other fun ways to keep the texts lively and interesting.
Also, short, humorous messages are always welcome to your Capricorn’s inbox. Something that doesn’t take too long to focus on but pops some comedic enjoyment into his day is just the thing to get his attention and put a smile on his face. Remember though, he likes dry, sarcastic humor, and will balk at anything too crass or anything too silly.
A key tip to remember: Keep your messages sweet and to the point, and avoid dumping any emotional baggage into his inbox. Your Capricorn man won't stop to deal with drama via text, so don’t even bother.
What To Do When He Doesn’t Reply To Your Messages
Even the most perfect text won’t guarantee a response from your Capricorn man, and how you handle his absence of reply can determine the direction your relationship will take.
It can be frustrating beyond belief to wait and wait for a text that never comes, but just because he didn’t reply straight away doesn’t mean he hasn’t thought about it.
Remember, your Capricorn man is more reserved than the average man. He takes life rather seriously and if he isn’t sure how to respond, he’d rather send no reply than one he thinks makes him sound bad.
But, if you freak out over his lack of communication your chances of ever getting a date with him or a follow-up date, will diminish substantially.
• If he doesn't reply, don’t make a big deal of it.
If you’ve sent only one message, it’s totally safe to send another, but you’ll want to leave it at that. If he doesn’t reply to your second message, your best bet is waiting until you see him in person again and feeling out the situation.
It’s always easier to read someone when they’re standing in front of you, which may actually be the reason he never sent that reply.
Because Capricorn men are so naturally skeptical and apprehensive of people, your guy might just be waiting to see you in person so he can determine whether or not you are genuinely
interested in him. If this is the case, the only real option you have is to wait it out.
The biggest mistake you can make here is to be overly upset, anxious, annoyed, or otherwise emotional about the fact that he left you hanging. If he’s interested he will seek you out and talk face to face.
If he avoids you or acts like it never happened...well, he may not be ready to take things any further right now and there’s not a whole lot you can do to change that. In this instance, you’ll just have to be patient or move on. Pushing him or trying to force him into communicating is the worst thing you can do.
Getting Him To Ask You Out
Capricorn men, as sexy as they are, don’t generally see themselves as being the “ladies man” type. And, depending on his own level of confidence with the opposite sex, he may have trouble getting up the courage to ask you on that date you’ve been hoping for.
Typically, you can tell when a guy isn’t super sure of himself, though, and if this seems to be the case you can help him along a bit by flirting and even suggesting the date yourself. If he’s into it, he will likely jump at the chance to take you out!
Then again, the more evolved Capricorn man has confidence and is the type to go after what he wants, to include the woman he wants. If this is the case with your man, there isn’t a lot you have to actually do to get him to ask you on a date.
If there’s chemistry and he wants to ask you out, he’s going to ask you out. He will be relentless in his pursuit of you and in getting you to agree to let him take you out. He’s this way with everything he wants in life, which is probably why he usually succeeds.
He takes a practical approach to love, as he does everything, so don't expect him to sweep you off your feet like some kind of Don Juan wannabe. This just isn’t his style.
If you want him to show his interest in you, it’s important to show him you can be trusted. As I mentioned in my main Capricorn Man Secrets book, he has to know he can trust a woman before he will invite her into his life in any capacity, especially romantically.
He’s not looking for a one night stand kind of deal, so you want to be careful how you portray yourself in how you act and the things you say.
If you’ve had a wild and crazy weekend with the girls, this guy is not the one you want to share all the details with. Instead, try to focus on sharing bits of information about yourself relating to how you are looking for something real with a genuine guy that won’t just run off with the first floozie he comes into contact with.
If nothing else, this will convey to him that you’re the kind of girl he could possibly settle down with. He may be a loner, but deep down he really desires to have a woman who’s worthy of his affection and will stand by his side.
You don’t want to give in to him right off the bat and accept his invitation for a date, though; no matter how much you want to say yes.
To him, the excitement of the chase is a part of the fun, so when you immediately agree to whatever he wants to do without making him work for it a little, he could lose interest.
I’m not saying to try and run him off or anything, but it never hurts to tease your Capricorn man a little! Trust me, he will respond accordingly.
What To Do Once You Get That First Date
Ok, so now you’ve agreed to let him take you out—Because this is how it is with Capricorns, he can be very much the gentleman when he wants to be—Now what do you do to keep things going in the right direction?
Your first date with a Capricorn man is sure to be one you won’t easily forget. He’s handsome and charming and he’s got this youthful quality about him that’s pretty irresistible. As I’ve mentioned, Capricorn men tend to age backward, so the older he is, the more youthful he will appear.
Once you get past the initial getting to know one another, which with a Capricorn can sometimes feel like you’re filling out a credit application, things will slowly start to get a more personal.
Now, typically, he won’t try to get that serious on the first date, but nothing is impossible (since he IS a man after all). However, regardless of how “right” it might feel, I don’t recommend letting things become physical with him on the first date.
Don’t worry, there’s a WHOLE other book in this series about the Capricorn man’s sexual side where I will explain his thoughts and approach to sex
That said, you’ve got to draw your boundaries early on with him because boundaries are something he places a LOT of importance on.
And, he’ll appreciate it that you’re decisive and to the point about things. Most Capricorns read body language quite well and your Capricorn man will notice what your body is saying.
Your general first date conversations will be full of exchanging information about yourselves and that type of thing. You know, the usual.
When getting to know him, don’t feel as though you need to pretend to be someone different from who you really are. He’s a very genuine kind of guy and he wants a partner who’s the same.
One thing you want to try and avoid too early on is taking the conversation to an emotional place. He won’t know how to handle this and it could send him running in the opposite direction. You can’t go wrong talking about your career and goals to start off with.
The more he realizes you are a like-minded soul, the more comfortable he will be sharing with you details that are more intimate, which is really the goal you are striving for. The key to success with him is having patience while he develops trust for you.
To Sext Or Not To Sext? And How To Achieve Mental Intimacy With A Capricorn Man
After you’ve gone out on a few dates and gotten to know your Capricorn man a little better you’ll have a good idea of whether you want to continue things and how serious you want to become with him.
Capricorn men are the best during those love-struck first few weeks and months of a relationship, and they love making their partner feel like a queen—Seriously, you’re in for a treat!
The question of when to start sexting with your Capricorn has everything to do with where you’re at in the relationship. All in all, he wants a woman who is classy in the streets and a freak in the sheets, but letting your freak flag fly with him too early on could, and probably will backfire.
Once you’re past the initial stages of the relationship and you’ve kind of decided to go down the path of becoming a couple, sending him sexy little messages to brighten his day is totally safe. In fact, he will love it.
Sending raunchy messages or pictures too early on, however, could give the impression that you don’t respect yourself, which is definitely NOT what you want to do!
A good rule of thumb to follow is to save your sexting for after you’ve actually initiated real physical contact. Always keep it classy and definitely avoid anything that’s vulgar. As you get to know him on a more intimate level you’ll figure out what will and won’t impress him on that front.
Capricorn men are not known for initiating deep, meaningful conversations where you explore each other’s souls. It’s not that they are totally averse to having them, it’s just that it’s not something they feel needs to happen. If it’s important to you, though, you can probably get at least one or two moments like this out of your Capricorn man.
In your day to day back and forth, just remember not to beat around the bush. Your Capricorn man isn’t someone who reads between the lines to find out what you really mean. He doesn’t have time for such things.
The way he sees it, you either mean it or you don’t and if you didn’t mean it you wouldn’t have said it—In short, Open, honest, genuinely sweet, & sometimes sexy, communication is the key to keeping it going with a Capricorn man.
Now, we’ve all got a side of us that’s not so great, it’s human nature and nobody is perfect. Next, we’ll go through some of the pitfalls to watch out for when communicating with him and how to best handle it when these situations present themselves.
Possible Pitfalls To Watch Out For
Communicating with your Capricorn man will sometimes be frustrating and you may think he’s intentionally trying to drive you mad. Don’t worry, he’s not.
He can come off as seeming cold or disinterested, but once you become an item he can be incredibly giving and he will always make sure you’re taken care of. For those of us who prefer emotional intimacy over material security, being with a Capricorn man can be confusing.
I want to say that he’s not selfish, and really, there are sides of his personality that are very giving and loving, but the fact is, there’s going to be some selfishness somewhere in your man.
The thing is, when this side of him pops up, he won’t realize how he’s acting. This is why it is so very important to set boundaries before he tries to cross them.
Because he isn’t really fantastic when it comes to verbalizing his feelings, your Capricorn man may withdraw sometimes. This is especially true when you’re having problems or if you’ve been arguing, or if he's just had a really bad day.
The reason for this is because he doesn’t want to go off and say things he’ll regret. Trust me, it’s better that he takes a time out to collect himself before you try to talk to or reason with him.
Some Capricorn men have the bad habit of perceiving that they’re just always right, no matter what. They see things one way and one way only, and there’s not a thing in this world that will change his mind or get him to consider your stance on something.
If your Capricorn man feels this way, know that it's not likely that he'll ever "come around."
In most of the successful long time couples where the man is Capricorn, the women usually try to ignore that particular trait and they don't get too hung up on trying to prove that he's wrong, because it's a futile effort and there are other, better things you could be doing with your time together.
When you run into this, there’s not a lot that can be done to “fix” things. Explaining to him how his actions make you feel is a good start, but usually, when a Capricorn has this mindset it takes some doing to get them to see the light and mellow out. Either that or the mellow comes with age.
The best way to get him to see your side of something is always with a pragmatic approach to whatever you wish to explain or show him.
One redeeming quality here is even if he can’t or won’t admit that you are right when he thought you were wrong, if you can teach him something or enlighten him to some new information, he will think on it, probably research it, and return to you later with his revised opinion.
All in all, Capricorn men make some of the best partners in the zodiac. Your sea-goat is a passionate soul who may not be the best at verbal communication, but that’s because he’s a doer, not a talker.
He has his down sides, but so do you, and learning what you can deal with and what you can’t deal with becomes the key to choosing the right partner for you.
The deeper we go through this Capricorn Man Secrets series, the closer you become to mastering this relationship by understanding your man and learning how he thinks, communicates and loves.
No relationship is perfect, but the more you understand about him, the stronger your relationship will be.
May the stars be on your side,