30 Dirty Little Secrets About Your Capricorn Man Learn How To Capture His Heart Even If You're Not The Perfect Zodiac Match
Hello there!
I see that you have a particular interest in getting to know how Capricorn men operate, maybe you even have a Capricorn man of your own that you want to become closer to.
Whatever the case, you're in exactly the right place!
I have some things I'd like to share with you about Capricorn men. First, though, I'll give you a brief rundown of how I got here, and why I decided to share my program.
Even if you aren't a big believer in the ancient practice of Astrology, this is one astrological reference you'll want to stop and check out.
You see, there was once a time when I was skeptical of Astrology, it's true. I changed my tune after a trip to Romania, where my aunt opened my eyes to the amazing secrets held in my stars. Let me backtrack just a bit to give you the full picture of what happened.
I had been in a perfect relationship with this perfect guy (he was, and still is, actually a Taurus) and I thought my life was going along very nicely. At first, I wasn't even going to go to Romania to see my aunt because I didn't want to leave my guy behind. It was that serious.
So, there I am, minding my own business when the Universe decides to get my attention in the worst way when my Taurus broke things off between us. I was in shock. I hadn't done anything, at least I didn't think I had...
Everything had been going so smoothly and we'd been having such great conversations and experiences together, why was he doing this??
Well, regardless of why he was doing it, he was, and I was left feeling totally out in the cold. I went from cloud nine to bottom floor in record time. It was bad.
That's when my mom asked one more time if maybe I'd consider taking that trip to see my aunt and get away from everything. I considered it and decided, what the heck? I had nothing to lose and I needed to busy myself with positive experiences.
Once I got unpacked, my aunt started asking questions (I guess I wasn't doing a very good job at hiding my recent emotional wounds). I told her some of what had happened and said I just wanted to not think about it, or him. Before we closed that topic, however, my aunt asked for mine and my guy’s birth information so she could cast our charts. I didn’t think too much would come of it, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to hear what she had to say.
Let me tell you, I was floored when she began telling me things that were quite private and there was no way she could have known, unless, of course, our charts and stars really were revealing these things to her.
It was amazing, we talked for several hours and by the end of the night, I had a deep fascination and a basic understanding of astrology, as well as a thirst to learn more.
With the tips and information gleaned from mine and my Taurus' charts, I made my move once back in the states. Turned out my aunt and astrology were totally right and, once I'd applied the methods of communication and understanding that I'd come to understand through our synastry reading, then we were able to work things through and we are still together today, more than 10 years later!
This is why I'm sharing my knowledge with you.
I've worked with countless personal clients over the years who all have run into a myriad of different problems or issues with their partners.
After I really started to get into learning all about astrology and how it can help people communicate I kind of became obsessed. I never grew tired of learning, speaking with other astrologers, and sometimes even their clients, and reading every book I could get my hands on.
After the incredible impact astrology had on my life and my relationship, I knew I’d found my life’s purpose. I knew that one of my jobs in this lifetime is to help couples find a positive balance and happy, joyous energy together by exploring their celestial makeup and taking the advice of their stars.
I want you to have a successful relationship with your Capricorn man, free from drama and problems, and full of love and harmony.
So, when you decide to learn from my program, I've included every possible relationship situation and solution you could think of.
I'll go over how to handle long distance relationships, first physical encounters, how to communicate, how to make him fall in love, how to make him want to put a ring on it, and so much more.
But for starters, I wanted to give you a taste of what you'll learn...so I created this list of 30 dirty little secrets to help you better understand your Capricorn man. These are some BASICS just to get you on the right track!
#1 — Capricorn tends to take life seriously, and are always taking care of things. Luckily for you, this extends to his relationships.
It’s true that Capricorn is the most serious sign of the zodiac, and I know that can be a real bummer. Truth be told, he could really benefit from lightening up a bit.
The awesome thing about his consistent level of seriousness and dedication to everything he does is that he will apply those same thought patterns to making his most important relationships successful.
He understands the idea of “happy wife, happy life,” and that is definitely not a bummer! In fact, it kinda makes him a keeper.
#2 — Capricorn has trouble expressing his feelings and can sometimes come across as being emotionless. In all actuality, Capricorn’s emotional depth rivals the one of his watery neighbors.
You probably wouldn’t think it from his demeanor, but Capricorn men are extremely emotional creatures. The thing is, your sea-goat is very good at keeping them under wraps. This is partly because he doesn’t know how to even begin to express himself, and partly because he doesn't like to show weakness or vulnerability.
When it comes to getting him to let you in, the secret is to simply give him time and having patience. As you get to know one another more intimately and your trust grows you will start to see more of his emotions come out. This is one way to know you’re on the right track!
#3 — Capricorn can become jealous or possessive over what is his, even when it’s regarding his partner and lover.
We all experience jealousy from time to time, it's just natural. For Capricorn, this is one of the emotional responses he has trouble stifling. This is a prime example of that pesky Saturnian energy when it comes into play.
Energy from a jealous Capricorn can be quite stifling and restrictive feeling. Reassurance goes a long way in remedying this. As long as you’re genuine with your words and follow through with your actions, you can’t go wrong.
#4 — Capricorn may seem quiet or shy at first, but don’t let this fool you. Once behind closed doors, he becomes intensely passionate and expressive.
You know that quiet guy brooding over in the corner, working away while his peers gossip around the water cooler? Well, believe it or not, he can be quite passionate when the time is right.
It takes time to get to that point with him, but when you do, watch out! Truly, he will blow your mind as he rocks your world, but you’ll only see this side of him once he has developed trust for you and the relationship. Lust alone isn’t enough for this guy.
#5 —Career, status, and power are three vitally important things for a Capricorn. The higher up in any of these categories you are, the more attractive you’ll appear to him.
As a ruler of the 10th house of the zodiac, it’s not a shocker that Capricorn is drawn to others who share his desire for power, status, and a successful career. Being the practical guy that he is, Capricorn will always evaluate a potential partners’ ability to succeed with him rather than just ride on his success.
That said, if you happen to be more successful in your career than he is in his, this can become a point of contention or competition in his eyes.
Having a partner who’s success rivals his own is great for forming an impressive power couple and it motivates him to work even harder. You will find no better partner than a dedicated Capricorn!
#6 —Capricorn is tenacious when pursuing a goal and will stop at nothing to get what he wants. This includes getting the woman he wants.
Despite his inherent shyness and lack of knowing how to talk to ladies (which usually he will overcome after a few experiences), if a Capricorn man decides he wants to be with you he will make it his mission to succeed in doing so.
His approach will likely be different from most other men you’ve encountered, in that he’s not looking to impress you with his looks or fancy stuff.
He may use his money as a means of showing you he is successful and capable of being an awesome provider. Generally, though, Capricorn will take a calculated, well thought out approach to securing the relationship he wants with the woman he desires.
After studying up on how to most effectively win your heart he will then start working on his plan of action. It may not sound incredibly exciting, but I can tell you it is quite effective.
#7 —Capricorn often comes across as authoritative or bossy, but this annoying trait can be incredibly hot when role-playing in bed!
It's no secret that Capricorn likes to be in control, and after being around him for a little while it can become kind of annoying.
The upside to this comes when he redeems himself by bringing that authoritative attitude into the bedroom. Capricorn was born to dominate, and given the chance, he will rock your world.
#8 —Capricorn is a loyal friend and partner who expects the same from his partner. If your loyalty or integrity should fall under question you will see a very different side of him.
Capricorn holds himself to the highest of standards, and he expects for those in his company to do the same. Particularly important to him are virtues such as loyalty, character, integrity, and respect.
When you show him you have these qualities then he will reciprocate, but if you prove to be lacking in any of these important virtues you will either see his dark side or just none of him at all.
#9 —Capricorn doesn’t handle failure well and will slip into a deep depression if he feels he isn’t successfully up to par.
Failure is one thing that Capricorn has a really hard time dealing with, especially if he starts to feel like he is only operating at sub-par levels.
This is where the usually strong, perfectionist sea-goat can take on a vibe reminiscent of Eeyore. There will be some days where he only seems capable of seeing the negatives of his current situation.
It helps tremendously when he has a partner who can lift his spirits and remind him of all the many things he DOES well and someone who makes him feel like a winner.
I mean, it never hurts to have your own personal cheerleader, and he will forever be thankful to you for your caring and support.
#10 —Capricorn sometimes seems to growl more than to speak words. When this mood strikes it’s best to just stay out of his way.
There is nothing like walking into the storm of fury that can form when Capricorn loses his composure. Unlike some other, more hot-headed personalities, Capricorn will rarely allow his full spectrum of emotion to explode unless really pushed beyond his limits.
Rather than exploding with anger, Capricorn will usually at least make an effort to show the offender the error of their ways, but he will not be happy about it. Not all Caps growl, but when you meet one who does, keep in mind that his raspy tone can be incredibly seductive when he’s whispering into your ear.
#11 —Success is like an aphrodisiac for Capricorn. He wants and needs a partner with whom he can build a successful life and future with.
A beautiful woman who is also successful in her field is one thing that will always catch the attention of any self- respecting Capricorn. He knows how much work and effort goes into becoming successful and he has a great respect for those with the fortitude to reach their goals.
If you are in the market for a sexy sea-goat and want to get his attention, don’t be ashamed to toot your own horn a little! Let him know you mean business when it comes to goals and accomplishments.
The way he sees it, if you can accomplish your own goals with such success then you can also accomplish goals set as a couple. To him, this is the penultimate of desirable qualities in a partner.
#12 —Capricorn respects and is drawn to women with a little power and authority, just so long as you don’t use those qualities against him.
Like I mentioned in #11, Capricorn is drawn to and attracted to successful people, and with success there usually comes some level of power and authority. The more in control you are, the hotter you look in his eyes.
Should you find yourself working with a Capricorn and holding a higher position higher than him, using your authority to go against his plans or ideas will surely turn him off.
You won’t get anywhere giving him preferential treatment, either, so do your best to avoid that pitfall. He wants to honestly earn what he gets in life, even if he is sleeping with his boss.
#13 —Never purposely try to make a Capricorn jealous. He has a powerful presence and isn’t afraid of burning down someone’s playground to eliminate competition.
Mind games will get you nowhere with a Capricorn, especially if your aim is to make him jealous over you. This is no way to win his heart, trust me.
In the event that your Capricorn does become jealous over you and he either wants you to be his partner—or if you’re already his partner—don’t be surprised if one day you realize the one making him jealous is suddenly no longer an issue.
#14 —You can easily appeal to Capricorn’s inherent desires by embracing your softer ultra feminine qualities that bring out his inner beast.
As much as Capricorn is drawn to a partner who has a powerful social or professional position, he also has a serious weakness for those with the kind of sweet, feminine qualities that really make him feel like a man.
Being strong and virile, and having a libido that is unrivaled by most, Capricorn is instinctively drawn to the enchanting energy that comes from the feel of a soft, feminine touch. Whether it’s a playful kiss on the cheek or the sweet smell of your hair, when you enhance and capitalize on your most feminine side your Capricorn man will take notice!
#15 —Capricorn has no interest in fake or shallow relationships. If you plan to grow a romantic connection with him, first make sure your intentions and desires are genuine.
There is no room in Capricorn’s life for things that are fake or phony, least of all relationships. He intends to surround himself with those who can and will lift him up to his highest expectation and who genuinely demonstrate their intentions in any partnership that is formed. Anything less than this is seen by Capricorn as a waste of precious time.
#16 —Capricorn may resist at first, but needs a partner who forces him to stop and smell the roses every once in a while.
It’s hard being so diligent and responsible all of the time, and sometimes Capricorn can get so wrapped up in doing what’s supposed to be done that he loses touch with the simple things in life like love, laughter, and natural beauty.
Also, Capricorn has this tendency to see the glass as half empty when it would serve him better if only he could see that it’s really half full. Even when he seems annoyed by his partner’s sunny disposition, it’s important that his partner helps to balance his too-serious moods with a lighter vibe.
#17 —Capricorns are very protective of their reputations and will not enter into a relationship that could negatively impact the way others perceive them.
It may sound kind of shallow that Capricorn would avoid a relationship with someone because he thinks they would bring down his rep, but in all actuality, this is a practical approach to something he sees as vitally important for the success of the relationship.
If you can’t hang with his inner circle of peers, getting a relationship going with a Capricorn will not be an easy feat. However, if you can impress those peers he’ll be all over you. He wants a partner with whom he can rise to the level of being a power couple.
#18 —A Capricorn never introduces a new partner to friends or family until he’s sure the relationship is going somewhere.
You’ll know your relationship is seriously going somewhere when a Capricorn invites you home to meet the fam. Having a strong family bond or close relationship with his parents (often times just his mom) is a common Capricorn trait, and he will want to get their approval before he takes things TOO far.
It isn’t that Capricorn lives his life by his family’s wishes, but he does care what they think—To an extent—Make a good impression and you’re golden.
#19 —Capricorn will be honest about his feelings, even if that means hurting yours.
Capricorn men are not the type to beat around the bush, in fact, they hate it. That said, they almost always have a hard time opening up to anyone on an emotional level.
There might be times when you have to coax his feelings or opinions out of him, but you always know he’s being honest.
#20 —It’s important to find a good balance of letting Capricorn be in control while demonstrating how in control you are yourself.
Relationships are best experienced and both people are usually the happiest when there is a natural sense of balance added to your respective lives a result of your connection.
While he likes to be the provider and show you he can take care of business, Capricorn truly values, and will stick with a partner who knows how and when to step in or step it up.
#21 —Capricorn secretly desires a relationship where they have the role of either teacher or student.
There is something about the whole teacher/student fantasy that really gets Capricorn feeling hot under the collar. This is a fantasy of some kind for every Capricorn I’ve met to date.
While you might think that he would always be the one filling the teacher role, he actually really digs playing the part of the student who’s eager to learn whatever you have to teach him.
#22 —Capricorn isn’t looking to settle down early in life, in fact, most Capricorns don’t settle into a serious relationship until they’ve passed the midway point.
At first, #22 sounds like one of those urban legend type of things, albeit a really lame one. That said, I’d bet that if you stop and think of all the Capricorn men you’ve known or know now and think of when they finally settled down... weird, huh? That’s why astrology is so neat!
Now, this should not be a matter of concern for you. If it is concerning you, remember that there are always exceptions to the rule.
In all actuality, this is a really brilliant life strategy. This provides adequate time to sew all his wild oats, so by the time he wants to get married he becomes established enough to be able to easily create a comfortable, stable, wonderful life.
#23 —Being wasteful or frivolous with your finances will not impress a Capricorn. The way he sees it is that if you are wasteful with yours, what’s to stop you from being wasteful with his?
Capricorn is frugal and always keeps a close eye on his finances. He works hard and he can’t understand how some people can spend money so freely after devoting so much time to acquiring it, only to be left with nothing valuable to show for it.
The Capricorn man knows that things of value are worth more than frivolous expenditures, and he’s willing to splurge on things of value.
That said if you have a habit of splurging on valueless things he will see this as an act of gross irresponsibility which will make it much more difficult to get him to put a ring on it.
#24 —A Capricorn will carry a torch for the one he loves for years, only succumbing to his feelings once he’s established and capable of supporting a serious relationship.
One thing about the Capricorn man is that when he loves you he will hold a piece of you in his heart forever. This is not to say that he is still all hung up on his exes, though, so don’t worry!
More often than not, young lovers are forced to go their separate ways when they venture out into the world to become adults. At the time it can be sad, but, this is the perfect setup for a lovely romance story and actually happens quite a lot.
What keeps him going is his faith in those initial feelings and emotions and hoping you are both single when the time is right and things finally come together.
#25 —Capricorn never forgets when someone he trusted hurts him. Likewise, he never forgets a caring gesture. If you hurt his feelings he feels it in his soul, but if you bring him the joy he will offer you the world.
Yep, deep beneath that steely, serious exterior, the Capricorn man is really just a big ole’ teddy bear. He tightly guards his emotions, which is why it takes so much time for him to open up and show the other side of his personality.
Once he’s started being more open with you and sharing his feelings, you’ll see just how sensitive he really is. If he trusts you enough to show his vulnerability you know your relationship is headed to the next level.
#26 —Capricorn has a dark side that craves the taboo in the bedroom. If you can handle it, he will take you to the heights of ecstasy—just so long as you keep your private life private.
Despite being the serious guy in the bunch who always seems to be kinda grouchy or preoccupied with work, Capricorn has a delightfully dark side and will gladly devote 100% of his attention to you and your naughty adventures down the rabbit hole.
The Capricorn man can be a beast in the bedroom, but only as you grow more comfy with each other will he seriously test the waters. If you come right out and share your dirty desires you are sure to get a positive reaction— And a night you’ll never forget
#27 —Capricorn can’t resist a partner who is totally professional by day and a freak at night. It’s his biggest weakness.
Besides the teacher/student fantasy we talked about earlier, this is something that can actually become his reality every day. Capricorn men are drawn to women with power, prestige, and a strong position in life, as well as women with an impressive lineage or old money.
To Capricorn, just seeing you do your day-to-day duties and demands and receive respect in your field or environment is hot. To be honest, he kinda gets off on thinking of all the sexy things you’ve done together while he’s watching you behave in a professional mode. When he’s around and you’re the boss, own it!
#28 —Capricorn has a libido that just won’t quit! In fact, some partners may not be able to keep up with and satisfy him.
This can be surprising if you aren’t expecting it, but Capricorn men have the highest libido of all guys in the zodiac.
It’s not that he is a playboy like Aries or a sex fiend like Scorpio, it’s just that when he’s making love he gives it his all and he can go all night long! He’s sweet, sexy and sensual and wants to learn what you like, so don't be afraid to show him.
#29 —Capricorn is a man of action, not talk. Don’t say it if you don’t mean it, otherwise, you’ll lose his respect.
To Capricorn, respect is exponentially important, and if he doesn’t respect you then you don’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell of becoming his #1. That said, there are a few things you have to do to earn and maintain his respect.
If you tell him you’ll do something, do it. Sure things happen that throw you off track, but repeatedly not following through with promises or statements will cause him to think you are all talk with empty words.
On the other hand, if you manage your life responsibly, and always keep a strong sense of honesty and integrity and he will take notice and give you respect, I promise.
#30 —Capricorn isn’t afraid to tell you exactly what he wants. He’s upfront and honest, leaving no need for you to try and read between the lines.
Like I said a little earlier in this list, Capricorn men are not the type to beat around the bush. Whether it’s something great or something devastating that he’s got to say, he’ll suck it up and come right out and say it before he will lie to you about it.
When you try to read between the lines, things can get all mixed up and confused. When he says something to you, take it at face value. He hasn't got the time nor the desire to play mind games. He’s either into something or he’s not, and he’ll let you know as simply as that.
Now that we’ve gone through these 30 little secrets, you may be wondering what else you need to know to get into your Capricorn man’s head and heart.
I wish you all the very best in life and love, and I hope to be able to assist you along the path you’ve chosen, exploring the nature of the Capricorn man.
May the stars be ever on your side,
Your Friend & Relationship Astrologer,