25 Surprises To Delight Your Capricorn Man
We all want to find ways to show that special man in our life how much we care, and really, it’s quite important that you succeed in this if you aim to have a wonderful, amazing, out of this world kind of relationship. It is possible, and I am about to tell you exactly how you can make this happen.
You may find that some of the suggestions in this book don’t exactly fit your Capricorn or your situation because not every Capricorn man is exactly the same.
If you get to a suggestion that isn’t for you, keep reading. I've included a nice variety of things you can do with or for him that will surprise him and leave him remembering it was you who put that smile on his face.
I’ll give you the lowdown on how you can cut through the cool exterior of your Capricorn man and really let him know how special he is to you. Armed with these 25 tips you will have a surprise for any occasion or situation that pops up and requires something that will be memorable and show him what he means to you.
As you probably already know, your Capricorn man isn’t really huge on surprises, so don’t waste your time going overboard with elaborate planning or anything like that.
He values time spent making meaningful memories with those he cares for, and he enjoys gifts that are of high quality, but overly expensive items don’t impress him. He is a simple man and he likes simple things.
When it comes to actual gifts, Capricorn men appreciate things of quality that will last. He’s the kind of guy you hear saying “They just don't make them like they used to,” in a low and grumbly voice, a look of disgust at the way so many things have decreased in quality, yet increased in price. He isn’t one to splurge on himself, unless he’s worked hard and feels he deserves it, that is.
Ok, so now let’s get to that list!
1) Surprise him with a nice leather wallet or money clip
Your Capricorn man is one of the hardest, if not the actual hardest working guys you’ve ever met. He knows without any doubt that hard work brings success, and he works hard for his money.
Even after becoming wildly successful and making enough money to buy whatever he wants, you’ll very rarely see a Capricorn under the age of 70 spend freely on anything, especially himself. That’s exactly why this is one of the best gifts you could ever buy for a Capricorn man.
While you are out shopping, keep in mind that you don't want to go overboard with how much you spend. Capricorn men aren’t impressed by overpriced and luxurious items, even if it is a gift for them. That said, your Capricorn man is also a stickler for high quality, as long as it comes at a decent price.
If you can find a reasonably priced nice black or brown leather wallet or a nice money clip, you can bet he will still be using it 20 years from now.
What makes this gift idea even better is knowing he’ll think of you every time he pulls it out. Think about it, that’s a LOT of times you’ll be crossing his mind and putting a smile on his face!
2) Talk up his accomplishments to your friends, family, and peers
If there is one thing that every Capricorn man loves, it’s knowing that he’s gained your respect and admiration. He’ll never drop hints or fish for compliments...that would be tasteless and it wouldn’t be a genuine compliment he’d get back anyway. He secretly craves recognition, but it MUST be unsolicited and it must come from the heart.
When you're talking him up to the circle of important people in your life, try to casually make sure that he can hear you. You don’t want to make it overly obvious or anything.
You just want to be talking loudly enough that he hears you bragging on him, but not so loud that you sound obnoxious or otherwise make any scene—In other words, don't make it obvious that you are purposely letting him in on your “private” conversation.
3) Get your guy a durable monogrammed coffee tumbler
Capricorn men are always busy planning and getting things done, and they pretty much maintain this state of constant motion until they go to bed and get up the next day, or night, depending on their schedule.
Many Capricorn personalities are real caffeine-aholics, and depend on coffee and other caffeinated beverages to give them their edge on the competition and keep pushing through the mountains of work Capricorns seem to attract into their lives. Some Capricorns can drink coffee all day and into the night, yet oddly enough they never seem too affected by the caffeine.
It is understood, then, that a monogrammed tumbler he can take with him in the morning, or whenever, would really brighten up his day. This is a great gift for your Capricorn man because it not only is a nice thing to have; it also has a practical application that will help keep him on the go conveniently and stylishly. He will think of you every day as he sips his cuppa joe. That goes double if he pays for his coffee with money out of the wallet you gave him!
4) Pick him out some nifty universal tools that everybody needs
When problems pop up Capricorn wants to find a solution that will get things back on track. He is a natural problem solver who’s masterful at using whatever resources are immediately at his disposal to get the job done.
Even though he has that innate ability to make good use of whatever tools and supplies he has at his disposal, there is nothing the Capricorn man appreciates more than having the appropriate tools when he needs them.
This helps immensely with time management on these little projects that pop up around the house, and you know how he feels about maximizing his time!
Capricorn men tend to keep their things in good order and working condition, but as we all know, sometimes life just happens at the most inopportune times.
But now...just think, if something does come up and he's got the tools to handle it, he'll think of you and know that you were looking out for him. Plus, you just helped him solve a problem that could have held up progress or otherwise threatened his success —This one will give help you rack up some major cool points with your Capricorn man.
5) Enjoy seeing an edgy comedian show together
Believe it or not, your Capricorn man has a quick wit and he loves to share a good laugh. He’s not much for slapstick or silly comedians, but his serious and sometimes cynical attitude is perfectly fit for an intelligent comedian who’s got a touch of sarcastic humor mixed into the show.
The “smart jokes” that make most people think “What the heck does that even mean” are the kind of jokes your man will laugh the hardest at.
He will appreciate that you have a sense of humor, too, and that will be one more thing the two of you share in common. Plus, comedy shows are crazy fun and when your Capricorn man loosens up and lets his hair down, so to speak, he can be one of the most fun people you’d ever want to hang out with!
6) Give him a sentimental gift from an experience you shared
Your Capricorn man isn’t exactly a romantic, Don Juan kind of guy, but he does have a soft spot for the special memories you’ve shared together. You can take just about any experience you’ve shared and find some kind of a memento from that day.
Maybe it’s something he can set up in his office or put in his wallet...anywhere that he will see it in his day to day life and get to relive that happy moment with you over and over again. This is the perfect “go-to” kind of surprise for your Capricorn man.
Find something small, just a little memento from whatever the experience is, and give it to him when he’s not expecting it. He’ll feel special and loved knowing you went out of your way to do something so sweet for him, and it’ll bring back those great memories of what you shared and get him looking forward to your next adventure/life experience together.
7) Get him something practical that can improve his day-to- day life
Capricorn men are all about practicality and a gift that is both practical and smart will be better received than something that he’d get little to no use out of.
If you are in his house or office and realize that his calendar only has a few months left before it runs up, buy him a nice calendar. If he is someone who does a lot of writing in his daily life, get him a functional but nice pen and notebook set.
If you notice he struggles a little watering his plants with an old cup that has a big crack in it, buy him a watering can. You get the picture...anything that he can use daily and will make his life a little bit easier will be very well received. And, as a bonus, every time he uses your little gift he will think of you.
8) Ask his advice on something important
Capricorn men are known for their analytical approach to life and, even though it may take them a little while to arrive at a decision, but you can always count on him to make a well-educated, and usually right, choice.
When you stop to ask his advice on something of importance in your life this shows him that you really value what he’s got to say, and that makes him feel valued and needed.
It can be something as simple as what neighborhoods he thinks are best for you to find an apartment in, or something as important as who is the best doctor in town. He may not have an answer for you right away, but he will take the time to do the research and get back to you with a well thought out answer.
9) Avoid extravagant displays of affection
In general, the Capricorn man isn’t much for public displays of affection, in fact, it is something that he very likely hates. It isn’t because he doesn’t care for you, but PDA can be embarrassing and he doesn’t know how to handle it.
This can be an issue for some who feel that mushy emotional exchanges are the only way to express your feelings for one another, but respecting boundaries is another biggie for the Capricorn man.
By not putting him in the uncomfortable position of not knowing how to reciprocate these things you are showing him that you respect his underlying needs. Don’t worry, there are other ways that you can fulfill the emotional needs of the relationship that will satisfy you both.
10) Respect his personal space
No matter how close you and your Capricorn man grow to be, it will always be important to him that you respect his personal space. He needs to have that little spot carved out in the world where he can go to be alone and decompress, free from required conversation or the expectation of socializing.
Everyone needs a little me-time now and again, some more than others. And, with your man being an Earth sign, it’s possible that he legitimately needs that me-time in his life to stay sane.
11) Dress nice for whatever occasion he invites you to
Appearances aren’t everything, but when it comes to making an appearance, the Capricorn man likes to make sure that he is dressed appropriately for whatever occasion he’s been invited to or is a part of. He holds himself to high standards and expects you to, as well.
Whether he has invited you to a work function, a family affair, or out to dinner with his circle of friends, your appearance is, in a way, a reflection of him.
This is how he perceives things, anyway. You don’t have to be super fancy here, just dress appropriately and make sure that your ensemble fits properly and matches the occasion.
12) Follow through with any personal commitments you make with him
Being able to depend on his partner is something that Capricorn men take quite seriously. If you say you will do something, come Hell or high water, make sure that you stay true to your word. If you simply can’t, for whatever reason, let him know in advance so that he can make other arrangements.
This will show him that you care for him and that you are a reliable co-pilot he can place his trust in. The more he trusts you, the better your relationship will be all around.
Conversely, if he finds you to be unreliable or if you have a habit of not following through, your Capricorn man will eventually stop calling or asking you to do anything that requires being reliable.
13) Surprise him with a nice, engraved watch
Capricorn men consider punctuality to be of the utmost importance, and only in the event of a serious emergency will you find a Capricorn to show up late to, well...he’s never late for anything! So then, of course, a nice watch would be a practical gift that he can use every day and a sweet gift from his main squeeze.
If you aren't sure what kind of watch to get him, and if he has one already but needs replacing, you're safe going with the same style —If you don’t upgrade him, he’ll wear that old watch until it literally falls off of his wrist.
If he doesn't wear a watch yet, or maybe he relies on his phone or other devices to keep up with the time, do your best to find something fitting of his personality.
If you are still unsure as far as what style to choose, going with a nice gold or other durable face and leather strap. Always choose leather for anything Capricorn related if it’s an option!
You will also want to make sure to get one that is durable, waterproof and all that good stuff. The best part is the sexy engraving you will put on the back of the watch face, which gives your gift sentimental value on top of the practical value it adds to his day-to-day life.
He will think of you whenever he checks the time, and when he takes it off and sees the inscription he will get all hot and bothered thinking of you. This one is truly a win-win!
14) Give him a small birthday party in an intimate setting
You don’t want to go overboard and embarrass him in public, so you’ll want to totally avoid the whole singing waiters and waitresses thing. Trust me. What will work and will make your Capricorn man feel loved and special is to surprise him with an elegant birthday dinner surprise.
It's possible that your Capricorn man never got birthday parties as a child or that when he did, there were things that would go wrong or delay the festivities.
When you go out of your way to make his birthday special with a lovely meal and a thoughtful gift (one from this list would work just fantastically!), he will know how much you care.
This one is going to give him the warm and fuzzies, and you may even get to see a glimpse of the rare tears of joy sometimes expressed by Capricorns when it sinks in and they realize how much they’re loved and cared for.
As far as location for this, your best bet is to pick a nice steakhouse, preferably one with a rustic feel. If they will seat you by a fireplace, all the better! Have the waiter to bring out when the appropriate moment hits, and this is pretty much a no-fail plan that can go off without a hitch!
15) Plan a hiking or camping trip for the two of you
Capricorn is an Earth sign, and thus your Capricorn man is likely to be someone who really enjoys reconnecting with nature. It may even be something he feels that he needs to do in order to decompress and center himself daily or whenever he can.
When you plan a hiking day or camping trip for the two of you, you are inviting that kind of peace and rejuvenation into your relationship. And, as a bonus, when he sees that you can handle yourself out in the wilderness, he will develop a new level of respect for you as a partner in life.
If you aren’t super outdoorsy, don’t sweat it—If he gets to play the part of hero and rescuer on your little wilderness adventure that will actually make him feel happily needed, as well.
Just don’t complain the whole time you are out there. He will absolutely hate that and may even cut the trip short in the case of extreme whining.
16) Make it a point to get on well with his family
In general, Capricorns are very family oriented personalities and will uphold their familial duties and commitments before they move ahead to handle their own lives.
This deeply ingrained connection to his roots can and will override any budding relationship if his partner is, for whatever reason, anti-family.
This doesn’t happen super frequently, but there are instances where his partner may feel threatened or intimidated by the close ties he has to his family, so the reaction is to try and pull him away from that part of his life.
I can tell you with all certainty (unless he is just madly in love with you), he will not abandon his family ties for a woman. In the few situations where a devoted Capricorn does choose love over his family, regret and resentment will build up and form a deep wedge between him and his partner.
The flip side to that is how much he loves when you are into the whole family idea. If you don't come from a large or close family yourself it can be somewhat scary, I know...but stick close to your sea-goat and you’ll probably find his family to be pretty delightful.
If they aren’t delightful, still try your best to pretend they are. Just remember this family reunion can only last for so long! The effort you make will show him how much you care, as well as showing him that you are someone he can build a family with in the future.
17) Surprise him with a day trip to a renowned history museum you know he’d enjoy
Capricorn men have a natural love for history and the finer details of how we, as a whole, have ended up where we are today. World history, government, politics, archaeology excavations— these are some of the historical topics that really pique his interests.
Now, I know to some of you this all sounds boring. You’d probably rather be doing anything other than exploring some dusty old museum, but there truly is a lot to be said for learning where we’ve come from.
In fact, it is a necessity to know where we’ve come from if we are to succeed in the future. The Capricorn man understands this all too well and holds the past lessons history has to offer to a high regard.
Even if this isn’t your idea of a good time, try to get into it. Ask questions, form opinions and discuss your viewpoints on different events in history with your Capricorn man.
The more intelligently you can speak about these topics, the more he will be turned on by your interest in history, knowledge, and wisdom.
Then, afterward, you can go grab a few beers and relax. It’s all about balance.
18) Introduce him into your inner circle
Like I've mentioned a few times already, Capricorn men aren’t exceedingly social creatures, but it is very important to them that they are able to maintain a solid standing in the eye of their peers.
If you are in a relationship but haven’t yet allowed your man meet your “people,” well, he’s going to start to wonder what's up and why you haven't introduced him. The very last thing you ever want is for your Capricorn man to think you are ashamed of him or anything like that.
When you introduce him to your inner circle, be that your closest family, friends, co-workers, or just your acquaintances (depending on who makes you your particular circle), make it a point to talk him up a bit, like I mentioned in #2.
Knowing that you think highly enough of him to include him in your personal circle will make him feel special and loved and like this relationship truly is going in the right direction.
19) Surprise him with cool leatherback books no longer in publication
Going back to how much of an appreciation Capricorn has for understanding history and all we can learn from it, I think it’s worth mentioning in this list that your Capricorn man will absolutely love it if you give him some old antique books to add to his shelf.
Most of us, when we acquire old books and things of that nature, never actually read through them. We have the habit of placing them on the shelf for decoration and never really thinking much further into the contents of the book. Your Capricorn man is not most of us.
Your sea-goat will be delighted to go through and explore the ways of thinking of those who came before his time. Just like with the history museum, he knows the value of learning whatever he can from those who took this trip around the Sun before him.
His way of thinking is probably more in line with the thoughts expressed in antique books than with whoever has the latest YouTube video out this week.
He is an old soul and he appreciates old things. Realizing that you know this about him will not only make him feel special, it will also make him feel happy and like you’ve made a genuine connection with one another.
20) Get him something nice for his office
Capricorn men aren’t really big into decorating and they are definitely not into anything extravagant. Unlike Taurus, who indulges in the material spoils of his hard work, only very rarely will the sea-goat indulge himself in anything that isn’t practical or a necessity. That’s probably why he always has money when he needs it.
That said, everyone appreciates having a nice, calming work environment—Science has even proven that the more pleasant and your work environment is, the more productive and efficient you can be. It doesn’t have to be anything huge.
I mean, you don't want to go in and completely alter the look of his office, you simply want to add something small that reminds him he’s got you and you care about and love him.
Keep your choices of an office decor gift simple and tasteful. Perhaps a nice lamp for his desk, a framed photo of the two of you, or perhaps even a painting you know he will like. Then, throughout the day while he’s hard at work, he can look up and be reminded of the other things in life that make him happy – YOU!
21) Refuse to give up on him
This one is huge, more so than I think most women who link up with a Capricorn man realize. I know this may sound like an obvious bit of advice, but you would be surprised how often things like letting your lover know you’d fight for him kind of falls through the cracks as we become lazy in the natural progression of our relationships.
It is incredibly important that your Capricorn man knows you are there for him through thick or thin and that you do not intend to bail when things get tough...if they ever get that way.
The thing is, Capricorn men and women tend to be the ones who fight for what’s right and who handle problems, however large they may be, simply because that’s what they do. Your Capricorn man will never desert you because life becomes more difficult than you'd planned.
He is a ride-or-die kind of lover, and it means so much to him, knowing that you have the same stance.
Besides that, I can almost guarantee that your Capricorn man has encountered experiences in his lifetime where he felt shafted or like he was destined to get the short end of the stick when it comes to having people fight for him. It’s a curse of being so strong.
Capricorn men have a propensity for being overly pessimistic, cynical and sometimes falling into deep depressions over things you or I would have no problem getting over.
Once he is caught up in that spiraling whirlwind of emotions, it can be hard to reel him back in. That is, however, unless he has someone standing by his side in the darkest moments refusing to let him give up.
You may have to hold this tip in reserve for when the opportunity arises. But trust me, if you spend enough of your life with a sea- goat you will come to a point where it becomes necessary to step up and be the stronger one who shields him from the harsh realities of the world instead of the other way around.
In his lowest moments, he may tell you to leave him alone and go on without him—This is a test. It can be an exhausting test, but if you fail you stand the chance of losing him forever, and I know you don’t want that or you wouldn’t be reading these books!
22) Surprise him with a high-quality shaving kit
Not all Capricorn men stay super clean-shaven. I mean, he is the sea-goat, after all. That said, your Capricorn man still needs a nice kit for maintaining his facial hair and for keeping up with other routine hygiene practices.
Because of his high standards and his penchant for high-quality items that will last, and because of his preference to use and reuse things until they are absolutely worn out, this is one of the best gifts you can get for the Capricorn man in your life.
Now, when I say high-quality shaving kit, I’m talking about the whole deal. You can find kits that come in rugged, high-quality leather bags to hold his razors, badger brush, shaving cream, and whatever else you think you should include making the kit complete.
There is a feeling of old world class one can’t help but feel when breaking out one of these classy, 1940’s era style kits that make keeping his appearance neat and tidy a bit more enjoyable. And, he will really love that he’ll be able to get a good 20 years or more out of the bag.
He really lives up to his motto, “I use,” and will use whatever you give him until it no longer works properly or falls apart. As a bonus feature of this particular gift, he will think of you every morning while he’s preparing himself for the day ahead.
23) Always give him the respect he deserves
Capricorn men are real sticklers for respect. They demand others in their life, or in their immediate environment, give the respect that they feel they deserve. When a Capricorn man feels he’s been disrespected he will sometimes fall into a kind of bipolar Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde kind of mood.
That Saturn influence, man...when in full force, can turn your lovable Capricorn man into what could easily be compared to a demon goat from Hell. Only when necessary, of course. But again, it’s all about balance.
That’s only what happens when he’s disrespected, and I am talking majorly disrespecting him, not eating the last piece of cheese in the fridge or something silly like that.
The other side of this coin is that when you show him the respect he deserves, he will show you respect in return. And, should anyone else disrespect you in his presence...well, that person who so poorly chose the timing of their actions around him so poorly will not likely ever let it happen again.
On that note, please don’t misunderstand what I mean when I say to give him respect. I do not mean you have to do whatever he says and keep your head down waiting for his next orders. No, that is not respect...that’s some kind of mental abuse...
When I say to respect him I mean to give him the general consideration of dealing with him as you would anyone who you have respect for—You know, just give him the same level of respect you’d like to get in return and you should have smooth sailing with your highly respectable Capricorn man.
24) Let him know you think he is doing an amazing job at whatever he is doing
Aside from bragging about your Capricorn man to other people, it’s also important to reassure and reinforce to your Capricorn man that you do notice all the hard work he’s doing and that you do appreciate him for it.
Even if what he’s working on has absolutely nothing to do with you, and even if you aren’t fully in the loop of understanding what he’s doing, it’s a given that he will always be working on something.
When you go to compliment him, make sure your words don't sound like empty, superficial praise. This will raise suspicions that you are only saying the things you are saying to fuel some ulterior motive.
You don’t have to make any big huge deal out of whatever he's been working on or toward, just a little pat on the back or a simple, “Thanks for all that you do babe, I appreciate you and your work ethic so much. I don't know where I'd be without you!” ...That should do the trick.
And, as an added bonus, the more appreciative of him you are, the more appreciative of you he will be. It’s truly another win-win (We like those!)
25) Indulge his fantasies in the bedroom
Now, your physical connection and sexual relationship with your Capricorn man are, I am sure, at least a little bit complicated or awkward at times. Your Capricorn man can be exceedingly passionate when everything comes together.
As long as he trusts his lover completely, and you are loyal and dedicated to him and your relationship, you are in for some seriously intense sex that makes everything else you’ve done with other men pale in comparison.
It takes time for him to reach this point of comfort, though, and until then you’ll likely find yourself in at least one or two situations where you aren’t quite sure what’s going through his head.
Once you’ve established a good bond of trust and you’ve got the chemistry to back up your passions, well, then you can let loose and give it all you’ve got, if you know what I mean!
Because Capricorn men are so firmly rooted in reality, it is rare to find one of these guys who openly fantasize about anything. That said, I can tell you right now with 100% certainty that no matter what he might say or what type of facade he may try to portray at first, he has fantasies and they are delightfully dirty. For someone who comes off as being so reserved, he has quite the penchant for sexual deviance.
If you can tear down his walls and come to a point of fully trusting one another wholeheartedly, and if you can then indulge him in the fantasies he’s only dreamed about, you will, for certain, be a keeper!
Sex is nowhere near being the most important aspect of a relationship to the Capricorn man, so please don't misunderstand where I’m coming from with this. It’s not just the crazy, kinky sex that will solidify your place in his life.
That would be incredibly superficial and that’s just not his style. It’s the culmination of what all must transpire between the two of you to get you to this point where you both feel comfortable enough to expose yourselves and all of your inner insecurities and trust one another that can be so meaningful.
The biggest part of how indulging his sexual fantasies can lock in your relationship with your incredibly sexy sea-goat goes right back to trust.
One of the best, or certainly one of the most fun, common traits of the Capricorn man is their innate sexual prowess and dedication to making sure their partner is satisfied. Remember, he wants to do well in everything he does in life.
This includes satisfying his lover. In some ways, this is like the ultimate win-win....All you’ve got to do is get to that point with him, and if your Capricorn man is like 99% of Capricorn men, you'll know you’ve secured your place in his heart, and thus in his life.
I know you are just dying to get deeper into decoding the hidden secrets to pleasing your Capricorn man like he’s never been pleased before, and I promise we will go very deep into detail about all of this in one of the other bonus books—Capricorn Man Sextrology—Be sure to read through that book also!
I guarantee you will not be disappointed & neither will he!
In the Capricorn Sextrology bonus book, I’ll teach you how to become the ultimate sexual vixen right out of his dirtiest dreams, all by telling you a few key secrets about the sexual needs and desires of your Capricorn man! You definitely don't want to miss any of the info in that bonus book!
There are countless other ways you can surprise and delight your Capricorn man beyond what we’ve gone over here. Feel free to tweak these things to fit your specific situation. You know your Capricorn better than I do, and you want to tailor my advice to fit your life and relationship.
Think of this list as a jumping off point for you to find even more things that make your Capricorn man feel special and happy in your relationship.
The more you get to know him, the more you’ll come to realize just how special he is to you and you’ll keep finding better and better ways to let him know it. Now, what are you waiting for? Get out there and go have some fun with your Capricorn man!
May the stars be on your side,
Your friend and relationship astrologer,
P.S.: Hey, when I say friend, I mean it. Feel free to get in touch if you have any extra questions!
You can email me at contact@horoscopesocialnetwork.com and I'll try to help you out as soon as I grab some free time. I can't promise I can reply to every message immediately, but email me and we'll try :)