How to Get a Capricorn Man Back
Perhaps up until now, you had what you thought was a perfect relationship with the perfect Capricorn man until all of the sudden things changed.
Now you are left wondering what you could have done differently and if you’ll ever get him back again. Don’t worry; you aren’t alone, and you’re in good company.
Now, I know this can be a touchy subject, and maybe you are still kinda reeling from the heartbreaking feeling of it all, but there’s still hope, and that is exactly what this book is all about.
That’s right, I’ve put together this bonus book to help you understand what you can do to win him back!
It won’t be the easiest task in the world, but sometimes living with your Capricorn man can be a challenge in and of itself, so I feel quite confident that you are fully up for the challenge.
Even if you haven’t lost your Capricorn man, these insights into his mind will help to ensure that you never do!
Figuring Out What Happened To Your Relationship
Before you can fully get into “relationship-save” mode, you’ve got to figure out when and where things went wrong between you and your Capricorn man.
There are a zillion different reasons people decide to go their separate ways, but over the years I have found that each Zodiac sign has its specific triggers that, when flipped, can bring on the decision to move on from their current relationship. That includes whatever your sign is, too. Everyone has their breaking point.
Sometimes the reasons seem silly or superficial, and sometimes they seem very valid. Your perception of the situation determined your perspective.
What’s important to remember, is that regardless of who made the final decision, as long as you are still willing to try, there’s still hope for a happy future.
To understand what has brought you to this point, start with who decided to end the relationship. Was it you or was it him?
If it was you who called it, you first need to think very hard about your reasoning and decide if you truly do want him back. Stopping to take a moment to consider this all-important question will not harm your chances of pulling him back into your life.
Unless, of course, you decide that his past transgressions are just too much to risk dealing with again and you change your mind. If this is the case, don’t sweat it.
The idea here is to create the life you want, and if you couldn’t live with him before, you probably won’t be happy living with him again.
If it was him who called things off, you can figure out why pretty easily using the process of elimination method. Or maybe, in typical Capricorn fashion, he straight up told you why-That, at least, would make this first step much easier to get through.
Top 5 Reasons Capricorn Men Leave & How You Can Make Him Stay
As I said, there are about a billion different reasons people choose to leave relationships depending on their personal lifestyle, needs, and the problems currently affecting their situation.
There are five main reasons why Capricorn men put their romantic relationships to an end. We’ll go through these now, as well as what you can do to get him back or, better yet, keep him from leaving.
1) He felt insecure in the relationship
The Capricorn man has a deep-seated need to feel secure in his life. When that security is replaced with feelings of fear or vulnerability, he will instinctively retreat.
Sometimes his feelings of insecurity can become so severe that he would rather leave the relationship and burn those bridges than risk winding up with egg on his face.
It’s the attitude of “I’ll leave her before she can leave me,” that allows him to retain some semblance of control over a situation he doesn’t know how to handle.
If in looking back over the course of your relationship, you suspect or come to the realization that this was likely what tore your happy home apart, you’ll find yourself looking for ways to show him he has nothing to be insecure about.
The Capricorn man has always reminded me a bit of Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh, due to his tendency to be pessimistic and cynical about his future. As you might imagine, restoring his security can be difficult and can take some time to achieve.
Before you can even begin to restore his sense of security in your relationship and convince him to come back, you’ll want to figure out what exactly made him feel this way in the first place.
Did he think the relationship was already headed in the direction of a breakup? If so, why did he think that? Was he having doubts about your true feelings for him? Did you spend a lot of time in the past criticizing him for the way he does things?
Or, perhaps he hit a financial snag and was overcome with worry that he could no longer live up to your standards or requirements for a significant other.
Whatever the case may be, if you want to get him back you’ve got to turn his negative thought train around and find the root cause of his insecurities (which may or may not have anything to do with you directly), otherwise you won't know what issues need to be addressed when you’re trying to put everything back together.
2) You were continually unreliable
There are few things the Capricorn man hates more than dealing with unreliable people. He prides himself on being dependable, punctual, and responsible...almost to a fault.
He doesn’t understand people who shirk their responsibilities, and he can’t, or perhaps won’t, stay with a partner who is constantly letting him down.
In his eyes, this is a form of disrespect, and he will not volunteer himself to be disrespected by the one person that’s supposed to love and care about him.
If you look back and realize you are guilty of being continually unreliable, it’s time to do some serious damage control.
First, think back through all of the instances you can remember and make a list of things that happened or situations where you may have let him down in some way.
Once you’ve made your list, think back to the reasons you were unable to be there when he needed or expected you to be, and more importantly, when you said you would be.
Make note of any legitimate reasons. You can try to explain these to him and the odds are he will be totally understanding of any circumstances that were or are out of your control.
Look back to those times you said you’d be there at 4:30, but didn’t show up until 5:45, apologizing and explaining how you forgot, or the times you overslept and didn't give him the ride you talked about the night before (or any other times you weren’t exactly dependable for no reason).
Until you can prove that you can be reliable, you stand very little chance of getting him to consider coming back to the relationship.
Once he’s given up on expecting you to be someone he can depend on because he will stop making any sort of plans with you. I recall a client from several years ago who found herself in this exact situation with a Capricorn man but eventually figured out a way to turn things around in her favor.
This young woman, who we will call Ann, was a free-spirited artist who couldn’t be on time to save her life. She was forgetful and half the time she wasn't even entirely sure what day it was.
As you can imagine, this drove her sea-goat bonkers until one day he broke it off with her. She was heartbroken, but, after thinking about what to do, she came up with a plan, but not just any plan-She came up with a plan that worked!
Ann decided that since her Capricorn man refused to give her any more chances to show him she could be relied upon, she would just start showing up in the parking lot of his office every day at 7 am, 11:11 am, and 3:33 pm.
This may sound silly, or a bit stalkerish, but what she did was show her man that she could be on time and that she would be on time from now on.
After about 3 months of showing up every single day, Ann’s Capricorn finally came out to the parking lot and asked if she wanted to have dinner later that night.
Since then, Ann and her sea-goat have reconciled and she makes a point always to keep her word. She also hasn’t been late to any meetings, a side effect that her friends and co-workers really, really appreciate!
3) His family doesn’t approve of the relationship
Capricorn men, although powerful and independent, have strong ties to their roots and their family.
Whether your man’s family lives across the street or across the country, if they don’t approve of his involvement with you, the odds that he will choose you are not super great.
As dismal as this particular situation may seem, there are ways to improve this situation, so don’t automatically assume this is the end forever.
If you run into this situation where there’s an issue between yourself and his family, you first need to establish why they feel this way. Sometimes families will protest their son connecting with a partner who’s a different race or religion than he and his family.
If this is your situation, your options for overcoming this blockade to your romance are minimal, but still possible.
I have heard of women, or men, changing their religious preference in order to gain acceptance of their partner’s family. This is a very personal decision, however, and isn’t one that should be made lightly. You never really know if following their faith will do the trick or not, so it’s kind of a gamble.
Another option would be convincing your Capricorn man to hide your relationship from his family, but this can become complicated and often a relationship that is built on lies and deceit will ultimately crumble under the pressure to keep up with what you said and whom you said it.
Then you have the ever-present possibility that his folks will just pop in for a visit...at which time it can be awkward explaining what you are doing there. Not many Capricorn men would be agreeable to lie to his family, so this would be a special situation kind of case.
Now, if his family just simply doesn’t like you the situation becomes both easier to handle and more complicated at the same time...mother-in-laws can be such a pain sometimes! If this is the case, you can always start with trying to win the affections of his family members who have it out for you.
It helps to know why they feel the way they do. I’ve found that quite often this scenario can be overcome with communication and compromise.
All in all, his family should support whatever makes him happy, but this isn’t always how things happen. There have been instances where I have seen a Capricorn man choose his girlfriend or wife over his family because he was so madly in love, but the end result of that can go either way.
Depending on the family dynamic and the quality of relationships he has with both them and with you, and depending on the reasons for the dissension, a Capricorn who abandons his family for love will almost always reach a point where he feels regret and may begin to resent his partner as time goes on.
Truly, this is one of those situations where there are too many variables to go through how to handle every possible scenario.
That said, this is a scenario where I would highly recommend an astrology reading involving both the Capricorn man and his partner, as well as the troublesome family members to determine the best course of action to take that would usher in the desired result.
4) The relationship is holding him back professionally
Capricorn men, as you well know, are an incredibly ambitious lot. They come pre-programmed with lofty goals and the drive and determination to reach those goals.
The way to achieve goals and create a good life is hard work and dedication, plain and simple. These are wonderful traits to have; however, the whole workaholic thing can become a real problem for your relationship.
There is no question about it, Capricorn is one of the most accomplished signs in the Zodiac, if not the most accomplished.
Not all of those accomplishments just fall out of the sky, though- Not at all. It requires dedication and sacrifice to reach the top.
The countless days, weeks, hours, and years of Capricorn’s life spent at the office or traveling for business can really take a toll on the other parts of his life. Namely, his relationships.
I see frequently where a workaholic Capricorn man will have worked his whole life to reach a certain position or title, complete with the salary to go with it, but the cost is his wife or girlfriend who eventually grows tired of never seeing her man and moves on.
This is one way that can go down-The other is a bit more cold hearted, depending on which side of the table you’re sitting on.
The Capricorn man doesn’t fall in love easily, nor does he wear his heart on his sleeve. He tightly guards his emotions and doesn’t allow himself to lose focus of his professional aspirations.
Even if he does love or deeply care for a woman, he will often break things off before he falls too hard for her because he knows he can't manage his ultra-busy work life and dedicate himself to a relationship. He then has to choose a side, and unfortunately, the side that pays his bills and gives him stature wins out.
It is possible to overcome this scenario, but you must ask yourself some important questions before you choose what direction you go with him.
Compromise and communication are the keys here, as it often is. There has to be a compromise on both sides, but you both must be willing to give a little.
This is another one of those situations where the most helpful advice can be found by exploring the couple’s astrological charts and going from there.
A Capricorn man in his prime is hard to pin down for this very reason. Actually, this is a large part of why so many Capricorn men don’t settle down in a serious relationship until around 45-50 years of age.
The fact of the matter is, if he feels he’s being held back by staying with you, the energy that will build between the two of you will be filled with resentment.
That said, I have also found that 7 times out of 10 Capricorn men will return to their first love once they’ve climbed their professional mountains and are looking for a relationship.
He doesn’t give his love to just anyone, and he will carry a torch for the right woman for a whole lifetime, all the while hoping she’s still there when he comes back ready and prepared for a relationship.
When this works out it can be incredibly rewarding! Patience is a virtue you definitely need to have if you plan on being with a Capricorn man!
5) Infidelity
Nobody likes to be cheated on, and usually, this is pretty much a deal breaker no matter what the other person’s zodiac sign is. Capricorn men are some of the least likely guys to just let it go if their partner cheats.
Nothing is set in stone, however, and if you’ve made this mistake and realize the gravity of it, you can work toward rebuilding the bonds of trust that were destroyed or damaged-It will be a long process, so prepare for that.
If there was infidelity involved in why he brought the relationship to an end, there is a problem much deeper than what you see on the surface. These are the issues that should be addressed before you even try to move forward with getting him back.
Before you try coercing him back, take the time to do a little soul searching and make sure this relationship is what you truly want. Sometimes our subconscious will push us to do things, such as cheat on a partner, in an effort to end the relationship that needs to end.
I want to reiterate that if infidelity was the reason that the two of you split up, there’s still a chance for you to find happiness together, but you definitely have your work cut out for you.
As I said, though, you really have to look at the underlying issues at hand here before making any decisions on whether or not you want to give this particular relationship another go.
It is an extremely rare occurrence, but on occasion, the Capricorn man will be the one who cheated.
When this happens, he realizes the mistake instantly, but he also realizes there is nothing he can do to change what’s been done. He will break a relationship off because he feels he isn’t good enough for his partner and because the guilt is eating away at him.
Getting past infidelity is hard, and there’s absolutely no way to get around that. It is a long process that can be mentally & emotionally draining for all involved.
However, if you really feel the relationship is worth trying to save after one of you has been less than faithful, then go for it.
Any resolution will require a lot of communication followed by the all-important step of letting it go.
Capricorn men are entirely capable of moving on, especially if the two of you are on the same page and have found closure, but it is most definitely a two-way street, and you both have to be completely ready and willing to put the past behind you and not look back.
Winning Him Back For Keeps
Now that you have a good understanding of why these guys end relationships, I’ll tell you what you can do to win him back for good.
Capricorn men are hard to pin down, especially if you catch one in his prime. The complications of trying to climb the corporate ladder and devote himself to starting a family at the same time, for someone so incredibly driven to succeed, can overwhelm the sea- goat and lead to him feeling as though he’s failing at everything.
However, when in a good relationship with a partner who can be his best friend, pal, and lover, these guys are some of the most loyal and giving men in the zodiac.
You both have to want it
If you’ve already gone through a breakup with your Capricorn man but now you are both considering a reconciliation, all you have to do is want it badly enough and you can make it happen.
Because he is such a realist and hates to fail, you don’t have to worry too much that he will ever enter into a relationship he doesn’t think will work out in the long run.
Even if you’ve spent a good bit of time apart, if he has come back to you there’s a very good chance that you’ll spend the rest of your lives together-As long as you both want it badly enough.
Learning to compromise
There may be things you wish he would change and things he wishes you would change, and this is where compromise comes into play.
For the Capricorn man, logic overpowers emotion 99% of the time, making it easy to discuss with him the compromises necessary to move forward together successfully. The trick is presenting it to him in a completely logical way.
You don’t have to go out and change who you are or anything, so please don’t. Everyone deserves a partner who loves them for who they are, not who they could be if they tried really hard. What you can do is reinvent and improve parts of yourself.
If jealousy over his work schedule was a large part of your problems before, you may choose to agree that he doesn’t work after a certain time of day and in return, you agree not to allow jealousy over all the time he puts into his profession the rest of the time seep in and cause problems.
Becoming a team
If you’ve been having problems coming together as a team due to the relationship issues you’ve experienced together in the past, you can make unbelievable headway with your Capricorn by developing a solid plan of action that highlights the necessity of teamwork in your relationship.
This can be highly beneficial to your long-term relationship success and happiness together and I highly recommend it. You will be amazed at the reaction you get from your Capricorn when you present him with the idea of the two of you pairing up to become a power couple.
Accomplishing goals and overcoming obstacles together, as a team, is the most certain way to ensure your future with your salty sea-goat.
If you talk the talk, you’ve got to walk the walk
Your Capricorn is a man of action. He believes in practicing what you preach, and empty words from others only fall on his deaf ears. If you want to keep him forever, or if you need to get him back in your life, you have to start walking the walk and not just talk the talk.
Try to be mindful of what you say you will or won’t do and if you say you’ll do something, do it. It is really quite simple when you decide you are going to do it.
You’ll get much more respect from your guy this way, and after a while, you’ll see how much easier life becomes as the strife that was once there starts to become less and less of an issue.
Ditching the drama
He isn’t a super-sappy emotional kind of guy, so you can’t approach him all weepy eyed and begging him to come back. This will only make you seem desperate, and that’s no good.
As I said, your Capricorn prefers to work with facts and logic rather than allow emotions to rule his responses. If you feel like crying, go and cry it out. Scream and punch a pillow if you must, but whatever you do, don’t come at him with a bunch of drama.
At first, this may sound somewhat cold hearted as if he isn’t willing to deal with your emotions, yet you have to deal with his actions that make you emotional.
Really though, when you give yourself the time to cry, scream, and disembody pillows if need be before you sit down to talk things out, you’ll find that those conversations finish much more peacefully and on a more positive note than ever before.
If anything can restore the positive energy to your relationship it’s the removal of ramped up dramatic emotional outbursts. It works, I promise.
Facing the facts
If there are things about him that are a total deal breaker for you, don’t cave and say, “I hate that, but it’s fine as long as you’ll come back to me.”
Please believe me when I tell you that if he did it before and you hated it, you will still hate it once the excitement of his return has lost its luster.
If it’s not fine, let him know and stand your ground. You will earn his respect this way and have a much better chance of building a life you want to live with your Capricorn guy.
If you want him to hear what you are saying and understand where you are coming from, effective communication is of the utmost importance here.
Once you’ve both come to understand where each other stands and what you both want, then you can get busy rebuilding what’s been lost.
The difference is, this time you will be starting with a solid foundation of communication and respect-The true building blocks of any relationship.
How To Avoid Being Dumped By Your Capricorn Man
There is no sure-fire way to avoid being dumped, it sucks and it hurts, but it’s one of those parts of life that we all have to deal with from time to time.
There are, however, things you can do that will help you avoid being dumped by your Capricorn man, and we’ll go over some of those now.
• Be responsible for yourself
Your Capricorn man will happily bring home the bacon while you hold down the house. He enjoys providing for his family or his woman, but he won’t tolerate being used. Just because he will pick up whatever slack you drop, doesn't mean you should keep letting him do it.
Plus, if you want him to see you as someone he can see spending the rest of his life with, you have to show him that you are a responsible partner who can and will pick up his slack, should the need ever arise.
• Avoid being a Debbie downer
Capricorn men have a tendency to be pessimistic and negative, especially when things aren’t going his way. It’s very easy for your Capricorn to become wrapped up in a vicious cycle of self- loathing, despair, and often times, depression.
You can’t both be negative at the same time or you’ll just begin to drag one another further and further down that rabbit hole. Some days you may be the only thing that brings a smile to his face- Seriously, I am not exaggerating.
Once the depths of depression have got him it can be quite difficult to get him back, so being a Debbie downer is a big issue for some women who love Capricorn men.
It’s important to lift one another up and be an encouraging influence in each other’s lives. It isn’t just a one-way street, though, when you take care of him he will take care of you. It really is a beautiful thing.
• Give him his space
I can’t stress this point enough! Avoid becoming too clingy or too demanding of him, especially if you are in a new relationship. I mean, you’ve got to give one another adequate attention, of course, but you’ve got to maintain your own individuality and independence while allowing him to do the same.
Every relationship evolves into a situation where you’re closer and more comfortable with one another, this is totally normal and to be expected.
Where some people go wrong, and usually this happens more with water signs, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, is becoming too emotionally needy right off the bat. This is also really common in those who have their Moon in a water sign.
If your Capricorn man’s Moon is in a water sign, however, he may very well have a side of him that secretly digs having a partner who shows their emotional needs more freely than most.
To find out where his Moon lies you will have to take a look at his birth chart or have a synastry reading completed for the two of you.
Things to Remember
Relationship stress and breakups are emotionally draining and just make you feel awful, but the most important thing to remember is to not freak out or go into a deep depression over a man.
If it is meant to be, it will be, but it might require some damage control if your relationship has ended or things just seem too far- gone to fix.
Communication is important, but what’s more important when you’re with a Capricorn man is following what you say with what you do. Sometimes this communication will be yelling, it may even escalate to screaming, but sometimes you just have to let it all out.
In those moments where you have the opportunity and freedom to speak your mind, resist the urge to hold it in for fear of hurting your chances of reconciliation.
If he truly loves you he will listen to your feelings and desires without trying to shut you down.
Once you’ve said what you’ve got to say, you’ll want to do your best to keep your wits about you and avoid emotional outbursts.
Overall, Capricorn men make amazing partners, and if you find that the two of you are compatible and have genuine feelings for one another, you will find this relationship to be very rewarding.
It can be difficult to get a Capricorn man to give your relationship a second try, but as I’ve explained in this book, it is possible as long as you stay genuine and the two of you can communicate effectively and honestly.
You must remember to avoid getting hung up on the past, as letting what’s already over and done with continually come up in current conversation will only spoil your chance at future happiness with him.
If you both want to reconcile, you can make it happen. If you can follow these guidelines and you are both truly ready to move forward together, leaving the past behind, the odds are pretty stellar that things will work out in your favor.
Ok, so now, take all of this information and digest it. Consider what things you can change and what things you can’t, and take from the past whatever lessons are there for you.
Know that there is no magic cure that will bring an instant solution to your relationship problems, but with work on both your side and his, reconciliation is very possible.
As a final side note, it is important to consider why you want to reconcile with your Capricorn man. I say this simply because not everyone can find happiness with these guys.
It can take a lot of work and effort to get back to where you can rebuild a relationship, and it’s always a shame when you finally get there just to realize that the relationship still just won’t work for you.
Take the time to really go over in your mind, and perhaps write out on paper all of the reasons why you want to rekindle things andwhat are the pros and cons to your desires. If, after that, you decide that this is truly what you want and need to do, then go for it!
And, if you are still unclear on how you can communicate with him and get him to really hear what you’ve got to say, be sure to read through How To Text A Capricorn Man, where I’ll share with you tips on how to communicate with him via text, as well as in person.
I wish you all the best of luck in life and love, & may the stars be on your side!
Your friend and relationship astrologer,
p.s.: Hey, I know how confusing these guys can be and I truly am here to help you through whatever issues you’ve come across with him. Feel free to get in touch with me if you have got any extra questions... email me at contact@horoscopesocialnetwork.com and I will try to help you out as soon as I grab some free time.
I can't promise I can reply to every message, but email me and we'll try.