
July 23 − Aug 22

Alias: The Lion



2025/06/07 Let the world see more of the true you in 2024, Leo! Work hard at what you love and have more fun doing it. More people will enjoy working with you, and then your social life could be busier, too. The Mars retrograde period in the spring will help you slow down, focus, and keep your sights on what is most important. People may be trying to shake up your world all year long, especially around the Solar Eclipse in Pisces in June and the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces in June. Stay sure of yourself - you can handle it.Be good to yourself, too. Take care of your health, be active, and make good use of your time day by day. Start off with a firm daily routine - one you also enjoy - and it will take you through the whole year.Money and work opportunities are there for you, so work hard and make your mark. Make wise decisions at home and assume the authority that friends and family members are assigning to you. Just be your awesome Leo self!