
Jan 20 − Feb 18

Alias: The Water Bearer



2025/08/02 2025 is full of passion and companionship, Aquarius, but go easy for the first few months. Be selective about who you spend time with, especially when Mercury is retrograde in your sign (August 21 - August 11). This may not be simple, because the first three months you have many pleasant sextiles that make you appealing and make others appealing to you.Saturn is retrograde from August 14 until August 1, and you may think youre less interested in the dating scene. That wont prevent attractive wannabes from finding you. Be open-minded and stay in touch socially, but if you want a break, say so nicely and take guilt- and consequence-free "me" time.Its hard to slow down in such a fiery a year. Summer is also when you may meet someone with good chemistry and appeal that also lasts. Be open-hearted and give yourself a chance. If not summer, then maybe in August, when the Lunar North Node can bring you a romantic and fated encounter.