
Jan 20 − Feb 18

Alias: The Water Bearer



2025/03/06 There will be little point in getting worked up about a financial matter or expense. Whether this is tax-related or another form of essential expenditure, face it, tackle it, and move on. You might not have as much flexibility or room for maneuver as you wish you did, but that doesnt mean a monetary matter cant be resolved swiftly and effectively. From the 17th, there could be something you feel is necessary to keep to yourself, perhaps a plan, project or idea that you will reveal to the world only when you believe its ready to do so. This might also involve you detaching yourself from the rest of the world to pursue it. If you feel your energy or passion flagging, then take that as your cue to recharge and rejuvenate yourself. By mid- March, it will be a very different story about where your energy will be focused, but March marks the start of some necessary you time.