Friday, January 17
When we know we want something, we can want it for such a long time that we forget why we wanted it in the first place. If weve invested effort toward getting it and still dont have it, then thats often the cosmoss way of telling us were focusing too intently on a want than a need. You can turn one into another if youre clear about why you want what you believe you need! If your pursuit of it is habitual or done from stubbornness, then its time to reassess your strategy.
Friday, January 17
When we were young, we craved sweet foods. They were much more interesting than what we were told to eat. Eventually, we learned why we were encouraged to favor fruit or vegetables over chocolate or ice cream. We recognized the benefits of accepting what we were inclined to reject or dismiss. The sky speaks of a lesson coming your way likely to alter your perception of a comfortable situation youd prefer to stick with. Trust that it too makes sense and is necessary.
Friday, January 17
Try not to be too preoccupied with what doesnt make sense in a particular area. Its far outweighed by what does make sense and feels right. You could be at risk of overlooking an opportunity begging for attention because youre too concerned with the small and insignificant detail of something that, quite simply, doesnt deserve attention youre giving it. Look upwards at the bigger picture unfolding. You might then see what youre missing!
Friday, January 17
We have all known individuals capable of spinning a yarn or, to put it more bluntly, lie through their teeth without the slightest sense of guilt doing so. They can tell an untruth without batting an eye and with the straightest of faces. Even the cleverest of such people can overlook how transparent they are at times. If your instincts are telling you something isnt above board in whats being said or conveyed to you now, then youre probably right to trust them.
Friday, January 17
As the Moon squares Mercury, an internal struggle could result due to you wanting to engage in a helpful and positive dialogue or exchange with a particular person or organization but not having the energy to give it. This could then cause you to want to create distance between you and there might not be any harm in doing so. This exchange needs you to be on form and positive. If you sense some you time is necessary to help with that, then nows a good time to take it!
Friday, January 17
In many sports, much attention and praise are given to goal scorers. People tend to remember them more than they do those who were integral to making that pass that allowed their team member to bask in glory. The team member, however, knows who played an important role in their success. If someone appears to be benefiting from your efforts in some way now, then relax. Clear proof is on its way to confirm how essential you were to success achieved.
Friday, January 17
There is much truth in the saying about everything we do in life having at least two benefits. If we find ourselves weighing up a situation and finding only one benefit attached, then thats often not enough. It can be helpful to think about whether or not two benefits exist to any plan, too. As you weigh up whether or not you should take action in a particular way, dont focus on a single benefit. It might be strong and attractive but needs to be reinforced with at least another.
Friday, January 17
Once again, you find yourself in an, if in doubt, then dont scenario. Your instincts, like those of other Water Signs, can be astonishingly accurate and what theyre likely telling you, especially where hesitancy on your part is concerned, needs to be heeded. If you havent yet experienced a revelation or crystal clear moment of clarity in some way, then its coming. This might alter your opinion of something you thought was clear-cut but be assured it will be in a most helpful way.
Friday, January 17
The cosmos has been assisting you to experience freedom where youve long wanted to experience it but delight that should be coming from being released of a burden could be overshadowed by a belief that you now have to adjust to an unwelcome change. Thats putting you in an unnecessary Catch-22 situation. You cant be freed without accepting change that will come with it! Try to be a bit more philosophical and allow some optimism to make itself felt.
Friday, January 17
In some way, a helpful, timely and valuable lesson is being learned. This might have something to do with how pessimistically you viewed a situation or arrangement now showing signs of being something worthy of giving your all toward. Dont waste valuable time trying to determine why you felt hesitant, cautious or unenthused. Focus instead on what you have put in place recently that is proving to be a solid foundation for success where youve long wanted to experience it.
Friday, January 17
Some people take obvious and perverse pleasure in telling us our dreams are daft and unattainable. Such people tend to have a generally negative outlook on life anyway, so it goes to follow that they cant be seen to be positive, motivating or inspiring in our eyes. We have a choice about whether or not we choose to believe or accept the negative prognosis offered by an unhelpful individual. Do what you can to ignore such a person now.
Friday, January 17
Who wants to hear what you have to say? Actually, youd probably be surprised at how long that list is and how quickly its growing. You have something valuable to contribute. You have insight that needs and deserves to be shared. You have talents and one in particular that need and deserve to be showcased. Why isnt all this happening? Much probably has to do with your confidence levels being inexplicably low. In that area, the cosmos is about to offer some help.