Sunday, March 30
If losing faith in a plan is the cause of a change of mind or heart in some way, then try to look closely at how or why your spirit has flown or mojo has been lost. In your haste to ring a certain change, you could end up burning a particular bridge youll wish you had waiting for you nicely intact later on. By all means, enjoy the excitement and attention but instigate a change gradually.
Sunday, March 30
As keen as you might be to ensure every base is covered or youve anticipated every possible outcome to a particular situation, try not over-rehearse or over-analyze what needs and deserves spontaneity to make it happen properly. Going with the flow or even making something up as you go along might feel daunting or erratic but it will represent the best option. Relax, watch and wait.
Sunday, March 30
It appears that a certain situation or arrangement you view as complex or vague is being made either or both due to you feeling hesitant where you felt confident or assured recently. If this is due to you focusing on what might go wrong with an agreement, then try to connect with what had you fired up about it in the first place. Your instincts were likely bang on back then.
Sunday, March 30
As understandable as it might be to have someone take you by the hand or show you the way where a professional decision or dilemma is concerned, the answer and way forward have to come from you. What is there to consider? Much of the legwork has been done in recent weeks and a new era is commencing. If youre still not yet seeing signs of this, then you will do shortly!
Sunday, March 30
If youve been on the receiving end of others indecision or change of mind, then dont let this take you into a negative place. There are undoubted benefits to reassessing your strategy in the light of what has arisen recently. If anything, your ship has released excess baggage. Focus on how youre able to start afresh. Your journey has been made lighter and more straightforward.
Sunday, March 30
What you might see as complex could be the result of seemingly mixed or confusing messages coming your way from others but this might have much to do with unfamiliar territory youre entering in some way. Once you take the necessary step, youll see how straightforward a situation really is. Others know its simple. Soon, you too will wonder what all the fuss was about.
Sunday, March 30
If someone in your world is failing to meet your expectations, then rather than focus on ways in which you believe youre being let down, focus instead on how high your expectations might actually be. Are you being too focused on receiving than giving? Even if you feel a proverbial ball is in someone elses court, they might be at a loss as to what more they can do. It might be you whos making things unnecessarily difficult.
Sunday, March 30
If you find others dont connect immediately with what youre trying to convey and possibly in a creative or artistic way if thats your bag, then dont dismiss them as unappreciative of your genius. If what youre saying or doing touches and inspires you, then thats all that matters, in the first instance. Your enthusiasm and passion for whatever-it-is will work magic eventually.
Sunday, March 30
Your attention span could be very limited where it ought to be tightened now and this might relate to an idea or plan that had you fired up and enthused not so long ago that is fading in strength. Are you giving up at the first hurdle? Thats something to assess properly now. Whatever delay or obstacle has presented itself, it can be overcome if you can summon the fire in your belly once again.
Sunday, March 30
Where a home or family issue concerned, your keenness to ensure a plan goes swimmingly or no hiccups arise could cause you to involve yourself in ways you shouldnt have to. Do you not trust others to do as they say theyll do or organize for themselves what you seem so intent on organizing for them? Trust that those closest to you have all they need to do what you need them to do. They wont let you down.
Sunday, March 30
A certain conversation or exchange neednt head straight into deep or highly sensitive territory and you might gain more from being an observer. Take some time to gather facts that can be processed accurately in a subtle or detached way rather than dive straight in for answers by instigating a tense discussion. Youll be in a much better position by keeping certain cards close to your chest for now.
Sunday, March 30
As warm and comfortable as your thoughts and imagination might be, reality could be knocking on the door shortly, demanding you invite it inside. It might be money matters that need you to remove yourself from a comfortable distraction and tackle any financial issues head-on. These are the sort of issues that dont care how annoyingly distracting they are. They exist for a reason and need you to address them realistically and determinedly.